The Cursed Swann || The Curse...

By Alidemtirane

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Aubrey Swann is the sister of Elizabeth Swann and daughter of Governor Weatherby Swann. Many men are interest... More

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225 3 0
By Alidemtirane

I jump up from my bed and look around and realise I am in my bedroom. Oh thank god! That was a terrifying day and it was about what seven years ago? I open the secret compartment in my drawere and put on the medallion that I had taken from Will. I hid it under my dress quickly. I got out of bed and hurried to Elizabeth's room. I didn't even bother to knock i just entered. She screams.

"Shhh! You are loud woman!" I say hushing her

"What are you doing in my room?" She asks still in a loud voice

"Shhh! I had a dream about the day we met Will." I say

She gives me a confused look. I raise an eyebrow.

"No it is nothing it's just that I did too." She says

"You did too?" I ask

"Yes." She says

Well that is odd.

Suddenly a booming knock on the door is heard.

"Elizabeth? Is everything all right? Are you decent? I can't seem to find your sister Aubrey in your room."
Father's voice says

"Yes!" Elizabeth says rushing to get her robe and opening the door

Why on earth did I leave my robe in my bedroom. I had to improvise and use Elizabeth's thin blanked to cover my body.

Father entered the room and I give an awkward smile.

"Ah, Aubrey, here you are."

I chuckle like I have no idea who he is and he gave me an compliment. Have you ever experienced that feeling? He looks at the bed sheet im holding and gives an confused look before clearing out his throat. He held two baskets which were covered with silk so we don't see what's inside it.

"I have gifts for the both you." Father said and gave us the baskets

Inside it was a beautiful dress. I am supposing it's for an event today.

"May we inquire as to the occasion?" Elizabeth asks

"Is an occasion necessary for a father to dote upon his daughter
with gifts?" Father asks

I take the dress smiling.

"May I go to my room to change father?" I ask excusing myself

Father nodds and I run of. I go behind my dressing board as servants follow to help me. Elizabeth has experienced with corsets and well you see ... I don't so it's going to be quite hard not to feel suffocated. I can't stand anything near me too tightly.

"Your father is hoping you would wear this dress to Commodore Norrington's ceremony today." The servant says

"Why, yes I know." I say smiling

Not a bad man Norrington was. We were quite close actually. But I don't want a rich man and to be a lady. I want to go explore the world and to be free and fall in love with a man as wild as I am. But he is quite handsome though- what on earth ... I think i hit my head somewhere I'm most definitely not in my right mind. I out of no where let out a gasp.

"Are you alright, miss?" The servant ask

"Yes, I'm fine." I say

She clearly has no experience tightening a corset because I can't breathe! This is torture!

"Ah, Aubrey! Perfect timing the carriage just arrived."

I bow my head when I see William Turner standing with Elizabeth and enter the carriage, waiting for Elizabeth. Once we are all in the carriage starts moving.

After a while we stop and I notice we have arrived.

"May I have a moment?" A man asks me

I try to answer him and say yes but I have basically been struggling to breathe for the past couple of hours so I just nodd and smile.

"You look lovely, Aubrey."

I frown as I was unable to focus on him because I couldn't breathe. Norrington must have mistaken my expression as disapproval. He sighs.

"I apologize if I seem forward, but I must speak my mind." He says

I must admit he is a fine man but if this is a proposal I must explain to him I don't want this life. Problem is how am I going to do it if if I speak I will literally faint.

"This promotion confirms that I have accomplished the goals I set for myself in my career. But it also casts into sharp relief that which I have not achieved. The thing all men most require: a marriage to a fine woman." There was a beat."You have become a fine woman, Aubrey."

"I can't breathe!" I say hoping he gets the idea

But he doesn't seem to understand and within seconds it turns pitch black. I see nothing. Absolutely nothing but I can just above barely here people shouting and taking. I must've fallen into the ocean because my skin starts to get damp but then my body goes numb completely.

I open my eyes but my vision remains blury. I can hear people clearly now. I cough put water and then blink a few times getting rid of my blury eye sight. I then look at myself and realise I'm in my undergarments. I frown and look up at a man.

Who is that man? I must say he is very handsome and I do not lie about that. He has brown dreadlocks, he wears and red bandana around his head and what looks something like dirt or eyeliner around his eyes. Oh and speaking about his eyes they are a beautiful brown shade and everytime I look at them I get lost in an alternative world. He was so close to me.

"On your feet!" A man commands making me come back to the real world

I turn to see Norrington with his men, my father and sister running towards us. I prefer that alternative world I was in. I get up as father wraps his coat around me.

