Nonstop | Dottore x Reader

By Amy200110

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ʚɞ Sequel of Fireworks ʚɞ (Genshin and Transformers Modern au featuring some famous idol groups) Dottore has... More

Intro & Cast
Song themes & Extra Info
Revival of the Winter Prince
Transformers & Vision Wielders
⚔️Shadows & Ice ❄️
4+1 parallel impact
⚔️Amnesia & Training⚔️
Fatui friends
A Promise, Contract & Tears
The Banquet
Special Treatment
Artifacts & Abyss
🌸Her Dominion⛩
Bts & Allogenes
♠️District 9️⃣
Ruler, Kitsune, Scara, Levi
Fatui and Decepticons
Among Us with the Fatui
⚡️Storms and Tsunamis🌊
🌊Pacific Storm⚡️
Hunt or Be Hunted
⚡️Judgment of Eternity ⚔️
💉Lab Breakout🗡️
🪞Mirror & Ice❄️
🌌Boreal winds💎
Temporary truce
Commissions & New Weapons
Captain, Agent & Wrio
Coordinates & Intel
Treasure & Rematch
Flashbacks and Small Gifts
Negotiations with the Fatui
Meeting with Autobots
Experiments & Training
Across Kwangya
Battle in another realm
Temporary Farewell
🎇Flower Dance & Fireworks🎆
⚠️Icy Roses❄️
Dottore, Knockout, Mirage
⚡️The rise of Beasts⚡️
Autobots vs Terrorcons
Doctor's Revenge
Dottore & Dino
Holoforms and Ruin Golems
Compound V & Archon Residue
5K Special: Vacation Interlude
Asphalt Race
Iacon Records

Insignia and Visions

23 0 0
By Amy200110

Raiden= Y/N Arctic=Dottore, Alatus=Xiao
All currently in Cybetronian forms

Eons ago

"I am a Schnezhnayan diplomat you know what happens if you lay a finger on me! Stop I command you-!"  Yelled Signora.

But the Electro god, Raiden Shogun ignored Signora's plea as the Musou No Hitotachi lightning struck her.


"I can introduce you to the new Raiden Shogun. It's just she is busy and currently residing in Tenshukaku." Began Tomo.

"Alright." Adds Dino.

"Borders are closed due to Decepticon Invasion." Began Captain.

"Are the preperations complete?" Asahi asks Levi, Itto and Yoimiya.

"Yes." Replied Itto.

"These days Y/N has locked herself up. Although it is totally different reason than my mother..." Asahi trails off.

"She carries an awful lot of guilt, sadness and a lot of other emotions." Sighs the Captain.

"Maybe she could use our company?" Beidou asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe. And quench that fiery vengeance she has. Even a few Autobots were taken in custody dor some reason."  Replied Captain.

"Wait, hold on... what did the Autobots do to get on Raiden's bad side?!" Asked Tomo, initially shocked.

"I don't know but I heard Raiden is about to put two Autobot one named Sentinel and the other named Jazz. Heard Sentinel is going onto the statue-" Replied Captain.

"That doesn't sound like Y/N-" Kazuha interupts.

"We need to go see for outselves!" Tomo yelled worriedly.

"Hey wait we need a plan! We can't just charge in like that!" Exclaimed Kazuha.

"I got one! We must contact Optimus and his main team. Next, find a few fake Decepticon insignias and even a fake steel figure to put in front then we save the real one." Suggested Captain.

Following day

Dottore angrily smashed a beaker in his lab.

"I had everything under control. EVERYTHING. And then THIS DAM CREATION!" Wrathed Dottore.

"THAT DARN SUBJECT! WE SHOULD've killed it but Y/N and you were too merciful!" Beta yelled as he went to clean up the glass shards.

"So much for showing mercy!" Dottore then sighs loudly as he tried to calm down.

Felix gulped as he was outside the lab.

He was about to hand some lab reports and some documents that were leads to who possibly stole the clone.

"Dottore-" began Felix nervously.

"Who goes there!? Show yourself!" Snapped Beta (Blaze).

"It's just Felix." Hissed Dottore.

"Oh look, now you shows yourself after the clone you were supposed to watch escaped!" Hissed Beta as he jabbed a finger at Felix.

"Sir, I'm sorry-" Felix began.

"Beta, enough you're scaring the poor agent," Dottore (Zeta) ordered.

"Beta, there's no point getting angry at an agent." Zane (Omega) hissed.

"Hmph!" Hissed Beta.

"Let's get to the problem at hand, have any of you found the Decepticon hanging around in Winter Palace?" Asked Xander (Xi Clone).

"Felix, the documents?" Dottore asked.

Felix handed him the documents without a word.

"You may leave, you're dismissed for today. If you see Y/N, tell her that I won't make it for dinner tonight." He sighed.

"Dottore- I know this isn't my business but I don't think you wanna miss a night out with her. Taeyong done that a couple of times and they had a fight about it once..." Felix began.

