The Crimson Dragon |ASOIAF|

By KastheJedi

58K 2.6K 394

After living in poverty for most of her life, Rosalind McDaniels accomplished her dreams of success when she... More

Cast and Main Character
Death and Resurrection
A New Reality
Build Up to A Wedding and Its Aftermath
Two Births
Divergences and Constants
New Discoveries
The White Worm
Unexpected Events and News
The Seventh Child Of the King
The Truth, Part 1
The Truth, Part 2
Making Moves
Do Better
The Making Of The Royal Bank
First Kill

Family Ties

3K 154 5
By KastheJedi

"Will mama be, okay?" Jacaerys Velaryon asked his uncles and aunts as they all sat in the nursery awaiting the birth of his parents' second child and his new sibling.

When Jacaerys was told that he would be an older brother, the toddler was excited, wanting a relationship with his new sibling that his uncles and aunts had with each other. Yes, the Hightower-Targaryens never excluded him, often treating him like the sixth member of their group, but he knew it would be different with a brother or sister of his own.

Now after seeing Rhaenyra's water break and listening to his mother screaming in agony from all the way in her bedchamber, it made Jacaerys rethink his desire for a brother or sister if it caused his mother so much pain.

"Rhaenyra will be fine, Jace. She has a group of dedicated midwives watching over her, I promise." Lilyanna told her nephew as she stood up and pulled him away from his place at the door and towards her siblings.

They had all been herded into the nursery as soon as news of Rhaenyra's labor had circulated the Red Keep. The nursery had become the unofficial place to take the children whenever the Queen or Princess were giving birth, although Lilyanna was sure that this would change once they were all older.

"You sure?" Jacaerys asked, his lips quivering, and his eyes filled with unshed tears.

"I am sure. Nothing is going to happen to your mother." Lilyanna reassured.

Jacaerys allowed his body to relax after hearing those words. Out of all his younger relatives, Lilyanna was the most mature and knowledgeable, if she said that his mother would be fine, than he believed it.

"Hurry Jace. We are going to play The Conquerors!" Aegon jumped up from his place on the floor, holding two wooden swords in his hands.

"Yay!" Jacaerys cheered, using his small legs to run to his uncles.

"I want to be King Aegon!" Aemond said as he took the other sword from his brother.

Aegon scoffed at this, "No way, I am going to Aegon. You can be Aegon's dragon, Balerion."

"But you're always Aegon. Why can't I be him for once?!"Aemond cried.

"Because I'm the oldest and my name is Aegon, so I get to decide who is who." Aegon exclaimed.

"That's not fair!" Aemond said, stomping his feet.

"If you find it so unfair then you should have been born first." Aegon shrugged. "It's not my fault you came out of our mother fourth instead of first."

Aemond glared at Aegon before dropping the sword in his hand and running to Lilyanna and latching onto her, burying his face in her chest to hide his tears.

Lilyanna wrapped her arms around Aemond and rubbed his back. "Aegon, stop making fun of Aemond. Would it really be so bad if Aemond was King Aegon for once?"

"Yes, it would. Aemond should be happy that I am letting him play at all, he is not like any of the conquerors much less my namesake." Aegon said annoyed by their brother's crying, He hated how Aemond would constantly follow him around trying to do everything that he would do, and then make him look bad whenever he refused.

Lilyanna rolled her eyes, "Yes, because you are the conqueror reborn, brother. I am sure you are going to hop on Sunfyre and take over an entire continent as well."

"Whatever," Aegon mumbled before turning to his youngest brother and nephew. "C'mon Dae, Jace. You two will be Visenya and Rhaenys."

Daeron and Jacaerys followed Aegon further into the room, reenacting the Three Conquerors takeover of Westeros.

"Do not listen to him, Aemond. You are just as smart and as brave as Aegon the first." Lilyanna said as she led Aemond to where Helaena was sitting.

"I am?" Aemond asked, his insecurity was obvious as Aegon's words had cut him deeply. He did not understand why Aegon was always pushing him away, especially since he never did so with Helaena, Lilyanna, or Daeron.

"You are and I believe that you will grow to be even more like him." Lilyanna answered.

