Arranged || Jihan

By Shujii_wa

38.1K 1.3K 820

A short story wherein 21 years old Hong Joshua and Yoon Jeonghan were arranged for a marriage to legalize the... More



1.1K 36 12
By Shujii_wa


Hello, this is your husband's secretary.  boss, he told me to text you, before he passed out. We ran him to the **** hospital

Now upon seeing and reading the text, Jeonghan wasted no more time and stood up from the table quickly getting his things.

"Jeonghan- hey- what's wrong?" Seungcheol asked in a concerning manner with the others confused too.

"I-it's Shua.. I need t-to go" There was a hint of panic and horror in Jeonghan's tone of voice which the others got concerned at and also because of what they heard.

"Wait wait hyung calm down.. What's wrong with Shua-hyung??" Seungkwan said as he held the olders shoulder rubbing it for Jeinghan to calm down.

"His secretary texted and told me Shua passed put and their in the hospital" Jeonghan explwined the tone of panic was still there but he tried to calm down and relax as possible.

"WHAT?" Soonyoung said as he just arrived. "Hyung let's go we'll go with you and Seungcheol-hyung will drive your way to panic to drive" Mingyu said as they all stood up and made their way to the car.


"Oh Jeonghan dear" Mrs Hong greeted Jeonghan and his friends as they where on the entrance of the hospital.

"Hey aunt.. Is he alright??" Jeonghan tried to ask as calm as possible but you can still see that he's very worried. "He's alright dear so calm down" Mrs. Hong gave the boy a gentle smile which assured Jeonghan and calmed down.

"The doctor said he passed out from lack of sleep but mostly because of stress and anxiousness"Mrs. Hong explained with Jeonghan frowning hearing that. He knows how busy Joshua had been because it is bussiness and how Joshua told him that in advance but he couldn't help but feel guilty for not taking care of him.

"Where is he?" Jeonghan asked. "He's in room 04 on the 7th floor one of the vip rooms dear you can visit him, as well as your friends" Mrs. Hong replied which such a kind smile making the others smile and they went to the room.


Jeonhhan first got into the room trying to be quiet as possible as hebfigured the younger was still asleep which he is. Jeonghan then looked back at his friends and gestured them to be quiet as they enter which they were and their all now inside the vip room with the others sitting on the couch and Jeonghan and Soonyoung approaching Joshua.

"God why do you have to work yourself too much Shua" Jeonghan said immediately holding the younger's hand who is sleeping peacefully.

"Hyung has always been hard on himself" Soonyoung added frowning upon saying those words.

It's true, even those past few weeks he was with Joshua, the young ceo has always been hard on himself so Jeonghan just helps him lessen that but considering their busy schedules he didn't get to be able to.

Now with those thoughts wandering on Jeonghan's mind it made him even more upset and guilty, He unconsciously tighten his grip at Joshua's hand as he looked down.

"Han.. That hurts.." They heard a a timid yet soft voice called bolting there heads up to the boy who's on the bed. "Shua-hyung!" Soonyoung and the others said, Jeonghan finally feeling relieved he still hasn't let go of his tight grip at Joshua's hand.

"Hannie" Joshua called once again now looking at Jeonghan. "It hurts.." Now those words made Jeonghan snapped out of his thoughts and let go of Joshua's hand, not gripping it tightly anymore.

"Im sorry Shuji, I wa sjust so relief that your okay..." Jeonghan happily said as he smiled at Joshua who gently smiled back.

"Hyunggg enough about your husband now, attentions on us pleaseee" Soonyoung wind making the two boys look at them and chuckled.

Now a the moment was interrupted by a sudden phone call from Jeonghan's phone, it was his brother.

"Oh excuse me, I'll need to answer this" Jeonghan excused himself and stood up proceeding outside the room and the others went on to talk to Joshua.

"Hyung? You called" You can sense the coldness on Jeonghan's voice even on the phone.

"Jeonghan.. Are you free? Let's talk"

"Im not free, Im busy taking care of Joshua"

"Joshua? Oh right your husband, but Jeonghan please...?"

"I requested one thing hyung, Leave. Me. Alone" Jeonghan now irritated heard his hyung sighed on the other line which made him feel guilty a bit.

"Alright Jeonghan.. I'll call again some other time and please consider it next time"

The call then ended with Jeonghan putting his phone in the pocket brushing his hair up to calm himself down, He really hated his brother ever since 'that'.

"Jeonghan's awfully taking long?" Joshua pointed out as Jeonghan has been out for a while. "Well maybe it's his oarents calling him hyung" Soonyoung just assured as he and the others saw that it was Jeonghan's brother calling him and they all now they aren't in good terms and Joshua didn't know so.

"Anyways hyung im tired can i lay beside you? I mean the bed is large enoughhhh" Soonyoung whined with Joshua chuckling, but not lying the bed is big considering it's an vip room, almost like a hotel room with a large space for a couch then a large bed with the comfort room on the side and a large window beside the big bed.

"Lay all you want Soonie" Joshua said patting the empty space beside him with Soonyoung happily laying down and cuddled with Joshua.

"Soons im pretty sure Jeonghan-hyung would be Jealous" Mingyu said obviously wanting too as well but then Seungcheol suddenly said something "Shit guys we still have uni"

"Right.." Jihoon replied. "Well i can stay my classes are done and Jeonghan-hyung's too" Soonyoung claimed with Mingyu pouting.

"Alright then Hyung we'll go now, take   care of uourself more" Seungkwan said as the 4 boys made their way to the door and left.

"Soonie" Joshua called brushing Soonyoung's hair as Soonyoung slowly doze off but managed to reply a hum.

"Does Jeonghan knows?"

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