Reincarnation Of The Stronges...

By forofline

34.5K 1.8K 3.1K

This is a fanfic of the novel "Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God" by Lucky Old Cat, where, after ten y... More

Running For His Life
Last Stand
Sherlock and Black Market Challenge
Welcome Back Old Friend
We're Too High Level Now
Yeah, no. Unqualified
Without A Single Scratch
You have weird tastes, Sharlyn, but I don't judge
Little girl, you're starting to insult me now
Did That Guy Just Stomp Him To Death?
Came To Deliver Itself To Me
Becoming A Millionaire And A Flame
Empty River
Returning Memories
Miner's Paradise
Thoughtful Rain's Identity
Regrets R-18
I See Humans, But No Humanity
Vice Guild Leader Acquired
No One Cares About A Past That Doesn't Exist
Mountain Of Wealth
The End Of Shi Feng's Mining Arc
New Trials
Poor Unicorn
Guess I Spoke Too Soon
Send Down A Few More!
Shopping Spree
Killing Spree
Let's Continue This Another Time
The Pandemonium Lashblade's True Capabilities
Improved Strength R-18
Blade Saint Once More
A Decade Old Itch R-18
The Difference Between Real Life and VR Pleasure R-18
Hero To The Rescue
The Final Cave's Secrets
Wolfstein Empire's Unimportant History
Going All Out
A Different Side Of Melancholic Smile
A Woman's Anger
The Fundamental Difference
Anubis's Heirloom
A New Form Of Berserk
A True Godly Tool
Opening The Legendary Treasure Chest
Incredible Treasures
A Plan To Seduce A Primordial Demon Goddess
Mythic Hunt R-18
A Worthy Hunt
Cheat Absorption
Winners Deserve A Reward~
Pushing Past One's Limits R-18
Moving House R-18
Guilt R-18
Finishing Candlelight's Preparations
Heavenly Lizard Pavilion
Here Comes The Money R-18
Sparks From A Candle
Setting The World Ablaze With A Candle
Beginning Of The Magic Crystal Madness
Taking Over The District One Of Fallen Comrades
Finally A Clean Slate
Fair Game
How Angels Sing R-18
Seducer R-18
The Bible of Darkness
Flying Up The Divine Staircase
Advanced Menu
Brewing Troubles
Apex Bloodline's Power
Risking It All
Internal Misgivings Of A Different Him
Ghost Tree
Exploiting The Game's Mechanics

Preparations For Tier Promotion

340 24 29
By forofline

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


Thump-thump, Thump-thump, Thump-thump

The sound of a loudly beating heart echoed through out the room.


Feng's eyes abruptly shot open, with a faint, red light flashing in them. He started taking in deep breaths, until his breathing and racing heart finally steadied a couple seconds later. 

'At least they aren't as bad as before.' A reconciling thought came to Feng as he rubbed his pained forehead. Looking around, Feng noticed that Fire had already woken up before him and left. Moreover, night had already fallen outside, with the only remaining illumination being the street lights. 

After getting dressed, Feng took off the stained bed sheets to have them be cleaned after enduring Fire and Feng's last intense session and exited the bedroom, going to the bathroom to wash up and have a shower in order to clean up, with Fire coming in as well a few minutes later after finishing her daily training.

The two of them acted and chatted as normal while in the shower and did the usual, coming out some time later.

"By the way, when did you get those things in here?" Feng asked as he pointed at the two white virtual gaming cabins that were 2.5 meters long, 1.8 meters wide, and 1.5 meters tall, quietly laying inside his bedroom. Although Feng had previously noticed them, he had been a bit preoccupied with Fire to ask at the time. 

"It was during the time you were handling things with Big Dipper. Aqua had managed to purchase five of them, and knowing that you were busy, Blackie contacted me to ask about yours and mine, so I had him get them installed inside of your apartment." Fire explained while drying her long red hair.

"Did you send Aqua the money she spent on the cabins?"

Although there was quite a lot of money in the Workshop's bank account, it was not enough to buy five virtual gaming cabins, and Feng didn't place any of the one billion Credits he received from Twilight Echo into it, only using what remained from the White River City Guidebooks for Zero Wing's necessary operations. 

A single unit cost three million Credits. Moreover, virtual gaming cabins were always scarce as they were extremely difficult to manufacture. Unlike the virtual gaming helmet, the materials the virtual gaming cabin required were very rare, so they only produced and sold a limited number each day. Wealthy tycoons usually snatched up the cabins the moment they came out of production.

Many people usually wondered why these virtual gaming cabins were so popular.

Despite the cabin being so expensive and only having a 7% sync rate increase over the helmets, it was still immensely popular.

In the past, many people thought 'Wasn't it just 7%? How much would a player's strength in game possibly increase after using the cabin?'

Why bother wasting so much money for such a measly improvement?

However, that 7% made a world of difference. In the past, an expert had been involved in an experiment using the two machines to test combat power. In the end, the expert exhibited 71% of his combat power while using the virtual gaming helmet. However, when using the virtual gaming cabin, the expert managed 75%. Furthermore, not only could the gaming cabins allow a player to raise their combat power, but they could also allow a player to improve their techniques at a quicker rate. The cabins could also develop the potential of a player's brain, as well as restore and enhance their physical fitness.

"I tried, but she refused and told me to tell you that since she was paid 5% of Zero Wing's shares for doing nothing, you can consider this as her investment in Zero Wing. Also, if you really wish to repay her, make Zero Wing a Guild that surpasses Twilight Echo. To her, this would be the greatest form of repayment." A smile appeared on Fire's face upon recalling Aqua's words and the determination she conveyed.

"Figured as much." Feng wasn't surprised by Aqua's request and thought she'd say as much from his previous life. Afterwards, Feng went to the kitchen and took out two of the S-rank Nutrient Fluids from the fridge. 

Feng gave one bottle to Fire while he opened and downed the other one himself. Although he could absorb the world's energy to improve and repair his body, there were some things the absorption process couldn't help him with, so Feng still needed to consume Nutrient Fluids. Though, as the help they could provide for Feng were limited, he only planned to drink this one right now to repair the current damage of his body while leaving the other two for Fire and Violet; as besides him, the two of them were the strongest among the current Zero Wing members who had their memories restored, and needed to regain their strength the fastest. 

Compared to the lower grade Nutrient Fluids, the S-rank Nutrient Fluid was very special. Despite being stored in freezing temperatures, when he drank the liquid, it felt as if he had swallowed a mouthful of liquid fire. Every organ the liquid passed, from his mouth to his stomach, felt as if they had been scorched. There was no pleasure when drinking the S-rank Nutrient Fluid, only piercing pain. Moreover, this pain quickly spread throughout his body. Even his skin started to redden. It felt as if hot air flowed through his body, cleaning away all the toxins and restoring the vitality of his cells. A single bottle of S-rank Nutrient Fluid could completely heal all the damage to his body.

