By MwelwaMkangaza

433K 10.7K 917

"Ah fuck baby please" she begged as I fucked her hard "please what hmm" I ask knowing exactly what she wants More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Characters 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Announcement 😊😊

Chapter 14

10.7K 311 15
By MwelwaMkangaza

⚠️ Smut warning ⚠️

Yaretzi's pov

So I'm currently outside Chase's window with Aloise and Alala I called Aloise here to test his theory of Tyler being capable of change and sure enough he is because the moment Aloise arrived 5minutes later Tyler was in Chase's room and came up with an amazing lie on the spot that saved her from a worse beating and Ares calmed down right after because I was having trouble keeping her in check sigh, this is all my fault if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have yelled but then again that was funny as hell up until her parents came and ruined our fun. "Well I guess you were right Aloise the brother might just be saved if my parents decide to kill her abusers" I chuckle at the thought I'm not joking though they really are planning on killing her abusers though her father is an amazing business man he owns his own company and runs it well he also makes deals for the pack and there always successful he truly is an amazing man and her mother is an amazing actress known world wide she's really good at it plus as a bonus she's kind and caring she donates half the money she makes to the people who are in need of it but I guess that's why she's an actress because outside she's kind and caring but in her own house hold she's heartless and cruel to her own child<sigh> "where are they" I here her brother say he must be talking about us "who?" Chase asks sounding confused "your little friends they are the reason for your yelling aren't they?" He asks sounding irritated "I don't know what your talking about" Chase responds "don't play with me Jenna tell me where they are or I'll call mom <cough> and dad <cough> and let them have there way with you" he says with no emotion, Jenna? Maybe that's her middle name "why can't you just call me Chase like everyone else?" she asks so politely and respectfully she's definitely the submissive type "don't play with me Jenna where are they before I call Mom and Dad and let them finish what they started" he says sounding irritated again "okay okay I'll tell you but you need to promise me you won't say anything to Sir and Madam I'll be grounded and punished for a month and my body can't handle it right now so please" she begs "you don't tell me what to do Jenna now where are they?" He asks again "I know but please I won't ask for anything else I'm begging you just this one thing please" she begs again "you have ten seconds to tell me where they are or I'll drag you downstairs and let them have there way with you" he tells her "fine I'll call her" she sighs in defeat "Yaretzi reveal yourself please" I tell Alala to stand instead of me "Alala?" She questions "Yeah my other name is Yaretzi remember I told you that" she says to which Chase responds with a "yeah sorry I'm not thinking straight where's Aloise?" And on que Aloise stands up.

Chase's pov

When Aloise stood up Tyler froze and didn't say a word as the both of them locked eyes "Sorry for making you yell like that it wasn't our intention to get you in trouble" Aloise apologizes for something he didn't do but I'm guessing Yaretzi put them up to this she's still here though I can still smell her sent and I can still feel her presence which gives me peace of mind knowing she didn't ditch me "After that wrong approach I'm pretty sure your parents won't be allowing us over" he sighs then looks at Tyler "can you pretend we are your friends then let us in please I've been dying to check out Chase's room" he says with an innocent smile I look at my brother and he seems to be thinking it through "okay but under one condition" my brother speaks "and that is" Alala asks "I get to speak with you alone" he says pointing to Aloise "but of course I'm all yours" Aloise responds and gives my brother a charming smile I look at Tyler and his face is heating up, blushing? No that can't be he hates me for a condition I can't control and when they found out I was lesbian they hated me more so him being gay would go against what he believes in "oh and one more thing we just happen to be three the third refuses to reveal themselves is there anyway of me letting them in without anyone seeing them?" He asks Tyler sighs and nods his head yes "Thank you" Aloise says and then winks at Tyler who looks away and hides his face is he okay is he feeling better "is everything okay Tyler are you feeling okay?" I ask genuinely concerned "I'm fine now hush" he says and I keep quiet.

