
By -QveenMe-

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(Imagine/One Shot Book) Old characters, previews, new random one shots. More

Its You (Cuffin' Season)
Its You Pt.2 (Cuffin' Season)
Breaking In (Random)
RAW (Random)
Its You Pt.3 (Cuffin' Season)
Picnic Date (EGAS)
Birthday Dinner (Random)
Remember Me (Random)
Honeymoon (Cuffin' Season)
Locked Up (Random)
Teach Me(Random)
‼️‼️Damaged Goodz: Growing Painz Cast‼️‼️
‼️Whats Next?!‼️
‼️Whats Next?!...Again‼️
Church Boy(Preview)
By Your Side (Random)
🚨OUT NOW/ Breaking In Update🚨
🙃Yall are hilarious. Lets talk about it!😭
‼️‼️NEED HELP‼️‼️
🚨🚨Yall already know what won lol🚨🚨
Graduation Day (Cuffin' Season)
Gym Bros(Silent)
‼️" Damaged Goodz: Growing Painz" Recap is Out now...since it was deleted‼️
‼️Damaged Goodz: Growing Painz Recap‼️
⚠️Notice: QMSU⚠️
A Day In(The Other Side)
‼️‼️NEW STORY OUT NOW: Moonlight‼️‼️
Wedding Bells (Teach Me)
Emergency (Random)
Emergeny Pt.2(Random)
School Project(Random)
School Project Pt.2 (Random)
Metamorphosis (Rags to Riches)
Rehab(Addiction Sequel)
Gym Bros Pt.2 (Silent)
Birthday Trip(The Other Side)
Locked Up Pt.2(Random)
Locked Up Pt.3(Random)
The Discord is Finally here! Go Join!
Peace of Mind(Teach Me Spin-off)
Peace of Mind(Teach Me Spin-off Pt.2)
Daddy's Home(Security)
First Transition(Moonlight)
Can I go?(Church Boy)
In Thier Grasp(Random)

Anniversary (The Other Side)

4.1K 146 132
By -QveenMe-

The story of  Cordell forgetting their anniversary.
Characters from "The Other Side".

Name: Cordell Jackson
Age: 27

Name: Cévon Jackson
Age: 25

Cévon P.O.V
I inhaled from the blunt I was smoking and looked at the water as I wore my favorite hoodie. It was Cordell's, but it was really mine. Fuck a nigga named Cordell.

"Crash bring yo dumb ass over here! Didn't I tell you to stop chasing that cat? When she claw yo eyes out don't cry to me like you did when yo dumb ass got stung by that bee after I told you not to. Come here!" I yelled at him as he ran over to me at full speed before debasing in front of me and side-eyeing me.

He barked at me making me move my foot and he took off running. Pussy ass dog.

I took one last hit from my blunt before I was finished and watched as Crash ran along the water in the sand. I loved this house so much. My beach house. It was so beautiful and it was just a vibe. I liked how alone we were too. Nobody lived near us and I loved that. It was also a private beach so people couldn't just walk around our shit even if they wanted to.

I stood up hearing the low rumble of thunder making me chuckle.

"Fuck you universe," I spoke shaking my head. Of course, it would rain now. It fits the mood anyway. I guess it didn't matter.

I was not in a good mood. Yea, today was my anniversary, but my fuck ass husband didn't know that so I wasn't in the mood at all. This storm was only about to set the mood with how I was feeling. I don't even wanna where his fuck ass hoodie no more. Big slut.

I walked into the house with Crash running past me almost making me fall. I smacked my lips and frowned at him feeling anger ride in me.

"Watch where you going!" I yelled at him making him bark at me and then run. Always talking back. I hate this fucking dog.

I went into the kitchen to make a sandwich and heard his big stupid ass walking into the front door.

"Wassup, my baby. You hear that thunder? It's ab-,"

"Quit talking to me," I interrupted making him look at me confused.

"Why the fuck did I do?" He asked me sitting down some grocery bags.

"I asked you not to talk to me," I replied as he walked over to me.

"Baby, what did I do? I only went to the store," he spoke embracing me as I just looked up at him while crossing my arms. "Why you so angry?"

"Because there's something you ain't say to me," I spoke as he looked at me before chuckling.

"Uh...I love you?" He spoke making me nod my head and push him off of me.

"Fuck outta my face. Go call P or something. I bet y'all two dumb ass niggas will have a good time together," I spoke walking away making him grab me and smack his lips.

"Here you go starting yo shit. Cévon, for the millionth time, I don't want P. I only want you baby. You're my whole world," he spoke as I shook my head snatching away from him.

"Apparently not," I spoke walking away from him and heading up the stairs. I went into our room and I slammed the door shut locking it before sitting on the bed.

