Dead-Eye Angels MC (Book #1)

By ZuleikaB88

69.6K 2.4K 2.7K

Shanice Wilson, born and raised in Harlem, moves to Atlanta for her new job. The company sets her up in a lov... More

Author's Note #1
⍱ Characters: Part 1 ⍱
⍱What You Gonna Do⍱
⍱Feisty Little Kitten⍱
⍱Hot Piece of Chocolate⍱
⍱Bathroom Delight⍱
⍱Thanks, But No Thanks⍱
⍲She Likes To Be Facefucked⍲
⍲Tommy, Tommy, Tommy⍲
⍲Harlem Queen⍲
⍱ Characters: Part 2 ⍱
⍲Happy Birthday⍲
⍲Welcome To The Big Easy⍲
⍲She's Nothing But A Gold Digger⍲
⍲On The Bayou⍲
⍲Paint It Black⍲
⍲The Queen⍲
⍲Shit Indeed⍲
⍱Concrete Jungle⍱
⍱ Characters: Part 3 ⍱
⍱I Stepped In Shit⍱
⍲Bye, Bye, Blondie⍲
⍲Is She Gonna Cry⍲
⍲Forge Your Own Path⍲
⍱We Finally Hear From Karl⍱
⍱You're Blocked⍱
⍱Accept and Move On⍱
⍱The Games Come To End⍱
Characters : Part 4
⍲Prey Runs, Predators Chase⍲
Chapter 29: ⍲Scared Hellcat ⍲
Chapter 30: ⍲You can't be nice to idiots⍲|
Chapter 31: A Leader's Resolve
Chapter 32: Ataxia
Chapter 33: Embers of Regret
Chapter 34: Between Loyalty and Longing
Chapter 36: Threats and Retribution
Chapter 37 Threats and Retribution Part 2
Chapter 38: Unraveling
Chapter 39: Vanilla and Violence

Chapter 35: Dual Vows

397 14 15
By ZuleikaB88

Song: Lost - Linkin Park

Alone in my office, surrounded by the city's unyielding energy, I take a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts. My heart races, worry gnawing at me like a relentless predator. Despite the powerful view and the aura of authority, the potential loss of another child is an ordeal unlike any other.

"I won't rest until I find you, Shanice," I say aloud, my voice determined. My fists clench at my sides, and I feel a knot tightening in my stomach. The worry for my daughter weighs heavily on my heart. As the leader of the White Dragons, I have faced countless challenges, but the fear of losing another loved one consumes me.

From my vantage point over Midtown, I try to quell the turmoil inside. The view is awe-inspiring. The vibrant cityscape stretches far and wide, encompassing the iconic landmarks that make up New York City.

With its neon lights and bustling crowds, Times Square pulses like a living heartbeat. The constant flow of tourists and locals creates a symphony of honking cars and animated voices, painting a vivid portrait of New York's energy and dynamism. Meanwhile, the Rockefeller Center stands tall and proud, symbolizing progress and aspiration.

Just as I try to compose myself, the door creaks open, and I turn to see Mr. Phan, the janitor at Shanice's place of employment, stepping in. His demeanor is respectful, but there's a hint of nervousness in his eyes. "Oyabun," he begins hesitantly, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a small handkerchief, "My men haven't seen Miss Ito at work today. Her car isn't in the parking garage, and her colleagues mentioned she's in New York for Thanksgiving. And, as you mentioned, she isn't here either."

Desire fuels me to see the life fade from the eyes of the man who failed to keep an eye on my daughter. Nevertheless, vengeance would not aid in finding Shanice any faster. I've learned to control my impulses. I'm a different man now. "Instruct your men to keep the search and review the surveillance footage since the week before last. We need to know if there was something amiss before her disappearance."

"Right away, Oyabun," Mr. Phan responds, bowing slightly before scurrying to carry out the task.

As the older man leaves, my heart sinks further with worry, and I quickly dial Shanice's number once more, hoping to hear her voice on the other end of the line. Unfortunately, only her voicemail picks up.

"Hime, where are you?" I say, my voice tense with concern. With desperation mounting, I contact the Atlanta branch of the Crimson Tigers. Their eastern outpost has surreptitiously had a foothold in the thriving cosmopolitan. The Vanguard, Hao Fen, owes me several favors.

Without a preamble, I speak when he answers the phone. "I need you to locate my daughter," I declare, trying to hide the urgency in my voice.

"Another favor, Oyabun? First, it was to thwart her networking efforts. Now, you want to spy on her? You know when Diwa fled to Louisiana."

"This isn't a social call for us to discuss our children's wayward paths, Hao," I chastise, clenching my free hand. "Shanice is missing."

"Noeru..." There's a pause on his end of the call. And the Vanguard of the Crimson Tiger speaks, his voice filled with difference and concern. "I will send my men to look for her. I will give you an update within thirty minutes."

"Thank you, my friend."

"We will speak later. Please give my warm regards and deepest concerns to your wife."

"Notify me immediately," I command, trying to remain composed. If Cassandra finds out Shanice is missing, all her progress will be for naught. "Time is of the essence."

"Understood, Noeru." Hao acknowledges before hanging up.

