Howl of The Ninjas Wolf (gaar...

By Vixenthief

160K 6.5K 802

Gaara has always been restless on the full moon. But so is someone else...... Chunin exams have begun and Gaa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors note.
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Epilogue part 1/3
Epilogue part 3/3

Epilogue part 2/3

2.1K 109 4
By Vixenthief

Running. Bare feet digging into the muddy road. Slashing, blood splashing. Surrounded by bandits and out numbered greatly, the wolf eared girl thinks back to how this happened.


I walked through a town to get supplies. My next lead was in the land of rice fields and that's quite a long ways away. By the course of one year, I have gotten used to living the nomadic life and the strange stares I get from villagers. I had bumped into Naruto and Jiraya a few times. Apparently their on a two year training trip. I guess he left the year after me.

I got the feeling of being watched so I turned my head and saw a child duck behind a corner. I would have ignored it but...I saw something that caught my interest. I walked around to stand behind a wall and created a shadow clone before using the body flicker teleportation jutsu to stand on the roof and wait. It didn't take long. I saw the child follow my clone. She had long blonde hair and white wolf ears with tail. A Mitsu!?

I jumped down and grabbed the girl by the shirt collar. "Stop right there." The child turned around with wide green eyes. "Nee-chan, are you like me? Can you safe my mama?" I tilt my head at her. "You are with others?" Could this be my first find? Had I found my clan? The girl nodded quickly. "Please, mama is caught in a trap. Help me nee-chan." She begged.


The little girl led me to a clearing, deep within the forest. I immediately saw the woman in the cage, so I rushed over. "Miss, are you okay? Your daughter brought me here." The white wolf looked to be in bad condition. She lifted her pale face to see me. "No.....daughter.....t-trap..." Her voice was dry from thirst. Trap!? Just then I heard the child behind me laughing. I turn to see her transform into a woman with dirty blonde hair. "Foolish mutt." That was the signal for many bandits to come crashing into the clearing.


She was racing against time. Needing to save the woman and needing to kill these hunters. Now, nearly drained of all chakra, she performed the last attack on the reaining three. Still in her wolf form, she ran around the three who conveniantly groups up together. Liras paws ignite fire and Kaiya's spark with lightning. "Inferno thunderstorm!" The element travaled up the cyclone they had created and completely engulfed the three stunned bandits. All that was left was three charred bodies. She would never get used to killing. In the match against Hiroshi, she had grinned at the thought of a good duel. But this was far different. She was ending the life of another.

Kaiya pov

I ran over to the cage and broke the bars off. The woman coughed. "Please, more are going to slaughter the village..." The woman was dying, she had gone to long without nutrition to sustain her body. "Village what village?" I ask with haste. "Poor thing, so young and not knowing If you are whats left or not......There is a settlement in the mountains in the land of snow. The last of our kind is there. But we were discovered." She coughs up blood. I wipe it away with my sleeve. "I was trying to give a warning but they caught me.....please, warn the others, though it may late....." With the last of her strength she took out a map. I accepted it and laid her down, far from the bandits so she may rest without the smell of death.

For three days I ran without stopping, only to find a battle ground. Wolves fighting humans. There were plenty of the Mitsu alive but many were also dead. "Wolf god transformation!" I got onto my hands and feet, transforming into the large wolf. Leaping over the rock I was hiding behind, I landed on a hunter. The wolves around me looked up with shock and fear. Did they not know of this form? Or is it because I surprised them? I didn't think about it. "I am a friend of the Mitsu! Do not fear me!" I growl out in two rumbling voices which spoke in sync, and began assisting the battle.

I will save them

(Sorry for the cliffy :P)

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