Following which, Fire and Feng lay down in their respective virtual gaming cabins and connected to God's Domain.

The drops from the Mechanical Slayer still waited for his appraisal. After all, aside from a two-hour waiting period, there was also a twelve-hour period before the drops of Field Bosses could be unsealed, appraised, or used. Fortunately, by the time Feng logged in, that twelve-hour period should already be over.

A series of notifications flooded Feng the moment he logged into the game.

"There sure are a lot of people trying to contact me," Feng casually glanced through the notification list, discovering that a vast majority were friend requests or private messages. Among them, there were plenty of messages from high-ranking members of first-rate Guilds. Most of them wanted to acquire Zero Wing.

There were also a few first-rate Guilds who had messaged Feng with different intentions. These first-rate Guilds stated that, as long as Feng willing joined their Guilds, they promised to promote him into an elder position in their Guild immediately and offered him a significant percentage of the Guild's shares. 

Ignoring the messages, Feng logged onto the official forums.

Under the Star-Moon Kingdom's forum section, posts about Black Flame and the God's Domain Experts List flooded the page.

Star-Moon Kingdom's Top Player, Black Flame!

Appearance of the Experts List Top 100 in Star-Moon Kingdom!

God amongst men! One against five hundred thousand! Killing all and leaving unharmed!

Experts analyze of the various Guilds in Star-Moon Kingdom. Zero Wing overall strength ranked first.


However, among the numerous posts, the most popular was titled "One-hit Asura" with a view-count of over ten million.

God's Domain Experts List Rank 100: Black Flame

Class: Swordsman

Title: Asura

Black Flame had undergone numerous great battles in White River City. He once successfully killed Lone Tyrant, the Guild Leader of Dark Star, as well as over a thousand Dark Star members. Afterwards, not only did he paralyze hundreds of thousands of players with shock, he fought hundreds of thousands of elite and regular players in White River City, killing every player with a single hit. Nobody could stop his mighty sword as he effortlessly annihilated over five hundred thousand players. 

Secret Pavilion's Evaluation: One hit per person, possessing strength like a demon.

The Secret Pavilion hereby gives Black Flame the title of Asura.

Below the introduction, the post contained video highlights of Black Flame's battles.

"Black Flame is simply too amazing! He is the role model of us Swordsmen! I must take him as my teacher! I heard that the Secret Pavilion doesn't give out titles casually. It's a pity that Black Flame has been in so few battles. Otherwise, he would definitely get a higher ranking on the Experts List."

"You don't say? One hit per person. Black Flame even killed a Level 19 Shield Warrior with a single hit, and he only took a few seconds to kill over a thousand players. With such godlike strength and techniques, no matter how you look at it, he should not rank at just 100. In my opinion, first place should be just about right. The Secret Pavilion is definitely pulling some strings, so they're using the title of 'Asura' to divert people's attention."

"I had hesitated about joining Zero Wing before. Now, however, I've decided to head straight for White River City. I must join Zero Wing no matter what!"

"Hah! I've long since arrived at White River City. I heard that the benefits Zero Wing offers to its members are superbly good. The weapons and equipment available for trade are also top-tier. In particular, the core members' equipment is a feast for the eyes. You'll just be ashamed if you wear Secret-Silver Equipment in front of them. The lowest quality equipment is at least of Fine-Gold rank! Moreover, Zero Wing also has a Guild Residence. I hear that there are private rooms in the Guild Residence, and even normal members can rent these rooms. After I join Zero Wing, it will only be a matter of time before my equipment surpasses a major Guild Leader's."

Many players had begun discussing Feng's title of Asura and the revelation of the various benefits that Zero Wing offered its members. At this moment, Black Flame and Zero Wing had become the most popular existences in Star-Moon Kingdom, and their fame far exceeded first-rate Guilds' like the Star Alliance and Ouroboros.

As Zero Wing did not recruit players outside of the city, White River City had become Zero Wing's recruitment center. Many players throughout the Star-Moon Kingdom began pouring into White River City, causing the population to rise suddenly. Unknowingly, Zero Wing had become the most dominant force in White River City.

While the reputation of One-hit Asura spread, many players also cursed Black Flame as a shameless villain.

Black Flame had lured the Mechanical Slayer to kill countless innocent players, dragging many players into the fray. These players claimed that Black Flame should compensate them by handing over all the drops from the Mechanical Slayer. Meanwhile, these players cursing Black Flame were all the subordinates of Lone Tyrant and the Guild Leaders of the various Guilds in White River City who had joined to take down Feng.

After the looting war, their hatred for Feng was higher than the sky and deeper than the ocean.

Any players who the Slayer had killed had lost two levels. They also had to wait one natural day before they could revive. Moreover, after reviving, they suffered a weakened state for two natural days. During this time, all of their Attributes had reduced by 30%, and their EXP gain reduced by 50%.

Dark Star had already suffered devastating losses during the looting war. However, Lone Tyrant had never imagined that it was only the start of his nightmare. With this penalty, how could Dark Star ever catch up to the other Guilds in the future?

The other Guilds were in a similar situation as well. At this moment, their eyes had turned bloody-red with rage. Just why had they so foolishly sent their members after Black Flame?

Thinking up to this point, their hearts crumbled.

However, regardless of how much regret filled their hearts or how many curses they spewed at Black Flame's despicable behavior, at this moment, nobody paid them any attention. Rather, they had set themselves up to become the joke that served to uplift Zero Wing's fame even further.

During the looting war, Feng had mostly used his overwhelming attributes in order to completely dominate the various guilds' players, and didn't use much technique at all, so the Secret Pavilion wasn't able to determine his real standard . Even so, from the few scenes recorded that Feng actually used any techniques at all, the Secret pavilion knew that Feng was at least in the Void realm, and possibly stepped into the Domain realm. 

However, as Feng was completely unknown and the Secret Pavilion practically knew nothing about him or his real techniques and progress in the Realms of Refinement, it has decided to simply place him in the 100th position to signify that he was at least in the Void realm for now while they tried to dig up any other information they could find on Black Flame.

Of course, that was also because the Secret Pavilion currently knew very little about God's Domain, and what the show of strength Feng had put on actually signified of his real power, so they merely guessed that Black Flame was some hidden expert who managed to obtain some special items and equipment to have his current strength.

Feng didn't really care about his rank on the Expert List, though. He merely contacted Aqua to gather the core members of Zero Wing that hadn't left for the Class Change Quests already and have her appraise the drops from the Mechanical Slayer with him. 

Starstreak Trading Firm, third-floor meeting room. At this moment, many of the core members of Zero Wing had gathered here. When everyone had arrived, Feng realized that apart from Fire and a few other people who still haven't acquired their wished Legacy or were a part of the management team, everyone else among the ones whose memories have been returned had already left for their Promotion Quests.

