From Russia with Begrudging A...

By loislame0384

26.1K 691 261

Post Hawkeye. Kate and Yelena are working through what comes next for them. They help each other figure thin... More

What Comes Next, Kate Bishop?
My Fanny says Hello
Kate's Morning Allergy
Get a Mask
So Much Sodas
Unsettling Photographs
Rogers: The Musical
You Fix This
Never Question the Meatballs
Whatever You Say, Babe
Drowning in Honey
Sex is Sex
Forest Stars
The Price of Amnesty
Kate Fuck Up Bishop
Rubber Rounds and Acid Arrows
Laying the Ground Work
Arms Tonite
Makeover Monday
Recruting the Bugs
Mission: Save Kate Bishop
Little Apollo
Your Majesty
Where You Lead...
...I Will Follow

Reds, Greens, Blues and Yellows

780 14 25
By loislame0384

*Two months later*

Yelena Belova had never known what a true American Christmas entailed but when she found herself standing outside of the barn the day before Christmas while Kate hung up strings of lights throughout their newly built barn, she started to question things. "Are you sure the animals need twinkling lights, too?"

Kate didn't stop her movements, "of course they do. If they don't have lights how will Santa find them?"

At least she had been able to talk her girlfriend out of decorating the day after Halloween like she had insisted. She had come back from her parents one afternoon in early December and it looked like the crafts store had thrown up all over Natasha's house. When Kate had told her that she found the stuff in her sister's attic, she was only slightly confused, "it looks like a 90s Christmas movie in here," was all she said but didn't complain when Kate handed her a mug full of hot chocolate and asked her to decorate the tree with her. The music was even enjoyable and the Christmas sweater wasn't all that ugly. There had been many trips back and forth to New York since the trial to prepare for their upcoming missions but the majority of the time was spent at their house, relaxing and getting to know each other.

"Santa brings gifts to piglets?" She folded her arms over her chest. "I have never heard of this tradition, Kate Bishop."

"Everyone deserves a present at Christmas time," Kate shrugged as she hung the last strand of lights above the entrance to the barn, "perfect. Santa will surely find Reggie and Stella now."

Okay, Yelena had to admit that it did look very pretty with the fresh fallen snow glistening against the colors. "I thought for sure you'd pick purple lights," she smirked watching her girlfriend descend the ladder.

"Too on brand," she kissed Yelena's cheek, turning to look at the red and green lights. "We are supposed to be impartial inhabitants of this Ohio farm. The bad guys would surely locate us if the house and barn were purple. Plus..."

"You saved most of the purple decorations inside the house?"

"Exactly," she wrapped her arm around Yelena's waist and somehow in just a pair of jeans and a flannel she was emitting warmth. "How are you still producing heat?"

"Russian," she chuckled, "come on let's get inside before your sad American blood starts freezing."

"Are you saying my blood is somehow inferior to yours?"

Yelena traced her fingers along the blush that had formed on her cheeks and nose, "no. Your reaction to the cold is doing that for you. Come. I want to watch that movie again where the little kid fucks up the bad guys. So funny that one is. I put a pizza in the oven."

Kate look over at her girlfriend feeling the intense pull she felt in her heart when she knew Yelena was happy and at peace, "you aren't getting ideas on how to fuck with Peter when he comes out for your birthday are you?" Yelena's smirk told her all she needed to know. "Are your parents upset we will be missing Russian Christmas this year?"

"Yes and no," she held the back door open for Kate. "Mama is a little disappointed we won't get to do all of the traditions but I think she's more excited to start the rescues even if she isn't coming right away. Her new lab will be nice and shiny. Maria has people coming out after we leave to build it. Plus we can still make some Russian food on Christmas Day. Papa does not care. Shots are shots no matter what day you drink them. That's what he told mama. So I think they will be fine."

"What about you?" She was in the middle of pulling the pizza out for the oven when she noticed it was a homemade one and not one from the box. Little things like that were ways that Yelena showed her love. Taking care of her and making sure Kate had everything she could ever need or want without the brunette ever having to ask for anything.

"I am fine. Christmas has never been that important to me," she didn't elaborate at first. Kate waited, cutting the pizza knowing she would eventually give. "I can not remember the last normal Christmas I had. My best guess is from that picture in the orphanage that Jen gave to me. Not exactly something I remember."  When Kate brought over a bottle of hot sauce she pulled from the fridge along with her favorite soda, she softened, "though I suppose this Christmas will be the first in my memory bank that I actually want to remember." She pulled out a phone and captured the perfect picture of Kate balancing the plates of pizza, hot sauce and soda all while wearing an ugly sweater.

"Can you maybe..."