I put my head in my hand and sighed. Times like this I miss Itrez. I definitely would have called him to hang out or something so I could talk shit about Cordell and get drunk safely because I was with him. Nori was too far away and I didn't have any other friends. I wasn't much of a people's person. I took the hoodie off feeling my body grow hot and agitated. I wanna fight the fuck outta this nigga but when we got married I swore to him I would never put my hands on him again and I'm not tryna be no domestic violence case.

I love that nigga too much, but apparently, he don't love me back. Can't even remember our anniversary. I bought him a nice ass engraved watch. He talked about wanting a specific one since he was a kid and I got it for him and engraved it with his name. That shit was not cheap yet my HUSBAND wanted it so I got it for him. All I'm getting is nothing and a dumb-ass smile and a dimpled face that I love looking at.

Bitch ass nigga. He was probably talking to P and he forgot about me. I know he likes P. He probably still made that nigga don't wanna be his friend no more. Pussy ass. He likes my daddy too so maybe he was talking to him and forgot about me. I would never forget about him.

My fucking chest bro. I looked at the closet and opened it up looking at the bag I had his gifts in. I looked at the watch and sighed before putting it back and looking at the card that I got for him. I also just got him some more cologne and lotions and shit he needs. What type of husband would I be if I didn't get my man his necessities? He also wanted a manscape so I got him one. Weird ass said he wanted to put my initials on his dick hair. Fucking weirdo.

I'm mad I got this nigga tatted on me. I Can do that but he can't remember our anniversary? I got his whole name, his birthday, our date, all of that shit and he can't remember a date that he looks at every fucking night when he's fucking the shit outta me. It's on my back in an area that he can see during back shots. I know he saw it last night.

Now today it's nothing?!

Fuck him and our anniversary. April 16 don't mean shit to me no more...

I put the bag down and closed the closet hearing a knock at the bedroom door.

"Baby? Can I come into the room? I want to change my clothes," he spoke as I ignored him. "Baby I was not talking to P,"

"Then why you acting like that?!" I yelled at him unlocking the door and opening it up.

"Acting like what?" He asked me confused holding his arms out.

"Acting like you slow! Like you can't remember shit! We're married!" I yelled at him balling up my fist and getting closer to him.

Don't hit him. Don't hit him. Don't hit him.

"I know we're married, but what does that have to do with you being mad at me Cévon? I haven't even been here today and I left to go to the store to get some groceries to make us dinner. I haven't done anything," he spoke a si just stared at him.

"You're right. One last question though and you better answer correctly. What are you making dinner for?" I asked him to see if he would remember it was an anniversary surprise and he was playing.

"...because it's dinner time...?" He spoke softly as I sat down on the bed quietly not looking at him. I felt that lump in my throat form as I looked back up at him. My face grew hot and my eyes got watery making me look away from him. "Cev, are you about to cry?"

I got up and went into the closet grabbing his gift before roughly throwing it at his feet.

"Happy anniversary," I spoke as tears fell from my eyes. I walked past him and wiped my face feeling him grab me. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

"Wait Cev, baby don't cry. Don't cry. I was jus-,"

"No fuck you! After all, we've been through you can't remember our anniversary my nigga?! We're married and you can't remember the day it happened?! I sat up here and was quiet all week waiting on you to say something like our anniversary is coming up, what are we doing, something but I got nothing! I would have never expected you to be the one to forget me outta all people Cordell! I mean the date is tatted on me! I'm good enough for you to fuck and get tatted on me, but not for you to remember our anniversary! Get the fuck off of me and leave me alone! I'm going to spend my anniversary at a bar or something. And don't ask me dumb questions talking about am I about to cry? Yea, I'm crying 'cause you broke my heart!" I yelled at him with my voice cracking.

It may seem like I was doing way too much but I didn't play about dates that were important to me. I only had four.

Cash's death.

Itrez's death.

Cordell's birthday.


I guess it's fuck me. I walked away from him hearing him follow me as I tried to stop myself from crying harder. Why didn't he remember the day we got married? It was the best day of my life. I know people forget stuff, but I would never forget him. I walked outside even though it was storming and saw Crash looking at me and whining.

"Cévon! Wait come here!" He yelled after me as I kept walking. Roughly wiping my face saying fuck the car and walking in the rain. "My baby I didn't forget our anniversary!"

I felt him grab my arm making me stop walking and turn around to face him.

"I didn't forget. I promise I didn't. Look baby," he spoke making me sniffle and turn away from him. "Look at me Cev. I'm sorry for making you cry and I can admit maybe I should have stopped my joke sooner, but I was just trying to surprise you. I left to get groceries so I could make your favorite and I also had to pick up your gift. I would NEVER forget anything about you, about us, or even just including you. How could I? You're my whole world. Please stop crying,".