Compared to other Guilds, Zero Wing was more fortunate as it had a meeting place exclusively for its own members. Normally, other Guilds would have to use the temporary rooms available at the Adventurer's Association. However, those temporary rooms could only hold a limited number of people at a time. Other than the Adventurer's Association, Guilds could also pay a large sum to rent conference rooms at hotels or bars. However, only wealthy and powerful Guilds could afford such rentals.

"Guild Leader, we have completed all of the necessary preparations for tomorrow's recruitment. We can start as soon as the Guild Residence's construction has completed. In addition, here is the detailed list of tomorrow's tasks. Everyone can take a look at what they need to do tomorrow," Aqua Rose presented a list of tasks on the meeting table's system screen and explained them one by one.

Aqua Rose had long since prepared for Zero Wing's recruitment. However, when she considered the large number of players coming from other cities as well, she had to revise her plan. Moreover, she had also made detailed adjustments to the Guild's benefit system. Now, they would not have to fear the sudden influx of members overloading Zero Wing's capacity and harming the Guild's development.

Aqua Rose's list shocked everyone present.

The information Aqua Rose had compiled so impressively organized. They felt as if they were reading a university textbook. The section relating to Zero Wing's benefit system consisted of over a dozen pages. Moreover, Aqua Rose had carefully planned how they were going to counter the spies sent by other Guilds. To access more information about the Guild and its benefit system, members would need to be promoted to a higher rank within the Guild.

However, the lowest-ranking members could still view the benefits that Zero Wing offered, and they were enough to impress many players.

"What? There are actually 150 private rooms available for rent in the Guild Residence? I thought there were only going to be seven or eight rooms available."

"That's only what is available for the normal members. Look at the benefits for elite members. They can actually rent 2-star private rooms. Moreover, there are a total of fifty 2-star private rooms available. Just how huge is our Guild Residence?"

Many of the core members present were shocked by the information revealed. Their curiosity about their Guild Residence grew.

Although Zero Wing's core membership had grown past a hundred, only a few actually knew where their Guild Residence was located.

After everyone had their assigned tasks, Aqua Rose suddenly stood. Clearing her throat, she said seriously, "The next thing we are going to talk about is classified information regarding Zero Wing. It is also what everyone present is most concerned about today: the loot from the Mechanical Slayer. Other than the people here, no one is allowed access to this information."

Everyone nodded nervously in reply to Aqua Rose's words.

Every player who had been invited to this meeting today had a huge responsibility to the Guild.

The Mechanical Slayer was extraordinarily powerful. So, the items it dropped were also extraordinary. The importance of the role these items could play went without saying. Whether it was competing for a Dungeon's First Clear or fighting in a Guild War, these items would definitely be of immense help to a Guild's development. If the information of these items went public, not only would their enemies have an edge against them, but it would also rouse the greed in others. At that time, their enemies would definitely plot to steal these items.

Looking at the anticipation in everyone's eyes, Feng slowly reported, "We have obtained a total of 107 items. Of them, there are 38 Fine-Gold items, 15 Dark-Gold items, 7 forging designs and recipes, 13 Tier 2 Magic Scrolls, 3 Tier 3 Magic Scrolls, 8 potions, 2 Epic items, and 21 rare materials."

"What?! There are actually Epic items?!"

"Awesome! With Epic items, our Guild will flourish in Dungeons! We can claim all of the First Clears easily!"

Everyone, except for the reincarnated players, grew incomparably excited after listening to Feng's report.

The large number of Fine-Gold and Dark-Gold items alone had greatly shocked the team. They could fully arm a 20-man team with so many items.

Just the thought of having a 20-man team fully geared in Fine-Gold and Dark-Gold ranked weapons and equipment was enough to give them the shivers. Not even first-rate Guilds could produce such a powerful team. Fully arming a team with Secret-Silver Equipment was already impressive. As for a 20-man team in Fine-Gold Equipment, that was simply impossible.

Meanwhile, if Zero Wing could establish such a powerful team, they would be invincible in 20-man Team Dungeons. The Dungeon Bosses would become pushovers. At that time, they could continuously supply the Guild with loads of precious equipment.

Most importantly, there were even two Epic items among the loot....

Previously, Epic items only existed in their thoughts and dreams. After all, since the launch of God's Domain, there had yet to be any mention of anyone obtaining an Epic item. Now, their Guild actually had two Epic items! Everyone's breath began to grow heavy at this revelation.

"Don't get too excited. Although we obtained quite a few weapons and equipment, the lowest level requirement is 30. The same goes for the two Epic items." Feng responded to their enthusiasm with an indifferent voice. He could understand how his team felt at the moment.

Epic items!

In the current God's Domain, they were symbols of extraordinary strength.

"I know that all of you are eager to see how powerful the Epic items are, so today, I'll let all of you have a look at them. While we're at it, I'll let all of you know that I do not plan to allocate these two Epic items to anyone in particular. Instead, I'll place both of them in the Guild Warehouse. However, only core members can see them. Once you have accumulated sufficient contribution points, you can trade your points for any of these two Epic items at any time," Feng explained. He then presented the information of the two items on the screen of the meeting table.

[Song of Beatrice] (Staff, Epic Rank)

Level 30 - Level 90

Equipment Requirement: Intelligence 200

Attributes will be adjusted according to user's level.

Magic Damage increased by 25%.

Cooldown of all spells reduced by 20%.

Casting speed increased by 20%.

Spell critical rate increased by 15%.

Cast range +3

All magic-type skills +2 Levels

Ignore Levels +15

Durability 200/200

Additional Passive Skill: Song of Elements. All successful attacks have a chance to trigger this skill, increasing player's magic damage by 20% for 15 seconds. Does not stack.

Cooldown: 1 minute.

Additional Skill 1: Forest Sprites. Summons three Forest Sprites to battle for you. Forest Sprites can also be sacrificed to recover player's Mana. Each Forest Sprite sacrificed will recover 15% of player's maximum Mana.

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Additional Skill 2: Elemental Domain. All allies within a radius of 50 yards will have their magic damage increased by 15%, cast speed increased by 15%, and Mana consumption decreased by 20% for 1 minute.

Cooldown: 30 minutes

Additional Skill 3: Song of Sprites. Increases the effect of a specified spell by 300%.

Cooldown: 5 minutes

[Shadowcraft] (Leather Armor, Epic Rank)

Level 30 - Level 90

Equipment Requirement: Agility 200, Strength 150

Attributes will be adjusted according to user's level.

Agility increased by 25%.

Strength increased by 10%

Evasion +20

All Magic Resistance +20

Defend +4 Levels

Ignore Levels +10

Additional Passive Skill 1: Dark Shadow. Movement Speed increased by 20%. In dark places, Movement Speed increased by 30% and Agility increased by 10%

Additional Passive Skill 2: Rapid Movement. Agility increased after receiving damage. Agility increases by 5% with every 10% decrease in HP.