"Here," she grabbed the pizza and walked towards the living room. After moving to the suburbs Lucky and Fanny spent most of their days exploring their surroundings or bothering the animals out in the barn so the girls could spend their dinners alone together on the couch watching whatever insane show Kate had queued up for them on Netflix. "Did you like writing letters to Santa as a kid?"

The question came out of nowhere and caught Kate off guard. They had been well into Home Alone and their food was all gone. Fanny and Lucky had joined them by the fireplace to get warm. It was easy to forget that Yelena didn't have the same perks as she did growing up, "it was just okay."

"You do not need to lie for my benefit, Kate Bishop. My feelings will not be hurt."

"Okay it was pretty exciting until you get older and your dad dies and you learn very quickly that everything you thought you knew was a lie but up until then... very cool," she felt her girlfriend tighten the hold she had on her thigh in comfort. Their traumas might not be the same but they could understand each other more so now after Kate was taken. "Don't worry about it. I've already spoken with Santa. Told him what you wanted this year."

"You spoke to Santa on my behalf?" The brunette could see the mirth in Yelena's eyes. She wrapped her arm around Kate's shoulder and brought her in to cuddle in her shoulder placing a kiss on her forehead. "I have everything I could want right here."
Kate hadn't woken up this excited for Christmas morning since she was a little girl. She wasn't excited for herself. No, she was excited to see Yelena's face as she experienced her first American Christmas. Granted it was only 8am but still, Kate managed to ninja herself out of bed without waking up the blonde and made her way downstairs. "Merry Christmas," she whispered to the pups who followed along, tails wagging in the shared excitement. The first thing Kate noticed was a couple of gifts left under the tree for her and a stocking. Yelena must have snuck down at some point after Kate fell asleep to leave those out for her. She walked to the closet in the extra guest room where she had been hiding the stuff she got for Yelena and the dogs. She even had fresh bags of produce and a new space heater for the barn. Yelena would say she was crazy for that but someone had to take up the responsibility of playing Santa. She had a stocking for Yelena and a few smaller gifts but there was one huge box in the back of the closet that she was so excited for her girlfriend to open. "What do you think guys?" She turned to the dogs who were still happily wagging their tails. "Do you think she's going to love it?"

Quiet barks came from both of the dogs. She prided herself on the fact that while both dogs were older, she taught them how to quiet bark. Yelena thought it was a ridiculous accomplishment but still impressive. "I think she's going to love it." She dragged the box down the hall and put it behind the tree slightly obscuring it making sure the smaller gifts and stocking were out on display to attract Yelena's attention there first. "Perfect," she let the dogs outside and put their stockings out as well.

Kate went back into the bedroom happy with her ninja status for the morning and slipped back into bed, snuggling up behind Yelena. She loved the fact that her tiny assassin was the little spoon of the relationship. It made her feel important to hold her and keep her safe during the evening. She felt the blonde begin to stir in her arms just as she was beginning to relax, "where did you go, little hawk?" Her voice came out deeper from sleep. "It's cold here without you."

Kate pulled her impossibly closer, "you weren't supposed to know I was gone."

"But I was lonely without you."

Kate always enjoyed sleepy Yelena. She was far more affectionate and forthcoming with her feelings when she was either falling asleep or just waking up. Lately, she discovered Yelena was also this open just after making love. These were moments Kate cherished, "Merry Christmas, babe," she nuzzled into the back of Yelena's neck.

"You weren't peeking under the tree were you?" Even though she couldn't see her face, she knew the smirk was there. "I do believe it is your American custom that naughty girls get coal."

"I swear I didn't peek. The dogs had to go outside."

Yelena's quick movements always surprised Kate so when she suddenly found herself pinned underneath the blonde, she was only partially surprised. Yelena leaned down to give her a lingering kiss, "I'm choosing to believe you, Kate." She kissed her again, softer this time. "Good morning," she smiled when she pulled away her girlfriends eyes were still closed. She started kissing along her jawline, "merry Christmas," she rested her nose on Kate's pulse point. "How is it you already smell like sugar cookies?" She inhaled deeply before nipping at her skin, "so intoxicating."

"I may have eaten a cookie when I let the dogs out," the sentence was cut off by a groan when Yelena found a particularly sensitive spot on Kate's neck. "Christmas sex? Is that a Russian tradition?"

Yelena's deep chuckle could be felt through Kate's entire body, "are you complaining?"

