Echoes of Deceit

By amberskiesxx

46 13 19

In this gripping tale, Mia, a bakery owner, finds herself falsely accused of attempting to assassinate the Cr... More

Embers of Destiny

46 13 19
By amberskiesxx

Prompt 3:

Fleeting shadows: 

"The Royal guards are on a hunt to find the assassin who tried to assassinate the crown prince. The person they are hunting is none other than you. But you have no idea why they are after you for a crime you never committed. What kind of twisted destiny awaits you?"


     I closed my bakery and locked the doors, calling it a day. I had sold a good amount of bread and croissants today for which I was very content. I started walking down the street towards my cottage as I stuffed my gloved hands in my coat pockets trying to get some more warmth. It was a frigid night in December. The icy breeze attacked my exposed skin of the face, pricking like needles as I adjusted my muffler higher around my neck.

     While taking brisk steps towards my cottage, I recalled the conversation I had earlier with Liam. He had been my best friend for the past two years, being a constant customer at my bakery because he treasured my cookies.

     Liam was the sergeant of a troop of Royal Guards. Today, he had specifically come to ask me out for the Royal ball later this evening. I would have said yes if it hadn't been for this cold weather and my tiring routine. But he understood even before I rejected him, which I was extremely grateful for.

     As I unlocked my home, I glanced at my neighbour, Mr. Harold's place. He was an 80-year-old chap living by himself. He had always been a fatherly figure to me, cared for me as a daughter that made me look out to him as a father.

     After my day at the bakery, I always bought some cookies for him, which he used to enjoy with a hot cup of chocolate I made for him before starting a fire and making sure he would sleep well. Tonight, however, I noticed the smoke from the chimney and the closed curtains. Assuming he had gone to bed early, I decided not to disturb him and serve the cookies with his morning tea.

     I walked into my cottage and immediate warmth filled me. The chilly breeze outside had left me shivering. I lit the fire and after a couple of hours of house chores, I laid on the bed and wrapped myself around the warm covers. As soon as I felt myself dozing off, I heard shouting and yelling right outside my door. I sat up with a jolt, trying to figure out the reason for the commission going on outside. Then, without a warning, my door was thrown off its hinges into the cabin. I horrifically gasped as a squad of Royal Guards came inside, their weapons pointing at me and expressions stern and emotionless.

     "You are under arrest for the attempted assassination of Crown Prince Nicholas Charles of kingdom Valeria. Please stand up and put your hands above your head." Announced one of the guards.

     My heart raced as I trembled with fear at his ruthless tone.

     "I swear I had no part in any assassination. I am innocent." I tried to reason with them but my words fell on deaf ears as they showed no change in their demeanor.

     "Ah, Mia Brown, a pleasure to have finally met you." A voice came from the threshold as the person walked in with a smirk plastered on his face. "I have heard a lot about you from Liam, you see. Perhaps, he might have mentioned me? Sergeant Gabriel Miller at your service." He bowed a little with an amused expression. He spoke with an unexpectedly calm voice as if greeting me in a park.

     A wave of familiarity washed over me on hearing his name. Liam had indeed mentioned his colleague a couple of times. I was told about his cold attitude and hatred towards Liam which had now become mutual. Does this have something to do with Liam?

     I didn't know what to do or say. I kept screaming at the top of my voice while the guards roughly dragged me out of my house and into a prisoner cart, that started rolling at once. It came to a halt a few minutes later at the doors of the castle and I was shoved out.

     "Take her to the dungeons! She is to stay there till Prince Nicholas holds a court." Yelled Gabriel to the Guards. "Have fun in there while you can, love. Don't worry, I'll send Liam with you soon." He whispered in my ear from behind.

      At once, I turned around to face him. "It's you? You are doing this? Why?"

     He just smirked and leaned in until we were nose to nose. "Why not?"

     "Take her." He shoved me towards a guard and walked away briskly.


     I was dragged into the dungeons and thrown into a cell which was being guarded by two of Gabriel's soldiers.

     I fell limp on the floor and hugged myself to seek some warmth and comfort. The cell looked like it had never carried life. It was dark and cold. I laid on the floor, crying out of desperation. I felt so weak and horrible for being in a cell for something I never thought of doing. I thought of Gabriel's words. He sounded like he was framing me on purpose. Why would he want the Crown Prince dead? Why would he blame me? What has it got to do with Liam? Is he okay?