Additional Skill: Shadowless. Player can consecutively appear behind targets within a distance of 40 yards. Each use consumes one charge. Replenishes one charge per minute up to a maximum of three charges.

Of the two Epic items, the Song of Beatrice required 600,000 Guild Points, whereas Shadowcraft required 400,000 Guild Points.

One Guild Point was the current equivalent to around 30 Copper Coins. Even Aqua Rose would require a relatively long time before they could accumulate so many points.

When everyone saw the Attributes on the two Epic items, they were all stupefied. The equipment they wore was simply too inferior compared to these two items. Meanwhile, when everyone thought about how they could trade Guild Points for these items, a passionate flame lit up in all of their eyes. The absurdly high demand of Guild Points didn't deter their passion at all. At this moment, they wanted to rush out of the room and start earning Guild Points immediately.

"You've seen the Attributes on these items for yourselves. As to whether or not you can trade for them, that will depend on the effort you put in. In addition, I also have some good news to tell all of you. I will reward Guild Points to the first 100 members in the Guild to get promoted into a Tier 1 class. First place will receive a reward of 50,000 points, so all of you, work hard." Seeing the high morale of the crowd, Feng added more fuel to the fire.

Currently, not a single player had become a Tier 1 class in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom. The various Guilds around the kingdom were all focused on raiding the 50-man Team Dungeons in their respective cities. None of them knew the importance of Tier 1 players, and that Tier 1 players were the key requirement to raid a Level 20, 100-man Team Dungeon. In addition, Tier 1 players also played an important role in the competition between Guilds. The sooner a Guild possessed Tier 1 players, the more beneficial it would be to the Guild's future development.

This was the reason why Feng had ordered his Guild members to level up quickly rather than waste time competing over the First Clear for the Level 10, 50-man Team Dungeons.

Everyone's fighting spirit soared once more when they heard Feng's announcement.

At this moment, they all viewed their decision to join Zero Wing as the best decision they had ever made.

No other Guild would offer Fine-Gold and Dark-Gold items to its members, much less Epic items.

On the other hand, not only had Feng made the items available for trade, but he also spent a large sum of money to encourage everyone to raise their strengths. Players would never find these opportunities in any other Guild.

If they could earn the reward of 50,000 Guild Points, even if they didn't want the Epic items, they could still gain several Fine-Gold or Dark-Gold items, greatly increasing their prowess.

After the meeting ended, the core members headed towards the Class Association to receive their Class Change Quest, afraid that the others would beat them to the top prize; leaving only Feng and Fire, who received a system message from Feng to stay behind, inside the meeting room.

"Have you managed to find a suitable Legacy for yourself by now?" Feng asked once they were the only ones left.

"No, not yet. Though, I've been searching through the clues we had previously gathered, and have a few targets in mind." Fire shook her head bitterly. Ever since her memories have been returned, Fire had been tirelessly searching for a Legacy that suited her, determined to not promote without one.

In the previous timeline, she had used the Basic Assassin Legacy to promote through her tiers all the way to the end, which resulted in her growth being extremely limited. If she had used a Peak Legacy, or even an Advanced Legacy, the things she could have achieved and help she could have provided to Feng would have been much greater. Thus, Fire refused to promote to Tier 1 before finding the best Legacy she possibly could in order to raise her strength as much as possible.

However, luck was not on Fire's side, as she didn't manage to obtain any Legacy that was suitable for her or met her standards.

"No need. Here's one." Feng said as he took out a pitch-black heart radiating an evil aura from his bag and passed it to Fire.

Meanwhile, upon seeing the pitch-black heart and its information, which became visible after Feng used the Eyes of Truth on it, Fire became completely stunned. Staring at the Atrocity's heart, Fire doubted her eyes for a while, before eventually coming back to her senses. 

"*Sigh* There goes my character development." Fire let out a sigh as a bitter smile appeared on her face. 

She had already thought that Feng would give her a Legacy when he had asked her about her progress, and had been originally intending to reject it even if it's a Peak Legacy. Fire was determined to obtain a suitable Legacy on her own and not rely on Feng as usual. But looking at the Atrocity's Heart, Fire felt like all her effort and determination was meaningless. 

How was she supposed to top that?

In their God's Domain, the strongest Legacies were the Ten Great Saint Legacies, which were Advanced Peak Legacies, with some of them being comparable to Top-tier Peak Legacies. Moreover, they only had information on three of the Ten Great Saint Legacies, of which two were already claimed by Feng and Violet, while the third one was reserved for another member of Zero Wing that previously owned it; so there was close to zero chance of Fire obtaining one of them. 

Meanwhile, the Atrocity's Legacy was a bonified Top-tier Legacy, surpassing the Ten Great Saint Legacies, and unless Fire somehow managed to find a Saint Legacy suitable for her by dumb luck, there was no way she could get a stronger Legacy. Naturally, Fire wasn't stubborn enough to refuse the Atrocity Legacy and decrease her growth potential when there was no way she could find anything better. 

Fire inwardly cursed and thanked Feng for being so lucky. How the fuck does someone even manage to randomly get a Top-tier Peak Legacy at this stage of the game, while at Tier 0, and in a small Elementary God's Domain? Surely only Feng with his reality-bending luck could achieve something like that. 

However, upon hearing Fire's words, Feng merely rolled his eyes "Please, no matter what, you're still my woman. It's only natural I give you good things. Besides, I already have the Blade Saint Legacy, and there's no one else currently who could make the best out of a Top-tier Legacy, so it'd be a waste if you didn't use it."

"I know." Fire shook her head with a bitter smile as she accepted the Atrocity's Heart, inwardly feeling slightly happy from Feng's words. A moment later, though, a beautiful smile returned to her face "Since this is the case, I can only try my best to fulfill the full potential of this Legacy and become the strongest Assassin in the universe for you."

"That's a good girl," Feng nodded when Fire finally accepted the Atrocity's Heart, before he handed her a golden ring "Also, take this along with you for now as well."

Upon seeing the golden ring, Fire covered her mouth with wide eyes "Feng, if you're gonna propose, you should at least do it in real life first. But never mind that, definitely yes!"

Feng's eyebrows twitched upon seeing Fire's reaction, rolling his eyes again, Feng instantly denied her "Scram! You already know what this is. I'm only letting you borrow it because I'm not sure how difficult the Atrocity's Class Change Quest will be, and it might be helpful to you."


Fire feigned disappointment as she took the Heavenly Dragon's Breath from Feng. Naturally, she had immediately recognized it and knew why Feng was giving it to her. After all, they didn't have any information about the Atrocity Class Change Quest, and as the Atrocity Legacy was a bit special, it was safe to assume it wouldn't be nearly as simple as other Top-tier Peak Legacies' trials. 