We are currently in my room and by we I mean Yaretzi, Alala and I. Aloise is with my brother talking about goddess knows what "Hey Chase wanna play a game" Yaretzi asks in a seductive way and My body instantly reacts to her tone "uh I get the feeling the game is not in Alalas favor" I say remembering our friend who's sited right next to us "yeah Yaretzi did you forget I'm here?" Alala asks "Leave!" She growls a little bit to loud shit if she doesn't Calm down I'm dead so I do the most logical thing I can think of I kiss her and her body relaxes then she calms down, after a few seconds I try to pull away from the kiss but she pulls my shirt and dippens it she slides her tongue across my lips and I open my mouth allowing her access our tongue's fight for dominance and she wins, after a few more seconds we pull apart but I Lean my forehead on hers as we refill our lungs with air "I'm staying the night" Yaretzi said out of the blue "but I have school in the morning plus I have to study for the tests we're going to be writing the same day so you can't stay" I tell her calmly "but I want you now" and sure enough shes not joking because I can smell her arousal and it's strong "uh hem still here" Alala says "Then fucking leave already!" Yaretzi exclaims yet again I'm so dead when she leaves I sigh then grab her hands and hold them in mine "baby please don't yell at her it's not her fault. Listen you can have me all to yourself tomorrow from 10:30am to 4:00pm and your free to do and try whatever you please you have my full consent but we can't do anything right now and not in this house while my parents are around so please calm down just wait a little longer" she looks me in the eyes and I visibly gulp it's like what I said just made her more aroused "Alala go find Aloise and chill with him for a while. I need to have a little talk with my Mate" she says with authority "yes Alph- I mean Yaretzi" Alala says before leaving me alone with a sex hungry Yaretzi.

"When I say I want you now I mean I want you now and I'm going to take you here and now" Yaretzi speaks in a husky demanding tone and for some reason that made me hard and wet I swallow my saliva and nod my head yes, she grabs my jaw tightly "Words" she says "yes ma'am" comes my response, fuck that just turned me on even more, why I have no idea "okay now can you be quiet for me baby girl?" She asks "w-we ca-can't do it he-here" I say while stuttering yes I'm horny but it's almost time for me to do my chores and I have to be down on time, plus my parents can walk in at anytime because I'm not allowed to lock the door "yes we can and we will please baby" she says while placing my hand in her underwear God she's so wet "you did this now you have to take care of it" she says in a demanding tone 'goddess she's so wet take her here and now Chase' Casey moans Yaretzi stands and locks the door "okay but we have to be quick we only have 40minuets till you have to leave and I have to get to doing my chores" I say while looking at her ass "that's more than enough time" she says then walks back to me "this is a bad idea" I say to her "shh let me take care of this I'm sure it hurts" she says while rubbing her palm on my erection above my sweatpants I let out a small whimper at the small sensation "okay now strip" she says and I look at her but comply and start striping as she walks into my bathroom to do goddess knows what, after I'm done striping I sit on the bed in my boxers and sports bra waiting for Yaretzi, after a few minutes she comes out of the bathroom in an all black lingerie matching set and my mouth waters at how good she looks she slowly walks up to me and stands between my legs I reach my arms out to hold her waist but she slaps them away "did I say you could touch me" she asks while holding me by the jaw I shake my head no "words little girl" "No" I say "you know tonight was about praising you and making you feel good but since you can't follow simple instructions that's gonna change" she husks out while still holding my jaw I visibly gulp why is this turning me on so much right now "you are not allowed to cum till I say so and your not allowed to touch me either" she says in that demanding tone yet again "but, but th-" I'm cut off by her grabbing my throat "but, but what hmm" she mocks then pushes me fully on the bed while still holding my neck she straddles my waist then speaks again "take your sports bra off and lay in the middle of the bed" she instructs I slowly take off my bra and neatly place it on the folded clothes that I just took off then I move to what I think is the middle and lay there waiting for her next command or move she crawled on top of me then started kissing and biting my neck my body hurts but she's being gentle, my breath hitched when she bit a specific spot on my neck she sucked and bite that spot alittle more while I closed my eyes biting my lip to suppress a moan then I heard a click, I opened my eyes and looked at my wrists and they where both cuffed to the head board how she got the cuffs on me without me knowing I have no idea I looked at her and her eyes where dark with last "now little girl remember what I said no cumming till I say so okay" she says as she pulls down my boxers "ye-yes ma'am" I say then let out a shakey breath "good girl now if you cum before I say so you will be punished tomorrow" she says in all seriousness I gulp and nod my head "yes ma'am" I basically squeak out as she licks the tip of my shaft.

