What If | Unordinary

By y3s957

32.6K 851 440

What if John didn't pose as a cripple? What could've changed? Come with me through one of the many possibilit... More

The Start
The Mall
Turf Wars
Secrets Exposed
Superhero Costumes
An Amazing Reunion
Attack Pt. 1
Attack Pt. 2
On The Run
Looking Up
What Happened (Very Short)
I Should've Made Him Stay
1 Week
Taken and Searching
The Building
The Escape
The Battle
The Final Decision
The End


274 13 7
By y3s957

John POV

I wake up on the floor in a van. It's moving. I have no idea where I am and am struggling to remember what happened. 'Ember. Kuyo. It was a trap. Did they kill him?' 

Suddenly I hear someone speak. "You're finally awake." I recognize the voice. Volcan. "How are you doing?" She asks as she sits me up. I just glare at her with no response.

Then another person comes towards me. "Believe me kid, it's better you just respond. It'll be easier that way." Brims says.

I continue to glare at them. I then hear someone speak. "Fuck this." I feel something hit me in the abdomen. Hard. It felt like they had some sort of strength enhancer. I simply let out a grunt. "You can't stay quiet forever, John. We'll make you start talking one way or another." Pyre says.

Finally, I say two words. "Fuck. You." Immediately I'm punched in the face by Pyre.

"At least he speaks." Volcan says.

"Not very nice words though." Lumin says appearing from the front of the van. "But don't worry. K̨̩̞̜͎̔̌͂̽͠ę̻͍͓̏̌̔̅͆͢o̧͈͓͈͔͛͛̎̕͠n͉̖̪̰͍̽͗͊̋͡ will be sure to straighten you out." The moment I hear her say his name my breath quickens; my sight becomes shallow and all I can think is of how to escape. I frantically look around. "Look at that. Seems as though you were right, Pyre. Him hearing Keon's name is enough to throw him into panic. What great information."

Suddenly the van stops moving. Volan stands up first. "We're here. Knock him out." One she says that everything fades to black again.

3rd Person POV

Fury can seen carrying an unconscious John. He walks right past two people; both are also unconscious. One is locked in some sort of cage, having been brutally beaten. The other is seen connected to machines. 

Fury carries John to a separate room. The room itself is pitch black, small and cold with nothing other than a reinforced steel door. Fury throws John into the middle of the room, waking him up. He gets up with blurry vision. Looks around and sees nothing. He looks up at Fury, who has a sadistic smile on her face. "Welcome to your new home. Don't worry you'll only be here until you accept that working for us is the only way out. If you don't, you'll stay here for as long as it takes, plus K̨̩̞̜͎̔̌͂̽͠ę̻͍͓̏̌̔̅͆͢o̧͈͓͈͔͛͛̎̕͠n͉̖̪̰͍̽͗͊̋͡ will be visiting weekly. Those will some fun sessions."

John tries to run at her, but she closes the door before he reaches her. He then punches the door with all his strength. It doesn't do anything. 'I need to get out of here. I need to make sure Kuyo's alive. I never warned Dad about Ember.' Again, John tried to punch the door. He activates his ability trying to find some ability to copy. None. There's nothing he can do.

Time Skip

John POV

'I have no idea how long I've been here. They open the door every once in a while, but I have no idea how often. It's easy to lose track of time in complete darkness. I might've been here for a day, maybe a week, maybe more. He hasn't come yet. I know he'll be here eventually though. I've given up on trying to get out. I've accepted that I'll never see anyone else again, that I'll never see Sera again.'

As I'm continuing my thoughts, I hear the door open. Usually, they just drop off some shitty food and leave, but this time there's someone standing there. 'He's here. I need to run.' I try and back up as much as I can, but it's not enough. I see his eyes glow as he walks towards me slowly. I shut my eyes as he speaks. "H̴̰͋ò̴̟̘ŵ̷̥͕͘ ̵̢̼̒̕a̸̱̖̿r̷͉͆̄ͅè̶̲͜ ̷̜͆ẙ̴̫o̶̪̎̋u̷͎̩̽͘ ̵̝̓d̷̓̒͜o̷̻͂͋i̴͖̯̍n̵̩͐g̷̼̟̊́,̴̲̖͐̍ ̴̳̼̐̂J̴͍͋ơ̷̘̈́h̶̩̤̊̽n̷̲̤̅?̶̥̺͌"

"NO! GET AWAY!" I shout as I shut my eyes and back up more into the corner I'm in.

Suddenly, silence. After a few seconds I open my eyes and see nothing. Nothing's changed, He wasn't here. He hasn't been here yet.

I walk towards the door and see the food. I sit down on the floor and just stare at it. The only noise coming from the room is my sobbing.


I have no idea how to write someone going crazy. I hope I did at least a decent job. This is the start of John's decent into madness. This is probably gonna be hard to write. For those wondering why it's two chapters instead of just one larger one, I wanted to make the start of John's capture its own thing, and I also had no idea what I could name them if they were put together. Anyway, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and have and abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night.

717 Words Excluding A/N

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