She should've been mine( a Co...

By mbnkfjfjf

1.3K 82 345

"As I saw Nisha walking down the aisle, tears started to form in eyes to the point I had to bite my lip to ke... More

Cast of She should've been mine

Fourteen(the last chapter)

79 5 38
By mbnkfjfjf

November 14th, 2023

Cory's pov

I watched as Zanisha and Warren exited the room. Amari was by my side looking down and sad. I looked over at her and said "Baby everything's okay" I said holding her hand. "But daddy, you're hurt and why did Auntie Vera have a gun?" I didn't know how to tell my three year old that her aunt was crazy so I just said "You don't need to worry about it okay?"


"Come on climb on the bed beside me" I said patting the bed.

"I-I'm fine over here dad" she said in a low tone.

I wasn't gonna let some lunatic ruin my daughter's happiness "Pleaseee... I don't wanna be alone" I said poking out my lip.

She turned around and saw my state and started to laugh "Daddy you silly"

She climbed up on the side of the hospital bed and laid down cuddling me tightly. She then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

"I love you so much" I whispered in her ear.

Nisha and Warren came back into the room looking shocked as hell. "What happened?" I asked.

"Vera turned herself in!" Nisha said sounding confused.

"Shhh, keep it down... Riri is sleeping and what?"

"I'm sorry, she said it was just the right thing to do" she said sitting in the chair.

To be honest, I was glad Vera decided to turn herself in but what about her two kids? She has a three year old and is pregnant with her second but at the same time, she should have known better.

"So... what do we do now?" Warren asked looking at everyone.

"I-...I don't even know how we just go back to our normal lives like nothing happened or what?" Nisha asked.

"What about Kiana?... how are we gonna...  I don't even know" Warren said shaking his head.

"I could try to get in contact with her mother and we could tell her everything that happened"

The news then popped up on the tv: "Today on local news, a woman by the name of Vera Collins was arrested for the murder of James Thomspon. She confessed this murder this morning to Detective Lisa Barry while she was at the hospital. She also confessed to the shooting that happened earlier this morning involving youtuber Cory Williams and actor Demetrius Flenory Jr and which she said she was the one that shot them. She also confessed that she was trying to kill her friend Zanisha Campbell as well. The folks say that Vera Collins is actually pregnant with Demetrius Flenory Jr's child and that she also shares a child with her deceased husband Warren Taylor named Kiana who is only three years old. The police are now investigating on Kiana's whereabouts to take her to foster care. I am Sara Richardson and this is local news" 

"Well... she knows now." I said out loud even though I was actually supposed to say that in my head.

Both me and Nisha's phones went off knowing that it was our family and friends making sure that we were okay. We answered the phone and told them that we were fine and they had nothing to worry about for right now.

"Well... Imma head back home umm heres my number if you wanna talk about this" Warren said handing us his written down phone number.

"Warren!" Zanisha said running up to him "Here, it's Vera's mother... call her and tell her that you are alive and that you wanna see your daughter" she said handing him the number.

"But that sounds crazy, what if she doesn't believe me?"

"She has to believe you, because they are now looking for Kiana aka your daughter because they think that she doesn't have any other parents"

Warren looked down and then took the number "Okay, wish me luck" he said before waving bye and leaving.

"All of this has happened and it's on only 7 am" I said to myself.

Warren's pov

After all this time, I was finally gonna meet my daughter. After I had got shot, I was sent down into a private hospital where they told me I was lucky to be alive. The person that shot me visited me at the hospital. He admitted to me that Vera had hired him to kill me and that he was very sorry. He begged me not to tell the police what he did. I forgave him, but I never forgave Vera. I lived off the grid for a while and had PI follow Vera around. The only reason I never followed any charges against her was because I still loved her and because of our child. I then started to follow her myself and that's when I seen her with the gun. I decided to call Vera's mother and hoped she answered the phone.  "Hello?" she said into the phone.