"Merry Christmas to me," Kate was absolutely not complaining as her girlfriend thoroughly explored every inch of her body that morning.
It was around noon when they finally untangled themselves from each other, showered and got back into their matching flannel Christmas pajamas that Kate insisted upon. Alexei, Melina and Sonya plus a few of the original widows still at the farm were coming over for a Russian Christmas breakfast and she was just hoping it wouldn't include fish or vegetables. Clint had called her a few weeks ago and invited her and Yelena to their house for the holidays but she politely declined saying they were staying home this year. Yes, she officially thought of Ohio as her home. They had been fixing the house up, the barn was amazing and the facilities being built for the rescued widows was something out of her dreams. Plus, there was talk about getting a couple of horses and cows to add to their family of pigs and goats. Yelena must have been trying to get her attention for a while because she walked out of the kitchen into the living room, "earth to Kate Bishop. I thought you may have died out here."

"Sorry I guess I got lost in thought."

Yelena nodded, kissing her forehead, "all good things?"

"Very good things," Kate embraced Yelena and pulled her down into her lap. She blonde straddled her hips, sinking down onto her more comfortably.

Yelena chuckled before whispering in her ear, "did you not get enough upstairs?"

"I'll never get enough of you," Kate whispered. "I just like feeling you on me, against me, in me. I'll take whatever I can get." Yelena snuggled into her for a few moments before Kate realized her girlfriend had come out for a reason. "Did you need me to help in the kitchen?"

Yelena started belly laughing, "you help me in the kitchen. Oh Kate Bishop, you are always so funny. No, I do not need your help." She pinched Kate's cheek, "so cute. I was going to ask if you wanted to open your presents before everyone gets here. It's going to get very loud very soon and this might be our last quiet moments until you pass out from too much vodka."

"That's a little intimidating," Kate smiled, "but yes I've been dying to give you your presents. Since like last month. The amount of restraint it took for me to not just give them to you. Seriously, I should be given some sort of award."

Yelena kissed the top of her nose before moving off of her, "let me get the dogs back inside." She walked towards the back a patio door and called for the dogs who came running back inside also wearing flannel Christmas pajamas. "Looks like Santa came for the two of you. As he should've, you are the best pups." She handed them the stockings that had magically appeared by the tree designated for them. If she hadn't been in love with Kate before, the feelings that grew over the course of them living together in Ohio would've been considered obnoxious levels of love and devotion. She was truly ready to kill or be killed for the woman. Lucky and Fanny started nosing through their stockings. "Well I have only a few for you. Very small and one bigger thing that I could not wrap," she put a small pile of gifts in front of Kate. "Also I have never bought Christmas presents for someone before so go easy on me. I was not sure quite what to get you. You literally have millions of dollars so I was at a loss."

"Have I ever told you it's cute when you ramble?" Kate threw Yelena's words back at her.

"I do not ramble," Yelena pretended to be offended, "and I'm certainly not cute."

She flopped onto the couch next to her girlfriend. "My mistake," Kate said leaning forward to grab the small gifts she placed in front of the tree for Yelena. "I meant to say that you are the cutest."

The selection of vinyls and assorted weapons that Kate had gifted Yelena was right up her alley. She also gave her a few T-shirts, body sprays and more accessories in her stocking. "Thank you, all of this is wonderful." She picked up a few of the throwing knives, "I must go test these out." She started to get up when Kate grabbed her arm, "right sorry. You go. I was too excited. Like kid on Christmas. I get it now."

"I have one more for you. It's behind the tree."

"You go," Yelena urged her to open the gifts she picked out for her. Kate unwrapped an arrow necklace, a few graphic T-shirts that Yelena thought reminded her of the brunette, some training gloves for archery and a new collapsible bow that she had apparently had to talk to Clint or Maria in order to make it. "Here," she slid a smaller black wooden box over to Kate.

Kate took the box and flipped the lid, "are these?" She excitedly pulled out the cuffs that were purple in color.

"Widow bites. I thought you always wanted them. We will practice with them of course before I let you wear them on a mission," Yelena relaxed when she saw how happy Kate was. "Peter said you've always said how cool mine were. I hope you like them."

"Like them? I love them. A new bow and widow bites. Bad guys beware, Kate Bishop is bringing the heat." She closed the box, carefully putting the weapons on the coffee table. "Safety first. It's my resolution for next year. Gonna start early though."
She got up from the couch and dragged a big box from behind the tree, "this is for you."

"I go? I have one left for you but this box is very enticing," she eyes lit up at the size of the package.

"I really hope you like it. We can take it back and get a different one but I think this is the one..."

Kate's sentence cut off when Yelena turned her attention to the box. She had already been so curious but after the brunette's mini ramble, she was even more curious. She opened the box, pulling out the black Taylor acoustic that she had played for Kate that night of their date all those months ago. She let her hand smooth over the body of the guitar, "you shouldn't have. This. It's too much, little hawk."

"The smile is all I need to know that I picked the right gift."

"How did you remember?" She sat on the couch, bringing the guitar into her lap.

