May we always meet again

By Romykomtrikru

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The aspiring doctor Clarke Griffin is invited to her high school's alumni reunion, which she could well do wi... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 1

87 0 0
By Romykomtrikru

Clarke's POV

Annoyed, I groaned. I didn't want to go there, but if I didn't, I knew they'd talk about me, and I certainly didn't feel like it. Maybe I should ask Finn? But is it really a good idea to ask my ex to come to my reunion? No, that was too crazy, even for me.

2 weeks. I still had 2 fucking weeks to confirm or cancel. Full of fervor, I rolled my eyes. I would have loved to never stop again. I sat at my kitchen table and took a deep breath before sighing and letting the air escape my lungs again. I would have loved to slam my fist into a wall, but something told me the wall would win the fight and I didn't want to have to explain the injury to the hospital or my insurance company. 

Instead, I turned to my yearbook in front of me and opened it. Just thinking about that time sent a cold shiver down my spine. I flipped through it until I came to the class photos and the individual portraits and saw a younger version of myself with pimples, bangs, braces, glasses and about 20kg more on the ribs. I know, cliché says hello, somehow only the braids and the self-knitted sweater were missing, but fortunately I hated knitting. Who knows where it would have led otherwise... Just one row above my own photo you could see Bellamy Blake, class president and most popular boy of the school and the one who had made my life hell. He had put me in my locker every now and then, hiding my clothes when I showered after PE, which led to me not doing it anymore, which didn't exactly help my popularity, as I'm sure you can imagine... Whenever Bellamy could, he had laughed at me and paraded me around, and his people around Murphy, CP, and Miller, joined in, egging people on to do the same. The anger in me rose and I let it grow, at least a little, but not big enough that it became a forest fire.

"Clarke, you're not 16 anymore, you're grown up, well at least a little, soon to be a doctor and successful, what do you care what happened so many years ago?" I knew the answer, I shouldn't care, I should *stand* over it, but I didn't, maybe I didn't want to. Maybe I wanted to prove it to myself that I was so much more by now than I was then.

As soon as I was out of high school, the stress became 80% less, despite studying. I started torturing myself at the gym, adjusted my diet, started yoga to learn how to relax, finally got a decent haircut and the braces are out too. I even went to a dermatologist, Harper McIntyre, for the pimples, it went so far that I went out to dinner with her regularly and we are now pretty good friends. After all, we knew each other for a few years as well. 

I just wanted to get as far away from my former self as possible and it worked. Of course, I still looked like me, just more athletic and feminine, with curves to match. And it had paid off. As time went on, I was asked more and more often for my number and a date and, who can blame me, I enjoyed it. The Walk of Shame happened more than once with me, even though I wasn't ashamed of it. Sometimes it was a boy from one of my classes or the one time this pretty barista from a Starbucks coffee shop. Right now I was having a friendship plus thing with Nyilah. She was a few years older than me and I could still learn a few things from her and it was enough for me at the moment. I enjoyed this uncomplicated. She would call me or I would call her, sometimes a message was enough, then we would meet to do something, which always ended the same, but what can I say, I didn't mind. I enjoyed the routine that our *relationship* had taken. Nothing binding, we could meet people outside of this F+ without it being a cheat. It was a bit more than just a friendship for me at first, but the longer it went on, the more I realized I didn't need more. 

A few years ago I was in a relationship, his name was Finn and I didn't want anything more permanent for the time being. We had broken up amicably and were still able to deal with each other normally when we saw each other. There was no bad blood. Probably because it was clear to both of us from the beginning that it was not the great love. Affection? yes. Feelings? Definitely. But love? I doubt it. There had always been something missing, what it was exactly I didn't know, he probably didn't either, but in the end it didn't matter.

Now he and Raven, my best friend, were dating. She was studying mechanics or whatever it was exactly called and something in IT, which she found pretty boring because she already knew all that stuff. Nerd.

