Falling For My Brother's Best...

By HooniesFangs08

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It's been four years since the death of your father and ever since then you developed social anxiety and star... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: Meet the boys
Chapter 3: Cafeteria Incident
Chapter 04: New Member of the Group
Chapter 05: Get to know each other Pt 1
Chapter 06: Get to know each other Pt 2
Chapter 07: Club Recruitment
Chapter 08: Fear of Fame
Chapter 09: CLUB MEETING!
Chapter 10: Do I belong?
Chapter 12: School Festival Day 1
Chapter 13: School Festival Day 2
Chapter 14: I'm falling for her
Chapter 15: Rehearsal
Chapter 16: Competition Day
Chapter 17: Time to STUDY!
Chapter 18: A crush???

Chapter 11: 6 New Brothers

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By HooniesFangs08

It's Saturday morning and you woke up from the sound of your mom's voice.

"Y/n~ Wake up darling it's 9 am.. Your brother told me that you'll be going out with your friends... Come on now hon let's eat breakfast" Your mom said with a gentle voice.

You got up and fixed your bed and went downstairs and sat at your chair. You also checked you phone and you saw a message from Sunghoon.

You then continue to eat breakfast and went to your room to take a shower and picked out an outfit.

(You chose this outfit)

You checked your phone again and saw that they've been chatting in the GC.

(Just add oppa in the end of Jay's name)

"Y/n... You ready yet??" Jake's voice was heard from outside.

"Yeah!.. I'll be down there" You said as you put your phone in your bag and went out of your room.

You kissed your mom on cheek and waved goodbye.

"Bye mom... We'll be leaving now" You said.

"You be careful you two" Your mom said.

Then you guys head out to the car and hopped in as your brother starts the engine.

"We'll be picking up Sunghoon and Sunoo on the way" Jake says.

"Oh ok... Where will the other's go?" You asked.

"Niki will be at Heesung hyung's car and I assume Jay will be picking up Jungwon" Jake replied.

"Ohh ok... Cool" You said.

You guys drove to a neighborhood and stopped at a house as Jake honks the car horn. The door opens and Sunghoon comes out.

(His outfit)

You can't help but think that he looks good in his outfit and you can tell that he likes fashion.

"Hey guys!" Sunghoon says as he opens the door and hops in the back seat. Jake and Sunghoon fist bumped as he puts on his seat belt. Sunghoon is also holding a sling bag and his jacket.

"What's that Sunghoon-oppa?" You asked pointing at the sling bag.

"Ohh.. These are my skates, they're the ones that I use for competitions too" Sunghoon says as he shows the skating shoes.

(These are not the exact shoes that Hoon used but it's close enough)

"Woah those look so cool!" You said.

"I know right!? Anyways, let's go... Sunoo messaged me and he said he's waiting for us" Sunghoon said.

"Aight let's goo" Jake says as he steps on the gas.

Didn't took you guys long before you stopped in front of a house again and Sunoo is already out.

(Sunoo's outfit)

"Hi Guys!! Hi Y/n~" Sunoo greeted you as he hops in the car with Sunghoon.

"Hi Sunoo~" You greeted back then Jake drives away.

"I'm really excited today y'all have no idea" Sunoo said.

"Yeah... You're not this excited when we go skating back then... " Sunghoon said while looking out the window.

"Well I was just excited that Y/n is gonna be with us this time" Sunoo says.

As you guys were driving to the skating rink, your phones ring, it was Jungwon calling from the GC.

"Oh Jungwon is calling" You said.

"Answer it" Sunghoon says so you accepted the call. Jungwon and Niki were in the call.

"Hey!! Guys... Where are y'all at?" Jungwon asks

"We're on our way to the skating rink... What about you guys?" Jake replied.

"Yep we're on our way too" Jungwon said.

"Same here... But heesung hyung said he wants to stop by to get some coffee... You hyungs want anything?" Niki asks.

"I'm good" Jake answered.

"Get me an Iced Vanilla latte, I'll pay y'all later" Sunghoon says.

"What about Y/n noona? You want anything??" Niki asked you.

"No it's ok Niki... Thank you" You said.

"Alright then" Niki said.

