The Beautiful Passerby A and...

By Reina714

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MLT Title: The Beautiful Passerby A and the Non-human Villain HE (美貌路人甲总和非人类反派he) Author: 余不喜 ... When the li... More

- Ghost Wedding Dress - 1.1: Be Careful
1.2: Lan Chin
1.3: Reborn
1.4: Little Bird
1.5: Be a Bride
1.6: ID card
1.7: Go to the Ancestral Hall
1.8: Hurry up
1.9: Run for your life
1.10: Ghost hits the wall
1.11: Meow
1.12: Caught
1.13: Bride
1.14: Jealousy
1.15: Remembering
1.16: Qin Shiling
1.17: Second Prince
1.18: Go Home
1.19: It's a dead end
1.20: Trapped
1.21: Good Husband
1.22: Really virtuous
1.23: Capitalist
1.24: Eat Hot Pot
1.25: Making Money
1.26: Save the Children
1.27: Go for a Date
1.28: Die in the same hole
- Alien - 2.1: Savory
2.2: He and It
2.3: Recognized
2.4: Overthinking
2.5: Is a Fool
2.6: Look at the stars
2.7: Looking for supplies
2.8: I'm Jealous
2.9: Stranger
2.10: Possess Him
2.11: Who are you
2.12: New lover
2.13: See you
2.14: Spouse Grabbing
2.15: Agreed
2.16: Big Joy
- Under the Abyss - 3.1: New World
3.2: Need Love
3.3: Find You
3.4: Love and Hate
3.5: Brad
3.6: Green Hat
3.7: He Panicked
3.8: Something is Wrong
3.9: God of Light
3.10: Be the Son
3.11: The Second
3.12: New Idol
3.13: Falling in Love
3.14: Kill Him
3.15: Not the Same
3.16: Stay
3.17: I Love You
- Gu - 4.1: Model worker
4.2: It Was a Disaster
4.3: Ganshui Town
4.4: Destination
4.5: The Great Witch
4.6: Poor Guy
4.7: Know Him
4.8: A Bed
4.9: Reborn
4.11: Shocked
4.12: Sorry
4.13: Bitten
4.14: It's the Snake Gu
4.15: I can not
4.6: Concentric Gu
4.17: Outlander
4.18: Love Me Please
- Please Close Your Eyes When it gets Dark - 5.1: Unlimited Stream
5.2: Chalet
5.3: Scary Night
5.4: Beef Noodles
5.5: Three copies
5.6: My wife
5.7: Dirty Stuff
5.8: Do not know
5.9: Looking for a Lover
5.10: Inner World
5.11: Unusual
5.12: New Jenny
5.13: Submit it
5.14: Brother
5.15: It's Safe
5.16: Peace Day
- Pollution Area No.13 - 6.1: New World
6.2: Little Monster
6.3: Meeting Room
6.4: Cultivation Room
6.5: Laboratory
6.6: Missed
6.7: Welcome
6.8: Electricized
6.9: Happy Reunion
6.10: A Tear
6.11: Get close to me
6.12: Human
6.13: Female Doctor
6.14: He's nervous
6.15: It Is True
6.16: Dzogchen
- Crash the Evil in the Daylight - 7.1: Flower Village
7.2: Child
7.3: Wild Temple
7.4: Escape
7.5: Impossible
7.6: Call the Police
7.7: Unresponsible
7.8: Naming
7.9: Tan Family
7.10: Like You
7.11: Travel
7.12: Languan Mountain
7.13: Meet the Devil
7.14: Chasing the Murderer
7.15: Snake Tail Now
7.16: It is you
7.17: Do a Physical Examination
7.18: In Hospital
7.19: Determined for life
7.20: Cyanwood Mountain
- Dragon's Nest - 8.1: Little Princess
8.2: Visitors
8.3: Black and White Shadow
8.4: Stalker
8.5: Birthday Party
8.6: The Dragon is Coming
8.7: He is a Dragon
8.8: Looking for a Wife
8.9: To Be Honest
8.10: Nyepi
8.11: God of Light
8.12: Dark God
8.13: Don't Run Away
8.14: He loves it
8.15: Seaside Town
8.16: Go to the Temple
8.17: Trouble
8.18: Sweetheart
8.19: Trapped
8.20: Successful
8.21: True Colors
9.0: Real World
- Desolate Star Observation Diary - 9.1: Extra 1
9.2: Extra 2
9.3: Extra 3
9.4: Extra 4
- Centaur - 10.1: Extra Special 1
10.2: Extra Special 2
10.3: Extra Special 3

4.10: Great Wu Yan

322 14 0
By Reina714

To deal with foreigners, Lao Ou has never missed it.

