The Shadow Pilot

By AOW_117

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My 2nd Anthro x Human Story. Jonathan or (Y/N) is a fighter pilot of the United Human Nations. Humanity has b... More

Prologue | Bio
Chapter 1: As Above, So Below
Chapter 2: Hell Fire From Above
Chapter 3: No Surrender
Chapter 4: The Raven's Calling Card
Chapter 5: Captured & Alone
Chapter 6: New Home, New Comrades, New Squad
Chapter 7: Training
Chapter 8: Ashes To Dust
Chapter 9: Things Get Complicated
Chapter 10: You Know Nothing
Chapter 11: Mission #1
Character & Military Bios So Far (NOT A CHAPTER)
Military Government Bios (NOT A CHAPTER)
Chapter 12: Angels Stripped Of Wings
Chapter 13: Shadows & Ghost
Chapter 14: Make Things Right
Chapter 15: Mission #2
Chapter 16: Admirers
Chapter 17: Thunderbolt
Update & New Book (NOT A CHAPTER)
Chapter 18: Mission Preparations (Short)
Chapter 19: Mission #3
Chapter 20: Past And Present
Chapter 21: A Day To Remember
Chapter 22: Mission #4 (Short)
Chapter 24: Mission #5
Temporarily On Hold (NOT A CHAPTER)
Chapter 25: Not How I Anticipated
Chapter 26: Loose Ends (Short)

Chapter 23: A Raven In Trouble

980 25 7
By AOW_117

~ Johnathan POV ~

~ 9 AM ~

I woke up with nothing more than a massive headache. The regret of drinking all that alcohol was now weighing on me. I was sleeping on a dark grey colored couch. My mind couldn't wrap my head around how I got there. All I knew was this wasn't my room. I slowly laid forward trying to collect myself while fighting off the painful headache. "Geez, the fuck happened" I grunted. As I finished laying forward, I felt a hand run down my back. I immediately froze up. Who the hell was in bed with me. Especially if I don't even know who's room this is. My head slowly turned to the left. Once I finished looking, I got the sight of something I wish I hadn't. Harper. Harper was laying next to me. She was in red and green panties with a white sports bra.


Ignore the weights

But this is what she looks like right now

I could see her nipples as they pushed against her bra. I was laying there in awe of what I was seeing. Then, a sudden realization came over me. I wasn't wearing a shirt or pants. Absolutely NOTHING but my boxers. I froze. "Shit, shit, shit". "What the fuck happened"?! I mentally screamed. Just then, Harper opened her eyes. Our eyes met as she locked onto my expression. She then took one look at her chest, and with that she jolted off the couch. I did the same. "J-johnathan, what the hell is going on"?! she half yelled. "I was about to ask the same thing" I yelled back. Harper immediately covered herself with her arms. "Oh my god" she said shocked and embarrassed. "D-did, we....." she stuttered. "I DON'T KNOW". "I can't remember shit". "All I remember was helping you back to your room and then blacking out". "I swear I didn't do anything"! I said in a panic. "Oh my god, we slept together didn't we"?! she said panicking. "WAIT, I-i remember"! I said. "We, w-we cuddled on the couch". "Y-you wanted me to stay". "Then we started kissing". "We just went to sleep after". "I swear we didn't go any further" I said. Harper looked at me again trying to relieve herself. "Ar-are you sure"? "We didn't actually do it, right"? she asked. "No, no of course not". "I'm positive" I stated. She and I both let out a sigh of relief. "B, b-but h-how did we both end up in our underwear"? she asked. "I-i, I think we did it to get comfortable" I told her. "L, let me go to the bathroom" she frantically said. In an instant, she pushed passed me and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door. My heart was racing, if she and I actually slept together on her couch, this would set the rest of the girls completely off. Not only that, but I'm scared I might've hurt Harper. "What if I was rough, what if I was forceful". "Oh God, what if she told me to stop but I didn't and forced myself on her" my mind raced. Just then, she came out the bathroom. My eyes were wide. "Well, d-did we...." I paused. "No, no we didn't" she said relieved. "Harper, I'm-im so sorry". "Did, did I hurt you"? I whimper. Harper walked to me hugging me before resting her arms on my shoulders. "No, you didn't hurt me". "Why would you ever say that"? she asked. I looked her in the eyes, shuttering a little. "Oh my god, you thought you...." she paused with her ears down. "Johnathan" she hugged me tighter than ever. "I know you would never hurt me or anyone here". "Please don't ever say or think that again" she whimpered. "O-okay" half whispered. After a few moments, we both calmed down. An unexpected knock abruptly came from the door causing us to both flinch. "I'll get it" Harper said. As she opened the door, I saw it was Eddie and Phoenix. "Is Johnathan in here"? Eddie asked. "I'm here, what's wrong"? I answered. "Oh nothing, Aayla sent us to come and get you". "She said it was important" Phoenix explained. "Okay, lemme get dressed". "Give me like 4 minutes" I said.