"Hi Ms.Collins.. it's me Warren... Warren Taylor" I said in a worried tone.

" Is this some type of sick twisted joke!?" she said angrily into the phone.

"Ms. Collins I promise it's me! I know this might sound crazy after all these years but please... I just wanna see my daughter"

I could tell she was starting to tear up a little bit. "Omg... Warren is that really you?"

"Yes... it's a long story about how I'm still alive but I would really love to see you and Kiana"

"I-" she paused a bit before speaking again "I will text you the address" she said in a crying voice.

"Okay"I said before hanging up the phone.

I drove over to the address Ms. Collins sent me and parked outside on the street. I got out of the car and knocked on the door. Ms. Collins opened the door and nearly fainted.

"Oh my gosh, you're okay" she said hugging me.

"Nana, can I have some cereal?" I heard a small voice say and then I realized it was Kiana.

I took one look at her and fell in love. She was so beautiful, she came over by the door and looked me up and down. "Hi Hi" she said with a happy smile. I nearly wanted to cry at just finally being able to see and hear her. 

"Hey..." I said smiling at her.

Ms. Collins then brought me inside and sat me down on the couch. "Kiki, I want you to meet your dad" she said pushing Kiana over by the couch. "You're my daddy?" she asked looking at me.

"Y-Yes and I just wanna say you are very beautiful" I said being genuine to her.

She smiled and did a twirl "I know" she said making me laugh.

She then sat up on the couch with me "I always thought I didn't have a daddy"

Hearing her said that made me feel bad but she was too young to understand the truth. 

"You always have, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way"

"It's okay, you're here now" she said before side hugging me.

There was a knock at the door and Ms. Collins answered it.

"Are you the grandmother of Kiana Taylor?" The police asked her

"Y-Yes why?"

"Well we're gonna have to take her to foster care since you're not her legal guardian" they said walking into the house.

I knew I had to say something. If not, they were gonna take her away. I got up and said "I'm... I'm her father"

"Sir her father died four years old ago in a shooting"

"Listen I'm Warren Taylor, Kiana's father"

"We're gonna need valid proof that you are Warren Taylor"

I went into my wallet and pulled out my id and showed it to them.

They look shocked seeing that it was really me.

"Sir, may you please explain how this happened" they asked pulling out their pen and paper.

"I don't wanna talk about it right now, I just wanna take care of my child and I could show you my two-bedroom apartment as well" 

"I-yes we would love to see the place" he said.

Later on that day, they went to my apartment and decided that it was fine for Kiana to stay with me. Luckily both of us were happy on the outcome.

Vera's pov

I have been in the holding cell for a while now. They brought me here about three hours ago and in these three hours, I thought about all the things that I have done and how I was never gonna see my daughter again. Maybe I did have some issues... I did all this for what? I have killed an innocent person and shot two people. "Hey! Your lawyer is here" the guard said to me.

I got up and he walked me to the investigation room. "Hi Ms. Collins, I'm your lawyer" he said trying to shake my hand so I held up my hands that were clearly in handcuffs. "Oh I'm so sorry, no more two cups of coffee for me" he said smiling and laughing like it was actually funny.

I sat down in the chair and as he sat down, his damn papers fell all over the floor. "OH SUGAR!" he yelled.

Yeah... I'm going to jail.

He took him ten minutes to get all of his papers up and then he finally sat down. "Oh,I am so sorry it was that darn special blend of coffee at the office"

He was scrawny and just looked stupid. There was no way I was gonna get out and honestly I didn't want to. I'm really at a point where I don't give a fuck any more.

"So uhhh your name is V-e-r-a right?"

"Umm yes?"

"Okay just checking, I know people spell it different."


"So you confessed to the murder and attempted murder?"

"Yes I did"

"Well" he put his hands together "We could say that you felt pressured to say it and that you said that because you were tired and-" I cut him off "Look I killed him alright? I did shoot Cory and Demetrius so I deserve to go to jail" I said getting up and leaning on the table.