Although Fire had plenty of good equipment already, to ensure she makes the most of the Class Change Quest, Feng decided to let her borrow his Heavenly Dragon's Breath as well as his other Rings that he didn't need, as even without them, Feng's attributes were still way overkill for the Tier 1 Promotion Quest of the Blade Saint Legacy, and he still had the Imperial Ascendance skill if he ever needed a Berserk skill for some reason.

Following which, Fire went off to prepare for taking on the Atrocity Legacy's Class Change Quest. 

"It should be about time for me to upgrade my class as well." Feng smiled faintly as he took out a crystal-encased ancient sword.

Before the meeting started, Feng had already appraised the drops from the Mechanical Slayer. In the looting war, Zero Wing had actually managed to obtain 108 items, not 107. There was one item Feng had not revealed, which was the Legacy Item for the Blade Saint Legacy.

[Sword in the Stone]

The sword inside the crystal faintly emits a power from the ancient era. It occurs naturally with no signs of being crafted. However, a frightening power had damaged this ancient sword severely in the past. If one wishes to awaken the power contained within and gain a better understanding of this sword, they need to gather the power of three Tier 4 classes and expend 21 Mana Stones.

Class restriction: Berserker and Swordsman

However, there was still one more thing Feng had to take care of before he went off to start his Class Change Quest. Soon, Feng left the meeting room as well and headed to one of the forging rooms on the fourth floor of the Starstreak Trading Firm.

They had obtained a total of seven forging designs and recipes from the looting war. Of them, three were forging designs.

All three forging designs produced different types of Basic Strengthened Armor Kits, which were respectively meant for plate armor, leather armor, and cloth armor. Although these Basic Strengthened Armor Kits were a lot weaker than the Basic Mana Armor Kit, their effects only half of the latter, they were still very valuable.

After all, Feng was not a dedicated Lifestyle player. He could not afford to spend a large amount of time producing the Basic Mana Armor Kits. Meanwhile, the supply of Basic Mana Armor Kits available on the market would not meet the demand. Hence, these three Basic Strengthened Armor Kit Forging Designs were extremely important.

At this moment, a knocking came from the door of the forging room. "Guild Leader, the ones you called for are here," Melancholic Smile said respectfully as she entered the room.

While Feng had been busy, Melancholic Smile had grown to have the aura of a strong and capable woman. The current Melancholic Smile was already an Advanced Forging Apprentice, and she was only a short distance from her promotion to a Basic Forger.

Under Melancholic Smile's management, the Horizon Alliance, the Lifestyle Guild Feng had secretly established, had grown to house over 3,000 members. These Lifestyle players had been recruited from various places. Currently, these members had crafted a majority of the products sold at the Starstreak Trading Firm.

Not even Aqua Rose knew about the Horizon Alliance. In the eyes of the public, the members of the Horizon Alliance were simply players that the Starstreak Trading Firm had hired.

"Ah, come on in, then," Feng nodded.

Following which, a man and a woman entered the forging room. The woman who followed Melancholic Smile was none other than the forging genius Cream Cocoa. She had already become an Advanced Forging Apprentice. Meanwhile, the man who entered with Cream Cocoa was a 40-year-old man called Roasted Ironheart. Because of his age, the Guilds Roasted Ironheart had joined in the past had looked down on him. However, after he passed the test set by Melancholic Smile and became a member of Horizon Alliance, he had poured his heart into forging items and displayed frightening talent. Regarding forging techniques, he was even more talented than Melancholic Smile. Currently, he had already become one of the Five Great Forgers of the Horizon Alliance.

After the two entered, upon seeing Feng, Roasted Ironheart immediately grew cautious. Normally, Melancholic Smile was responsible for dealing with all matters within the Horizon Alliance. So, no one had ever met the true owner of the Guild. The members of the Horizon Alliance only knew that their Guild Leader was extremely mysterious, and he had actually managed to form a relationship with the Starstreak Trading Firm. Not only did this great personage possess frightening wealth, but he also had great talents such as Melancholic Smile and Cream Cocoa working under him. The members of the Horizon Alliance all felt reverence and curiosity towards this mysterious boss of theirs.

Today, as Roasted Ironheart finally met the mysterious boss behind the Horizon Alliance, his heart was filled with incomparable shock.

Originally, Roasted Ironheart had believed that the force behind the Horizon Alliance was a wealthy tycoon. However, he would never have imagined that proprietor of this Lifestyle Guild was actually White River City's, no, the entire Star-Moon Kingdom's number one expert, the One-hit Asura, Black Flame. How could this revelation not shock him?

Moreover, Black Flame was also Star-Moon Kingdom's publicly acknowledged number one forger.

At this moment, Roasted Ironheart's mind was a complete mess.

"There is no need to panic; I don't eat people," Feng could not help but console Roasted Ironheart when he noticed the man's trembling legs.

Hearing Feng's words, Roasted Ironheart nearly slumped to the ground.

The number one expert of Star-Moon Kingdom. The Guild Leader of Zero Wing. The great character that dominated White River City. There was simply no chance that a small fry like Roasted Ironheart could meet such a great character like Black Flame. Yet, not only had such a situation occurred, but Roasted Ironheart was also speaking directly with such a great character. How could Roasted Ironheart not panic?

"Uncle Ironheart, relax. Our Guild Leader is a very kind and friendly guy!" Cream Cocoa said, smiling.

Roasted Ironheart silently nodded. After taking a long moment to calm down, he said, "Hello, Boss!"

Melancholic Smile and Cream Cocoa giggled at this sight.

"Alright, I have some important matters to discuss with you. I've called the three of you here today because of these." Saying so, Shi Feng took out the three Basic Strengthened Armor Kit Forging Designs. "Each of you will take one. Your task for this is to produce these items; the more, the better."

As forgers, Melancholic Smile's group was stunned when they saw the forging designs. They understood the value of the Basic Strengthened Armor Kits. By producing these items, not only could they increase their promotion speed to Basic Forgers, but they could also use these items to dominate the forging market and create names for themselves.

When the trio thought about how Feng was actually willing to let them learn such precious forging designs, their hearts were moved.

"I'll leave these forging designs to you, so research them properly. If you can achieve a 20% success rate, then you can start mass-producing them," Feng said.

Although the Basic Strengthened Armor Kits were not as difficult to produce as the Basic Mana Armor Kits, Advanced Forging Apprentices still had a low success rate. Melancholic Smile and the others would be lucky if they could successfully produce one or two pieces out of ten tries.

"Guild Leader, rest assured; we will accomplish this task! We definitely won't disappoint you!" all three of them guaranteed.

Following which, the three were about to return to their respective forging rooms and begin their research on the forging designs, but Feng suddenly stopped them.

"Oh, right. As a reward for your hard work, the three of you have gained the opportunity to go to Zero Wing's Workshop and receive the Special Training. All of you are to report to the Workshop after you log off." After he thought for a moment, Feng remembered that he could return the memories of the Lifestyle players as well, so he decided to have the three of them come to the Workshop so he could bring them back and improve the efficiency of recreating Candlelight much more.

