jake peralta imagines

By cjsstuff

22.5K 242 4

imagines for the character of jake peralta More

introduction :)
c o o k
s h i r t
s e d u c e
v o m i t
a l o n e
p l a c e
c o o k
j o i n
m o r n i n g
l o v e
p u n c h
w o a h
c o n t r o l
b a b y
f r i e n d s
e x i s t
f a v o u r
s u r g e r y
h u g
p a n t s
s e c o n d
r i d e
b e e r
e n d
t r a n s f e r
u n b o r n
k i c k i n g
p r i v a t e
w a i t
k e y s
s t u p i d
n i g h t
r e s t
t a l k
a i r

b e e r

295 6 0
By cjsstuff

'where are you going?',

Jake asked groggily as I climbed out of bed, he sat up slightly,

'I'll be back in just a second',

I said quickly picking up his t-shirt from the ground and putting it on as I exited his bedroom. I quietly made my way to his kitchen,

'oh my god I'm hungry',

I said quietly to myself as I tiptoed on the hard wooden floors not wanting to make too much noise. I stood in the middle of the kitchen trying to decide whether I was going to open the fridge or one of the cupboards when I heard footsteps walk in my direction. It was Jake. We smiled at each other slightly and he sat on one of the bar stools,

'why are you standing in the middle of my kitchen?',

Jake asked me his voice extremely deep as he rubbed his eyes trying to wake up, I ignored his question before walking and opening the fridge. I looked in there before groaning slightly,

'Jake I'm hungry, I just want food why is your fridge empty?',

I asked him slightly whingeing, Jake laughed slightly even though we were both extremely tired,

'baby we are literally never home so the only thing I truly keep in the fridge is beer',

Jake said, I sighed slightly,

'I know, I know it's just the hunger talking'.

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