"B-B-But I was suppose to-" I cut him off again "I don't give two fucks what you were supposed to do... just leave" 

I called for the guard and he took me back into my cell.

"Guess I'll be living here now" I thought to myself.

November 9th, 2024

Zanisha's pov

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CORY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" everyone sang to Cory. "Thank you everybody for all of this" he said grabbing my waist. After everything that happened, me and Cory took a little break from each other but then by Christmas, we were kissing under the mistletoe.

I walked over to Amari who was playing with Kiana and her new dog we had got for her birthday. I smiled in happiness and joy as everything felt right where it belonged.

"What you smiling about mama" Cory said coming up behind me grabbing my waist.

"Oh I'm just looking at Riri and Kiki playing." I said feeling a little emotional.

Cory then turned me around and kissed me on the lips "I love Nisha, I love you so much"

Cory always knew what to say to make me blush, to make me fall harder for him. "I'm so glad I married you" he said while hugging me,

Me and Cory got married in July on a beach in California and it was beautiful. I of course was able to say I do without stuttering and Cory... ohh Cory. He was wearing this suit with his afro out and he looked so good in it (yall know that one pic of Cory in a suit im too lazy to put it on here) 

I guess you can say we've been in the honeymoon phase ever since. "So how's our little one in there?" he said putting his hand on my stomach. 

I found out I was pregnant again on Amari's birthday and we were both very excited. When we told Amari, she asked if she had to share her snacks with the baby and we said only if she wanted to... so she said that means I don't have too.

Oh Amari, she never liked sharing.

"Fine babe" I said kissing him.

I went up to Warren to see him cheesing with his girlfriend Mya

"Hey Warren and Mya" I said going over to them.

"Heyy" They both said at the same time.

"How was the vacation to Jamaica?" I asked them.

"Oh girl it was very fun" Mya answered.

"Yeah you know I had to treat my baby out" he said then kissed her.

They were so cute.

"I'll let you guys be" I said before leaving.

I heard a knock at the door so I went to open it. It was Demetrius.

"Hey..." he said in a mild tone.

"Demetrius... wow you're here" I said shocked since I haven't seen him in a year.

"Well I just wanted to say I never got to apologize for what I did to you... that was totally wrong and fucked up. I just wanted to make my peace I mean I have learned not to put hands on women because it's not gonna do anything but make them afraid of you" he said.

"That's right" I said crossing my arms and leaning in the doorway.

I heard a baby cry "Who's that?"

"Oh, that is Sebastian" he said revealing the carrier with a baby in it. 

"Oh my gosh, he's beautiful"

"Yeah he's a little cranky" he said holding the carrier.

"Aww hi Sebastian" I said cooing at him.

He stared at me like he was angry then he turned happy and smiled.

I can't wait for this baby.

"Soo have you been up to see Vera?" Demetrius asked me.

I haven't spoken or seen Vera for a whole year. I just couldn't forgive her but... we are family. I asked my mom about everything Vera said and she said it was all true. 

"No... I guess I haven't brought myself to do it" I said playing with my hands and looking away.

"Look I know what Vera was crazy about everything but you should at least go up to see her, she is your sister right?"

"I guess you're right but do you know if she's willing to apologize?" I asked

"She has told me multiple times that she would"

I sighed a little "So how did it go with Sebastian? How did you get him?"

"She said she wanted me to raise him after she gave birth and of course I bring him up there as much I can"

"Where are my manners? Do you wanna come in?" I said realized we just have been talking outside this whole time.

"I would but I gotta go, me and little man have a day planned" he said look down happily at his son.

"Okay bye then" 

"Bye Z and aye I meant what I said, I'm very sorry" 

"I forgive you Meech, I'm just glad you are happy with your baby boy"

He waved and drove off.