In the previous timeline, the three of them had greatly helped in the beginning stages of the Candlelight Trading Firm's creation and establishment, becoming the main Forgers of Candlelight. 

Cream Cocoa's talent, in particular, truly shone later on even when they entered the Greater God's Domain, as she eventually became a top-tier Craftsman Forger; meanwhile, although Melancholic Smile was only a Great Grandmaster Forger, she was always preoccupied with matters regarding Candlelight and Zero Wing, being the main manager when it came to the Trading Firm and many other things, so she didn't have that much time to spend on improving her Forging. As for Roasted Ironheart, even though he later on stagnated due to his old age, stopping his progress at the Grandmaster Forger rank, his loyalty remained firm with Zero Wing from the beginning to the very end, so Feng didn't mind having him regain his memories as well. 

After giving the three of them instructions and having them go on with researching the Forging Designs, Feng also departed from the Starstreak Trading Firm and headed towards White River City's Bank. He planned to start the first step of awakening the Sword in the Stone.

Walking in the middle of the street in White River City, Feng had used the Demon Mask to change his appearance back to Ye Feng. The color of his ID reverted to white as well.

All this while, Feng had used his artificial ID of Black Flame. It had been a long time since he used his actual ID. In a rapidly changing game like God's Domain, not only were there tons of new players flooding into the game every day, but there were also many experts rising and falling with every passing moment. Meanwhile, the duration of Ye Feng disappearance from the public eye had been long enough for everyone in White River City to completely forget about him.

Throughout Feng's whole journey to the bank, not a single player he passed by had recognized him. Although some players had glanced his way, they had not done so because of Feng's identity. Instead, it was because of the equipment he wore.

The Magic Weapon Abyssal Blade and the Fragmented Legendary ranked Pandemonium Lashblade hung from his waist. Even if Feng had removed the two weapons' glow effect, when one saw the intricate patterns carved onto the swords as well as the flowing lights flashing on the blades, no one believed they were ordinary weapons.

Making a casual observation, Feng discovered that a majority of the independent players wandering the streets were Level 15 or 16 and armed with a few pieces of Bronze Equipment. Feng occasionally saw some independent players who were Level 17 or 18 and fully geared in Bronze Equipment with a few pieces of Mysterious-Iron Equipment. In the past, this sight could not have been found in White River City.

As he strolled through the streets, a system notification alerted Feng. Moreover, it repeated three times.

Star-Moon Kingdom Region System Announcement: Congratulations to Overwhelming Smile for becoming the first team to conquer the Hard Mode Bone Ruin. Rewarding 10,000 Guild Reputation and 10,000 Guild Popularity. All players within the team will be rewarded 100 Reputation Points in White River City and 10 Reputation Points in Star-Moon Kingdom.

Star-Moon Kingdom Region System Announcement: Congratulations to Overwhelming Smile for becoming the first team to conquer the Hard Mode Bone Ruin. Rewarding 10,000 Guild Reputation and 10,000 Guild Popularity. All players within the team will be rewarded 100 Reputation Points in White River City and 10 Reputation Points in Star-Moon Kingdom.

Star-Moon Kingdom Region System Announcement: Congratulations to Overwhelming Smile for becoming the first team to conquer the Hard Mode Bone Ruin. Rewarding 10,000 Guild Reputation and 10,000 Guild Popularity. All players within the team will be rewarded 100 Reputation Points in White River City and 10 Reputation Points in Star-Moon Kingdom.

Feng didn't pay any attention to the system notifications as he arrived at the Bank. Following which, Feng walked towards the bank's counter, retrieving the two Philosopher's Stones from inside his personal warehouse, along with the Book of Creation and the Dragonscale Set Equipment Forging Manual. He then retrieved a large number of Magic Crystals from his Warehouse and left the Bank.

While walking down the middle of the street, Feng could hear many players discussing Overwhelming Smile.

"Say, how do you think Overwhelming Smile became so powerful? They actually claimed the First Clear of a 50-man Team Dungeon so quickly. I heard that their Guild didn't have many experts."

"Yeah, I'm confused, too. Originally, I thought either Ouroboros or Zero Wing would be the first Guild to claim a First Clear. After all, the Snow Goddess, Gentle Snow, leads the team herself. Although Gentle Snow had neither accomplished any amazing feats nor is she a great expert ranked on the God's Domain Experts List, everyone knows about her frightening battle records. Now, however, both of these amazing Guilds lost to a second-rate Guild like Overwhelming Smile."

"I heard that the equipment dropped in a 50-man Hard Mode Team Dungeon is amazing. The Attributes on the equipment are far superior than the equipment found in other Dungeons. Now that Overwhelming Smile has equipment from Bone Ruin, they will have a much easier time raiding Level 20 large-scale Team Dungeons."

"I heard that Overwhelming Smile has already become the overlord of Maple City. Moreover, they are currently mass-recruiting players, and the benefits they offer are insanely good. There is also proof posted online showing that someone recently invested one billion Credits for the Guild's development. Just thinking about that much money makes me drool. I have never heard of any Guild receiving such a large investment. I'm somewhat tempted to head over to Maple City to join them."

Players on both sides of the street were talking about Overwhelming Smile. Overwhelming Smile had destroyed the previous momentum Zero Wing had garnered.

Of course, Feng didn't care about that. He soon returned to his forging room inside the Starstreak Trading Firm and took out the Book of Creation along with the Forging Manual, choosing to use Blessing of Creation on it.

A blinding light shot out of the Book of Creation and enveloped the Dragonscale Set Forging Manual. Unlike before, though, the process lasted much longer than usual, and Feng even wondered whether or not it would succeed. Finally, after around a dozen seconds, the light dimmed and revealed the new Forging Manual, which could now be used to forge the six-piece Dark-Gold rank Dragonclaw Set Equipment.

Satisfied with the improvement, Feng put away the book and Forging Manual, not intending to learn it. After all, Feng had many things that he needed to do and didn't have the time to constantly forge, so he decided to leave the Dragonclaw Set Forging Manual for Cocoa to use along with the Book of Creation when Feng returned her memories and while he was busy. 

With Cocoa's skills and the Book of Creation, as long Feng provides her plenty of the necessary materials, which greatly increased after the Forging Manual became Dark-Gold rank, she'll be able to easily mass produce the Sets. Moreover, with the Book of Creation's Chance Upgrade skill, as long as Cocoa makes enough Sets and is lucky enough, she might create a six-piece Epic rank Set Equipment. Thus, Feng was planning to leave the Forging Manual and Book of Creation with Cocoa while he dealt with his tasks. 

Of course, although the Dragonclaw Set is Dark-Gold rank, it was only a Level 20 Set Equipment, and wouldn't be useful for a long time, but could still be used even after players were over Level 30, so Feng intended to sell many of them as well to the various powers in order to make back on the cost of making the Sets in an attempt to get an Epic one, and also make a profit.