     Instinctively, my hand went up to the necklace I always wore and twirled when I felt nervous or scared. But, I couldn't touch it because it wasn't there anymore. I looked down at my neck where I used to hang my mom's necklace. She had given it to me before she went out of Valeria to a nearby Kingdom with my dad for some business for the King but they never returned. The necklace had been mine since. I sobbed harder, for now, my necklace was lost too.

     I lost track of time as I kept lying on the stone-cold floor gathered in dust and dirt. All of a sudden, I heard noises and crawled to the bars. I couldn't see who it was but the guards were pushing someone else down the hall towards my cell.

     "Traitors! Assassins! Do you think you can walk out of this? You will all be killed by the King himself. You will-"

     "Liam!" I shouted, standing up. It was him being dragged towards my cell. I felt relieved to see him but at the same time I felt anxious about the happenings.

     "Mia? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He inquired as he ran towards me.

      Before I could respond, the guards opened the cell and pushed him in. He, at once, hugged me to death.

     "Oh, Mia! I was so scared they hurt you. Ever since Gabriel mentioned you...I thought-"

      "I am fine, Liam." I tried to assure him as he looked at me. "But, what are you doing here? What's happening? I never tried to assassinate-"

     "I know, I know Mia." He cut me off and dragged me towards the far wall.

     "The bloody Royal family has gone nuts, that's happening." He gave out a frustrated sigh as he whispered.

     "You know who tried to assassinate the Prince? Was it Gabriel?" I whispered back, trying not to be overheard.

    "No, not Gabriel." He explained. "The King was given a drink during the ball. Unfortunately, it was poisoned. He took a sip and fell from the throne. Luckily his personal healer knew the antidote so he is alright now. But then-" He frowned and looked at my neck as he stopped.

     "What?" I questioned.

      "Your necklace. Where is it?"

     "I...I don't know. I lost it somewhere. I just realized a while ago."

     "Shit" He cursed and punched at the wall.

      I felt so confused, "What about it?"

     "They found a necklace near the throne." He looked me in the eye, " Exactly like yours, which they took as evidence..."

     "But-I never went to the ball!" I reasoned as I felt my heart beat faster.

     "I know that." He replied.

     "Can't you tell them?"

     He smiled unamusingly, "I am in this cell Mia. I am as guilty as you are. They won't take our words for each other, will they?"

     I threw my hands in the air and leaned into the wall. "But, why are you here?"

     "Honestly, I don't even know. Gabriel came up with a shitty theory of how I helped you with it." He shrugged. "Probably personal."

     I was confused, "So you are here because Gabriel hates you and I am here because I am your friend?"

     "Mia, when you left the bakery, did anyone else see you? Any customer after me? Mr. Harold?" He ignored me.

     "No. You were the last in the bakery. After baking some cookies for home, I left. Mr. Harold had called it an early night so I didn't see him as well." I answered even though I had no idea where he was going with this.

     He crossed his arms and seemed to be thinking intensely.

     "But you didn't say who the victim is?" I thought out aloud.

     "So, after they found the necklace, the Captain sent out Gabriel to arrest you and me. I am arrested for sneaking you in and out of the castle. They, I mean Gabriel, said that...err...we are dating. So, that's why I helped you" He suddenly seemed interested in the floor and kept his gaze there. But I didn't even feel anything.

     "The captain believes Gabriel?" I asked.

     "The captain commands Gabriel." He gritted his teeth.

     "Oh my gosh! Does that mean the Captain tried the assassination?"

     "Yes and no."

     I frowned, "What do you mean?"

     "He tried the assassination, yes. But, he was ordered to do so."

     I gasped, "By whom?"

     He looked at me, "Who do you think will benefit the most from the death of the crown Prince?"

     I knew the answer but I didn't want to even think about it. "The Princess..."

     He smiled slightly, "Yes, Princess Sophia Charles, the adopted sister of Prince Nicolas. The throne games you see?"

     He sat down on the floor and gestured for me to sit beside him.

     "Now, I want you to listen to me carefully." He began as soon as I sat down.

     I sat up attentively and nodded.

     "Our arrest and the actions of Captain Kevin and Sergeant Gabriel are being carried out by the Princess as the Prince has been too weakened by the poison to even stand."

     I nodded trying to see where he was going.

     "But, the King, he is unaware of all this. He is out of town and this is why, the princess is trying to get things in her favour."

     I was now able to put things together.

     Liam took my hands in his and caressed the outer palm. "Now, consider your and your parent's relation with the King please."