~ 4 Minutes Later ~

Once I was dressed, I left Harper's room while saying goodbye. Eddie and Phoenix both walked with me back to Hellcat's barracks. The walk back was a little awkward for some odd reason. "By the way, we got your scent from your room and tracked you, that's how we came looking for you" Eddie explained. "So, did you knock up that girl or something"? Phoenix asked. I snapped my head to him with a small glare. "No, we didn't sleep together alright" I said. "And if you tell Aayla or anyone else about this, your history" I added. "You're secret is safe with us" Eddie said. Just then, we made it to the squad's room. Eddie and Phoenix both walked inside first. I walked in after. The moment I did, everyone shouted "SURPRISE"!! I looked around to see both Hellcat and Fanged Legion Squadron. Everything had a more decorative look. Lots of food, small gifts, drinks, letters, ect. Herma was quick to give me a hug. "I heard about last night, we wanted to throw a celebration for you". "Hope you don't mind" she happily said. "Thanks guys, this means a lot" I replied. "Well, let's get it started then" Rocco chimed. From there, we all celebrated mostly drinking and eating. I opened up a few letters. My eyes widened as I noticed some of these letters were from other Furs in the base. Some of them read with words of praise, support, courage and happiness. Others had words of friendship and even some relationship proposals. "Wow" I said. "Looks like your popularity is skyrocketing Cassandra said. "I guess so" I said.

~ Time Skip ~ 2 Hours Later ~

Me and the others had all finished our drinks and food. I sat on the couch and coffee table watching some TV while most of the others all went off together for their own things. So It was really me, Herma, Aayla, Eddie, Kansas and Shannon. After a while, Herma came up and sat down next to me. "Hey, why so cuddly all of a sudden"? I asked puzzled. "I'm just so happy your here and all that" she replied. "I just want to be close to you, if you don't mind" she added. I smiled as I cuddled up to her while she leaned on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about last night" she whispered. I looked over at her smiling before pulling her closer to me. But I couldn't help but feel eyes watching us.

~ Aayla POV ~

I watched them cuddle on the couch. They looked so cute together. But I really wish he could spoil me too and not just give Herma all the attention. Ah, it's not big deal. Besides, he'll probably overwork himself to death tending to all our needs at once.

~ Herma POV ~

"Hey, wanna go to my place"? I asked him. He looked at me again. "Umm, are you sure"? he asked. "Of course, besides most of the squad are just doing rounds and drills today". "I promise I won't bite" I said. He seemed to think it over but eventually ended up agreeing. "Okay, lead the way" he chimed. We got up walking over to the door. Before we left I looked over at Aayla who was sitting at the squad's kitchen table. She shot me a quick raised eyebrow as a small grin formed on her face. I smiled back at her as I closed the door. "Don't worry girlfriend, I'll let you have him as soon as I'm done" I said. I led Johnathan back to my squad's room. On the way, we talked about a few things but nothing really important. Just small talk. Anyway, we got back to my squad's room. I punched in the door code as we both entered. Everyone was gone as expected. I smiled before turning to John. "So John, are you ready"? I asked.

~ Johnathan POV ~

"So John, are you ready"? she said. "Ready for what"? I asked. She began to stripe down, taking off her military shirt and pants. "Whoa, woah Herma what are y-" I was cut off as I saw her now.

"Y-you, your b-beau-tiful" I stuttered out. "Oh, then come here sweet boy" she cooed. I gulped hard as I anxiously got closer to her. "Take me to my bed" she whispered. I did as I was commanded as I carried her to her room. She was taller than me and heavier, but I still carried her without any issues. The adrenaline was now pumping fast. I laid her down on her bed as she gave me an intense seductive look. "Well handsome, time to drop that uniform" she said. I began to strip down first with my jacket and shirt. Then my cargo pants. Finally my boots. Soon I stood there with just my boxers. Herma snickered as her sharp teeth flashed. Soon, she stood up removing her shirt, bra and lastly of course her underwear. "Your turn" she cooed. I took a deep breath before pulling down my boxers to reveal my semi hard member. We both stood there completely now naked in front of each other. *Tsk tsk* "You're quite big now are you" she teased. "Heh, uh I, guess" I said embarrassed a little. "Now be a good boy and lay down" she commanded. I walked over to the bed laying down on my back as my member was now getting even more hard by the second. Herma snickered again before she began to climb ontop of me. My heart was starting to race as I felt a tingling in my chest.

