Dangerous Liaisons ( An origi...

By Stephaniao_o

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He was dark. She was light. He was destruction. She was salvation. With him, she didnt feel so helpless. Wit... More

Chapter 1: Wrong time,Right place.
Chapter 2: Conflict and Imagination
Chapter 3: Death and Observing
Chapter 4 : Struggle and Foreign Countries
Chapter 5: A new boss and new opportunities
Chapter 6: Facial hair and overprotective Maids
Chapter 7: Trust and Mistrust
Chapter 8: Looking for Shelter
Chapter 9: Trusting old people
Chapter 11: Clowns and Bruises
Chapter 12: Ducks, Dogs and other Distractions
Chapter 13: Surgeries and Tricks
Chapter 14: God and other imaginations
Chapter 15: Concerts and Pizza
Chapter 16: Trusting the devil and making plans
Chapter 17: The little prince and Jelly shots
Chapter 18: Bacterias and Cemeterys
Chapter 19: Plans and Complications
Chapter 20: Car chases and Annoying Brothers
Chapter 21: Nightmares and Overthinking
Chapter 22: Long nights and Waterfalls
Chapter 23: A threatening Ultimatum
Chapter 24: Flashbacks and Peaceful offerings
Chapter 25: Promises and Chicken Wings
Chapter 26: Sacrifice
Chapter 27: Into the arms of a monster
Chapter 28: War
Chapter 29: Miracles
Chapter 30: Betrayal
Chapter 31: Showtime
Chapter 32: Showtime II
Chapter 34: True Self
Chapter 35: The Aftermath

Chapter 10: Old phones and brainless bimbos

650 30 1
By Stephaniao_o


"Can anybody in this house get this?", Cecilia shouts, frustrated at why she couldn't work with Taylor in peace for once. She assumed that this was one of the the maids phones and of course nobody bothered to answer it.


Even after a minute nobody had grabbed that incessant phone.
"Gosh! Cecilia im gonna go get it now!", Taylor groans getting up from the piano chair and walking over to the living room table, picking up the wildly beeping phone.
She walks back to Cecilia, putting it into her fragile, little hand.
"Who uses such an old phone anyways?", Taylor asks confused making Cecilia shrug while feeling for the answer button with her thumb.
"Maybe Martha...but im not sure.", Cecilia mutters before answering the call.
"Liam!", a male voice shouts through the phone, making Cecilia's ear hurt," boy! How long have you been thinking to keep that phone of yours ringing?"
Confusion spread through Cecilias body as her eyebrows knit together.
"Umm.. Im sorry but, this is not Liam.", she then says.
The other side of the line is silent for a few moments.
"Who are you?", the man then asks, his voice rather harsh.
Taken back by his harsh tone, Cecilia doesnt answer immediately.
"U-um..this is Cecilia Dubois. Im a friend of Liam's...", she breathes out after a few moments. She wasnt sure if she could call their relationship 'being friends' yet just after three days passing, but this man was already suspicious, she wouldn't want to raise them any further.
"A friend of Liam's?", the man asks confusion laced in his voice,"Liam doesnt have any friends..."
If possible, Cecilia's eyebrows knitted together even more.
"Wh-what do you mean?How would you know? Who are you?", those questions came out like bullets making her feel like a police officer in an interrogation.
"This is ridiculous...This damned boy never learns...", the voice mutters and then the line went dead.
Cecilia puts the phone down slowly.
Well, this was most certainly Liams phone. He must have forgotten it here when he left.
"Well...", she says,"that was weird.."
"Who was it?", Taylor asks excitedly inching closer to Cecilia. The blind girl just shrugs, seeming utterly confused for the first time in days.


Loud footsteps could be heard from outside Liams apartment. Liam groans, snuggling deeper into the sheets, trying to get at least a few more moments of peace and quiet.
The footsteps were now right infront of his door and rapid knocking could be heard. With a sigh Liam raises from the bed, stumbling over to the front door. He wasnt sure who this could be, but he had an idea already.
The last three days were like a short vacation for him. His job demanded him to be always on his guard, but the last few days he had finally allowed himself to relax. Now, that he was back to working, now that he had received another job that was due tonight, he found it weird to go back to his on guard exterior. He wasnt sure if him and Cecilia could be called friends already, but they were on a good way and he was happy about it. Happy that there was a person who didnt know about his job, about his usual behavior, about the amount of people who had to die because of him, guilty or not. He could finally be someone else around her. Someone he thought he had killed off in himself. Someone who related back to the days his parents were still alive and everything was alright.
Liam opens the door revealing a fuming Pablo who narrows his eyes at him and storms past him into the living room.
"Come in, its not like ive been busy or something..", Liam mutters sarcastically but Pablo takes no notice. Liam goes back to sit on the edge of his bed while Pablo proceeds to pace around the room nervously. "Ive called your personal phone today..", Pablo starts, putting his hands on his hips.
"Good morning to you too, Pal. Im good thanks for asking. How are you?", Liam retorts sarcasm dripping from his words.
"I have no time for your bullshit kid.", Pablo says pointing his finger at Liam,"why is a girl in possesion of your goddamn phone?"
Liams eyebrows raise in confusion.
"What?", he asks making Pablo let out a frustrated sigh.
"You heard me. Why has a girl, who also claims to be a friend of yours, your phone?", he asks again, and thats when Liam realizes that his private phone had been missing this entire day. He must have forgotten it at Cecilia's. Still he didnt really know what Pablo's problem was.
"What did i tell you about trusting women?!", Pablo exclaims throwing his arms in the air. And thats what throws Liam off the edge as he jumps up from his sitting position walking two long stides, until he is standing right infront of the old man. "What is your fucking problem?", Liam hisses, surprised at the amount of anger that was coursing through his veins.
"You are making a fucking mistake! Shes not different then all of the others!", Pablo shouts, his face turning a shade of red from rage.
"She is not like the others!", Liam roars, making Pablo flinch back slightly, which Liam took no notice of. "Im not gonna go around and fuck some other brainless bimbos just so i wont feel alone. Fuck, Pablo im not that kind of a guy!", Liam shouts.
Its silent for a few seconds before Pablo speaks up.
"What makes her so different from all those, brainless bimbos? ", he asks calmly.
Liam was still struggling to calm himself, his chest still rapidly raising and falling. He didnt know why, but Pablos composure towards Cecilia had enraged him.
"I dont know, shes just different okay?", Liam starts after calming down a bit,"shes funny, and bubbly. Shes a nice change for once and she doesnt make me feel like i have to be on my guard 24/7. You wont believe me but she actually made me laugh more than once."
Its silent again before Pablo starts laughing. Taken back, Liam looks at him confused.
"She made you laugh?", Pablo asks skeptically,"you? Since when do you even know how to laugh?"
Now it was Liams turn to laugh.
"I have no idea, old man.", he retorts, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
After another silence Liam grabs his car keys from the kitchen counter and stretches his still healing shoulder while making his way towards the front door.
"Where are you going? Were not done here!", Pablo exclaims him from behind.
"Im going to get my phone back.. ", Liam retorts exiting his apartment swiftly with Pablo hot on his heels.

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