"I am not Taeyong." Zeta rolled his eyes at Felix.

"I know I'm sorry if I said anything. I will tell her if I see her." Nodded Felix as he quickly left.

Man particularly half sprinted out of the lab.

Unfortunately, despite Dottore being kind and all, Felix still doesn't quite trust him for some things.

Felix gave a sigh as he walked for a bit and then teleported into an empty ally.

"Help let me go!" Yelled a small voice.

Felix turned and followed towards the sound.

"Hey let her go!" Yelled Felix, taking out his Fatui knife boomerangs.

The dark navy blue man then let go of Paimon quickly.

Felix hesitantly took out his boomerang and threw them at the look-alike of his boss.

Felix fearfully grabbed Paimon and teleported out.

Felix reappeared in Dottore's lab.

"The Decepticon! I saw him! He's the one that stole your clone while I was saving Paimon!" Felix replied, out of breathe.

Dottore took one look at Felix and the fairy in his hand.

"This is getting out of hand. Beta track his coordinates now!" Ordered Dottore.

Beta nodded and tried to pinpoint the location from his phone.

"Use your mind idiot!" Hissed Xander.

Beta tried again.

Meanwhile, Dottore's mask glowed a little.

"I found him and their master." Replied Dottore as his mask glowed blue and dark blue purple.

"It's him." Frowned Dottore, his mask then stopped glowing.

Dottore angrily shot a small blast of cryo energy, blasting an empty beaker toward the wall.

"Do not breathe a word about this to the Autobots. This one stole my clone, took him apart, and deliberately used it as his holoform.  This one is mine to kill whether they like it or not." Dottore growled, concluding his decision.

Beta nodded without question as he teleported out of the lab.

"I will eradicate anyone who poses a danger to my beloved."  Growled Dottore

He then quickly turns away, not wanting to show his emotions in front of them.

Felix and Bangchan stared at him through the mask, then returned their attention to Paimon, who looked a bit dazed.

"Right, let's get you home. Where were you about to go again?" Felix asked, still confused.

"Well, Paimon was enjoying a snack with Aether when he showed up! They didn't notice so I followed him but he caught me!" Explained the fairy.

"Take me to them." Felix nods to the fairy.

The next day

On the roof of the Spaceship, something was happening...

Another Decepticon was about to lose its insignia and have it inlaid upon a statue.

There was a statue someone created, it was the Fatui Harbinger who had his eyes covered by a mask. There were five statues in total in the beautiful gardens not far from the mansion. Raiden Y/N's and Xiao's were also there. Raiden Y/N's statue was between the Second Fatui harbinger and the Yaksha.

Decepticon's destroyed and melted insignias were to be inlaid upon the Dottore clone's statue, along with the delusions. Xiao's statue was decorated with jade while Y/N's was decorated with amethyst and silver. Kokomi's statue was decorated with pearls.

"By the order of my beloved Archon, you, the Decepticon creator is under arrest and to be brought for execution." Dottore watched as Asahi, Mercedez and Tomo bring in Quintessa.

With little hesitation, Raiden walks on the steps. As she ascended step by step, the raucous applause and cheers grows no closer. Instead it echoed and was instantly silenced by a flash of lightning as she quickens her pace.

"You Wish to make yourself my enemy?! I am the Everlasting Law, the Guardian of Eternity! I am your present and future, not the past like Ei. I am she, who promised a dream and to protect my people, Raiden Acheron."

Raiden had absorbed the electro energy from Quintessa's futile strikes.

"Stop! I am the Decepticon creator! You know what happens if you lay a servo on me! I swear if you kill me, I will make sure!" Threatened Quintessa, "The Decepticons will make sure that this precious Earth-Stop! Archon, you cannot kill me!" Yelled Quintessa.

"You are in the presence of the eternal lightning, the Archon of Thunder & Lightning. Now I'm curious will you survive the Celestial Lightning or not."

Y/N, the new Raiden shogun slowly drew out a glowing, electro-energy sword from her heart.
The others stood by as she marched swiftly towards the enemy.

A second sword appeared in her right hand from the ink gray sky. The skies darkened and turned gray, cherry and plum blossom petals flew into the air, dotting the skies. Half of the sky was gray while the other half was electro purple.

"Stubborn beings! ALL OF YOU!" Screamed Quintessa as she charged towards Raiden Y/N.

It began to rain electro bolts and pyro orbs.

Electro energy formed markers around the targetted enemy. Threads of light infused energon lightning infused with several other elements including pyro, geo, hydro, quantum, and energon circled the sky, striking and blasting the enemy. 

Electricity and elemental aura dispersed across the ground as the Decepticon fell before the Archon.

The second sword zoomed from the smoke and had stabbed through the spark of the enemy. The blood had turned to ashes.

"Isn't this what happened to Signora eons ago?" Asked Levi.

