Arranged To Be His 🩵

By Sakshii_s

95.4K 9K 555

She is strong, bold, yet so sensitive and sweet. He is rude, full of anger, yet there is a sweet side to him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 3

2.5K 255 24
By Sakshii_s

"Goodnight uncle"

"goodnight Nandini" he says kissing my cheek

I walk up to my room but before I could step inside my hand was pulled, I almost yell but a palm covers my mouth and I was met with his brown eyes, immediately my breasting comes back to normal seeing it's just manik

"Be ready by 10 in the morning" he says, I couldn't help but focus on his horse voice

i shake my head at him instead of replying because my voice would be anyway muffled by his palm

"I wasn't asking miss Murthy, I was letting you know" he says leaving me

Before I could yell or even reply back he was gone, my eyes tear up a bit but I refuse to let any tears fall down my cheeks, it's not going to happen, he isn't going to make me cry.

I get in my room and change into pyjamas again, I was writing some ideas for a little novel, yes I write little stories and novels online. When I write I fall in love with writing and with the words that are out on the paper, it's one thing that makes me calm and happy

My door is pushed open making me look up to see my father walking inside, anger pours out of ever step he takes inside my room and I should be scared but I am used to it at this point. My mom runs in after him mumbling something to him but he doesn't stop until he reaches me.

"Yes dad" I say

He grabs my laptop throwing it on the floor, my heart literally broke just like my laptop did, pieces scattered on the floor, every single thing I had written in that laptop was gone, it was over.

"What the hell" I scream at him standing up

"IF YOU EVER FUCKING DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT IN FRONT OF GUESTS I WILL KILL YOU NANDINI" he screams slapping me across the face as he pushes me making me fall on the bed

My cheek stung so bad at the contact, shit, I have been through this a billion times but it's never pain free, it hurts jsut as bad sometimes worse

"Mahesh please don't" I hear mom's voice


"Mahesh please" her voice cracks

"Ma can you please not stop him, let him" I said standing up

"Yes let me shalu" he says

Mom looks at me and I nod because this is it, I am done

"I am not going to marry him" I say

A huge slap comes down on my face again making me trip a bit but I hold onto the edge of my bed

"I am not leaving my mom and going to his house"

He grabs my face slapping me again, I could feel tears running down my cheeks no matter how hard I tried not to cry, it was natural for tears to run down after that much pain but they weren't my weakness or a sign tat I was weak

"Hit me all you want but I am not going to marry him" I say

he pushed me on the bed slapping me again

"You will" he says

"I won't" I shake my head

"YOU WILL" he screams grabbing my throat

i shake my head at him and see the anger increasing in his eyes

"I won't" I stammer a the loss of circulation

"YOU WILL" he yells picking me up by my throat

"Mahesh" my mom screams

"I w-will no-not" I whisper

"YES YOU FUCKING WILL" he says throwing me on the floor

My mom runs to me as cough trying to gain my breathing back

"Ma please" I whisper to her as she cries

I wipe her face and get up limping a little because my ankle twisted a bit as he threw me on the floor

"You know what mr Murthy, you get off on hurting me and thats fine. Do it but I am not going to marry him because you want to expand your business" I say standing up to him

He smirks and i smirk back because who the fuck does he think he is

"Fine, shalu she doesn't get food or water till her wedding. she doesn't get to see Niya or cabir and navya" I gasp at his words

"Mahesh she is our daughter"

"I don't care hun, she is so fucking stubborn so she will need to learn"

"Im still not marrying him" I say knowing ill find a way to meet them

"Shalu if you love me you won't see her either" he says and thats where I cut it

I can't live without my mom, if I don't wake up to her and sleep seeing her I lose my head, I am not doing this.

"MAHESH" mom screams

"I love you hun but she is way too god damn stubborn, im not having it. You know we need this to protect all of us and be wiser and we need someone to lean on. Raj is perfect and he is my best friend so if you think about it, the decision is for everyone including her"

"You have no right to prevent me form seeing my daughter, I never go against your word but I am not going to let you treat her like that. We know this wedding is happening and for you to treat her like that is unacceptable" she says

"Get her to agree or she doesn't get to see you hun" he says

"Ill marry him" I say seeing my mom crying

"Nandini" she whispers

"It's fine, dying here every second and dying at his house, doesn't matter" I whisper

"Don't ever say that to me again, never Nandini, do you understand me?" Her voice firm

"I understand, im sorry ma"

"He will be here at 10 tommorow" he says leaving my room

"Hey don't cry pretty girl" she says wiping my tears

"Im not, you can't cry like this ma, I wanna enjoy my time with you here"

"Ill take you to the fair okay" she says knowing I love fairs

"You will?" I ask

"I will, we will even play that shooting game you like and win you something" I smile listening to her

"Can we also have cotton candy?" I ask

"Even the blue one" I gasp at her words

so you know there is the pink cotton candy but at this fair there is blue as well but it's so many chemicals so ma always says no.

"I love you ma" I whisper hugging her

"I love you too sweetie, don't make this hard please. Nandini I promise you this isn't bad, manik and you argue yes but he would never hurt you" she cooes

"Ma he hates me and if my own father can hurt me then he is a stranger and what is stopping him from hurting me" I ask

"I have talked to him and do you really think that nyonika and raj would let him hurt you" I shook my head

"I don't wanna talk about it ma, will you sleep here with me the night before I have to go?" I ask

"I will, come on let me put some ointment and then you can sleep"

"No ointment, lets sleep. You sing me the song" I order. She chuckles nodding

I laid in bed closing my eyes, she starts humming a lullaby while I let myself fall a sleep.

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