By BiancaSantana880

1.9K 129 5

in the 1980's the bad guys were just young kids going trick or treating waiting for their other friend michel... More

Halloween of 1980
Visiting an old friend
interview with lorrie strode
Michael returns
Halloween night
The end of Halloween

mental bus crash

188 16 0
By BiancaSantana880

"Cameron. I got you. That was a good one"

"Yes, that was very good"

"Hey, do you have everything for your costume
tomorrow night?"

"Bonnie and Clyde must roll as one, after all"

", I mean,I-I'm more focused on tonight"


"My parents are seeing an old friend and they are bringing their daughter too" she sees princess passing by.

princess and allyson will head to school while the bad guys visit's lorrie's daughter karen and ask about how her life was before she was taken from lorrie

But then outside the window, Allyson sees her grandmother: Lorrie, standing outside her school.

"I...can't accept this" she gave her an envelope of money.

"Use it for whatever your heart desires"

"I'll save it for college, then"

"Fuck college.Go somewhere. Go to Mexico"

"Could you imagine?"

"Yeah, I can. Look, don't worry about your mom"

"She will freak"

"But she'll get over it. Why can't you?"

"The Boogeyman? All this hiding, all this preparation, it was for nothing. I mean, it took priority over your family. It cost you your family"

"If the way I raised your mother means that she hates me......but that she's prepared for the horrors of this world, then...I can live with that"

"Say good-bye to Michael, and get over it"


after that it will be night time and lorrie will get word that michael will be transfored to another institude.

"Dr. Samuel Loomis, January 22, 1979. Do you wish to give a statement regarding your former patient, Michael Myers?"

"My suggestion is termination. Death is the only solution for Michael"

"A2201. Myers, Michael"

"Toes in line. Keep a line"

"There's nothing to be gained from keeping evil alive"

"Hands up!"

"Hands up! Stand up!"


"A shot of sodium thiopental would render him unconscious"


"I'll be with him to make sure his life is extinguished"

As Michael was getting out on the bus, he holds at picture of princess.

"My ear on his chest to hear for myself that his vitals no longer function and immediately incinerate the body. It needs to die It needs to die!"

"It needs to die!"

"Keep moving. Let's go"

"Don't worry, Michael. I'll be by your side"

"Michael Myers is still my patient until he's in
somebody else's care, so I'm seeing my duty
through till the end"

"All right, move out"

Then somewhere at a diner, the bad guys were meeting Karen after so many years to check up on her and her family what she's been up to.

"It's great to see you again Karen, how you been?" Wolf asked.

"Oh I been....better, how you guys been I heard you retired from..."

"Being criminals" her husband says.




"No it's ok Karen, you don't have to protect us, we been better, we been promoted to FBI agents now" they show their badges.

"I'm surprised they let criminals join the police force"


"What I'm Jaír saying that's all, Eulalia shouldn't even-"

"Just shut up ray, shut up!"

"It's ok, oh Karen I want you to meet our daughter: princess"

"Oh hi-she's-"

"Adopted, yes but we do love her, she's made the national honor society"

"What a coincidence, so did Allyson"

"Well good for you kid" snake said.

Then Lorrie arrived, "Great timing, Mom. Hi"

"Uh, I..."

But she froze when she saw the bad guys.

"You made it"

It ran late. I'm sorry.wolf? Is that you?"

"Hey Lorrie, how you been"

"Hi. I'm so happy you came"

"Hi, Mom"

"Hi, Laurie"

"Hi. Hi. I'm, uh..."

Wolf and Lorrie hugged, then she sees princess.

"Oh who's this?"

"Lorrie this is princess, our adopted daughter"

"Why don't you sit down, Mom?"

"No, I'm good" she turns to princess.

"Yeah, have a seat" wolf suggests.

"Hi princess"

"Who is this lady wolf" princess asked.

"She's an old friend of ours princess" wolf said.

"Hey, Mom?"

"That's mine"

"I thought you quit drinking"


"It's a nasty habit Karen" wolf says.

"No...smoking is a habit"

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"What is this?"

"You know, this is exactly why we don't reach out"

"Karen please don't start" wolf said.


"I'm sorry. I will sit down"

"Okay. Why don't we press the reset button?
Why don't we just start over, okay?" Wolf says.

"All right, Mom..."



"Lorrie, what's wrong?" Wolf and the others gathered around her.

"Please stop this"

"Sorry.I saw him.The Shape"


"don't worry so did we, look it's gonna be ok Lorrie I promise"

"I wanted to kill him"

"Come on, let's go outside" wolf and the bad guys take her outside as princess watched.

"Okay, that's enough, Laurie.

"Why don't we go for a walk, all right?"

"Lorrie...before you get mad.....we told him about princess" wolf says.

"What? Why would you do that?"

"We thought that, maybe we could change for the better"

"Wolf, you shouldn't have done that, he's gonna come after her too"

"What can happen?"

"Why do we have to come out again?"

But somewhere at night, a father and son were driving, little did they know, they were going Tun into something spooky.

"We do this all the time"

"What? You don't... you don't enjoy it?"

"I-I like being out in the woods and...No, I enjoy it, but I'm missing dance class for this And sometimes I would rather do that than hunting"

"I mean, is-is-is dance class that important to you?"

"Yeah, it is"

"You need some more time in the woods to go hunting and fishing"


"On weekends, I'll do it with you, Dad. Like, I really love spending time with you, but right now dancing is my thing, you know, really hits me in the heart I mean, I...Dad, look out!"


They see escaped inmates and a crashed bus.

"What the hell happened to you, Hoss?"

"Oh, shit.Dad, look"

"Lumpy, you stay here.I'm gonna make sure
no one's hurt. You call the police"

"Okay. Dad, be careful, please"

"Hey, you fellas okay?"

But when he left he didn't know he was heading to his own room, his son was getting suspicious.

"911. What is the emergency?"

"Yes. Um, th-there's been an accident. Uh, there's a bus.People running around in the road. My dad went to look.I-I don't know. Okay. Hold on. I'll go check. Dad?"

He heads to the bus and finds an office injured and trapped.


"Wait here. I-I'll go get my dad"


"Dad! Daddy!"

He gets inside the bus but accidentally shoots someone.

"Don't shoot. Aah!"

"Oh, fuck! Fuck!" He ran to the car to get away but right behind him...was Michael.

"Don't need a credit card
to ride this train."

Somewhere in a store, a deputy was planning pinball.

"Yo, Hawk, listen, the ball come down loose, that's where you're gonna mess up at"

"Yo, Hawkins, would you like a strawberry slushie or a blue raspberry slushie?"

"Can you just bring me a coffee, will you? I'll get you back later. Pull a slingshot, it'll go
straight down the middle. But you ain't never gonna beat my score, so it makes no difference
what you do"

"Say that again"

"You're never gonna beat my score, so it doesn't
make no difference what you do"

"Dispatch to unit 601. We have a 10-50 on Marla Road Copy that, dispatch. I'm on my way"

"Attention, all units. We got an officer that's 10-23 and a possible 10-50 on Route 20. Will advise. Sheriff's Department"

"Possible 10-98. Over" Police surrounded the bus crash.

"If you need assistance, let yourself be known.
Signal 13. Officer down. I repeat: officer down.
I need assistance. Send backup right away"

"Uh, roger that.Ten-one, officer down. Sending EMT and all available units. Ooh. Show your hands!"

"I've been shot. All right, stay with me.
Help's on the way. What happened in here?"

"Did he escape?"


"Did who escape?"

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