~ Warning / Lemon 🍋💛 ~

Herma climbed up on top of me until her pussy laid over my face. She was wet and dripping. Dripping more than a leaking pipe. "You up for a little game" she teased. I smiled nodding my head. Slowly she dropped her wet slit over my face and mouth. She let out a small moan. "Now, make better use of that mouth and start licking" she ordered. I began to lick soft but sharp. "Mhmm, y-yes" she moaned. Her slit started to drip even more as she became wetter. I started licking harder knowing that she was turned on. With each lick, Herma moaned louder as I felt her quiver. I knew she was getting close. "I-im close" she whimpered out. I kept going as I knew she didn't want me to stop. Eventually, she couldn't contain herself as she reached her climax. Her orgasm sprayed all over my face and mouth. We both panted heavily. "Th-that was m-ore than, I thought" she wheezed. Slowly, she got off my face and laid down next to me. "We're just getting started" she grinned. Herma got off the bed before bending over as her tail swayed in the air. "Come here and be useful" she said. I gulped hard as I got up walking behind her as she leaned forward against the bed. Herma eagerly lifted her tail, swaying her hips. I aligned my tip as I rubbed it a little against her still dripping slit. I couldn't hold back and I eventually penetrated her. She was so warm and tight, the sensation was almost too much to take. I thrusted slowly but hard pushing deeper into her as she basically was a moaning mess. Herma's tail wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer in, making me thrust deeper. After about a few seconds, I started to feel myself getting close, and I slowed down. Herma turned to look at me. "Why'd you stop"? she whined. "I, I'm cl-ose" I panted. "So"? Cum inside idiot" she retorted but not in a mean way. "In-side"? I stammered. "C'mon, I know you want to" she snickered. "But, I....." I paused. "John, just do it" she growled. I thrusted harder one final time as I shot my cum into her pussy. We both moaned as the sensation was like the best I've ever felt. After a few seconds, I pulled out and fell down onto the floor. Herma got on top of me as her eyes narrowed down to me. "I love you John". "Just remember that" she said. "I, I love you too" I said.

~ End Of Lemon 🍋💛 ~

Me and Herma took a shower together cleaning ourselves off. Though, she insisted we both take it together. Afterwards, the 2 of us dried off and went back out to the living room. "Thank you John" she said. "For what"? I asked curious. "For helping me with my problem" she giggled. "Oh, sure of course" I said. I waved her goodbye and went off with my day. I thought. When I closed the door, I turned to walk off. But the moment I turned around, I bumped face first into someone. Whoever it was, I ran into their chest as I was knocked on my ass. "Ow, watch it you dumb fuckin cunt, or else i'll......" I paused. My blood ran ice cold when I saw who it was. "I'm sorry No-Fur, what did you just call me" they said. "C-Cor-tana, I ah, heh umm, wasn't expecting you" I stuttered out. "I'm going to eat you alive you dumb son of a bitch" Cortana growled. Before I could say anything, she grabbed my uniform collar and lifted me in the air with only one hand. I gulped as her eyes narrowed and lip curled. She gave me a strong unforgivable glare. "You No-Fur shit, I should bite your fucking head off" she growled again. I forced my eyes shut as I wasn't sure what was about to happen next. Then, with a thud, I was dropped hard on the ground. My eyes shot open to see Cortana standing over me. "But I'll finish the job later". "Now. Follow. Me" she huffed. I jumped to my feet to follow her. "My life is so over" I said to myself.

~ Few Minutes Later ~

I reached Cortana's office as she unlocked the door. But she made me walk inside first while giving me a heavy glare that made me almost faint. God, she was scary. And now, I just pissed off someone who can easily cave in my ribcage or rip my face off. I entered tail tucked and sat down in the chair with my nerves completely shot up. "Relax John, I'm not going to harm you, unless you give me a reason". "Now, I brought you here to discuss and brief you on your next mission". "With the UHN'S Folkvanger destroyed, they are sending out Naval and Fighter aircraft to maintain control over Mareseilla". "With their ground troops sustaining heavy shelling, they have resorted to attacking by air and sea". "This is their last stand in France". "If the UHN lose Mareseilla, they will lose all operations in France forcing them to retreat back into Spain" she said. We continued to go over the next mission. I was once again running solo as the task fell to me. The UHN have built a new air force military called the (U.S.E.A) United Settlement European Air-Force. They are consisted of Naval Aircraft and Warships. They are a highly advanced military who have been heavily funded by the UHN'S European government. A Tyrrhenian shipping channel is now occupied by U.S.E.A naval forces preparing to enter the channel en route towards Mareseilla. My tasking is to destroy the enemy warship fleet, cutting off their attacks by sea. This will allow F.U.N fighters on the ground and air to force the remaining UHN forces into a full retreat, taking Mareseilla and securing France into F.U.N hands. "Our boys and girls are doing it, but we need to hold the line and keep the enemy off their backs" she said. I nodded my head in agreement. "Get your gear and jet maintenance ready, tomorrow's going to be a big day" she spoke. I saluted Cortana before I left the room. From there, I spent the next couple hours prepping my gear and checking Hellhound for all maintenance protocols. Once I finished, I stepped out the hanger and to the Cafeteria for some dinner.

