My Sunshine | Ponyboy Curtis...

By hello38695

1K 23 3

the year 1994 Serena Wilson a 14 year old girl was moving to her aunt and uncles house which was in Tulsa Okl... More

You moving into the Wilson's house?
This is the gang
I was scared...
Forever and Always
Oh I missed you...
You still got that blade on ya?
Pinky Swear?
We chased em outta our territory!
Did not know you hated baloney
Delirious for three days?
Meet me at the bleachers at lunch
I want you to be my girl...
I am coming to visit!
I may be 14 but I really am in love
Forever my love

The letter

41 1 0
By hello38695

Serena's POV: A few more days have passed and Dally said he was gonna go check up on Pony and Johnny at Jay mountain, he gave me an offer to go with him and I asked my aunt and uncle if I could go with him but they said no since I got school the next day and Jay mountain is far which is gonna lead to coming home very late. So I just stayed home with Pasha while I just sat and waited for Dally or at least someone to give me an update on what's happening. I also gave him a letter to give to Ponyboy as well..

Ponyboy's POV: A few more days in this church have gone by slowly but one morning I was asleep in the church when someone starts messing with my hair "Hey blondie wake up, heh" Then I recognize it was dally and I open my eyes and shoot up "Dally?!" I never thought one day in my life I would be happy to see Dallas Winston "Hey Dally!" Johnny says happily with a smile on his face Johnny was the only thing Dal ever cared about, and Johnny looked up alot to Dallas.  "What are you doing here?" I ask rubbing my eyes "Came to check up on ya, you guys hungry?" Dallas asks lighting a cigarette "Oh you can believe it!" Johnny says "Oh Pony here's a letter, for uh- Ponyboy Curtis" Dallas hands me a letter and I look at it "Huh? who's this from?" I ask with a puzzled look on my face "Its from...the President of America" Dally says chuckling "Really?" I say to him "Nah man, it's from your brother, Sodapop" he says and I open the letter and start reading it


Well I guess you got into some trouble, huh? Darry and me nearly went nuts when you ran out like that. Darry is awfully sorry he hit you. You know he didn't mean it. And then you and Johnny turned up missing and what with that dead kid in the park and Dally getting hauled into the station, well it scared us something awful. The police came by to question us and we told them as much as we could. I can't believe little old Johnny could kill somebody. I know Dally knows where you are, but you know him. He keeps his trap shut and wont tell me nothing. Darry hasn't got the slightest notion where your at and it's nearly killing him. I wish you'd come back and turn your selves in but I guess you can't since Johnny might get hurt. You sure are famous. You got a paragraph in the newspaper even. Take care and say hi to Johnny for us.

- Sodapop Curtis

After I read the note a few times I noticed some misspelled words and Soda needed to improve on his spelling and writing skills. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot" Dallas grabs something out of his jacket and hands something to me "Here is another note, Your quite popular huh?" Dally says with a smirk and I look confused as I grab the paper "Who is this from?" I ask as I scratch my head "It's from your girl" He says as he takes a puff of his cigarette and I open the envelope and begin to read the letter

Dear, Ponyboy

You have been gone for a while and we have all been worried sick about you guys. Two-bit almost went to Texas to hunt for you and Johnny, It's been different without y'all here and I wish you guys could come back soon. The damn socs are now against us since you two killed Bob, Two-bit got jumped one night by them too...Hope you guys are doing alright, Stay safe and I hope to see you soon..

- Love, Serena

I smile at the thought of Serena and hope she is doing well herself, Man I miss that pretty smile of hers...I then folded up the both papers and put them in my pocket and stood up "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys...Tomorrow night were having it out with the socs..that kid you killed had a lot of friends" Dally says and me and Johnny both look at each other "Well yall wanna go get something to eat? Im starving" Dally says acting like he just said nothing about the rumble but I just shake it off,Johnny stands up as well and we go outside to see a red car parked outside 

"Were did you get the car from?" I ask Dally confused "Its bucks car I'm just borrowing it. Hop in!" Dally says jumping in the drivers seat and Johnny hops in the passenger seat next to him and i get in the back, Man it feels weird to be outta that church. Dallas then pulls into a Dairy Queen and we all order what we want and we start eating. After that we go back to the church and we notice that it's on fire. I then think to myself....We probably started that fire, we might have let a light cigarette fall or something. I then hear a female teacher go to the male teacher "Jerry! Some of the children are missing!" The female teacher says and i then jump out of the car and run to the church and Johnny follows me.

 I then grab a rock and hit it against the church so I can break in me and Johnny both go into the church and see about 6 kids in the corner screaming and crying, me and Johnny start picking up the kids and pacing them to Dally who's outside the church and placing the kids on the ground  and both me and Johnny are coughing our brains out because of how much smoke there is then A piece of timber falls on johnny and we hear him scream and dally jumps in the church and grabs him but before i could see what happens next..I faint. I then wake up in the back of an ambulance with the male teacher, his name was Jerry Wood. He then looks at me "You alright, kid?" he asks me and I cough 

"Yeah...I'm fine...wheres Johnny and Dallas?" I ask in a weak voice since I can still feel the smoke sitting in my lungs as I struggle to breathe a bit. "They're in the other you three are tough kids. I have never seen anyone do anything like that. I-I mean you guys are heroes" I look at him confused that he called us greasers "Heroes" since all we are is just a bunch of hoodlums "Us? Heroes?" I ask confused still coughing "Yeah" He responds with "B-But...were greasers.." Jerry looks at me a bit wide-eyed "Y-Your what?" He asks also confused now too. "Were greasers...take us to town and you will see..." I say with a sigh "Oh"

After a while we get to the hospital I am sitting on the bench with Jerry I am covered in smoke and ashes from the fire, Dallas and Johnny are both in hospital rooms, Johnny has not woken up yet and Dally has to stay longer since he got burns from when he went to go save Johnny, I light a cigarette and Jerry looks at me 

"Ya know kid, you should not be smoking at such a young age as yours" Then he lights a cigarette of his own and I take a puff of my cigarette then look at him "why not? You smoke  "Yeah but I am older than you are.." He says and I continue to smoke my cigarette shocked as to what he said I mean, everyone in our neighborhood smokes even the girls...Johnny started at 9 and Steve started at 11, The rest of the gang started before coming teenagers too. Jerry then gets up and walks away to go check with the nurses about something and I just continue sitting on the bench, I take a puff of my cigarette as I look at the ceiling when all of a sudden I then see Sodapop...

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