Prinxiety Oneshots 3

By Prinxiety19

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The 3rd book in the Prinxiety Oneshots series, book 2 is also here and book 1 is on the Authors dead first ac... More

|Suggestion Chapter|
-Waking Up-
-Dream Job-
-Prom Night-
-Cut You a Piece-
-The Gladiator Gauntlet-
-A Grocery Incident-
-Summer Camp Date-
-The Butterfly Mask-
-Pastel and Punk Date-
-Broken Arm-
-10pm, Town Square-
-Shear Murder-
-A Gang Leader's Date-
-Happy Anniversary-
-Stressed Out-
-Long Drive Home-
-Healing Bruises-
-28 Days-
-Stormy Weather-
//Author Stuff//
-Take a Break-
-White Roses-
-Costume Contest-
-Amusement Park-
-A Duel for Love-
-Clair de Lune-
-Roman and Virgil secretly pining for each other for 164 words-
-The Gracey Manor-
-Glass Shards-
//Author Stuff//
-A Rusted Heart-
-Roman gets lost-
-Practice and Parties-
-Breakfast in Bed-
-Sore Fingers-
-Lavender Marriage-
-The Boyfriend-
//Author Stuff//
-Up Top-
-A Favor-
-Tea Party-
-Bedtime Story-
-A Sick Boyfriend-
-New Baby-
-Kicked Out-
-Award Ceremony-
-Operation Purple-
-Family Portrait-
-Circle of Life-
-Battle Wounds-
-The Deal-
-Burnt Out-
-Midnight Dance-
-The Purple Palace-
-Casual Evening-
-Walk in the Rain-
-The Mystery Boy-
-The Red Scarf-
-Panic! At the Stadium-

-A Falling Light-

51 0 0
By Prinxiety19

TW - Head Injury, Hospital, Panic Attack

I was in Roman's dressing area fixing a costume last minute when I didn't hear him sing, there was this loud sound instead. I then heard people in the audience panicking and screaming, my anxiety immediately kickstarted and I was about to go out to my boyfriend when my friend Janus rushed in

Virgil, a light fell on top of Roman! Someone on the audience saw someone cut the wir-

Hearing what Janus said, my anxiety began to grow until I was practically holding onto Janus for dear life. Janus tried to go through breathing exercises with me so that I could calm down, but I was still anxious. Janus kept trying when he got interrupted

JJ, tell Virgil that Roman's being rushed over to the hos-

Seeing my very panicked state, Janus's boyfriend Patton also went to my side and tried to help calm me down. Eventually, my friend Logan and soon Roman's twin Remus joined us as well. All of my friends thought of ways to help me feel better, ranging from 2 cookies to pushing the perpetrator who purposely made the light fall on Roman down all the flights of stairs at school. Finally, Logan put something around my shoulders after asking if he could

I then immediately smelled a sweet scent of roses and cherries from the thing around my shoulders. I looked at it to see a warm and comfortable red letterman jacket, an article of clothing that Roman always wears especially from September to January since it was his football season which is his first extra curricular activity. From February to June, Roman does the collage musical but he still always wears his jacket regardless

Smelling my boyfriends signature perfume managed to calm down my anxiety by a lot, my friends helping me through breathing exercises fully made me feel better. Janus and Patton gave me a ride over to the hospital, Logan and Remus met us there and we all were lead to Roman's room after 10 minutes of waiting

Remus and I went in the room first due to me being Roman's boyfriend and Remus being part of Roman's immediate family. I squeezed Remus's hand which I regretted instantly, Remus's hand was wet since he tried to stick his hand in the waiting rooms fish tank so that he could eat the fish earlier. Logan successfully managed to retrieve Remus's hand out but it still hasn't dried yet. My anxiety spiked up a bit when I saw Roman so I immediately went to his side

Roman was asleep in a hospital bed, he was wearing a periwinkle blue hospital gown and white bandages were wrapped around his head. Spots of red stained the bandages where Roman was hit dead on by the light falling on him. A hospital bracelet was around his right wrist which had a QR code so that the doctors can access his information regarding the injury

Soon afterwards, a man wearing a lab coat walked inside Roman's room. He had on a pink and blue tie over a white collared shirt. Over that was a tan v necked sweater/cardigan. He was also wearing khaki pants and brown shoes. The lab coats sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, revealing a watch on the doctors wrist. Framing his brown eyes was a pair of glasses, and a name tag on the lab coat read Emile Picani

I'm Dr Picani, do you how you?

Dr Picani then noticed my anxious state, so he went over to me

Mr Rodriguez is okay, he will have a concussion for a few days after he gets out but thankfully it wasn't enough for anything fatal

I nod, take a deep breath then Dr Picani starts to talk to me and Remus about what happened medically to Roman

Mr Rodriguez was hit by a stage light, it landed on the side of his head. He will be okay, but he will have a concussion for a few days

Remus and I nod, then Dr Picani leaves. Logan, Janus, and Patton come in the room. Remus tells them what Dr Picani told us then the rest of the friend group joined Roman's bedside

After Patton and Janus left to get us some terrible hospital food, I was holding onto Romans hand when I felt it get squeezed a little. I saw Roman's eyes start to open, Remus and Logan noticed as well. They both left the room to give me and Roman some time alone

I could tell that Roman wanted to hold me so I carefully joined him in the hospital bed, Roman's arms made their way around my waist and pulled me close, hugging me tight. I hugged him back, giving him kisses on his cheek

What happened to me? Why does my head hurt?

Someone cut the wires to a stage light that fell on you, the doctor said that you're okay but you're going to have a concussion for a few days

Are you the only one here or is everyone outside

Yeah, JJ and Patton are getting us all terrible hospital food while Remus and Logan are outside the room. Also, Remus tried to eat the fish that live in the waiting rooms fish tank

When will he not do something stupid?

I laugh when Roman said that, Roman smiled brightly and blushed when he heard me laugh. I smiled back at my boyfriend and gave him kisses, I then hear the door open, seeing Janus and Patton with styrofoam boxes. They put them down then joined Romans bedside

Do you know who made the light fall on me?

Your math teacher, he went psycho after finally finding out that you and his daughter broke up even though you have been separated since junior year. Kids on campus found him out immediately, and he was fired when the news was spread to the principal

That makes sense, he always sat his daughter next to me in class and made us get together. Thank the gods that she also wasn't on board with it, she is aromantic and knew that I was with Virgil even then

Well, that guy is finally gone from tormenting us with unnecessary math problems. Thank god that you're still alive after that heavy light fell on you

Yeah, V said that I'll have a concussion for a few days. Wonder when I can go home, though

Dr Picani will probably tell you when he comes back, don't worry

Just as Patton said that, Dr Picani walked back in the room and told Roman that he's going to have to stay overnight so that his head could get monitored in case there's anything severe . Roman understood, he looked happy since he gets to go home tomorrow. After an hour, visiting hours were up for the day. Everyone else had already left about 30 minutes before so that Roman and I could have time to ourselves

I told Roman that we can text/call/FaceTime as I go back home and get ready the evening tonight. Roman was flexible with it, giving me a bunch of kisses before I go home. I smile and kiss him back, telling him to feel better

We FaceTime as I return home, I began to feel tired around midnight after having a late dinner so I get ready for bed. I see Roman's face turn red as he sees me in one of his hoodies. I smile and wish him goodnight, falling asleep soon afterwards as I dream about Roman recovering

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