Kate watched Yelena strumming quietly, trying to tune the guitar by ear. "I had a video of you playing for me. When we came back I went into town and showed it to Patty. I got it and had her keep it in the back for me until a few days ago."

"Nobody has ever gifted me anything this nice before, Kate," she turned to look at her girlfriend. "This means more to me than you'll ever know. I really do not know how to thank you for this. Any of this really. You saved my life, little hawk. Thank you. Я так тебя люблю."

"I love you too, Yelena," her heart felt so warm. "You saved me too, you know?" She kissed her cheek. "Are you going to play me something?"

"Da but first. Get your coat and boots on," Yelena placed her guitar safely on the chair knowing her dogs wouldn't mess with it. She also got on a pair of snow boots but didn't need her coat. The Russian blood would keep her warm. "I wanted to get you the perfect gift and I couldn't think of anything to get you. I asked Peter, Jen, baby bug... all of their ideas sucked. Also I thought, what would my Kate Bishop like more than anything?" She walked her towards the second smaller barn that wasn't quite finished yet but it was finished enough to keep the cold out. It was habitable and the work would continue in a few days. "Go on," she nodded towards the stable.

Kate looked confused, "what's going on?" She couldn't get the excitement out of her face when she walked towards the stables. When she walked inside first she noticed that the building was warm, there was new hay around, and the stable pens were built. It had been a few days since she had been in there but then she heard noises coming from the middle. Standing in a bigger pen in the middle of the stable was a horse and her baby. "You got me a mommy and baby horse?" She almost screamed in happiness but then remembered the animals.

"They are gentle and have been around people their whole lives. Melina was keeping them at her house until a few days ago and I can not believe you didn't come out here. That was lucky for me. The mother is 9 years old and her foal...well she's a little over a month old. She was born around your American Thanksgiving."

The horses were beautiful. The mom was all black with a patch of white between her muzzle and forehead leading towards her mane which had some white in it. The foal was also black but she had white patches over her body which made her look like a cow. Kate was already in love, "do they have names?" She slowly approached the horses waiting for Yelena to lead the way since she already had built a relationship with them.

"The mom's name is Bella," she ran a hand down her muzzle. "She is truly a sweetheart." She nodded, waiting for Kate to pet the horse, "she won't bite. She'll nibble if you have apples but she's very gentle. Go on."

Kate tentatively reached out and stroked Bella's muzzle, over her forehead and down her back, "can I ride her?"

Yelena laughed, "yes her saddle and stuff... it's still at mama's house. The baby is still too young. She is also very sweet and loves pets." Before Kate could ask, Yelena continued, "she doesn't have a name. Mama was calling her 321 so that honor goes to you."

"Okay that's a huge responsibility," she knelt down to look the baby in her eyes. "You are gorgeous, little lady." Kate ran her hand over her muzzle and the little horse leaned into her. "She likes me."

"You are very likable, little hawk," she squatted down to pet the baby. "Lady? Is that her name?"

"For now," Kate shrugged, "she's just a little Lady and I can't think of anything that isn't cliche at the moment. I'm honestly a little bamboozled. Did not see this coming."

"I think it suits her," Yelena stood up and walked to the other side of the stables, "here," she handed Kate a Tupperware that had cut up apples for the baby and in her other hand was a full apple for Bella. "No mama," she pushed slightly on Bella's muzzle until she snorted and took a step back. "Baby first."

Kate opened the container and held out a piece of green apple in her hand and watched as Lady slowly took the slice out of her hand. "Look, we are bonding."

"The baby has officially eaten more green foods than you, Kate Bishop," she laughed and gave Kate the full apple and a knife. "Cut it in half and she'll be fine."

Kate did as she was told and Bella happily ate her two halves of the apple, "this is the best Christmas I've ever had," she turned on her heel and kissed her girlfriend breathless. "I will never forget this."

"Merry Christmas, Kate Bishop."
Yelena now understood why Americans were always complaining about how the week between Christmas and New Years was full of cheese and booze. If it wasn't for the trips into the city to finalize the mission plans and load up the Quinjet for the next day, she wouldn't know what day it was. January 3rd 2026, her official first birthday since getting her birth certificate. Melina was staying behind from the mission to take care of all of the animals because Kate almost didn't want to go, afraid her horses would need her while they were away. Bella and Lady were warm and toasty as the stable had been finished over the cheese and booze week so there was nothing to worry about. Today however was a big day for Yelena. She knew her girlfriend had been making secret phone calls and planning with the team to make the night enjoyable for her before their leaving for their first mission in the morning. She found herself unable to sleep, up early for a training session before she found herself sitting downstairs on the couch not wanting to wake the brunette. It seemed her efforts were for nothing when the sleepy woman appeared at the top of the stairs, "Happy Birthday!!!" Her voice was full of sleep but Yelena could tell she was excited. "Come back to bed. Birthday orgasms are definitely the way to wake up on your special day," she sat down next to her girlfriend who was sitting with her file she got from the orphanage. "Okay, not an orgasm moment. Switching to supporting girlfriend," she rubbed Yelena's back as the older woman stared at the files. "Are you okay today?"