     My parents were spies for the Kingdom of Valeria under the direct command of the King. They were loyal to the King and were trusted as well. When they gave their lives for the King, the King called out to me and offered me a place in the castle along with heart-filled condolences. But I refused because I did not want anything to do with the royalty in my life like my parents and chose to open a bakery instead.

     "The King trusted and loved my parents enough to know that I had no part in any of this." I mumbled to myself.

     "Exactly! That's why I sent one of the soldiers from my squad to get him to know about this all. I told him to meet you in a forest just outside the castle. Can you do this Mia? Do you want to? I know he will believe you. He always had vague suspicions when it came to Princess."

     I took a deep sigh, "Yes but, how will we get out of here?"

     "Don't worry about that. My soldiers will be here any minute." He smiled and stood up, giving me his hand.

     "Thank you." I looked up at him and hugged him tightly.

     He kissed the top of my head. "Take this now."

     He took out a small dagger from his boots and handed it to me.


     "I said take this. We have to sneak out of the castle Mia." He said sternly.

     "I don't even know how to use this." I tried to reason.

     "Just keep it, as a precaution. I will be there with you, and so will be my soldiers."

     He took out another one from his other boot and held it in a tight grasp.

     "Ready?" He asked.

     I nodded slightly.

     "We will be alright." He said softly which seemed to boosted my confidence a bit.

     All of a sudden, there came noises from the hall. The swords clattered and the screaming and yelling echoed.

     Liam ran towards the bars and grabbed at the guard holding the keys. He pressed the dagger to his throat and the guard fell on the floor, blood seeping out from his throat. Liam grabbed the keys and opened the lock, pushing at the bars. Meanwhile, I stood horrified as the fight unfolded in front of me. I remembered how I had promised myself to have nothing to do with the Kingdom's business and my loath for it but here I was helpless and desperate.

     I ran out of the cell after Liam and saw the hall filled with the dead bodies of the guards. I audibly gasped.

     "Come on, we need to hurry up."

     Liam grabbed my hand and together we ran through the corridors and halls. Ahead of us, were Liam's soldiers, shielding our path. We encountered a dozen other guards before finally having walked out of the castle. Since Liam knew the castle and all the secret passages, we didn't encounter too much guards or any other person. We continued for 20 more minutes until we reached a dark and thick forest. A couple of soldiers stood there.

     Liam stepped forward, "Mia is here to see the King of Valeria."

     The guard looked at me and nodded, showing the way. A little further, more of the soldiers were gathered around, arrows ready to shoot. In the center was the King himself.

     Liam walked me in front of the King and we both bowed down.

     "Your Majesty." We both said together.

     I looked up and saw him smiling at me warmly like he always did.

     "Sit down." And we both sat.

     He looked at Liam questioningly.

     "Your Majesty, this is Liam, a sergeant in the castle. He has been accused of helping me perform the assassination. He aided this meeting." I nodded towards Liam who bowed.

     The King smiled.

     The King looked nothing like himself. He looked tired and older. His figure was slouched over. The lines of worry were ached on his face. He resembled nothing like the ruthless King he used to be. I wouldn't be surprised if he would drop dead right now.

     "How are you doing my dear?" Inquired the King.

     "I am fine, thank you my Highness." I replied politely.

     "I see you are in a terrible situation because of my adopted daughter, I apologize on her behalf. I will make sure justice is served."

     "Thank you your Majesty."

     "Though I am afraid I may not live long. I have been having health difficulties these months. And I am extremely worried about the events after my death. The Princess, as you saw, is too ruthless and evil to be on the throne not forgetting about her being adoptive that might be an issue. As for my son, the true heir, he is not mature yet. He is too naive stupid a rude word to say?" The King himself laughed at his joke.

     Liam and I looked at each other and at the desperate state of the King.

     "Everyone is supposed to go one day. We are all mortals. That's the way of life. The earlier you understand that, the better." With that he stood up and gathered his robes.

     Me and Liam stood up as well and looked at the King expectantly.

     "You both will be taken in the castle by my soldiers, as if they caught you fleeing, through the front court yard. You will see everyone gathered there as the news of your escape would have already been spread out. I will arrive there shortly." And then he walked away without saying anything else.

     Two of the King's soldiers approached us silently.

     "Let's go I guess." I shrugged and Liam nodded.