Feng then took out the two pieces of the Philosopher's Stone with some excitement. After all, he had never gotten the opportunity to fuse more than two pieces of the Philosopher's Stone before in his previous life, so Feng was naturally curious about the changes a third piece would bring.

System: Do you wish to fuse the two Philosopher's Stones?

Feng immediately clicked the "Fuse" button.

Suddenly, the two Philosopher's Stones transformed into a pool of blood-red liquid and fused. The liquid then solidified into a blood-red pearl the size of grown man's hand. After the fusion completed, Feng picked up the newly-formed Philosopher's Stone and checked its information.

[Philosopher's Stone] (57% Completed)

Fragmented Legendary Rank Special Item (Dropped upon death)

A sacred item for Alchemy, the Philosopher's Stone can be used to turn stone into gold, revive the dead, and more. However, the Sword Emperor, Knight, shattered the Philosopher's Stone into five pieces. However, the Philosopher's Stone possesses immense strength. As long as one gathers the five pieces, it will recover to its full strength.

Active Effect: Due to being damaged, the Philosopher's Stone possesses less than a fifth of its original strength. It can only be used for Alchemical Conversion, Elemental Refinement, Alchemical Synthesis, Elemental Strengthening and Elemental Cloning[1].

Feng became shocked upon seeing the Philosopher's Stone's new information and ability, wondering if it was as he thought. Quickly, Feng rushed back to the Bank and grabbed a bunch of materials from his Warehouse, before returning to the Forging room. 

After grabbing an Iron Ore from his bag, Feng held the Philosopher's Stone and selected to use Elemental Cloning on the Iron Ore. A completion bar appeared, and the system told Feng that he needed to insert a Magic Crystal to complete the cloning process. Feng took out a Magic Crystal and inserted it into the Philosopher's Stone, causing the completion bar to instantly fill up, and even overflow. 

The system asked for conformation to clone the Iron Ore, and Feng immediately clicked "Yes". Mana suddenly started moving inside of the Philosopher's Stone, and a moment later, a red liquid separated from the blood-red stone, before it took the shape and color of an Iron Ore; looking exactly the same as the one next to it. 

Picking up the 'Iron Ore', Feng looked at it curiously for a second, before using Observing Eyes on it, but the stats came back as a regular Common rank Material Iron Ore. Unsatisfied, Feng activated the Eyes of Truth, allowing him to see through all secrets in the world. This time, the information on the 'Iron Ore' changed. 

[Iron Ore] (Cloned Item, Common Rank Material)

Seeing the information, Feng concluded that although the Philosopher's Stone could clone an item, it wasn't a perfect duplicate, and the system still identified the copy as a Cloned Item. Moreover, when Feng attempted to use Elemental Cloning on the cloned Iron Ore or the Iron Ore he had already cloned, the system notified him that the target was unavailable for Elemental Cloning, so Feng summarized he couldn't clone one Material more than once and wasn't allowed to clone a Cloned Item. 

Following which, Feng continued testing out the Philosopher's Stone's new ability. Even after cloning the Iron Ore, over half a Magic Crystal worth of mana was still inside the Philosopher's Stone, but when Feng selected a Gold Ore for Elemental Cloning, the completion bar was only around 80% full, and Feng had to put in another Magic Crystal in order to clone it. 

Through his experiments, Feng discovered that as long as it's a Material, Elemental Cloning could be used to duplicate it at the cost of mana Feng had to provide. Moreover, aside from Magic Crystals; Mana Stones, Seven Luminaries Crystals and any other item with mana and energy could be used as a supply for the cloning, while depending on the purity and amount of mana the source has, the more items could be cloned after its consumption. 

Though, Feng also discovered that the Elemental Cloning wasn't completely fair. When Feng had selected a Magic Crystal for Elemental Cloning to test out if he could duplicate the mana source items, he found out that in order to clone a single Magic Crystal and get a copy in return, Feng had to spend three Magic Crystals worth of mana. This meant that Feng was effectively making a loss of two Magic Crystals!

Moreover, despite the upgraded Philosopher's Stone needing only 40 Magic Crystals to make a Mana Stone using Alchemical Synthesis with a 60% synthesis rate, as Mana Stones were originally born from the minerals inside Magic Crystals, Feng needed to consume 120 Magic Crystals worth of mana in order to clone a Mana Stone. With that exchange rate, he was better off relying on Alchemical Synthesis. 

As for Seven Luminaries Crystals, Feng needed to consume over 700 Magic Crystals worth of mana to duplicate one unit.

Meanwhile, one Mana Stone worth of mana was enough to clone only 30 Magic Crystals, while a unit of Seven luminaries Crystals could duplicate around 200 Magic Crystals.

After Feng experimented for around an hour, he felt like he more or less understood the way Elemental Cloning works and what amount of mana was necessary to clone which items. Following which, Feng stored the Philosopher's Stone along with all the other items and Materials inside of Zero Wing's Warehouse, while keeping only 21 Mana Stones on him. 

Feng had already acquired a few thousand Mana Stones from the Holy Cavers' treasury and didn't need to waste Magic Crystals to get them through Alchemical Synthesis. He had previously merely wanted to test out how much the synthesis had improved with the third Philosopher's Stone piece's addition. 

He then contacted Melancholic Smile and instructed her to start purchasing as many Magic Crystals in bulk as she possibly could.

"Guild Leader, please tell me you're joking. You want to purchase so many Magic Crystals? The current market value for them is 8 Silver Coins each. Moreover, this is the best and lowest cost. If we buy them in bulk, the prices in White River City will soar. When that happens, we'll need to pay at least double or triple or maybe even quadruple the current price. Making a rough estimate, we'll need to spend thousands of Gold Coins." 

"Don't mind the price. Buy as many as you can, and go to other Cities if White River City runs out. Also, purchase as many of these items and materials as possible." Feng didn't care about the price at all as he handed Melancholic 50,000 Gold Coins along with a list of some items.

"This-" Melancholic Smile gasped when she saw the amount of Gold Feng had given her, her mind going blank. Although Melancholic Smile had always dealt with the purchasing of materials for the Horizon Alliance, this was her first time handling a transaction that involved so much Gold. She struggled against her sudden anxiety.

If converted to Credits, this would be nearly seven hundred million Credits. All her life, she had never even seen a fraction of so much money. Feng, though, treated such an amount casually like pocket change.

The reason for Feng telling Melancholic Smile to start purchasing so many in bulk was because the price for Magic Crystals was currently as low as it will ever be, with him being able to buy around ten of them with 1 Gold Coin. Within one to two updates, this will be impossible. 

Naturally, Feng was planning to exploit this period and get as many Magic Crystals as he possibly could. In fact, if Melancholic could spend all of that Gold on Magic Crystals, Feng would be more than happy; but he feared that would be impossible, so Feng instructed her to go to other Cities along with giving her a list of items and Materials that he would either need or that would become valuable in the future to buy.