"Imma hang up now.... I'll see you nerds later.. bye~" Jungwon said.

Then everyone hangs up. 15 minutes later y'all arrive at the skating rink.

You guys went inline to rent out some shoes for y'all to use. As you got your shoes, You sat over at the bench to put them on.

"Need help tying your shoes?" You looked up as you see Sunghoon looking at you as he was holding his skate shoes over his shoulder.

"Uh yes please... I never skated before" You said.

"It's ok... Lemme help you with that" He said, he kneels down and ties up your shoes for you.

"There... Tight enough? Remember the shoes need to tight enough so that they won't slip off but loose enough so that you can more comfortably" Sunghoon said.

"Yeah I think these are good" You said.

"Alright then... I'm gonna put mine on and then let's go" Sunghoon said then he puts on his skate shoes and stood up.

"Wanna hold my hand? It's gonna be hard to walk with those on" Sunghoon said as he holds his hand out for you.

You accepted it and tried to stand up with the skates on, it was kind of hard walking on the ground with them but you can't imagine how hard it'll be on the ice.

You guys walked towards the rink and Sunghoon steps in first and holds your hand as you step on the frozen floor.

You almost slipped but luckily Sunghoon was holding you and you didn't fell.

"Woah... Easy there... Here you can hold unto the side like this" Sunghoon says as he helps you go to the side of the rink. You held into the fence wall as you try to balance.

The boys are already in the rink, it looks like they already know how to skate so they're just doing their own thing.

"Will you teach me how to Skate?" You asked him.

"Sure... But you might want to try and stand on ice first without holding unto that fence" Sunghoon said with a smile.

(just imagine him smiling at you like this)

"Ok... I'll try" You said as you straighten up ur posture and try to stand.

"That's it... Relax and make sure ur blade is firmly on the ice" Sunghoon said while staying by your side with his arms out to make sure you don't fall.

You managed to let go of the fence and you are able to stand on ice.

"Nice alright now.. slowly... Walk over to me... Just relax and walk normally" Sunghoon continues to give you instructions.

So you did so and to your surprise you were able to walk on ice without falling. You made your way over to Sunghoon and he offered a hand and you accepted it. He holds both of your hands in front of you as he helps you with skating.

"That's it Y/n... You're doing it! Just one foot at a time" He said.

"You two are so cute together" Jungwon says as he skates over to you and Sunghoon.

"Shut it Jungwon... I'm just teaching Y/n how to skate..." Sunghoon replied to Jungwon.

"Y/n noona!!" Niki skates over to you happily.

"Ohh Hi Niki~" You said as you smile at him.

"Jake hyung! Can I have Y/n as my noona now?" Niki said to Jake jokingly.

"Don't you have a sister already?" Jake says as he comes over.

"Well I want Y/n to be my noona too" Niki says acting like a kid.

"It's ok Oppa!.. Niki can be my adopted baby brother hehehe" You said.

"Yayy!" Niki said stretching his arms out as he skates away. You laughed at his goofiness.

You and boys spent lots of time goofing around in the ice rink and you had fun too. You also felt more welcome to their group now. You also got used to skating now thanks to Sunghoon.

"Sunghoon why don't you show Y/n your figure skating moves" Heesung said.

"Uhhhh.." Sunghoon hesitates.

"Ohhh please Sunghoon oppa~" You said as you grabbed his arm with both of your hand and looked at him in the eyes.

"Awwww.... Fine!" He said, the boys gathered up at the side as they make space for Sunghoon.

Your eyes widen as you watch Sunghoon's impressive moves. He finished shortly and you all clapped at him. After that you all decided to head out and buy some ice cream. While you were eating with them, you felt the need to tell them something.

"Uh.. guys... Thank you so much for today... I had so much fun! And I now realize that you guys are really my friends... Thank you for doing this for me" You said.

"No problem Y/n... Just think of us like your brothers too... We won't ever do anything that you're uncomfortable with... We will protect you, so don't you ever listen to those bullies again" Heesung reassures you.

"Thank you Heesung oppa" You said and then he smiled. You guys finished eating the ice cream and all went home.

---End of Chapter ---

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