Alone in my office, surrounded by the city's unyielding energy, I take a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts. Despite the powerful view and the aura of authority, the worry for Shanice weighs heavily on my heart. I couldn't help Serenity I'll be damned if I let anything happen to my Hime.

"I won't rest until I find you, Shanice," I say aloud, my voice determined. "I will bring you home safe and sound."

"What's wrong with Shanice," the commanding voice fills the room, its unwavering strength exuding an aura of indomitability that instinctively instills fear and deference into others. I turn around and come face-to-face with Shanice's mother, my wife, Cassandra.

The TV in the corner of the bike shop blares with the latest news, its volume low but loud enough to catch my attention. "Please, if you have our daughter, return her to us. We –" I turn the TV off. Same old story every damn day, a girl goes missing, and after a few days partying, she's back home safe. It's like a broken record.

The sound of the front doorbell interrupts my thoughts. Usually, it's Nana, the cheerful voice of the shop, but today there's something off — no cheerful greeting. My gut clenches; something's wrong. I hear her calling me, her voice shaky, "Nate, could you come here, please." I don't like the tremor in her tone.

I walk toward the front, and a tall, lean guy inspects our custom bikes on the wall. I recognize him from Shanice's photos. Sharp facial features, intense eyes. Yeah, it's definitely Shanice's ex.

"What's going on?" I ask, trying to hide my curiosity and annoyance. Nana wouldn't be shaken like this if he were an ordinary customer.

"Nate, there's a guy here to see you," she says, her voice shaky, her gaze shifting between the stranger and me.

His gaze locks onto mine, a moment of recognition flashing across his features before a smirk forms. "Nate Dylan, I assume." His smirk deepens, eyes unwavering. "A pleasure to make the acquaintance of the illustrious President of the Dead-Eye Angels." The word 'pleasure' is dripping with mockery.

I size him up, my anger rising. "What brings you to my shop, Shanice's ex-boyfriend?" I square my shoulders, arms crossed defiantly. I won't let this asshole see a hint of weakness from me.

"Call me Mr. Watanabe," he corrects, his smirk spreading with smug superiority. "As for my purpose here, that's a discussion for our upcoming meeting.". The Itos will be waiting for you at the diner across the street within the hour." He studies me, looking down his nose like his shit don't stink. "Don't be late."

Nana watches, wide-eyed, her hands trembling slightly, sensing the tension. She has no clue who this guy really is or what's at stake.

I walk up to him face-to-face. He may be an inch or two taller than me. But what I lack in height, I have in muscle. "Who the hell do you think you are? If you've got something to say, spit it out right here and now!"

Out of thin air, Maddox emerges beside me, silent and stealthy as a panther on the prowl. I hate that creepy shit, but it's useful when you have an unknown enemy.

Watanabe locks eyes with Maddox, then pivots to me, a maddening calmness evident in his chuckle. "If you're wise, you and your infinitesimal gang won't dare to skip this meeting." There goes that word again, infinitesimal. Does this guy have no idea who the Dead-Eye Angels are?

He vanishes from sight, leaving me with a lingering foreboding, like a storm brewing just beyond the horizon. My fists clench, my heart pounding with the mix of anger and curiosity. Who the hell are the Itos, and what do they want with me and my crew? This encounter won't end well, that much I know.

Without wasting a breath, I storm through the bike shop, heading straight for the club's entrance. Maddox follows close behind. My hands push the double doors open loudly, the music from inside fading as I step into the more secluded area. Kade is sitting at the bar, nursing a drink. His face turns redder as I step closer to him, noticing the phone on the other side of his face.

"Keira, goddammit." Kade rubs his temples. "What the hell do you want me to do?" He glances at me and continues, "Don't do anything stupid. I'll call you back."

"What the hell do you want?" Kade snaps, hurling his cell phone onto the bar's counter. Kade is always chill, even when I insult his supposed girlfriend, Keira, who only fucks him for money and lets anyone with a fat stack ghetto gag her. He doesn't let stuff like that bother him. But when Kade is pushed to his limit, he gets as angry as a bull with a bee up its ass. And Keira must have crossed that line.

Maddox and me stand in front of him, ignoring Kade's outburst because we have bigger shit to deal with. "You remember those Asian guys you mentioned a few days back, the ones eyeing the North side?"

"Yeah, what about them?" Kade responds.

"One of them showed up at the shop."

Kade jumps to his feet, his hand inching towards the gun at his back. "What the hell!"

I can't afford Kade acting recklessly. Damn, for me to think like this means that those lines were really messing with me. "He left already. He wants us to meet some guy named Ito at Anthony's."

"And who's this Ito guy?" Kade inquires.

I shrug. "I don't know. But the guy who came in, I know him."

"You know him?" Kade's brow forms a deep v. "How?"

"He's Shanice's ex," I reply.

Kade's brows shoot up, his eyes wide. "Nate, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?"

I don't respond, but that's the same thought I have. The three of us make our way toward Anthony's diner. It's time to face this arrogant prick and find out who the fuck this Ito dude is.

Will Noeru and Nate's paths intertwine in unexpected ways, or will the encounter lead to a head-on collision? 

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