His Symphony

By 1345allure

76.6K 2.7K 207

When italian mafia falls in love with an indian singer The sound of his phone ringing makes me back away as I... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter -10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19


1.5K 57 0
By 1345allure

"I am bored."
I whine while rolling on my back and switching off the t.v.

I thought after making lorenzo agree to  whatever I want for a week, I would have a blast but one day have passed since then and I haven't done anything besides eating and sleeping.

A knock interruptes me of my idle thoughts. I yell come in and a moment later lorenzo comes in.

He is dressesd causally in sweatpants and a t shirt. This is my first time not seeing him in a suit. He looks more handsome to be honest.

I keep eyeing him like a child looking at his favorite candy. He moves towards me and puts out his hand.

I look down at his extended hand to see a phone.

"Your phone as you requested and your suitcase is downstairs. I bought it from the hotel you were staying in."

I get up and take my phone finally relieved of having it back. I turn it on and the first thing I notice is 12 missed calls from luca

Oh shit


I forgot about him.

"Where is luca?"
I ask lorenzo. He is a bit taken aback by my sudden question but nonetheless answers.

"Where he should be after helping you in eloping."

"That is not the answer I want and you know that. Where is he?"
I ask him again. This time more sternly.

"Kuhu leave him. He deserves what he is getting right now after helping you escape."

Shit! I told him I will protect him from his brother's wrath and here I forgot about him.

"It was not his mistake. He did nothing."
I tell him while my own mind replays how we escaped


"Luca scream more loudly and act scared."
I say while pressing the gun against his temple.

A shrill scream is heard as luca crys like a 2 year old girl.

"Do you guys want me to die? If not then put this suitcase in the car and hand the keys to kuhu."
Luca acts like he is going to piss his pants any second now.

The guards around me look apprehensive not believing that I am holding luca at gun point.

"I will count till 10 and if you not do as I say I will kill him."
I say holding the gun more firmly.




No movement. They all are just staring at me like mannequins.

"Luca say something. It's not working."
I whisper yell to luca.

"What are you guys doing? Do as she says."
He says



Luca says again and this time they follow his order. I pull luca along with me. We make it in the car, I turn on the engine and we drive away.


A smile adorns my lips when I think of how we escaped but it is immediately gone when lorenzo says

"Do you want me to believe that you who is not more that 5'5 had 6'2 luca who is way muscular than you under gun point, under your control."
He contemplates it for a second and then utters

"That even sounds ridiculous."

"Lorenzo you said you would do as I say. So I want luca by my side in 2 hours."
I say while folding my arms across my chest.

The action making my boobs more prominent which didn't go unnoticed by him.

"And about control...
I say whole stepping close in his direction.

"When I have control over his 6'4 brother, then he was not much of a hassle."
I say while standing on tip of my toes and reaching his ears.

His body visibly tenses while I smirk seeing his response.

Turning my head I kiss his cheek and say

"Also bring me some ice cream, I am craving it."

I turn around to lie down on bed when I am grabbed from behind.
Lorenzo harshly grabs me by my waist and drags me backwards till my back touches his chest.

He moves my hair in front so that my back is bare. His head dips down and I  feel his breath on the skin of my back and neck. It had me clenching my fists.

"Dolcezza (sweetness) you mistake my affection for you as my inability to rein control."
He says as his lips brushes the skin of my nape.

I shudder while a breathless moan leaves my mouth.

"I like this feisty side of you but don't make me bend you over and tell you who really holds the power in this dynamic."

He says as he winds his hand around my waist and his lips now kiss the junction where my neck meets shoulder fiercely. He sucks on the skin relentlessly to a point where it's painful but soon soothes the pain by moving his tongue against the skin.

I feel my knees bending and me loosing the strength to even stand. I am biting my lips hard to prevent any sound escaping my mouth.

Finally his lips move back while he turns me around. I take in a deep breath steadying myself.

I look down at my feet not having the strength to look at his face.

He lightly strokes the area where his lips were a few seconds ago and lifts my chin.

"My mark looks good on you."
He says but I am not in right state of mind to process his words. I am just lost in his eyes.

"So which flavor you want?"
He asks

I just look at him like he has grown two heads.

"Which ice cream flavour you want sweetheart?"

"C cookies and cream."
I reply still absent minded.


He says, lightly pecks my lips and moves out of the door.

And I am left there thinking what the fuck just happened.

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