Fine Line ✸ Sam Kerr

By watercolvreyes

73.5K 2.3K 2.3K

You are determined to succeed something that's rare. More

mixtape ,
I. We'll Be A Fine Line
II. You Came Out Of The Blue Like That
III. The Margot Robbie Crush
IV. Cause Girls Your Age Know Better
V. Even If It's A False God, We Still Worship This Love
VI. Drunken Hangovers
VII. Falling, Harry Styles
VIII. The Truth Always Comes Out
IX. First Game Back
X. I Know That We're More Than Friends.
XI. This Is What The Drugs Are For
XII. Wondering If I Dodged A Bullet Or Just Lost The Love Of My Life
XIV. You Are The Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine
XV. If This Plane To Paris Went Down
XVI. I Drive Down Different Roads But They All Lead Back To You
XVII. Will You Cry If I Let Go?
XVIII. You're Gonna Wish You, Never Had Met Me
IX. Everybody's Waiting For You To Breakdown.
X. I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling 22.
XI. I Keep Picturing, Her Lips On Your Neck.
XII. I Should Hate You. . .
XIII. I'll Be Cleaning Up Bottles With You On New Years Day
XXIV. Loving You Is A Losing Game
XXV. Movie World Inc.
XXVI. Out In The Open
XXVII. You And Me, For Evermore.
XXVIII. All Along There Was Some Invisible String Tying You to Me
XXIX. Know It's For The Better
XXX. How You Get The Girl
XXXI. We'll Be Alright. . .
Another sam book cause why not
bonus chapter. engaged in france

XIII. Write It On The Skyline, All We Had is Gone Now.

2.3K 74 102
By watercolvreyes

★ thirteen ,
write it on the skyline
all we had is gone now.

      october 2022

*ੈ✩‧₊˚ LIFE WAS supposed to be getting easier as the days twisted into nights, but they weren't. they were never going to get easier for the two heartbroken girls, one in melbourne, barely able to get herself out of bed and the other in sydney, forcing herself to distract her mind from that night.

odessa didn't care that she was hurting herself more and more as the days went on, she had lost one of the best things she's ever had. she couldn't forgive herself for that, the pain she felt everyday only felt like a deserved punishment for hurting sam.

odessa wanted to return to her house, but the thought of being alone made her tremble. so, she stayed with helen since her departure with sam.

the brunette girl hummed to the tune of better man, softly dancing around helen's kitchen until the blonde stumbled in, completely unaware of what her bestfriend was doing. "hi. . ."

"good morning" odessa smiled.

helen squinted her eyes, taking a seat on bar stools "you're awfully happy."

odessa shrugged "got the call that i was gonna play in the aussie diamonds next year for the world cup"

helen rolled her eyes "we already knew you were getting in. . . is it a good time to tell you that i'm playing for england?"

"what?" odessa gasped "you traitor!"

helen laughed it return, taking a sip out of a glass of apple juice odessa had so kindly gifted her. she bit her lip, hesitant to question odessa but did so anyway "when are you going down to melbourne, for training?"

"april next year" odessa whispered.

"i think you should go back to melbourne tomorrow" helen spoke up, telling her bestfriend the same thing she had been telling her all week.


helen groaned "you can't spend forever locked up in my house dess. you need her as much as you need your happy meals during a hangover. seriously odessa, sam is quite literally the perfect girl from your stupid romance books. you do know how many flights she's been on, alone, just to come see you? flying odessa. the girl that is shit scared of planes, flew by herself multiple times to see you."

"it's over already, there's no going back" odessa replied "plus, she's playing a game tomorrow, i can't just go back."

"how do you know she has a game?" helen raised an eyebrow. odessa placed her hands on the kitchen counter, frustrated.

helen smiled, she placed her hand over odessa's "although i did say i didn't like sam at first, i really think she's your perfect girl. please go back to melbourne and just fix things."

