Fixing Zayn || z.m.

By savinmyloveforyou

566 43 20

(Warning: this is kinda bad too) "There isn't a second, minute, hour, or day that I haven't thought about you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 2

66 7 0
By savinmyloveforyou


We were still in bed, Zayn softly singing a song. And I was about to fall asleep. I had to get up and do something.

"I'm gonna go eat." I announced standing up. "You want anything?" I ask him.

"Sure why not." He said standing up as well.

He went to the fridge and pulled out the eggs and bacon.

"You're gonna cook that?" I asked astonished.

"No I was hoping you would."

"You're lucky I'm hungry. otherwise I wouldn't be standing around here cooking." I say.

"Every time I open your fridge or your pantry I get lost. you have an entire grocery store in there."

But he gotta eat the booty like groceries ooh. I sang in my head. Couldn't help it. Sorry not sorry.

"Well I got tired of my parents saying the fridge was full of food when it was emptier than  Sarah Desert." I laughed.

"Niall has always been fond of your fridge."

We both laughed.

"I remember that one time when he tried to sneak out my food! Like I wouldn't notice that half of the food in the fridge was missing." I said

"Of course I remember that. You attacked him!" He exclaimed.

"He should've known better. But we came to a truce on food terms." I state.

"I think it's funny how all of our fans exaggerate his love for food, I mean, it's bad but it's not that bad."


"So what do you want to do today. Go eat again, shop, sneak to the movies, or rent movies, go to the beach, anything." I go on.

"Let's all go to the beach. we haven't all hung out in a while. Plus it will be less suspicious than just me and you going." He replied.

"Very true. I'll let everyone know in a group chat. I'm to lazy to text everyone."


Surprisingly everyone made it to the beach.
We had volleyball ball net, food and a big tent thing or canopy for shade or whatever you call it. I was wearing a watermelon colored bikini that laced back and forth at the top on the front side. We were on a part of the beach where nobody else was.

I was standing by the water letting it hit my feet when someone pinched my sides and gave me a big hug. I turned around. Louis of course.

"Louis!" I shouted. "It feels like it's been forever."

"It's only been a few days. But I'm gonna miss you like crazy when you go back. I'm gonna lose my best friend." He said letting his voice crack at the end.

"Stop being so dramatic." I laugh. " We still have like four more days to make the most of it." I say cheerily.

"You're right. Piggy back ride?" He asked. That's was one of the things we did a lot, joke around and I loved it. "We can team up on Niall and steal his food." He suggested.

I hopped on his back and said " I just recently came to a truce with Niall so we'll have to steal from others."

"Alright who's our first victim... ooh lets get Arden!" He shouted.

We charged over and snatched the bag of chips out her hand and ran away laughing.

"Thank youuuu." I shouted.

"I hope you guys get fat!" She shouted back.

We sat down at the shoreline with the bag of chips.

"We make a great team." He said as we high fived.

"We're the dream team.#teamlaya. Or would it be #Nouis, Well it's whatever our fans are calling it anyway." I giggle.

"I think #teamlaya sounds better and it already exists. And true You can't forget the crazy fans we both have now can we." He stated.

"True, #teamlaya it is, 'cause nouis is already a thing too." I say resting my head on his shoulder. "It's so nice out today."

"I know, it's beautiful. But not as beautiful as you." He joked.

"I'm touched." I say

"Let's go see who wants to play volleyball so we can destroy them." He said as we got up.

He went one way to ask people and I went the other.

I walked up behind Liam and screamed.
He jumped and let out a 'Jesus Christ'.

"Hi Naya." He said laughing and hugged me.

"We are about to play volleyball. You wanna play or nah?" I says really quickly.

"So you can spike it in my face? I think not." He states.

"I promise I won't this time." I plead.

"I'm gonna use my better judgement. No." He gave his final answer. I stuck my tongue out at him and walked away."

I went around asking everyone Louis hadn't asked yet. Mostly everyone wanted to play.
Louis and I were on the same team as planned. Our team won of course. We held hands like Peeta and Katniss and stuck them in the air.

"Victory is ours!" He shouted

"Victory Screech!" Arden shouted, then proceeded to make horrible screaming sounds. And everyone laughed.


Niall and I were laying on Towels with a new bag of chips happy as could be.

"This is heaven. Us, food, and the beach. Couldn't get any better." Niall said at peace

"Well we could have a buffet table." I say.

"Okay, almost heaven."

"So how's the tour going?" I ask with a smile.

"It's been great the fans are amazing and we've been having the best time. it's all been fun. Except recently Zayn has been... I don't know off, he's always doing something crazy. You know anything bout that?" Niall goes on.

"Well yeah I know he's been having a hard time or whatever but. I don't know. I just hope he goes back to normal." I say looking at the beach.
"It's like he's right in front of you and you just can't reach him. He's barely in my grasp but I'm afraid he'll become out of my reach." I say with a sigh. "But like I said, just hope he goes back to normal."

"Yeah me too. So how's your tour been." Niall says cheerily, getting off of the subject.

"It's been amazing!" I say dragging out the last word. "All the dates are planned to perfection that way we are moving quickly, but still get to spend time in each city. I love traveling and seeing new things. this is really just my speed in life."

"And I'm sure there has been tons of shopping and eating so far." Niall jokes.

"Oh of course. Ahhh black cards." I smile.

"Who else but Naya?"

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