"Da," she placed a chaste kiss on Kate's lips.

"Your eyebrows seem sad. What are you thinking about down here alone on your birthday?"

"I am not sad. I was just thinking about maybe calling Mikhail but I do not think that it's a good idea today. I want to have a good birthday and this might be too much with the mission tomorrow."

"Are you sure? I can be here if you want. Whenever you make that phone call."

Yelena rested her head on Kate's shoulder, "I know, Моя любовь, I know." She took a few moments to look through the pictures of herself from when she was at the orphanage trying to cling to any memories she could but eventually gave up, closing the file. "When we get back from the mission, I will call Mikhail. I just want him to know that I am alive and I appreciate him coming back for me even if I was long gone. The gesture does not go unappreciated."

"The dogs and I will be here for whatever you need."

Kate couldn't see it but Yelena smirked, "so about those birthday orgasms..."

Many orgasms later, the morning and afternoon escaped the ladies and before either of them knew it Sonya, Peter and Jen had arrived for Yelena's birthday. Sure they were there for the mission but that wasn't until the next day. "Can I pet the horses?" Peter hadn't even made it through the door yet. He noticed the raised eyebrows from Yelena and cleared his throat, "I mean happy birthday Yelena. Thank you for inviting me into your home to celebrate your special day."

She couldn't help the sisterly feelings she had for the boy. He was over eager and annoying as hell but she would take a bullet for the kid, "thank you. Kate's in the stable with my daddy. Out that door."

He dropped his bag and took off towards the back door, "thanks again!"

"Kids," Sonya rolled her eyes and pushed passed Yelena into the house. "Happy Birthday," she handed her a bottle of high quality Russian Vodka. I hope it's the right size."

Yelena laughed, "I'm sure it'll fit just fine. Take Peter's bag down the hall. Jen, come on in."

"I hope I'm not imposing here. I could've gotten a hotel room."

"Do not insult me, Jen," Yelena grabbed her bag and began walking upstairs. "There is plenty of room. Good news and bad news. Good news is we have plenty of beds. Bad news is your room is right next to ours."

"I brought ear plugs," Jen tried to hide her amusement. She was happy for her friend finally being able to have the relationship she so rightfully deserved.

"Smart woman," she pushed open the door to the spare room upstairs. "It was either this or in the bunk beds downstairs with Peter. Sonya called dibs on staying with him though. She must not own ear plugs. So," she watched the woman walk through the room taking in her surroundings. "How are things at the compound? Feel like an Avenger yet?"

"It's not so bad. Their legal team is pretty much non-existent which is good for me because that means I can build it from the bottom up the way I want it. I've gotten free reign to do as I please. And the money isn't bad."

"How is the loft?"

"It's working out just fine." Jen walked over and took in the pictures on the book shelf. "How are you?"

"This was Natasha's room," Yelena had been standing in the doorway the whole time and now it made sense why. "I come here sometimes but the feelings are a lot. I go visit her grave more now that we live here. It's nice to be able to talk to her whenever I want. You are the first person to sleep in here since..."

Jen tentatively walked over and hugged the blonde. They weren't really hugging friends or friends that touched in any sort of way. Most of the time she wasn't even sure she was friends with the Widow but this seemed like a moment when a hug was needed. "She's here everyday. I'll take care of her room."

Yelena stiffened at first, all of her instincts rejecting the hug. Physical affection was not something she was used to except from her girlfriend. "I know you will," she relaxed slightly, "plus you know I will kill you no questions asked if you fuck it up in here."

Jen released the embrace, "and hugging time is officially over. How old are you today?"

Yelena shrugged, "depends on who you ask. I was born in 1989 but then I was blipped for those five years. My age is open to interpretation. So 37 or 32. I'll go with 32... makes it seem less creepy that I'm dating a literal infant."

Jen laughed, "she's mature for her age."

Yelena snorted, "that is hilarious. You are always so funny."

"She's 23 right? That's old enough especially if you love her and you go with the whole blipped age," she felt like she was working herself into a hole that she was desperately trying to crawl out of.

"And what about you? Any special man or woman in your life?"

Jen gave her a look, "we are those friends now?"

Yelena shrugged, "you know of pretty much everything in my life. Something for something, Jen."

"Okay well there's this one guy..."
Peter walked into the barn and whistled, "nice set up."

"You're here!!!" Kate came running up from the back of the stable and gave him a crushing hug. "I've missed you."