"things can't be fixed helen. i can't just interrupt her live with an unwanted apology. sam agreed with me, we can't happen. it's only going to effect people around us." odessa shook her head, continuing to believe the made up lie she made for herself.

"who the fuck cares what kat thinks." helen finally snapped "one day, when you and sam are old and married. kats gonna be dead and she's gonna have no fucking say in what happens between you two. you can't let your mother continue to control your life. you want sam, you can't stand there and tell me you aren't in love with her. sam told you she wanted you back, sam loves you."

odessa shook her head again "it's over.  .  . why are you so keen to get us back together, it's our problem not yours."

"because i've watched you fall in love with every single girl you've ever dated. and not a single one of them could ever compare to what sam gives you, and what you feel for sam" helen stated "you are ruining your shot with the only person that can give you something you so desperately want, love."

"i can't just stumble back into her life." odessa sighed, she knew she fucked up badly.

helen simple shrugged, pulling out her phone "well you better figure something out, because i'm paying two hundred dollars for us to go back to melbourne."

"you're gonna come with me?"

"of course i am, someone has to make sure you don't pussy out and run off to india" helen rolled her eyes "and i'd like to see the two of you together, and happy."

a panic started to course through odessa's veins, she ran a hand through her dark hair "this is a stupid idea helen, im only going to ruin things even further—"

"tell her the truth" helen told her "tell her that you're in love with her, tell her that you don't care what kat says. just tell her the truth."

odessa huffed loudly "i'm gonna need a fucking drink before we go."

      october 2022

*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ODESSA BIT her fingernails in fear, a overwhelming sense of nerves overtaking her every move. she stood in kyra's apartment, the only place that wouldn't seem slightly suspicious to sam. helen had gone behind odessa's back, stealing kyra's number. the matilda and the swift worked together to secretly form a plan. one in which would bring everyone's favourite pair together.

odessa's heart began to speed up quickly when the sounds of kyra's keys jiggled. signalling that herself and sam were there, helen gave odessa one last smile and a soft squeeze of the hand, before quickly moving her to spot next to the front door. where herself and kyra could make their quick escape.

the door opened and kyra lightly pushed sam in "love you sammy" she giggled. sam turned around confused, meeting the eye of helen housby. the two scattered out of the apartment, sam could hear the sound of kyra locking her inside. she furrowed her eyebrows, trying to unlock the door "what the fuck kyra?"

"you'll forgive me later." kyra yelled back.

"what?" sam muttered. she took a step away from the door, letting her eyes linger around kyra's small apartment. until they fell into the girl on the couch.

odessa let out a shudder of a breath, she couldn't turn back. the only way out of the apartment was to open a window and jump out, but she would end up dead on the sidewalk. odessa thought about doing so for a moment, but she accepted her fate as it was. she wished she had a drink in her hand, she didn't care of what as long as there was alcohol in it.

sam leant against the kitchen counter. "i thought you weren't coming back to melbourne" she muttered, loud enough for odessa to hear the crack in her voice halfway through.

"i thought i wasn't either." odessa finally spoke, standing up off kyra's couch. she covered her stomach with her arms, looking straight at sam. "even yesterday, i told helen i wasn't coming back until training for the diamonds started. and look at me now, in fucking melbourne."

"if you wanted to block me out of your life, you could've just sent a text. you never had to fly down here" sam replied softly "i'd prefer a text over talking to you in person."

"okay" odessa nodded her head. she pulled out her phone, sam watched her fingers type against her phone before sam's phone buzzed. sam stilled, fighting the urges to throw her phone out of the window, not wanting to see the words she believed odessa would have sent. but she couldn't, she reached her for phone. and with an unsteady breathing pattern, harsh thoughts and teary eyes. she opened the text.

sunshine ☀️
i love you.

sam shook her head, refusing to believe what she had just read. odessa blew out a shaky breath "i shouldn't, but i do. you drive me crazy, sam. in a way no one ever has before. . . i've spent my entire life wanting to find love, to have someone really care about me. i never thought that person would've been you, but it is, and i hit myself everyday for it."