"Aubrey! Are you alright."

"Yes I'm fine." I say

Gillette tries taking the unknown man away. He looked like a pirate. He must be.

"Commodore Norrington, do you intend to kill Aubrey's rescuer?"
Elizabeth says

Norrington looks at the man. The piratenods as best he can with a blade beneath his chin. Norrington sheathes his sword, and
extends his hand.

I believe thanks are in order.

The pirate takes his hand but Norrington instead of shaking it, he tears the pirate's sleeve back revealing a 'P' burnt into his skin.

"Had a brush-up with the East India Trading Company, did we ...  pirate?"

"Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons."

Norrington sees something else. A tattoo of a bird in the horizon flying about the ocean. If only I was that bird.

"Well, well... Jack Sparrow, isn't it?"
Captain Jack Sparrow? I've heard of him! Instantly half a dozen arms were pointed at him.

"Captain Jack Sparrow. If you please sir."

Norrington looks out at the bay.

"I don't see your ship, Captain."

"He said he'd come to commandeer one." Murtogg said

"I told you he was telling the truth.These are his, sir."
Mullroy said

He holds out Jack's pistol and belt.

Norrington takes the pistol and examines it. He notes the powder horn on Jack's belt.

"Extra powder, but no additional shot."

Jack shrugs. Norrington unhooks the compass from the belt and opens it. He frowns at the reading. Moves the compass this
way and that, keeping it parallel to the ground.

"A compass that doesn't point North."

Jack looks away, a bit embarrassed. Norrington returns the
compass to the belt. Draws the sword half from the scabbard.

"And I half-expected it to be made of wood." He says

He slides it back into the scabbard and hands it to Mullroy.

"You are without a doubt the worst pirate I have ever heard of."
The Commodore says with a forceful fake smile

"Ah, but you have heard of me." I smile but it quickly fades

Gillette returns with shackles as he approaches Jack.

"Carefully, lieutenant."
Norrington orders

I step forward as father's jacket slips off me but I am unconcerned but it seems father is intent on putting it back on me.

"Commodore, I must protest. Pirate or not, this man saved my life." I say

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness."

Gillette snaps the manacles closed on Jack's wrists.

"But it seems to be enough to condemn him."

Norrington says

Now that Jack is safely chained, Norrington nods to his men.
All but one stow their weapons. I take two step forward now standing in front of Jack. Unexpectedly he wraps the cuffs around my neck.


Pistols are drawn again, but now I serves as a shield. Norrington raises a cautioning hand to his men. Jack takes a few steps back wth me.

"Commodore Norrington ... my effects." Jack says

Norrington hesitates, balls his fists in frustration.

"Commodore!" Jack says warning him

He wraps the cuffs tighter around my neck. Mullroy hands the pistol and belt to Norrington and he holds them out to Jack.

Aubrey,... it is Aubrey?

If you would ask be I am more angry than frightened but I can't help to be angry around a man that looks as handsome and fierce as that.

"Miss Swann." I correct and try to make my voice bitter

"Miss Swann, if you'll be so kind?"

I take the effects as he spins me towards him. I put on his hat and in order to put his belt on I had to wrap my arms around his waist. I feel him smile. Huh he must be enjoying this. But then again, I have read many tales about him. He has all the women that are out at sea to choose. Not only that but he could easily kidnapp one with he strength he has.

"You filfy pirate." I say and narrow my eyes hiding my emotions from him

"I saved your life; now you've saved mine. We're square."
I let out a chuckle at his negotiation

He turns me back alas.

"Gentlemen ... m'ladies ... you will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow." He says and lets me free and runs

He grabs a rope and pulls free a belaying pin a counterweight drops and Jack is lifted up to the middle of the gantry, where he grabs a second rope. Pistols fire. And miss. Jack swings out, away from and around the gantry. Norrington has held his shot. With careful aim, he tracks Jack's trajectory. Jack drops from the rope even as Norrington fires. His shot tears the rope as Jack plummets past one of the gantry's guy lines, he snaps the length of the manacle chain over the line and grabs hold of the far loop. He slides down the line, drops to the deck of a ship. He runs, leaping to another ship, then out of sight.

"On his heels! Gillette, bring a squad down from the fort!"
Norrington says and turns to me

"Elizabeth, are you-" he asks

I hated the statement 'are you okay' or 'are you alright' really.

"Yes, I'm all right, I'm fine!"

He nodds and runs off.

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