A Jock, A Nerd, and A Bet

By Creative_Mind23

1.5M 39.3K 25.3K

"Why her? She isn't exactly my type Troy." I said, studying the girl. "Because she looks like a virgin. Are... More

1. Abby
2. Jordan
4. Abby
5. Abby
6. Abby
7. Jordan
8. Abby
9. Abby
10. Abby
11. Jordan
12. Abby & Jordan
13. Abby
14. Abby
15. Abby
16. Abby & Jordan
17. Abby
18. Abby
19. Abby & Jordan
20. Abby
21. Jordan
22. Jordan
23. Abby
24. Abby
25. Jordan
26. Jordan
27. Abby
28. Abby & Jordan
29. Abby
30. Abby
31. Abby
32. Abby
33. Abby
34. Abby
35. Jordan
36. Abby
37. Abby
38. Abby

3. Jordan

62.7K 1.5K 1.4K
By Creative_Mind23

Songs for the chapter

Lips Are Moving by Meghan Trainor

Love Me by The 1975

High For This by The Weeknd

The guys and I are walking down the hallway, looking for Nerdy Turner. It's lunch time and my stomach is growling like I haven't eaten in days.

"Where's that smart little geek?" Troy asks in frustration.

He told a girl from our class, that he has seen Turner hang around before, to tell him to meet us before lunch. I think he's avoiding us.

"There he is." Daniel points at two guys talking to each other by the lockers. We start walking towards the two guys in unison.

"Turner! Where have you been!" Troy shouts, catching both of the boys' attention. The one that is talking to Turner eyes go wide and he takes off running.

Some friend he is. The guys and I have been in many situations where we had to run to not get caught, but if one us got caught we never left them behind. We always looked out for each other. We are brothers.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind. Yup, I just quoted Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. I hate that that show doesn't come back on anymore. Beside the point Jordan.

Troy and the rest of us stand in front of Turner. "Turner, I know you got my message. I wanted to meet with you before lunch, but it's lunch time now and that means I'm missing out on my food to talk to you. That makes me angry, Turner."

Turner puts his hands up as if Troy is going to punch him. I snicker at how scared he is, but I would be too. He looks as if he has never lifted anything heavier than a math book. Troy could easily punch the guy one time and he would be out cold.

"I'm not going to hit you Turner. I just need some information on someone." Troy says, swinging his arm around Turner's shoulder.

"Yeah, sure man. Anything." Turner agrees, scared out of his mind.

I lean up against the locker along with Ryan. They need to hurry up so that I can get to lunch.

"Alright, there is this girl-"

Turner cuts off Troy, "I'm going to need a little more information. There are a bunch of girls in this school."

Troy hits him upside the head lightly. "I was getting to that before you interrupted me. If you do it again, I'm going to stuff you into one of these lockers." Troy threatens.

Turner nods his head quickly. "Please, continue with what you were saying."

"Okay. Like I was saying, there is this girl. She's a nerd. She's in your social class, but she doesn't really associate with many people. She's probably the smartest girl in the senior class. Maybe, the smartest person in the senior class." He says.

Turner nods his head. "Can you give me a description of her? I think I know who you are talking about." He asks.

I speak up now. "She has blonde hair. It's long and wavy. She has blue eyes and she's pretty pale. She doesn't dress like most girls around here either." I tell him.

The guys stare at me as if I'm crazy. "What? I like to study the girls that I'm going to try and get with." I tell them.

Troy shrugs and turns back to Turner. "Do you know who he's talking about?" He asks him.

"Yeah. You're talking about Abigail Monroe. By the way, she is the smartest person in the senior class." He says, looking at us in way that basically tells me he thinks the whole senior class is dumb besides her.

I would take offense to that, but let's be honest. I'm not the smartest kid in the grade. Maybe if I actually paid attention and did my homework, my grades would improve; but I have a social life that doesn't include studying and doing homework.