And when Fu Ze was in a mess, he only planned to run away with his girlfriend after eating a full meal. He didn't know that the moment he picked up the chopsticks, he lost the chance to escape.

Looking at the foreigners who fell on the wooden table one after another, the smile on Lao Ou's face was also put away, and then he said to his two children with a serious expression, "Lock them all up, and in the past half a month, they will be locked up. Come and watch them, both of you."

What Yu and Lan thought about was the teacher Lan Qin who was taken away by the great witch, they really didn't have much interest in these people, they usually like to guard these foreigners work, because this way they can have the opportunity to test their new Gu quietly.

Although their Gu raising skills are not as good as their own father's, and it is even more impossible to compare with the mysterious and unpredictable big witch, but at least they all have the spirit of innovation.

But now because of the departure of a Lanqin, they simply want to vent their anger on these outsiders, thinking that the Dawu should pick these people instead of just picking off Teacher Lanqin.

Old Ou didn't care too much about the emotions of the two children. After all, they were adults in their twenties. If they were really brave enough to go to the clan to rob people from the big witch, he would look at his children with admiration.

But when you think about it carefully, these two children have always been relatively timid, and they also know how dangerous the clan land is, and they will definitely not be so naive and stupid as to rush in rashly.

Apart from the fact that this clan land is safer when offering sacrifices to ancestral tombs, no matter if you are a Wu clan or a foreigner, if you go in, you are looking for death.

Only great witches can walk freely in the clan land without being harmed by Gu insects.

"That foreigner named Lanqin was personally selected by the great witch. How dangerous the clan land is, if you don't want me, an old man with white hair, to send a black-haired person, don't go and experience it for yourself. If you are caught by the great witch, you You also become Gu people, and then you vent your anger on that foreigner because of it, don't think that an old man like me will abandon this old face to intercede." Lao Ou finally beat

a few words, but when the child grew up, he also You can't follow them all the time to see if they will be obedient.

As for Yu and Lan who were left behind, they still couldn't make up their minds. What's more, in this situation, even though their own father said to leave them alone, there must still be Gu worms around them to watch them both. .

What if they were discovered by their own father as soon as they took action, and then they were poisoned by Gu to such an extent that they could not take care of themselves in bed, Yu and Lan would not be able to bear such suffering.

"Originally, Dad wanted to do this. If it weren't for Mother, she beat Dad up, I'm afraid we are still lying on the bed now..."

Yu said with a tangled expression on his face.

Lan also had a bitter face, she didn't want to be such a grown-up person, and let her mother take care of her daily life, it's really embarrassing!

So Lan also had the idea of ​​​​retiring.

"Just be a Gu master for half a month, and no one will die. Why don't Teacher Lan Qin suffer a little bit? At worst, we can add some medicinal herbs to Teacher Lan Qin's body." Yu thought for a while, and thought it might be too

late That's all.

"Then what should we do with these people?"

Lan: "Of course, these people should be thrown into the cellar, and by the way, they will also test the new Gu that we have cultivated for a long time. I think the new Gu has been cultivated very well this time. Accident."

Yu knew that his sister was talking about the last time the new Gu made a foreigner bald, and when he thought of that mistake, he felt a little embarrassed and touched his head. Fortunately, they didn't use the new Gu as a prank that time. Come and challenge your own father, otherwise you will really laugh your ass off.

But thinking so, Yu couldn't help looking at the heads of these foreigners.

This time the foreigner's hair looks very thick, even if there is such a side effect, it shouldn't be too serious, right?

Fu Ze and the others, who had already been recruited and fell into a coma, never expected that their hair was in danger now compared to their lives!


Lan Qin, who had already fallen asleep at this time, could not have imagined that the hair of the

protagonist group was in danger. He just looked at the very busy Si, propped his face with his hands, and felt that this mission world must take the pure route .

Of course, this pure line only refers to the physical relationship between them.

In addition, Lan Qin also felt that the relationship between him and his partner might be more than a friendship, but not a lover.

Lan Qin once again felt that it shouldn't be a problem to give his kidneys and waist a break from a mission world.

