Friendship or possible broken...

By WDW-SamandColby

609 5 0

I'm Veronica Mavis and my friends are Sam and Colby. I am not like the rest of their friends I help design th... More

The Party (1)
The Party (2)
The secret (not part of story)
Paranormal trips (1)
Paranormal trips (2)
Paranormal trips (3)
Family Secret released? (1)
Family Secret released (2)
Family Secret released (3)
Unexpected feeling (1)
Unexpected feeling (2)
Dream Theory
Back to reality
The Halloween party
The incident at the Party
Recovery or stress
Feelings or no feelings
Car ride of awkwardness

The beginning of questions

14 0 0
By WDW-SamandColby

Colby POS
So how's your show Ronnie you like that one actor um Milo I think his name is. It's good colbs and I don't just like Milo I like the show in general Colby. Really then why you watching only the episodes when that actor is in the episode. Shut up Colby how's editing if you're going to keep bugging me. It's fine they'll like this one for hell week. I think that's the only one I'm not in right Colby. Yea cause you thought it was crazy to do that and you were slightly right but still. I wonder when Sam will be home I'm thinking about cooking tacos. Can't you text him and ask when he'll be home? Yea I did but all he gave me were I'll be home before you and Colby go to sleep. That's unlike him I'm going to try and call him.
C̷o̷l̷b̷y̷: hey Sam when you coming home Ronnie is going to make tacos
𝓢𝓪𝓶: like I told Ronnie I'll be home before you and her go to sleep
C̷o̷l̷b̷y̷: yeah but she's making tacos you usually love her tacos
𝓢𝓪𝓶: True I do and I will be there hopefully before she makes them
C̷o̷l̷b̷y̷: alight then see you when you get home I guess
S̶a̶m̶ P̶O̶S̶
Weird Colby's calling me?
C̷o̷l̷b̷y̷: hey Sam when you coming home Ronnie is going to make tacos
𝓢𝓪𝓶: like I told Ronnie I'll be home before you and her go to sleep
C̷o̷l̷b̷y̷: yeah but she's making tacos you usually love her tacos
𝓢𝓪𝓶: True I do and I will be there hopefully before she makes them
C̷o̷l̷b̷y̷: alight then see you when you get home I guess
Alright then better hurry cause Ronnie is making tacos. So if Brian doesn't know much about what Ronnie might like I'll call Sarah.
𝓢𝓪𝓶: hey sarah you and Ronnie are pretty close right
₳Ɽ₳Ⱨ: yea but not as close as you are with her and Colby
𝓢𝓪𝓶: yea that's true but I want to get her a gift but she's changed a lot since we moved from Kansas
₳Ɽ₳Ⱨ: what do you mean by that she wasn't like how she is now before you left
𝓢𝓪𝓶: she wasn't no she was so energetic and outgoing but when we moved out to LA she wasn't anymore
₳Ɽ₳Ⱨ: the hell happened to her during your move to LA
Veronica POS
I'm going to start making the tacos Colbs how many you want. Um three Ronnie your tacos are so good. Well that's because of my grandma on my father. Your grandma does she make awesome food? Yea she makes amazing sweet potatoes and amazing chicken. And even better tacos then mine. Oh cool so should I text Sam and see how many he wants. Um sure I'm pretty sure he'll want two but ask just to make sure. Alright then I'll let you know how many he wants once he texts me back. Okay thanks Colbs I'm going to get started on the meat. Oooh what meat we having in the tacos this time. Carna Asada Colby your favorite and I'll make you and Sam fresh guacamole to put on your tacos. Thanks Ronnie I love your cooking. Well I would hope so since I cook sometimes for dinner. You know that if you move out one day if you find a guy I'll miss your cooking. Oh is that so then do you want to learn how I make the tacos then Colby. Please Ronnie and I won't be in the way at all. Alright then come to the kitchen Colbs. Alright so the first thing I do is pull out the ingredients that are needed in these tacos. Which is the meat obviously then the seasonings for the meat. Oh what seasonings Ronnie. I need paprika then garlic salt and then some salt.
(After Ronnie and Colby make the tacos)
Colby POS
Oh finally you come home Sam you just missed making tacos with Ronnie. Wait what you helped her make tacos she never let's anyone help her. Yeah and we saved you two tacos cause you didn't respond to my text. Oh well thank you and I know your probably asking why I've been out for so long. I haven't but Ronnie has she's in her room with her earbuds on. Oh getting ready for a meeting or just in her room watching a show on her phone. I don't know but she asked why you were still not home after we finished making the tacos. You make me sound like I'm five Colbs when I asked if you heard from Sam yet cause the tacos are done. I did not did I Sam I said what she just said. Don't lie to yourself brother she can tell you are skirmish. I can tell Colby and right now you're scared of what I'm going to do to you. Alright fine just hurt me and get it over with Ronnie. Not going to do that Colbs I know I'm violent sometimes but can you blame me you've met my parents they are judgy towards me and my life. Yea they are with some things but they are your parents and if they never met you wouldn't be here. You wouldn't be Sam's cousin but you are his cousin. I'M NOT GOING TO DIE COLBY STOP THINKING I'M GOING TO COLBY.
S̶a̶m̶ P̶O̶S̶
Can you blame him Ronnie you scared us when you were 22. Sammy I'm not like that anymore and I do regret doing that. Still Ronnie that's why we make sure your okay during the day now. And I appreciate that I do but can you lay off me a little bit when it comes to that. Fine we will but remember that we care about you a lot Ronnie. I do I always do you've been telling me that since that day that it happened now eat your fucking tacos. Alright alright what type of meat is in them this time Ronnie. Carna Asada and Colby cheese cause Colby thought it would be funny to put that in there. 

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