With these two it could become more and I would wish it on both of them. Who would be hurt by a little bit of luck? And it didn't bother me. I enjoyed my life where I didn't have to worry about dating, as little drama as possible, that was the motto and it was great living that way, unless I got an invitation to some stupid, unnecessary shit like this.  
With all the many, sometimes more sometimes less productive thoughts, I did not become my actual problem master or woman, if one wants to gendern's correctly. I couldn't and didn't want to ask Nyilah, it wasn't friendly enough for me and I wanted to bring someone hot who would attract all the attention, male and female, and who I didn't have to worry about being misunderstood or feeling weird. It was just going to continue to be friends with benefits between Nyilah and me. Because by now, I wasn't so sure it was still the same for her as it was for me. Sometimes I had the feeling that she wanted more. That she began to feel what I had felt when it started with us. In that case, such an invitation would probably only be counterproductive and would end up giving her the wrong impression.

Instead of mulling it over further, I thought it would be a great idea to drink alcohol. First, I pre-liquored in a bar, of course with lots of sayings, even once below the belt, with my favorite barman, to then give me the rest at home. At first I thought it was a brilliant idea, but the next morning at the latest I was proven wrong.


You have a new e-mail.

It flashed on my open laptop. I opened my eyes and closed them again immediately, it was still dark outside and my bright screen caused me real pain. 

Suddenly I sat up straight in my bed, my laptop almost falling off the bed if I hadn't held on to it. As a flash of memory came up, I hoped so hard that I was wrong. I hoped with all my heart, but the new message on my laptop said otherwise.

"Fuck!" I said way too loudly, startling myself. Shaking my head at myself, I flipped the covers aside and tried to remember everything that had happened yesterday. Barefoot, I walked in circles through my apartment until I felt dizzy. The residual alcohol was probably to blame for that. What a shit! My head was pounding and I was staggering. Everything in me was screaming to lie back down and forget about this evening, just don't think about it, but I had to know.

"Okay, before you jump to the wrong conclusions, think again carefully about everything that happened yesterday. Maybe it was just a dream after all? Or more likely a nightmare..."

Again tap until I decided to let me a coffee from the machine, sleep was anyway no longer to think of, then I could at least try to become completely sober. Whereby I put the emphasis on the word try.

"What's the last thing I remember? I was upset because I don't have a solution to this stupid problem, so I went downstairs to Joe, my favorite bar man. As usual we flirted until I decided to continue drinking in the apartment and then?" I looked over to the bed, not only was my laptop still on it, but so was the invitation. "Then I read the invitation and, still drinking, started searching the internet, but what was I looking for?"

I grabbed my coffee, put some milk in it and went to the laptop, which of course was out of battery now that I needed it. My nerves were really starting to get the best of me and I would have loved to take it and throw it out the window, but that wouldn't solve my problem and I would probably get further with it than without it. Instead, I took the laptop cable and plugged him in. It didn't occur to me that I could also check my email with my cell phone. Fucking hangover.

After an agonizingly long 10 minutes, I was finally able to start it up and began scouring my search bar. What had I been looking for? I ignored the mail that was now displayed again. Well, maybe I didn't want to know what was in it, so far I could deny everything, after that it probably wouldn't work anymore.

Accompaniment to occasions that I had seriously sought? Of course, escort services appeared instantly, but I had not? No or? I immediately dismissed the thought. No, I would not sink that low. I was not that drunk. I couldn't be that drunk.

You have 2 unread emails flashed up now. Shock ran through me and made me much more alert than 10 espressos could.

I clicked on the email that was a bit older and by that I meant a few hours old.

Dear Ms. Griffin,

Thank you for your request to Polis Escort Service. We are processing it and will provide you with a response as soon as possible. Due to increased demand regarding the holidays, it may take 2 days for you to receive a response. We regret this inconvenience and wish you a peaceful Advent season.

Your Polis Escort Service

Aha. It was just October and I really didn't get much smarter, so I clicked on the second mail instead, which was a bit longer than the first. Even though I was surprised that someone had already contacted me and I wasn't sure I really wanted to know what it said.

Good morning Ms. Griffin,

I am getting in touch because of your really very interesting request. However, before we get to the business arrangement, I would like to meet with you in advance. Now before you expect to have to wear a special feature like a red rose, I can reassure you, there will be no such clichés and you don't have to be nervous. It's a business like any other. Would today around 3PM suit you or would another day be more suitable? Please get in touch to either confirm the appointment or make another one.