And Si, who was watched by Lan Qin all the time, was actually very stiff all over his body, especially those Gu who became extremely restless because of his restless mood. People have long been surrounded by countless Gu.

Maybe this one wants to touch Lan Qin's hand, the other wants to climb Lan Qin's thigh, and then they all don't even ask, just like last night, they directly drown the whole fragrant and soft Lan Qin.

This was not the case before, if the Gu in his body had the guts to drown Lan Qin, even the timid would faint from fright.

Not everyone would like and accept the Gu worms he cultivated-not to mention that he also has snake Gu, spider Gu, etc. that foreigners are most afraid of.

In Si's eyes, these little guys are the cutest and most vivid little things in the world, but after seeing Lan Qin, the status of these little things can be moved to the back.

While thinking about it, Si tidied up the jars for cultivating various new Gu.

Of course, Lan Qin also saw the various jars that Si moved out from the bottom floor of the foot building. He also asked if he wanted to help, but Si refused.

Si's original words were that these jars contained very dangerous things, and he could only move them by himself.

In order to dispel Lan Qin's curiosity as soon as possible, Si directly used Lao Ou as an example, "Even if Lao Ou came, he would not dare to touch these jars at will." Lan Qin roughly evaluated the relationship between himself

and the tour guide Lao Ou. Although he looks much younger than Lao Ou, his body has never liked to exercise, let alone exercise, otherwise he would not be too tired to pass out while walking on the mountain road.

But this mission world doesn't require him to have great physical strength and endurance, so he can do whatever he wants, as long as he can live with his partner until he dies of natural old age, then he will not let each other down.

Lan Qin regretted not being able to see the scene after his death in the last mission world, although he knew very well that his partner Wu Miao would only leave with him.

According to Wumuu's personality, maybe he would take his body under the abyss, and then seal the entire abyss to prevent anyone or demons from entering.

Lanqin knew that this was something Wu Miu could do, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, anyway, the abyss was originally Wu Miu's domain.

From the corner of Si's eyes, he has been paying attention to Lan Qin's situation, and when he finds that Lan Qin is recalling the past with tenderness, his eyes are a little gloomy.

He is by Lan Qin's side, so Lan Qin is definitely not thinking about him now.

Si came to this conclusion with a cold expression, because it seemed that although the woman was always by his side, it was all about the man.

Recalling that woman again, Si's expression became even uglier, and a burst of rage and anger suddenly surged in his heart.

The woman finally ran out of Ganshui Town again, and never came back.

Even the great witch at that time did not continue to take care of that woman, because according to regulations, Si, who was only five years old at the time, did not leave. As Ya's child, he could replace Ya to make up for the gap in the number of Wu clan.

So ya was completely free.

As for the one who was left behind, half of his body was scalded, and even the Si, who showed signs of festering and infection, was completely orphaned by no one.

In fact, according to the regulations of the Wu Clan, the young Si should be sent to a family suitable for raising children, but because of Si's own refusal, and no one in the Wu Clan wanted to raise a gloomy, even-named They are all called dead children, so the former great witch took over this burden with a frown.

But the former great witch was not a person suitable for raising children. After he discovered that the millennium poisonous Gu in the clan land would not harm Si, he began to devote himself to researching this phenomenon.

And after being renamed by the former great witch and healed his burns, Si also knew that he was weak, and could be said to be in danger of dying at any time, so he obediently followed the former great witch.

As for later succeeding the previous great witch to become the current great witch, that would be an accident.

That happened after the former great witch frequently went out to the outside world. Once the former great witch Yan came back, he casually told the seven-year-old Si that Ya was dead.

Si didn't even move his brows, but said in a very flat tone that he knew.

At that time, the great witch Yan praised Si's talent and good heart, and if he wanted to become a great witch in the future, he would definitely be a very qualified great witch.

Si didn't have the idea of ​​becoming a great witch, but when the great witch Yan came back for the last time and said that he was leaving Ganshui Town, and asked if he would take his place as a great witch, Si agreed with a very flat expression.

There are basically two reasons why Dawu wants to resign: one is that he has found his beloved, so he wants to abandon the identity of Dawu;

But no matter what the reason is, the next great witch must be determined before leaving Ganshui Town in accordance with the Wu clan's regulations.

And Si is the person who was strictly selected by the former great witch.

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