Shock once again overcame Melancholic once she fully understood Feng's instructions and saw the list of items he had given her. After all, the few items she recognized were all incredibly precious and expensive, so buying them in bulk would normally be completely impossible. 

Before she could recover, though, Feng had already exited the room. 

Looking at his current Level, Feng felt he had a bit too much, but was also a bit troubled. He didn't have enough EXP to upgrade the Auras he uses without dropping out of Level 20, which would prevent Feng from being able to take on his Class Change Quest, but he also didn't have anything else that he used which also required EXP to upgrade; so Feng could only sigh unwillingly and start pouring his EXP into the Aura of Water. 

He kept leveling it up until it reached Tier 1 Level 1, at which point Feng dropped to Level 20, and his attributes also decreased by quite a bit. Not that it would affect Feng, though, as he already had more than enough to easily finish his Class Change Quest. 

As Feng was about to teleport to Blackwing City, the system notified him of a voice communication request. It was Gentle Snow.

"Miss Snow, how are you?" Feng greeted her warmly after answering the call.

Although the situation of Overwhelming Smile's First Clear had impacted Zero Wing, the one most affected by this result should be Gentle Snow. In order to claim the First Clear of the Land of Death, she had paid a huge price. Other Guilds could not compete with the advantages she possessed. Yet, just as she was about to harvest the fruit of her efforts, Overwhelming Smile stole the glory.

"Guild Leader Black Flame, I wish to discuss something with you," Gentle Snow's tone was indifferent; only she understood her current state of mind.

"Miss Snow, please, speak your mind," Feng said, smiling.

"I'd like to borrow someone," Gentle Snow said.

"Borrow someone?" Feng asked. 

"That's right. I wish to borrow Ye Feng." Gentle Snow nodded. "As for the price, I am willing to pay five million Credits."

"Borrow Ye Feng?" Feng acted surprised upon hearing Snow's request. Gentle Snow had offered an astronomical price of five million to borrow Ye Feng. That was the equivalent of a famous gaming expert's annual salary. And she only wanted his help with a single matter.

"I know that this is somewhat abrupt. Honestly, I initially considered asking you, Guild Leader Black Flame. However, not only are you the Guild Leader of Zero Wing, but you are also very famous in Star-Moon Kingdom. The implications for obtaining your help are too grave to ignore. Hence, my only option is to ask for Ye Feng's help, as he is only a member of Zero Wing. However, I doubt he will help me without your explicit permission," Gentle Snow explained. If she had any other choice, she wouldn't be asking. However, now that Overwhelming Smile had claimed the first First Clear of a large-scale Team Dungeon, this was her only option.

"Although I wish I could agree to your request, Ye Feng is currently busy an extremely important task. I'm afraid he can't help you right now, Miss Snow. How about the other experts in Zero Wing?" 

"Other experts?" Gentle Snow fell silent for a moment, considering the idea. She then said, "It is possible if they are as skilled as Ye Feng."

"I'm afraid they have yet to reach that level," Feng said definitely. He technically wasn't lying, as setting aside techniques, if speaking purely in terms of weapons, equipment, and skills, nobody within the Guild could come close to being a match to him. In terms of techniques, though, Fire and Violet had both already practically surpassed him. At least, in the Realms of Refinement, that is. 

"I'm afraid they won't do if they are not as strong as Ye Feng," Gentle Snow said, disappointed. However, when she gave it more thought, how could great experts such as Ye Feng be easy to find? She then asked, "Guild Leader Black Flame, how long will it take for Ye Feng to complete his task?"

Normally, an ordinary Class Change Quest required two to three days to complete. But it wouldn't take long for Feng to wrap up his Class Change Quest.

"Around five days," Feng said, giving a conservative estimate. Even though it would take much less for Feng to finish his Class Change Quest, he had no idea how long it would take Violet to finish hers, as they didn't have any information on the True Saint Legacy's Class Change Quest; and Feng needed her to be able to participate in Snow's fight. With Violet's standards, though, it should only take a few days to finish it, but Feng still decided to set the schedule for five days from now to be on the safe side and keep the timeline similar.

"Five days, huh?" Gentle Snow's brows wrinkled slightly. After thinking for some time, she slowly asked, "Guild Leader Black Flame, will five days really be enough?"

"Mhm." Feng nodded.

"I'll have to trouble Guild Leader Black Flame to pass on the message, then. I'll transfer five million Credits into your account immediately." Gentle Snow sighed in relief upon hearing Feng's confident answer. She then disconnected the call after thanking him. 

Following which, Feng took out the pass to Blackwing City, teleporting immediately. 

Being a neutral zone as well as a famous city in God's Domain, Blackwing City was many times stronger than Star-Moon Kingdom. Naturally, a lot of high-tiered NPCs would reside there. If luck would have it, he could even meet a Tier 5 powerhouse. One could not meet such an NPC even in the capital city of Star-Moon Kingdom. Of course, Feng had no need to find those NPCs, as he already had his ticket to the Blade Saint Legacy's activation. 

It had been quite some time since the launch of God's Domain. The population of the game had increased rapidly. The number of players who had obtained Blackwing City Passes had also increased.

As Feng walked down the wide streets of Blackwing City, he discovered far more players than before. 

Among these players, a majority were the upper echelons of Guilds. Like Feng before, these upper echelons were here to trade with each other. They mainly traded Hard Stones, taking advantage of the price difference to make a huge profit. 

However, as more players began visiting Blackwing City, the potential profits would start to dwindle. This was also why Feng had stopped Aqua Rose from sending her subordinates to cooperate with other Guilds. He planned to save the Blackwing City Passes, only using them to attend the Blackwing City Auction or purchase special tools such as the Frost Grenades.

In reality, aside from being a trade hub, Blackwing City had one other fascinating feature: the city's beautiful scenery. In the past, when God's Domain was in its middle-stages, many upper echelons of Guilds would frequently visit Blackwing City for leisure.

Nothing could beat the Stargazing Tower of Blackwing City.

The Stargazing Tower's interior was like a dream world; it looked absolutely stunning. In the past, many players even longed to spend the rest of their lives living inside the Stargazing Tower.

"It's been a long time since I entered the Stargazing Tower," Feng muttered as he gazed at the distant tower that pierced the sky with a nostalgic look on his face. The Stargazing Tower was one of the architectural symbols of Blackwing City. The Stargazing Tower of Blackwing City was older than the city itself. Blackwing City was established here because of the Stargazing Tower. The Stargazing Tower was a monument that had existed in God's Domain before the Great Destruction. 

After taking a moment to admire the tower, Feng took a step in, planning to take a risk.


1. Idea for the Philosopher's Stone's new skill Elemental Cloning comes from another fanfic made by VexedShade. I heavily recommend reading it if you haven't already, as it's one of the best rssg fanfics there is. 

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