"We need information on her. Tell us everything you know about her. Don't leave out a single thing." Troy demands.

"Okay, well, she's better known as Abby. She doesn't like to be called Abigail. She has a brother. His name is Matthew Monroe, better known as Matt-"

He's cut off by Ryan, "Are you talking about the Matt that graduated two years ago? That's her brother?" He asks, shocked.

I'm even shocked by that. I looked up to Matt when he was here and I was sure that I knew everything about him. I had no idea I was even in the same grade with his sister.

"Yeah. That's her brother. Most people don't believe they're related. They act differently from each other." Turner says.

"Alright, get back on with telling us about her." I say, becoming impatient. A man has got to eat.

"Right. Her mom works as a famous photographer and her dad is a chef at one of those five star restaurants. She has two friends. One is Alyssa McCord. She's the pitcher for the softball team and she practically won the championship for the softball team last year." So that's the girl who was getting an attitude with me earlier.

"The other one is Jake Riles. I'm pretty sure you know him. He's on the football team." Turner looks at us for confirmation on whether or not we know him and we nod our head.

"They're friends? Since when? I've never seen them talking to each other before." I ask.

"Since they were little kids. Jake and her are also neighbors. She only talks to those two. Virginia White and her friends don't like her and she prefers to stay on the outside looking in." He finishes.

"One more question," Troy says, "Is she a virgin?" He asks.

Troy is pretty blunt about everything. No beating around the bush. If he thinks it, he says it.

Turner looks at us as if we are crazy. He seems confused by us asking this question, but Troy gives him a look that says mind your own business, (which we aren't doing) so he answers us anyway.

"Yes, she's a virgin. She's never had a boyfriend or been kissed. Like I said, she stays on the outside looking in. She doesn't want to be noticed." I think he's trying to tell us to leave her alone, but he knows not to come out and directly say that.

I smile, "Well, all that's about to change. Thanks, Turner. We'll come find you if we need more information. Don't tell anyone we asked about her or had this conversation or I'll come find you and beat you until I get tired and I don't tire easy." I threaten.

He gulps and nods his head. We all turn around and head towards the cafeteria. "Well, she's a virgin, but she's anti-social." Daniel says.

"She's not anti-social. She just never became popular so she decided to just stay unpopular. I think we should sit with her and her friends today. I have a plan." I say.

"Why would we do that. It's your bet. Not ours. You sit with them. I'd rather sit at my regular table with the team and the hot cheerleaders." Troy says, making me roll my eyes at him.

"You don't think I would rather do that, too? The girl is probably just going to stare at me the whole time, but I need you guys there for this to work. If I go over there by myself it will look suspicious." I try and convince them.

"And you think us going along with you won't be suspicious?" Troy asks with his eyebrows raised.

I sigh, "Truth is I don't want to go over there and be the only one. If I get stared at I wouldn't mind as long as you guys are getting stared at along with me."

"Alright. We'll go with you." Ryan says.

Troy groans, "Do we have to?" He complains.

Daniel pinches his cheeks, "Aw, don't worry Troy. I'm sure the cheerleaders can go a day without you in their presence." He teases.

Troy slaps his hand away and enters the cafeteria with us. Everyone stops and stares before going back to what they were doing before we walked in. We decide to eat the cafeteria's food today. We usually would have a girl go off campus for us and bring us back food, but we decide not to since it is the first day. Eating the cafeteria's food wouldn't be that bad.

I grab a burger, fries, and water before paying for my lunch. Ryan gets the same thing as me. Daniel and Troy get a pizza instead of a burger and a gatorade instead of water.

I look around the cafeteria for Abby and her friends. I see them sitting at table in the far corner, away from all the popular kids or anyone. They're like the weird gothic kids that sit away from everybody except they don't wear black head to toe.

I start making my way towards the table, looking behind me saying goodbye to our old table. It surely will be missed. People look at us, wondering where we're going. I ignore the stares and continue on with my mission.