"Similar, however, this alien clearly asked for a death sentence." Replied Asahi.

Raiden Y/N raised Dawnbreaker sword again about to strike a second time.

The skies darkened briefly as a terrifying bolt of crystal lightning descended and several slashing sounds were made.

"This one could be the 100th Decepticon they caught that will have their insignia inlaid on the Harbinger statue!" Realized Tomo from the audience.

Raiden then raised Dawnbreaker about to deliver the third strike.

Lightning exploded onto the enemy, instantly killing them.

"Bring the Autobot Decepticon spy next!" She ordered.

Dottore and Mercedez nodded and brought Sentinel in.

Time froze instantly as an electro sword cut across space.

The unconscious bot fell onto the ground.

Raiden was about to strike him a second time...

Barricade had landed in front of the platform and suddenly threw an energon spear toward them.

"Watch out!" Warned Xiao.

Instantly, Alatus and Arctic teleported in front of her to block the spear with their weapons

Raiden was forced to cancel the third strike.

Alatus teleported towards Barricade and swung the jade spear at him.

Sideswipe had shot his time gun and froze the time.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Yelled Asahi through the bubble.

The time quickly unfroze when Asahi sent an electro orb towards Sideswipe.

"Challenging the bounty hunt is tantamount to challenging a deity!" Arctic growled, drawing his claymore.

"So that's what happened to the Decepticons..." Realized Drift, noticing the statue not far.

"Holy Primus!" Exclaimed Bee when he saw one of Dottore's statues.

The Decepticon insignias and Fatui delusions glowed from the sunlight.

"Next thing you know, the Autobots will become their next collection!" Sideswipe yells.

"Doubt it." Replies Tomo.

"Look and see for yourself!" Yells Sunstreaker, pointing at the two Autobots.

Dottore's claymore then pierced through Quintessa, the evil Decepticon creator.

Mercedez then picked up the space sorceress and ripped off her insignia.

"Do not forget Nemesis Prime..." Began Drift, he then blocked Raiden and Xiao's attack with his dual katanas.

"Please let him go. There is no need to kill..." Began a solemn voice.

Raiden Y/N and Dottore turned around to find Optimus, the Autobot leader.

"Alright, release then." Sighed Raiden Y/N.

Kazuha then went to free the two Autobots from the stasis cuffs and heavy metal chains.

"Why would you care about how we kill the Decepticons?" Asahi asked, stepping between them.

"There is no need to display a trophy." Replied Optimus, noticing the Dottore statue too.

"This belonged to the Decepticons we've encountered and I used to experiment on." Dottore replied firmly.

Dottore obviously was shielding Y/N from any sort of accusations. Xiao, Mercedez and Tomo were all prepared to say something too. None of them dropped their weapons.

"Then what has this Autobot done to make those two be arrested?!" Asked Drift.

"Sentinel is a Decepticon spy, while this one was caught sneaking around our area." Explained Alatus.

"They were just bringing intel for Optimus!" Exclaimed Drift.

"Please understand Raiden isn't too sure who to trust these days." Began Mercedez.

"Raiden has eyes all over Teyvat." Smirked Arctic.

"Too much has happened." Sighed Raiden.

"I understand, but please remember the Autobots have no ill intentions towards Earth. We are willing to protect your kind from the Decepticons." Optimus gently reminded the new Archon.

"We just hope the Decepticons don't target you." Bee buzzes quickly, all while continuing to stare in awe at the Dottore and Raiden statue.

"As if they'll ever care." Replied Asahi with arms crossed.

"Asahi enough, anyways we do apologize greatly for this mistake." Began Raiden.

Optimus sighed, "I understand where your fear stems from, you can trust us." He then switched his attention upon Dottore, "Experiments, I am aware you were that Harbinger with clones." He began.

"Yes, one of my rogue clones decided to help the Decepticons which was a fatal mistake on my behalf, failing to control a clone." Replied Dottore.

"He is on our side." Tomo whispered to Bee.

"And what do you plan on doing with the research on our kind?" Optimus asked Dottore in a serious tone.

"We want to learn about your technology and use it for good. This would give us an advantage against the evil gods in Celestia and Decepticons." Explained Dottore.

"I will allow your research to continue in secret. But remember, do not use it for human greed or your wars on other humans of Earth." Replied Optimus.

"Of course, we don't want the governments getting their hands on Cybertronian technology or Fatui technology, also Neo technology." Dottore quickly reassures the Autobot leader.

"Neo technology?" Asked Bee.

"Technology developed by Nct, Y/N and Xiao." Replied Dottore.

"Wow." Replied Bee.

"They are running away, are you going to let them go?" Asahi asked.

They then found the Autobots arresting Barricade and Skywarp.

"We'll take it from here." Bee nods to them.

"You can handle the rest of the Decepticons. As for these cons here, we'll terminate them after interogation depending on if they cooperate." Replied Sideswipe with arms crossed.

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