~ Time Skip ~ 10 Minutes Later ~

After I got to the cafeteria, went over to the line while I waited for my food. I met the bear server who smiled upon seeing me. After quite a wait, I received my food and went over to a nearby table to eat. As I got settled in, Harper mysteriously showed up sitting down next to me. "Hey" shd greeted. "Hey" I said back. "How have you been"? she asked. "Doing okay, I got another mission tomorrow". "I'm going back to Mareseilla" I said. "Oh, okay". "I hope all goes well" she spoke. "Same" I agreed. "Hey, Johnathan". "Can I talk to you about this morning"? she asked. I looked at her before nodding my head. "Sure" I said. "John, can I ask you, why did you think you hurt me"? she asked. "Well, I t-thought when I blacked out I-i well, forced myself on you". "I thought I... I thought, I t-took you by f-orce" I said. Harper's eyes went wide and she nearly gasped. "Oh my god, John" she whimpered. she hugged me tightly, almost refusing to let go. "Please don't say that". "Why would you ever think that"? she asked. "Be-because, when I was 8, I was forced to do s-something horrible". "It's the reason why I stopped being a soldier and joined the air force" I said. "My infantry was sent to burn down and destroy a sanctuary safe zone in America". "As I watched Furs being killed, I came across a mother Fur and her daughter". "The soldiers had killed the husband and now they were beating the two". "When they saw me, they grabbed me and forced me to do something horrible". "They told me to either take the daughter by force or they would kill the mother" I said. Harper's eyes nearly had tears in them as she listened. "I told them no, I wouldn't do it". "I hated Furs because of what they did to my family, but I couldn't bring myself to do something so despicable". "They were angry and they began to beat me, punch me, hit me with their rifles". "Then, they held the daughter down and forced me on top of her". "I tried to stop, I tried to get off her, but they held me in place". "I was weak compared to them". "And when it was over, they shot the daughter in the head and choked the mother unconscious" I continued. By now, Harper's eyes were filled with tears but now, they were filled with anger. "I dragged the mother into a interior room, and I sat in the corner and cried". "When she saw me, she was terrified". "I calmed her down and began to cry, blaming myself". "I blamed myself for being weak, worthless, a monster". "But then, she hugged me and held me in her arms". "She told me, I don't blame you, I blame them". "Soldiers came into the room, dragged her outside and lined her up with more Fur women and children". "Our commander ordered us to execute them all". "Me and the other child soldiers, we didn't want to but were forced to shoot". "Since then, i've always been scared, of hurting women and girls alike". "And when I woke up and saw you scared, it brought me back to that moment" I said. Harper sat there without saying a word. She then stood up as her eyes were no longer filled with tears, but anger.

~ Harper POV ~

H-how, how could they. Those monsters. How could they have done this to him. The most violent thoughts raced through my head as I saw myself ripping those bastards limb from limb. If I ever get my hands on those fuckers, they are going to pay, for hurting him, for everything they've done. I slowly looked back down at John as tears began to drip. "Hey, it's okay". "It wasn't your fault" "You did everything you could've". "It's alright" I whispered. He looked at me and gave a light smile. In the end, he hugged me as I did the same. We both went back to our meals, hoping for a better tomorrow.

~ Time Skip ~

~ Johnathan POV ~

After dinner, Harper walked with me back to my room. As we said our farewells, Harper hugged me one final time. "We're all here for you John". "We all are" she said. "Yeah, I know" I smiled. We waved goodbye and I entered my room, closing the door behind me. I went over to the couch undressing down to my pants. I laid down staring up at the ceiling before finally falling asleep.....

~ Hey Lads ~ I hope all is well with you all and your living your best lives ~

~ I'm back with a new chapter so the wait is over ~

As some of you saw, I added my second lemon of the story along with some other things.

Anyway, I don't really have much else to say other than I'm going to start focusing more on writing the next few chapters and missions. But anyway, hope y'all enjoyed and as always stay tuned. See y'all in the next one

Buh bye

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