When I get to the table, I place my food down on the table along with the guys. Jake, Alyssa, and Abby all look up at us at the same time.

"Jordan, Ryan, Troy, Daniel, what are you guys doing here?" Jake asks, confused.

"We just wanted to sit with you guys today. That alright with you?" I ask.

He looks at Alyssa and Abby who are looking at us. He turns back to us. "Sure, man. Sit down." He says with a smile.

I pat his back before sitting down across from Abby. Jake, Alyssa, and the guys immediately go into conversation. I would love to join them, but the whole reason why I'm over here is because of the girl in front of me. I stare at Abby for a while, of course while eating my food, studying her.

She doesn't look up from her food. She doesn't even look at me. I know she knows I'm here. Her hair is slightly covering her face, blocking me from seeing everything. I must make her nervous. That's good. I decide to go ahead and start a conversation with her.

"Hey, um, I didn't really get to apologize like I wanted to earlier." I speak up. Her eyes immediately look up from her food and stare at me. Cue the drool.

"A-are you talking to me?" She asks. No, duh. I wouldn't be sitting here talking to myself for fun. Although, I'd probably have a better conversation with myself than I would with her.

"Yeah. I bumped into you in the hallway. I'm really sorry about that. I should have been paying attention. I really felt bad about it." I lie.

She shrugs, looking down. "It's okay. I wasn't paying attention either. It's really not your fault."

I smile and extend my hand. "Jordan. Jordan Collins and you are?" I ask, pretending to not know her name. See you have to make them think that you're actually interested in them or they won't buy what you're selling.

She shakes my hand, "Abby Monroe."

"Abby is a beautiful name. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I smile, turning on the charm.

She blushes and drops her head, trying to hide the smile that is trying to break out on her face. Man I'm good.

"Thank you, Jordan." She shyly smiles.

"Oh, you're very welcome. What class do you have next?" I ask.

"Um, foreign language. Taking Spanish." She says.

"Well, what do you know. I have Spanish next, too. I think today is my lucky day." I smile and wink.

She blushes more at this. Poor girl. She is probably about to have a panic attack any moment now. Sadly, I can't flirt with her more because the lunch bell rings, but we do have our next class together.

Actually we had a couple of classes together. We had third, fifth, sixth, and seventh together. I stood up and threw away my lunch. "Would you like me to walk you to class?" I ask.

If this is any other girl I wouldn't have asked, but I'm trying to be a gentleman. What am I talking about? I wouldn't even walk a girl to class. I laugh a little bit causing her to stare at me confused. Right, she can't read my mind. Wouldn't that be cool if I could read minds. Off topic Jordan.

"No, that's okay. I usually just walk with Alyssa and Jake to class. Plus, I have to stop by my locker and you probably want to get to class right away." She says and I prevent myself from staring at her like she's nuts.

Did she just say I probably want to get to class right away? If anything I'm running away from the class I have to go to next. Who wants to get to class early?

I give her a sad smile, trying to make her feel bad about turning me down. "Okay, that's fine. I'll see you in class." I say before patting her shoulder.

She stiffens at the contact and her breath hitches. I turn around and start to walk away slowly. Three, two, one.

"Wait." She calls.

I smirk before putting a neutral look on my face. "Yeah?" I question.

She is going to say sure, you can walk me to class. Oh yeah, I will have her in bed by next week.

"I'm sorry. It's just that, they're my best friends and we always walk to class together. I would feel bad if I ditched them to walk with someone I just met." She explains her decision.

The smile I have on my face drops. It's a real frown now. She's apologizing about turning me down while still turning me down. I force a fake smile on my face.

"Yeah, I understand. My friends are probably going to want me to walk with them. I'll see you later, Abby." I wink at her before turning around.

I probably have an angry expression on my face. She just turned me down. Jordan Collins. No girl has ever turned me down.

I head towards my Spanish class. I can see she wants to play hard to get. It's okay. I love a challenge and that's exactly what she is. A challenge.