"Fuck baby" I moan as she bobs her head up and down my shaft trying to swallow the whole thing while her hand works the part of my shaft that her mouth can't. She starts to rub my vaginal opening and I feel a knot in my stomach 'i swear Chase if you cum right now I'll kill you myself' Casey scolds 'your not the one being threatened or getting fucked so shut ahhh fuck' I moan both in person and in my head "I said be quiet did I not" Yaretzi scolds "sorry can you continue I'm so close" I whimper "didn't I also say your not allowed to cum till I say so" she asks while raising her perfect eyebrow "please" I beg "No!" She growls and I whimper this shit fucking hurts and she won't let me finish "I don't have my items with me so this is the next best thing now be a good girl and tell me where your ties are" she asks "second drawer over there I point my head to the side of the bed because she has my hands cuffed to the head board. She takes out the tie then takes off her underwear and shoves it in my mouth then ties the tie around it "now be a good little girl and quiet down" she says and I nod my head yes In response I feel something slippery being placed on my dick I look to see what it is and it's a condom "don't back your hips, don't move till I say you can and don't cum till I'm satisfied and say you can clear" I nod my head yes as sweat drips down my face from how painful this is and knowing it's about to get worse "ah fuck" Yaretzi moans and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard it almost brings me to my end but I don't blow my load just yet after taking In my whole size she stays still trying to adjust to the size then after a few minutes she starts bouncing and moaning lowly I'm pretty sure my face is red from how hard I'm trying not to cum right now she keeps bouncing then she sticks a finger in my vagina and my back arches on its own as I let out a muffled moan she starts bouncing even faster and moving her finger faster inside me "move with me" she says and I match her trusts I feel her inner walls tighten around my shuft suffocating it even more "right there faster baby" she says and I grab on to the chains of the cuffs and start pounding into her she takes her finger out of my vagina and uses that hand to cover her mouth as her eyes roll to the back of her head and she cums all over my shufft while letting out a muffled scream of pleasure. That did it for me cause Immediately she came I came seconds after letting out a loud muffled moan of pleasure as my eyes rolled to the back of my head 'fuck I'm screwed' I say to Casey while out of breath 'you think' she says then rolls her eyes after, we both catch our breath then Yaretzi's hand finds itself on my throat "Did I say you could cum Slut!" She whisper yells I shake my head no because the underwear and tie are still in my mouth "I'm gonna have a lot of fun punishing you tomorrow" she says while grabbing my jaw she unties the tie around my mouth then takes out the underwear and smashes our lips together in a deep passionate kiss she licks my bottom lip asking for access and I gladly give it to her before we can go any further there's a bang on my door and I pull away from Yaretzi and she quickly uncuff's me "yes" I say scared out of my mind "CHASE CHARLIE JENNA ROSS WHY IS MY DOOR LOCKED" fuck I'm screwed I think to myself as I finish getting dressed then throw the condom in the bin of the bathroom then I run to the door and unlock it but not before telling Yaretzi to hide "uh Sir Tyler had guests over so I thought it was okay for the door to be locked because that's wha-" I'm cut off by my ear being pulled and my father drugging me out of my room by said ear I hiss in pain because of how hard his pulling I hear a loud growl and I'm sure my parents heard it to because they stopped and asked me what that was "uh I honestly don't know" I lie "Firstly Tyler's friends left 5minuts ago and you know damn well your not allowed to lock my doors unless I permit it" my mother says while my father keeps drugging me to goddess knows where.

And the smut begins😉🤤 hope you liked it

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