     The soldiers grabbed us by our wrists, holding them at our backs and walked us to the castle. I gave a last smile to Liam before being shoved into the court yard. Just like the King had said, everyone was gathered there. Gabriel and Kevin, the Captain, were barking orders to the Royal guards.

     "Sir, we caught them lurking near the forest!" The soldier holding me shouted to Kevin.

     Both Kevin and Gabriel looked at us and their lips upturned into evil smirks.

     Kevin walked to Liam and held a sword to his neck while Gabriel did the same to me.

     "Fancied a stroll, did we?" Sneered Gabriel and spat at me which made Liam wither in the hold of the soldier.

     "My, my," laughed Kevin. "I never took you like a lover boy, Liam. But, I think Gabriel was right. You are dat-"

     "We are not dating." I told Kevin.

     "Seems like he didn't propose yet. That's what you are waiting for?" Gabriel mocked me.

     "Oh, shut up Sergeant Gabriel. If you don't have any friends and any platonic relationship doesn't mean that it does not exist." I threw back his sarcasm at him which made him press the sword deeper in my throat.

     He masked pure hatred, "You bitch-"

     "Don't kill them yet, we need to wait till the Prince wakes up."

     Everyone looked as Princess Sophia walked out of the doors, into the courtyard. She carried power and dominance with her that made everyone else crumble down. She gracefully walked at us as everyone bowed down to her.

     I thought of how evil she was, assassinating his brother to take the throne and hatred ran through my veins.

     "We know what you are doing. We know you are behind all this." I said through gritted teeth.

     The Princess simply walked to me smirking, "You are smart, girl. But you are fortunate you still have your head in place. If it wasn't for the Prince's justice, I would have killed you sooner. GUARDS! TAKE THEM BACK."

     "Not so soon."

     Everyone's head whipped towards the castle gates as there stood the King of Valeria. He was no longer looking tired or stressed. He carried with him such energy and dominance that made Princess wither too. Everyone bowed to the King as he stood there, glowering at Princess Sophia.

     "F-father? You are back..." Slight hesitance and nervousness was readable on her face.

     "Princess Sophia Charles of Valeria is exiled for attempting the assassination of the Crown Prince Nicolas Charles of Valeria. Captain Kevin and Sergeant Gabriel are to be arrested for helping the Princess and will be questioned later. Sergeant Liam and Ms. Mia is to be bailed out of jail on wrong allegations." Announced the King smoothly without any greetings.

     "What? Father. How can you? You can't exile your daughter! I deserve the throne! Valeria needs me! Not you or your dumb son." Shouted Princess Sophia as she pounced forward but the Guards caught her before she could do anything.

     "Take her away!" Ordered the King and she was dragged inside while she shot curses on the King all the way.

     Gabriel and Kevin were taken towards the dungeons without a word. The King nodded at us and walked inside his castle.

     Lain and I were now standing in the middle of the courtyard amongst the sea of Guards. Liam came over and checked the wound on my neck that Gabriel's sword cut.

     His eyes held concern. "I am fine," I mumbled and leaned into him. I felt so drained and heavy.

     Liam hugged and caressed my back. "Everything will be alright." 


     "Captain Liam!" I saluted him as he turned around, a handsome grin plastered to his face.

     I laughed and ran towards him as he circled his arms around my waist and leaned in, kissing me softly.

     It had been two months since the Princess's exile and the execution of Kevin and Gabriel. The King was now better than before and the Crown Prince more mature than he was earlier. In short, the Kingdom Valeria was now in full bloom and every citizen was content with their life.

     Personally, I was having more customers than ever at my bakery due to my new mouth watering cream puffs. Liam had been promoted as a Captain for the Royal Guards, having proved his loyalty towards the King and the Crown Prince.

     We both sat down at the river bed, facing the gushing flow of the water and the sun peeking through the clouds. The castle stood tall behind us, towers tickling the clouds in the sky.

     I looked at him and smiled warmly. Liam and I had been dating for a month now. I was over the moon when he asked me out as a date on the party night at the castle to celebrate the health of the King and Prince.

     Liam looked back at me and I could see the twinkle in his eyes which melted my heart.

     "I love you." He whispered on my lips before capturing me in a passionate kiss. I was too stunned to respond to his confession. I felt a lone tear escape my eye; a tear of joy at being loved and cared for. Immediately I cupped his face and kissed back with even more passion, making him smirk against my lips.

     Straddling his waist, I sat on his lap and we kept our faces buried in each other, a comfortable silence enveloping us.

     "I love you more."

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