"New York is very weird without you," he hugged Kate back just as enthusiastically.

"Buttlace! Is that you?" Alexei walked out of the one pen. "Come meet horses. Mama horse likes men so she won't eat your hand."

"Don't let Alexei scare you. They wouldn't eat your hand...just love nibbles. Though Lady has been into head butting lately," she led Peter into the stall where her horses were both resting.

"Gosh they are beautiful," he followed Kate's lead with approaching and petting them. "Have you gotten to ride her yet?"

Kate pouted, "Yelena said I couldn't ride Bella until after a few of our missions. She said I would be no use to her with a broken leg."

"Didn't she have a broken leg?"

Alexei stepped into the stall, "if you want to be able to breathe I would not suggest mentioning that in front of my Yelena. Touchy subject. She smacked me when I said same thing. Small but fierce she is."

"I will never mention her broken leg as long as I live," Peter sounded very serious.

"Good plan if you want to live long time," Alexei pulled apple slices out of his pockets. "For the baby," she handed the apple slices to Peter.

"Me? Feed the baby? I don't know if I should. We've just met."

"Nonsense," Alexei pushed Peter forward, "feed Lady."

Kate took this as her time to leave the two boys with the horses and make her way back inside to the birthday girl. She had asked Sonya to help her with the cooking and the cake so she had to make sure she was available to help. "Look who was dragged behind the cat," Sonya looked up at her from the stove.

"I don't think that's the right phrase," Kate saw that she was already putting the cake into the oven. "Hey I thought we were going to bake that together."

"Aww do not pout, Kate Bishop," Sonya pointed to the ingredients to make the icing. "We want the cake to be edible and I've had your cooking before. You make the frosting. There's a recipe. So easy. Baby could make it. I will start on dinner."

Kate knew the widow was right but still she felt herself more capable of helping than just being the icing girl, "fine. I'll make the icing."

"Melina is coming over to help cook. Do not worry, Kate Bishop. Everything will be perfect for little spider's birthday."

Kate grumbled, "still not fair you get to call her that."

The sliding back door opened, "Kate Bishop why are you pouting?"

"She wanted to help with the cake," Sonya told Melina as she quickly got to work helping prep the vegetables for the salad.

"We do not want everybody going onto the jet tomorrow with food poisoning," Melina tried her best to suppress her smile. The brunette truly grew on her the more she got to know her but teasing her was fun, "my Yelena knows you love her. She doesn't need to spend the night hugging the toilet."

"Ha ha. Fine I get it," she looked down at her icing recipe, "I'll stick to the frosting. Only a few ingredients. I can't mess this up too bad."

"I'm right here if you get stuck," Melina's tone became more motherly as she turned her attention back to the sides. "Have you said goodbye to the horses yet?"

"I feel just awful leaving them for so long."

"Do not worry. I will take good care of them. I will text pictures everyday."

"Thank you, Melina."

"No, Kate Bishop. We talked about this," Melina was looking at her expectantly.

Kate's cheeks blushed when she saw Sonya's look of amusement, "thank you, mama."

Later after dinner was enjoyed, Kate was out in the kitchen finishing the final decorating of Yelena's cake when Jen and Sonya walked in to see what the hold up was. "Why is there only a number one candle on the cake?" Kate looked up at Jen with an expression that seemed confused. "It's nice, it's just why? Those are usually for infants turning one."

"It's not about the age. I thought it would be nice because it's like her first actual birthday party." She looked between the two women. "Okay now I see that it was a bad idea. You didn't have to make it seem creepy."

Sonya smirked, "you are definitely the one who made it creepy giving your girlfriend an infant candle. Should she also smash this cake in her face?"

Kate scowled at Sonya, picking the one candle out of the cake and throwing a box of boring candles at her, "fine use these." She was walking the one candle over to the trash when Yelena came in.

"What's the shouting about?"

"Your girlfriend is creepy," Sonya laughed, pouring herself another glass of vodka.

Kate didn't take the tearing too seriously as almost everyone besides herself and Peter had a lot of drinks. Yelena was surprisingly sober and the brunette could never understand the amount of liquor her small body could hold. "I was not," was her pathetic attempt at a defense.

"You two... out," Yelena commanded them

"I didn't do anything," Jen turned to nobody, "why should I be commanded to leave."

"And take all of your personalities with you," Yelena called after Jen. She walked over, reaching up on her tiptoes to kiss Kate's cheek, "why are you so sad in here, little hawk. It is a celebration, no?"

"It's stupid," she went to throw the candle away but Yelena caught her hand.

"Is this for me?"

"It's stupid."

"Do not say that about yourself," Kate saw a twinkle in her eyes, "it is for my first birthday right? Because this is it for me? First and best?"