I was at practice now, running the drills coach had us doing.

"So let me get this straight. She turned you down then apologized about it while turning you down again?" Ryan asks, repeating the story I just told him.

I throw the ball to him and then ran behind Troy. "Yup. That did not go how I thought it would. She's going to be a challenge, but she'll give in."

"Yeah. I don't think she will give in. The girl is nothing like her friend Alyssa. You can tell Alyssa is more out spoken and what not while Abby sits there like talking would kill her if she did." Daniel says.

"Well, she cares about her friends. If we become friends with Jake and Alyssa then she will become friends with us. Jake it won't be that hard because he's on the football team. Alyssa might be harder to persuade, but it can be done." We sound like evil villains, planning an attack on a super hero.

"Then what? She's not going to sleep with you just because you become friends with her friends." Troy points out.

"I know that. It'll just help me get on her good side. I need her to feel like she can trust me. If she sees that I'm a good friend then of course she's going to see that I'm relationship material." I say.

"Well, if we have to sit at that table tomorrow, I think I'm going to stab my eyes out. It's boring sitting over there." Troy catches the ball, running to his next position.

"It wasn't that boring. Jake and Alyssa are pretty cool." Daniel says. I stop doing the drill to catch my breath.

"Just give me to the end of this week and then we won't have to sit at that table anymore. I promise." I tell them.
They all nod their heads. "Better. Because if I knew the bet would cause me to have to miss out on getting with one of the cheerleaders, I would have never asked you to do it." Troy complains like always.

Coach blows his whistle. "Collins, Smith, Wilson, and Moore! Get your asses over here now!" Coach yells.

He's probably about to grill us out because we stopped doing the drill. I might as well get my legs ready to do three laps around the football field or fifty push ups. That's if he's feeling generous today.

We jog over to coach and stand in front of him. "I've been watching you guys for a long time. I like the leadership you boys display on the team. Last year we went to the championship, but didn't win it. Since you guys are the seniors now, I'm expecting you to step up." He says. This is the day I've been waiting for.

Last year coach was disappointed in the seniors. They helped us get to the championship, but once we started losing by two touchdowns, they gave up. Coach wasn't mad at them because we lost. He was mad at them because they gave up. He doesn't want us to do the same and we won't.

"Collins. I'm making you captain of the team. Moore. You will be co-captain. As for you two, Smith and Wilson, I want nothing, but hard work and dedication from you guys like I've been seeing. I feel like with the help from you all, we can win the championship this year." He says.

I'm excited about this. Captain of the team. The freshmens better watch out. "Also, I've been watching that Anderson boy. He's pretty good. I'm thinking about playing him a lot this year." Coach says.

My mouth drops open along with Ryan's, Troy's, and Daniel's mouth. "Coach, Stephen can't be that good. He sucked last year." I try to persuade him to think differently.

"That's true, but over the summer he went to multiple football camps and worked out. He improved a lot and I've been watching him at practice today. I want you guys to work with him because this year, you're going to act like family to one another." Coach says.

Coach has to be nuts. We don't like Stephen. Working with him would be like water trying to work with oil or cats trying to work with dogs or a Lion trying to work with a Zebra. The point is that we don't work well together.

"Whatever problems you guys have had in the past, you better squash them now because from this day forward, you guys will be like best friends. Am I clear?" Coach asks.

"Yes sir." We mumble.

"I said, am I clear?" He yells.

"Yes sir!" We yell back.

Coach nods his head before blowing his whistle. He tells us to set up on the field because we are getting ready to run over some plays.

Coach didn't take it easy on us at practice. We went over plays so many times it's all I can think about. After that, he made us do fifty sit ups, fifty push ups, and then run two laps around the field.

When I got done with all of that, I was breathing so hard I couldn't even drink my water. I was going to die from lack of oxygen and water. I drop down on the field, laying down on my back.