"Y-You're lying," I whispered as felt a sob get stuck in my throat. I'm not about to have this nigga out here making me cry like a little bitch.

"I promise I'm not. Look," he spoke making look at his hand. It was a small box. "I didn't forget. Happy anniversary baby,"

I looked at him before taking the box wiping the water from the rain off of my face. I opened it up seeing a ring in there making me look at it shocked.

"I told you I was going to upgrade your ring one day and I did. I promised you, baby. Happy anniversary," he spoke looking at me as I looked up at him and pouted. "Come on baby,"

We walked back into the house and upstairs to our room. Crash followed behind us nudging me with his head to play probably to make me feel better.

"Daddy is sad right now Crash. Leave him alone," Cordell spoke looking down at him as he whined stopping and looking at us. We both took our clothes off and dried off putting on clean and dry clothes. I sat down on the bed and looked at him feeling like a complete asshole. Of course, he wouldn't forget our anniversary. Of course, he wouldn't...

I should have known he was playing and trying to surprise me.

"Cordell...I'm so-,"

"Don't. No, I'm sorry baby for letting it last this long. I should have told you I was joking. I didn't mean to make you cry like that. I didn't think you would and I'm sorry for hurting you like that. I would never forget our anniversary my baby. Do you know how happy I was on that day? That was the best day I've ever had in my life. I would never ever forget our anniversary baby and I damn sure wasn't talking to P. I haven't talked to him in years and I don't want to. I only want you baby. You and only you. That's why I married you," he told me wiping my face as I nodded my head.

"Still, I'm sorry for cussing you out and believing that you would really forget something like that. But you didn't. Thank you for remembering and thank you for my ring. I love it. Uh...maybe you wanna open yours too? I hope that it's not broken," I told him as he pecked my lips a few times.

"Smile baby. We're good. I'm not mad and you're ok. It's our anniversary baby," he spoke picking up the bag and looking into it.

"I know I just...I hate it when I get like that. Im sorry again...," I told him as he shook his head.

"It's ok baby. I know you were just upset. I would be too if you forgot our anniversary. I promise you I was only joking though so that I could surprise you with dinner and your gift. I was going to do this whole thing where I asked you if you wanted to eat knowing you would be mad, but then you would see the dinner I had for you and it would be all like ahhhh surprise and then I was going to get on one knee and give you ring...again," he spoke chuckling as I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry I ruined your surprise. I didn't mean to get like that, but I take our relationship really seriously and I love everything about it so for you to not remember made me think it was all a lie. I didn't need another person who said they loved me to not be real. I already lost enough people I thought I had lost you too. I couldn't handle that," I spoke as he kissed my head stretching his hand out to mine. I stood up and he took my ring off of my finger and put the new one on.

"I would never leave you. I'm not going anywhere," he told me seriously as I nodded my head. "Let me open my gifts,"

"Don't read the card out loud! I don't like hearing myself talk or what I wrote. It's weird...," I spoke as he put the card back and chuckled. He reached back into the bag and pulled out the watch looking at the box immediately knowing what it was.

"Nah there's no fucking way you got me this expensive ass watch! Do you know how bad I wanted this watch?! This just made my whole day baby. Thank you! Put this shit on my wrist," he spoke making me laugh.

"Ok cheesing ass nigga," I replied putting his watch on him making him smile at it. "You didn't see I had it engraved with your name and shit...,"

"What?! Oh, that's fire baby! That's so fire. I'm wearing this with every fucking outfit and to every event we go to every date, everything! This shit so clean. Lemme post this," he spoke walking off and grabbing his phone before coming back and taking pictures of it. He tagged me in saying "Anniversary gift from the best husband in the world" making me chuckle.

"Thank you, baby. Seriously. And I got...some more cologne and my essentials. Thank you, baby. I love it so much. I can't wait to stow out with all my shit in. It's like when you get yo outfit ready for the first day of school and then have it out all night and shit! That's how I feel. I'm about to take a shower with my body wash, then use my lotion and deodorant, imma put on my cologne, and my watch and look fly baby. Imma smell so good. Thank you, baby. I'm really happy," he told me grabbing me and kissing me twice.

"...I ain't gone lie...I want some dick now. I done got mad, sad, and I cried. Now make me feel better or imma think you fuckin-,"

"I don't wanna fuck P Cévon! I don't want that man!" He yelled at me laughing making me squint my eyes at him.

"I was gonna say my dad. We all know you like him. Friendly ass bi-,"

"Yea get in that bed and strip for me. I'm about to show yo little ass just how much I love you, my baby," he told me rolling his eyes and taking his shirt off. He's so fucking fine. Sexy ass nigga.

Happy anniversary to me.

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