"Well I hope all of your birthdays this one and all of the future ones are equally the best but yeah that's the concept."

Yelena pulled her girlfriend down into a toe curling kiss, "put it on the cake, Kate Bishop." She kissed her again, "thank you. It is very thoughtful."

Alexei walked in when they were kissing and saw the number candle, "oooh can I have a big number 8 on my cake this year? That is good number."

Yelena whispered against Kate's lips, "is he gone yet?"

"Nyet. I'm not leaving until you come out with cake. Everyone's dessert stomachs are growling."

"I told you," she kissed Kate one last time before pulling away. "You should never have taught him about the dessert stomach."
Everyone had either passed out from drinks or the late hour but after her cake, Yelena had decided that she wanted to watch the first couple Harry Potter movies because she wanted to finally know what the fuck a Hufflepuff was. Now, Kate, Yelena and Sonya sat on one of the air mattresses they blew up in the living room for the movie night. "So basically you want to be either red or green because the yellows and blues are basically non existent." Yelena didn't concern herself with the names of the houses.

"I'm a yellow and we are way more important in the books," Kate couldn't really argue that much. The justice for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were missing in the movies. "Yellows and Blues have more parts in the later movies."

"Where is this test?" Sonya had wanted to take it. She wasn't going to admit it but she enjoyed it more than she thought.

"I go first," Yelena said, "it is still my birthday for another 40 minutes."

"I can not believe all these pussies fell asleep. They will never know what was inside that Chamber."

"To be fair," Kate smiled, "Peter had already seen the movies and they did drink quite a bit of vodka."

Sonya and Yelena looked at each other before saying, "pussies."

A couple of minutes later after intense test taking, "this is so long. I am so bored." She clicked to another question, "who cares if the toadstools can talk? Just shoot the damn things."

"Babe, you are green, you don't need to finish."

A triumphant laugh came from the blonde and she turned the computer, "Slytherin. Knew it." She handed the computer to her friend, "you go."

Kate had been feeling anxious for the last half hour or so as the minutes of Yelena's birthday ticked by, "come upstairs with me?"

Sonya looked up for only a moment, "must be time for birthday orgasms."

"Nyet, that was this morning unless there is a customary round two I wasn't aware of," Yelena looked up hopeful at her girlfriend.

"I have something for you upstairs."

Yelena nodded and stood to follow her girlfriend up the stairs. They heard Sonya calling after them, "enjoy the orgasms."

"It's not an orgasm," Kate said almost regrettably. "I mean it could be but I have your birthday gift. I was waiting for the perfect moment and I don't think there is one and your birthday is almost over and I don't want to miss it. Sit."

"You did not have to get me anything, Kate Bishop. I told you this."

Kate was rustling through one of her dresser drawers before shutting their door and coming to stand in front of Yelena who sat down on the bed, "I wanted to get you something. It's your special day. Here," she handed her girlfriend a small black box with a bow on it.

"Very fancy," her eyes lit up. If there was one thing Yelena loved besides her girlfriend it was accessories. She opened the lid and her eyes flitted between the ring and her girlfriend.

Kate started to panic, "it's not what it looks like."

"It looks like a ring."

"Okay," Kate was still panicking, "it is what it looks like just not what you think it means."

Yelena could feel all of the tension dripping off of Kate, "I think it means that you love me and saw this very nice and expensive looking ring in a store and thought I might like it."

"Okay it is also that."

"You are sweating, little hawk," she patted the bed beside her, "sit. Tell me what you think this means." She pulled out the black gold banded ring with a center stone of garnet. Along the top next to the garnet and along the sides there were square cut emeralds. The design was intricate and looked like ribbons along the sides of the ring. "It is very beautiful," she held the ring between them.

"It's not an engagement ring," Kate rushed out.

Yelena put the ring back in the box, "do you not wish to marry me one day, Kate Bishop?"

"I do," she said so quickly it shocked her. "It's just we've only been together for not even a year. I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I know it's important not to rush these things. I was walking by an antique jewelers and I saw that ring and immediately had to buy it for you. It could be an engagement ring one day when we are ready. Or it could just be a promise of things to come. I just know that I needed to buy that ring for you."

"You've thought about marrying me?" It came out as more of a whisper than she had wanted it to.

"Almost everyday," she confessed. "I love you so much it probably borders stalker levels at this point. You are my first and last thoughts of the day. I would do anything for you just to see even a hint of a smile on your face. I'm not sure what I would do if you ever wised up and decided you didn't want to be with me anymore. I know I'm young but I also have always known what I've wanted in life and that's you, Yelena Belova. I want to have you for all of my days."

"Marry me," even if she wanted to stop the words they slipped out so fast she didn't know they were coming. "All those things. I feel the same. I have never had the privilege of having something that is just mine. Not that I think of you as my property but I think you understand. For once in my life, I finally have something worth living for."