A few minutes later, another person lays down beside me breathing hard. It's Stephen. I don't even have enough energy to tell him to go away.

"Did coach talk to you?" He asks.

I squeeze the water bottle, shooting water into my mouth before I answer.
"Yeah." Is all I respond with. He drinks some of his own water before he sighs.

"Look, I'm not saying we have to be best friends, but we should try and work together. I don't like you and you don't like me, but for the team I think I can tolerate you. So I'll stay out of your way if you stay out of mine unless it has something to do with football." He negotiates.

I look over at him, giving him a questioning look. "Alright. You stay out of my way and the guys way. Because if you do something to mess with us, I won't hesitate to punch your face in until I see blood." I warn him.

He smirks. "Don't worry. I'll leave you and your girlfriends alone. You should know something though. I'm not scared of you like the rest of these guys are."

I smirk this time, "You are. The only reason why you're saying that is because of Coach. We promised him we would work with you and that we wouldn't bother you, but that's only on the field and in school. You mess with us outside of school, all of that goes out the window." I tell him.

I see fear flash across his face before he quickly acts like what I said didn't affect him. "Whatever, Jordan. I have a question though. Why were you talking to that blonde headed girl?" He asks.

"Mind your business, Stephen. Besides, I don't like you so why would I tell you?" I say getting up and making my way towards the locker room.

I take off our practice uniform and hit the showers. Today has been exhausting and stressful. Maybe I can call one of my one night stands to help me relax. I know that when things start to get serious between Abby and I, that I will have to cut off the sex in order for her to believe that I like her. Why did I take this bet again? Oh yeah, right, for money and to prove that I'm the man.

I turn off the shower and dry myself off. I throw on a t shirt, gym shorts, and slides. I'm at my gym locker now, putting on deorderant.

"What do you have planned for tonight?" Ryan asks, coming up to me. He sits down on the bench behind me, dressed and ready to go.

"Nothing much. Just going to chill and probably ko when I get home." I tell him, putting my things in my bag and shutting my locker.

"Do you really think you should do this bet. I mean, I'm all for remembering our senior year, but this is kind of crazy." He says.

I shrug. "Yeah, it's crazy, but that's the brilliant thing about it." I slang my bag over my head before sitting down next to him.

"What's brilliant about it? You break a girl's heart and take her virginity. That's what you want to remember senior year by?" Ryan whispers to me and I stare at him like he's gone crazy.
"Dude, calm down. It's just for fun. Running those laps must have turned you crazy, bro." I laugh a little.

Why is he getting so defensive all of a sudden. This morning he was fine with the bet. Now he wants me to back out of it. No way.

"You're captain now, Jordan. Stuff like that isn't what captains do. Look I'm all for having fun and all, but I don't see how any fun can come out of this. If anything, it's going to change you." He trys one last time to persuade me.

I groan, "No, it's not. It's just a game. Besides, I'll be a hundred and fifty dollars richer and I would have done the thing that you, Troy, or Daniel couldn't have done. Stop reading so much into it. Just leave the bet up to me."

"Alright, but don't say I didn't tell you so. I'll catch you tomorrow man." He says, getting up and doing our handshake.

"Catch you later." I tell him.

I'm not changing my mind about this bet. Even if I wanted to back out I couldn't because then Troy would label me as a wuss and I refuse to do their laundry and buy pizza for them for a whole summer.

I will win this bet. I know I can win it. I really don't know what Ryan meant by it would change me. If anything it would change Abby's life because once she gets a taste of this, that's all she's going to want.

I laugh to myself before grabbing my things and leaving the locker room. This is just a girl and a bet. Nothing more and nothing less.
Wow, Jordan is a real jerk. Next chapter will be in Abby's point of view.

I've been reading this book called the bad boy's good girl. It's a really good book and it's funny. I don't know who it's by, but props to them for writing such a great book. You guys should go check it out.

Don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter. If you have a favorite character who is it and why?

Creative_mind23 ✌

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