"my mother shouldn't get to control my life. she shouldn't get to decide who i can and can't love. i only believed she could, because i feared that she would stop being my mother if i went behind her back. the more i grow up, i realise that no mother should ever do that to their kid. and that i shouldn't care about her opinion if she can't see how desperately i want you."

odessa wiped a singular tear from her face "i'm standing here, in front of you. in the place i told myself i wouldn't come back to unless i had to. doing exactly what i've been forcing myself not to do, i'm loving you sam. i'm here, unprepared, terribly scared and completely and utterly mentally unstable telling you that i want you."

"you can stand there and tell me you no longer recide those feelings. you can tell me you never want to see me again, and i'll go on knowing i told you the truth. a little too late. i've never wanted something more in my life than you, you've helped me through one of the toughest times in my life and you've never once given up on me. you've come to every game, whether we were fighting or not. you've flown multiple times knowing you're scared of planes, because i needed you. that is something no other person has ever even thought of doing for me."

"i'm in love with you sam." odessa admitted, she closed her eyes. capturing her tears before they were able to fall "and i want you to tell me right here, if you don't want this anymore. because i'll go—"

with a sharp movement. odessa was interrupted by sams lips on her own.

there was a small moment of shock from the shorter brunette. odessa recovered from it quickly, wasting no time in wrapping her arms tightly around sams neck. digging her closer into the kiss. sams fingers traced around odessa's hips, she held onto them tightly, bringing their bodies as close as possible.

sam disconnected their lips, keeping them as close as they could be without touching odessa's lips. "i could never not want this." she brought their lips back together before pulling them away causing odessa to groan. sam chuckled lightly, the vibration tickling odessa's lips. "you didn't really meant any of that about not caring what your mother thought, did you?"

"no" odessa admitted with a laugh "have no clue what i'm going to do with her."

sam smirked against her lips "from what i've heard, you're pretty good at the whole secret relationship thingy."

odessa raised an eyebrow "samanatha, are you asking me what i think your asking me?"

sam shrugged "i'm not quite sure what you're talking about sunshine, i was never gonna ask you. you were my girlfriend from the moment i met you."

"what if i don't want to be your girlfriend. what if i want this to be a one and go type of kiss?" odessa giggled.

sam let go of her, taking a step back. she raised her arms with a teasing look "fine then, i'll never kiss you again."

"you can't do that" odessa challenged her.

sam backed down easy. she shook her head "i can't do that" she moved forward, rejoining their lips. "would you like to officially, become my girlfriend?"

odessa hummed, taking a moment to think "how much would you hate me if i said no?"

"oh?" sam laughed, pushing odessa onto the couch behind her. "that's crazy that you would ever think of saying something like that."

odessa smiled "i guess i could test out this girlfriend thing with you."

"secretly?" sam asked, by the look on her face odessa could tell sam kinda enjoyed the thought of them sneaking behind others back, enjoying a relationship no one else knew off.

"secretly" odessa answered "but i can't keep this kind of thing from helen and kyra. they are the ones that planned this."

sam nodded her head "and i'm gonna have to tell ellie, mary and hayley— maybe even all of the matildas"

"dude" odessa groaned "that takes away the part of being secret. only a few people can know."

"okay— okay. helen, hayley and kyra can know" sam agreed "but it's not gonna come as a shock to mary and ellie when they find out— they've been down my back of ages because of this."

odessa was drawn to sam as a whole, she felt lost within sams oak coloured eyes. she felt loved within every moment of being with sam. she smiled softly "i love you."

"i love you more" sam mumbled back, kissing her once more.

authors note —
    i gave up on the slowburn thing

did you really think i would end my book like last chapter???? i've stated multiple times about this being a longer story and having both the netball and soccer world cups. ITS ONLY OCTOBER.

i love them and i love secret relationships. they are gonna be so fun to write. i can't wait for ellie's reaction cause she's gonna lose her shit BAHAH

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