"Tomorrow I'm gonna visit Vera"

November 10th, 2024

I drove up to the jail and parked my car. I got my card and everything and waited for Vera. She came out looking tired and stressed. I know she was sentenced to life without parole so I couldn't imagine how she was feeling. 

"Zanisha... you came?" she said sitting down

"Yes... I feel like we should talk about a few things"

"Okay but I just wanna say that... I'm so so so sorry for everything I did and if I could go back in time, I would fix everything" she said in a brink of tears.

"I-I forgive you V-Vera" I said

"It's fine if you don't forgive me right now... I'm just glad you're here" she said holding my hand.

"Ohh well well well, I see a ring on this finger" she said holding my finger with my wedding ring.

"Yeah me and Cory got married in July and now we're having another baby"

"Oh my gosh! Congrats!" she said happily.

"Speaking of babies,  I saw your little Sebastian"

"Yeah, him and Kiana are... the only thing helping me get through"

I sighed "I know it's probably hard to get through here"

"You know, I balled my eyes out the first few months I was here and now... I just know that what I did was wrong I mean I took someone's life because of my stupid decisions... I deserve to be here because any person that could just do that with no mercy is not human"

"Vera, I know it's hard to forgive yourself for that and hell I gotta learn to forgive you myself... but you just gotta know your strength. You don't wanna spend the rest of your life resenting yourself so just try to forgive yourself"

Vera started to cry a bit "Yeah... I have actually been writing letters but I just haven't sent them because I just never had the courage you know? I know everyone on the outside world probably hate my fucking guts and most likely want me to die alone and hurt... but I'm already hurt and I hate myself a-a--and I would be lying if I didn't feel the same way they probably do"

I started to cry and think about our college days, the days before Demetrius came into my life. I just feel so bad.

"Remember that time in college when we pranked the professor? I said trying not to cry.

Vera sniffled and said "Yeah, we put oil in the hallway and watched him bust his ass" she said and started to laugh and then I laughed with her.

We were laughing so loud that people started to look at us crazy but we didn't care at all. 

"Vera, I miss this... I miss the days where we would just laugh our ass off and we didn't care who looked" I said loud enough for them to hear.

"Yeah, I do too"

"I love you, I love you so much and even though I don't forgive you right now... I will at least try to because that is how much I care" I said squeezing her hand.

"Thank you, thank you so much and I love you too" she said also squeezing my hand

We talked and giggled like we were loud college students again all the way until visiting hours were over.

I couldn't let go and she couldn't let go... we didn't want the reality to set that she was gonna be in jail for the rest of her life. We both cried hard.

"I love you... sis" she said with tears coming down.

"I love you too sis" I said with tears on my cheek

Then we let our hands go.

I was gonna come back tomorrow for sure but I know I wasn't gonna get used to when visiting hours were over and we had to let go of our hands.

Vera has done fucked up things... but I still loved her because I knew that wasn't her. Vera will always be my girl and I'll always be hers. We both have helped each other through so much and I know that Vera is really sorry.

March 13, 2025

As I stared down at her grave, I put her favorite flowers down. Vera tried her hardest to be okay with the fact that she couldn't see the people she loved again but she just couldn't. I wished she could have held on...I wished she would have actually told me how she was really feeling. I should have seen the signs but I thought everything was okay. 

"It's okay, she's in a better place now" Cory said trying to calm me down.

"I know but why? I wish she had forgiven herself" I said crying harder.

Everyone was hurt by the news, everyone knew that Vera was hurting but not this bad.

I place a kiss and a letter on her grave and went back to the car.

The letter read "Vera, I know I never got to tell you this but... I forgive you... everyone forgives you and we all love you so much. I hope you and daddy can resolve your issues and bond as father and daughter like you always wanted"

Guys... I'm literally crying while writing this but I just wanna say i love yall thank you so much for supporting this book. Im crying so hard-I'm sorry I just can't believe Im crying this hard rn but I love yall and Ill see you guys in the next book.

Bye for now loves <3


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