Kate nodded, "so if I had asked?"

Yelena smirked, "I probably would've teased you then said yes."

Kate grabbed the ring out from the box and held it up, "okay here goes. Yelena Polina Belova, I love you more than I thought possible. You came into my life as a whirlwind and I never want to be without my little gust of wind. Marry me?"

"We have so many missions coming up. Hardly seems like the time for a proposal..." she immediately saw the panic in Kate's eyes. "Yes, Kate Bishop, yes."

Kate slid the ring onto Yelena's finger and the blonde launched herself onto Kate's lap and into a series of heated kisses, "must. Be. Time. For. The. Orgasms." The words were punctuated by kisses from her girlfriend. No her fiancé. Wow, that would take some getting used to.

Yelena pulled away, "I have no ring for you. You need a ring."

"We can get one when we get home if you insist but I don't need one."

"Oh I got it," Yelena left Kate and she instantly missed the warmth. She walked to the closet and came back holding a green and black vest. "Take this."

"Your vest?" She asked as the blonde straddled her hips again reclaiming her seat.

"Da. It is special," she waited for Kate to hold out her arms and slipped the vest onto her. "This was the very first piece of clothing I bought when I was freed. Made some modifications. So many pockets." She zipped up the front, "then I gave it to my sister because she thought it was cool and also because I wanted her to take some part of me with her when she went back to save the world. Apparently she wore it everyday after that. I had to practically beg Barton to get it back from him. Not my finest moment but I knew this was a special vest and now I want you to have it."

"An engagement vest?"

Yelena chuckled, "we are anything but traditional. Do you not like it? I can take it back. Call the whole thing off."

She made a move to pull the zipper down and Kate smacked her hand away, "no this is my engagement vest." She zipped it back fully, "leave it. It suits me. I'm never taking it off."

"It's going to get pretty smelly after a few missions," Yelena crinkled her nose.

"You'll love me regardless," Kate couldn't help but kiss the tip of her nose.

"I will love you until my dying breath, Kate Bishop."

*roll the credits*

For once in my life, I have someone who needs me
Someone I've needed so long
For once, unfraid, I can go where life leads me
Somehow I know I'll be strong
For once I can touch what my heart used to dream of
Long before I knew
Ooh, someone warm like you

For once in my life, I won't let sorrow hurt me
Not like its hurt me before
For once, I have something I know won't desert me
I'm not alone anymore
For one I can say, "this is mine, you can't take it"
As long as I know I have love, I can make it
For once in my life, I have someone who needs me
Oh, for one in my life
Yeah, somebody that needs me
Oh, baby, for once in my life

*post credits scene*

The inside of the Quinjet was starting to get a little crowded. They had been traveling for the past few weeks rescuing Widows along the north eastern section of the United States.

"When are we picking up Cassie?" Peter asked from his seat.

"Fancy her do you?" Sonya smirked from the pilot seat.

"No. I just thought they'd come from the start."

"Baby bug is in school still. They are going to help when we go out west. You'll see your girlfriend soon enough," Yelena laughed. "We need bug man to work the aux though. Nobody here can be trusted. Except me and sometimes Jen."

"Thanks for that," Jen called from the back of the jet where she usually sat away from everybody.

"Baby bug make fine girl for you my boy," Alexei couldn't resist the conversation.

"She's not my... I don't have feelings for..."

"Guys come on," Kate finally joined in, "leave Peter alone. Here, I'll put some music on." She stood and walked over to the stereo.

"No," Yelena almost shouted, signaling to Sonya for her to take over full control. She quickly walked over to her fiancé, "you are not to be trusted with this after you put on that weird raining taco song."

"Peter liked it," Kate pouted, hooking up her phone.

"As catchy as it was," Yelena grabbed Kate's phone and scrolled through her Apple Music. "Here we go. This is perfect." She started swaying to the music as it filled the interior of the jet.

Your love, lifting me higher
Than I've ever been lifted before
So keep it up
Quench my desire
And I'll be at your side, forever more

"Oh I love this one," Alexei was excited about the choice of song.

Now once, I was downhearted
Disappointment, was my closest friend
But then you, came and it soon
And you know he never
Showed his face again

The whole team started signing louder to the chorus and the morale in the jet picked back up. There was a static sound coming over the transmitter that wouldn't stop. "Hey," Sonya shouted over the singing. "Turn that down. We are getting a message."

Yelena quickly cut the music, "what is it? Just sounds like fuzz."

Sonya turned the dials on the radio until the message was clear. A singular whistle from low to high was heard over the transmitter. Everyone turned to look at Yelena when she responded with her high to low callback, "Natasha."

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