A beautiful name and an extremely confusing text. Did I really want to know what I had written while drunk? Did I really want to know what was so interesting about it? Should I get in touch at all? In the end, curiosity prevailed and I confirmed the appointment, I only had 2 hours before I would have to start one of my many 24h services, but at least it would not be boring, even if I knew that I would probably stay much longer in the hospital. 

I went to my email inbox to read what exactly I had written for embarrassment to be prepared for at the meeting.

Dear Polis Escort Service, Good evening,

My name is Clarke Griffin and I came across your ad. I would like to use this service, because I need it urgently for my class reunion. I don't want to be the only one without an escort again and preferably I would like to have a woman or a man who attracts all the attention. You understand what I mean? So really hot that everyone and anyone turns to look at this person, but really. Preferably in such a way that you would love to undress this person and eat him up, that would be perfect. Hot stuff material. The meeting is in 4 weeks, I hope this fits and you can help me.

Kind regards or whatever you write there so usually so. I don't know how many clichés you fulfill. What can you chalk it up to anyway? Business? Private? Pleasure? I have no idea how this kind of thing goes and I don't want to wear a red rose to a meeting, that would be pretty awkward. I'm pretty nervous, but it could be all the alcohol. If you could hear mails, you would hear my giggle.

I made big eyes when I read the text. Surely I wasn't fucking serious? How drunk can you get? At least it explained her answer. I wonder who she was? Would she accompany me or was she the manager? A pimp? I don't know what you call something like that. I decided to look at the website, which I guess I had stamped as trustworthy. I did not trust my alky - me. No, not even close and probably rightly so, after this mail fiasco.

Nervously I stared at the clock, which I did now for hours at least every 30min. Sleep was after the mail - fiasco no longer to think about and the hangover was gone. What remained was the feeling of shame. What would Lexa probably think of me? Well, actually, I could not care, after all, I would pay her. Nevertheless, it was very unpleasant for me.

Would this meeting also cost something? Hmm, just to be on the safe side, I'll take $100, just to be on the safe side. Or was there a total bill? Maybe as a new customer you had to pay all cash? I wonder if installments were available? 

I groaned in annoyance. As usual, I was worrying too much about nothing. Wait and see what would happen. That was the motto, because obviously she knew that I had no idea, you didn't have to be a professional for that, you would notice that, if you weren't me, even fall drunk.

Lexa's POV

"Lexi Pooh. You got a new request." My boss, Jasper came up to me. He was wearing a fur coat and grinning broadly. 

"What's special about it?"

"It's not your usual client, and a woman at that." He winked at me and his laugh grew bigger as he danced lightly in the process. 

"So what? It wouldn't be the first time."

"Lexii. Read the email and then tell me it's a regular email, but remember, you have to leave in a few minutes. " He chuckled as if he had taken something and danced a little before leaving the room. Jasper always seemed like he was a little high, but actually that was his normal state, I just knew him that way. 

Despite his special nature, he took good care of everyone who worked for him and he was very big on safety. That's why our customers didn't pick us up themselves, but we were driven and always had someone with us who could help and protect us in case of emergency. The biggest plus with Jasper was that he didn't require anyone to have sex with the clients if they didn't want to. Some of the escort services disagreed, I had experienced this enough myself at other agencies and was glad when I got the job at Polis.

Before I could even open the mail, it rang at the door, then I would just read tomorrow or tonight, what should be so special about it.

I grabbed my jacket and went outside. The driver had picked up the customer, Thelonious Jaha, and then me. He tried to be charming and gave me some compliments on my outfit and appearance in general as well as my body. I was used to that and it left me cold. It was always the same attitudes and eventually you started to get a little jaded, but never enough so that you could still react at any time if something was inappropriate. I had not chosen this customer, but had taken over from a colleague who had fallen ill at relatively short notice. But after a bit of bureaucracy, purely as a precautionary measure, it was quickly taken care of. I had not seen him in advance, but only sent an email with the relevant contracts and after I had been told what he envisioned, it had already started.

Jaha had certain ideas how I had to be today. This started with the choice of clothes, the meeting was rather conservative, so I dressed accordingly and went as far as expressing my opinion. I was only allowed to bring up certain topics and everything else I had to avoid or find something more appropriate. I had been given a list of possible topics of conversation. If possible, I was to simply be a silent appendage. I behaved accordingly and also looked concerning his wishes.

It was a late business dinner and the goal was to make him look good while I made small talk with the other guests or kept quiet and looked good. My client even ordered for me without asking me and part of the deal was not to refuse him anything during the meal because it would have made him look weak. Men and their egos. I smiled artfully anyway and kept reminding myself that this was a job like any other and I was getting closer to my goals through it as well, even if I was glad when the evening was over. The meetings always took place at night so I could get to college throughout the day and also keep up with my internship at a law firm. It was paid, but only barely covered the rent and I wanted to have my law degree paid off as soon as possible, so this job presented itself. I could fit my schedule around everything and still have some time to study. Friends and everything else just had to take a back seat for a moment, everyone except my sister.

A few hours later we were sitting in the car again and I was lost in thought, at least until the gentleman next to me put his hand on my thigh and began to stroke it. I looked at him in disbelief, but he ignored it and instead moved a little closer to me as I backed away.

"Why are you avoiding me?" he had raised his eyebrow and was looking at me in confusion.

"This closeness was never part of our deal. No sex or other physical proximity, you know the rules and you signed them."

He laughed derisively. "I'm supposed to take something like that seriously? That's part of an escort service. If the man wants more after that, there's more. That's the way it's always been." This was an absolute no-no and I would act accordingly if he tried it again, which he did. He came closer to me again with his greasy lips and I stopped him by pressing a forefinger to them. "A no, is always a no."

"I'm paying you for it, and very well, I might add." So he was the kind of man who thought he could pay for anything with money, but he could forget that. Not with me. He knew what he was getting into with me and I was no exception, certainly not when he came up with something like this.

"No, you're paying me for the escort, no more, no less. You get your hands out of there right now." His smile widened. He moved closer to me and his hand slid up instead of taking it away. I returned his smile, which he took as consent, not that he needed it in his opinion.

"Roan." My voice only minimally louder, the car stopped and just a few seconds later the customer was pulled out of the open car door. 

Roan, my driver and at the same time bodyguard, protected me from exactly such people and he knew no mercy, because he knew that I could defend myself very well on my own and only fetched him when there was no other way. He behaved accordingly. He had dragged Jaha out of the wagon, lifted him up with his bare hands and looked as if he was just waiting for my command to tie him to a stake and hurt him. Probably piece by piece with a sword. Thelonious, on the other hand, was dangling in front of him, looking scared. And I was probably enjoying it a little too much for a moment, but people like him needed a lesson. 

I stood in front of the man and looked at him coldly before I began to speak. "Yaha, you knew the rules and since you broke them, you'll end up on the blacklist. You'll probably have to change countries before you'll get an escort again." Very likely, there were still escort services that would take him, but the really good ones he needed for his smear shows would keep their distance from him. Jasper had a very good reputation in the industry and was respected by all. 

The customer was still dangling in the air until Roan looked at me, I nodded, and he just dumped the greasy man on the ground after that. I got in and we drove off.

With a glance in the rearview mirror, my protector asked me if everything was okay and when I gave my yes with an implied nod, he seemed more relaxed. 

As soon as I got back I told Jasper what had happened, he was furious and the very next day all the agencies had a picture and all the information they needed from Thelonious Jaha. If it had been up to my boss, an ad would have gone out right away, but that would also have revealed my identity and I didn't want that.

"Go home Lexa." He sounded worried.

"In a minute, first I have to read an email."

"Do it in the morning, today was a long day." I looked at the clock, I only had a few hours of sleep left before I would have to sit in the lecture hall, yet I didn't let it faze me. 

"I know Jas, but tomorrow I still have lecture until 2PM and I want to get this done."

"I can understand that and I thought they were funny. Maybe that's just what you need right now. But let me know if anything is, okay?" Gratefully, I nodded at him. He left and I opened my emails. 

I read it through several times and had to grin. Someone was really very drunk, but it was refreshing and new, even if the part about very hot and nibbling was a bit special. Still, there was something about the mail that drew me in, something that appealed to me. Maybe it was also due to the fact that she was a woman, and actually women rarely if ever got in touch. Usually it was men who wanted a pretty souvenir to show them off. Sure, this Clarke Griffin wanted someone to show off too, but she sounded so open and honest about it, albeit very desperate and not someone who would just take what she wanted. That's exactly why I wrote her back right away, even though the wait was at least 2 days these days.

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