Aemond smiled, leaning onto Lilyanna's shoulder, and focusing on the fire in front of them. Within the fireplace laid Aemond's dragon egg, each day the young boy would have one of his sisters place it there for him in hopes of it hatching.

I will ride a dragon and I will be better than every Aegon, including my brother... Aemond thought to himself.

"A God's shining light, a mother's loving embrace, a newborn heart taking breath." Helaena whispered into the air.

"A new dream, sister?" Lilyanna asked as she took in Helaena's words, trying to figure out the meaning behind them.

Helaena stared at Lilyanna in a daze, still lost in the foggy haze of her vision, she did not give her sister a response as she turned her head back to the fire.

Lilyanna was not bothered by this, thinking on the words that Helaena had spoken. She knew based on the last two parts that Helaena's dream had to have been about Rhaenyra and her newborn child.

This could be about Lucerys. I remember that dream I had about the three Strong Boys, so I know that he will be the one that will be born today. The part about God could be about Lucerys' dragon, Arrax. Lilyanna thought.

It was not long before Laenor had entered the room, taking the six children to Rhaenyra's bedchamber after telling them that Rhaenyra had given birth to boy.

Once they entered, they saw that Viserys and Alicent were also in the room, the King stood next to his wife as he held the newborn prince in his arms.

"Mama!" Jacaerys shouted as he broke away from the group and ran to his mother's bedside. Jacaerys quickly climbed onto the bed and hugged Rhaenyra.

"I am all right, my little prince." Rhaenyra said, brushing some of the hair away from Jacaerys' face. "You have a little brother now. Say hello to Lucerys."

Viserys walked over to his daughter and eldest grandson so that Jacaerys could see his new brother, Jacaerys leaned his head over Viserys' arms to get a better look.

Lucerys Velaryon was very small, smaller than Jacaerys had been at his birth, with the same tanned skin but what drew his attention was his hair. Lucerys' small tuff of hair was an equal mixture of black and silver strands.

"His hair is pretty!" Jacaerys exclaimed, reaching over to gently touch his brother's hair. The movement had awoken Lucerys and the babe opened his eyes, revealing his indigo eyes to the world.

Rhaenyra laughed, "Yes Lucerys' hair is quite beautiful. I am sure your grandmother Rhaenys will think so as well when she and your grandfather Corlys visit in the next few days."

Viserys smiled at the scene, "Of course she will. You have given her a grandchild that shows the strength of Baratheon blood after all."

"Can we see?" Daeron asked, becoming more impatient as the others were focusing on the newborn and not allowing him and his siblings to do so as well.

Viserys waved his other children over and soon Rhaenyra, Jacaerys, and Lucerys were surrounded by the other excited children.

Lilyanna waited behind the rest of rest of her siblings, knowing how rambunctious they could be and not wanting to be pushed and shoved around as a result. Once they had calmed down, Lilyanna moved closer to see Lucerys for herself.

Genetics in this world really don't make any sense. I mean black and silver hair? Although, I guess I'm the last person who should be talking with my single strand of silver hair among all my fiery red. Lilyanna thought.

"Hi there, Luke." Lilyanna said to her newborn nephew.

"Luke?" Laenor asked Lilyanna.

"Luke." Lilyanna reiterated, "Like Jace's name, Lucerys is too long, so he will be known as Luke."

Laenor raised an eyebrow and laughed, "Oh, will he now?"

Lilyanna shrugged, Lucerys was bound to get the nickname eventually just as Jacaerys did despite the changes she made. She and all her siblings had nicknames too, even if some were used more than others.

The not so young princess allowed herself to relax as her family celebrated Lucerys' birth as all appeared to be fine. So far, the Targaryen family has been able to exist in tentative peace with each other. While the children had gotten along, there was still animosity between Rhaenyra, Alicent, and their respective sides.

But Lilyanna knew that she could not relax just yet, she could not let up her guard, not even for a moment.


A Few Days Later

Lilyanna let out a groan as she entered her room, the princess had just returned from her and Aegon's training with Criston, every muscle in her body was screaming in agony as she dragged herself through the Keep.

Ever since Criston discovered Lilyanna's talent with a blade, he had been pushing her harder during their lessons. He had even begun teaching her more advanced lessons than Aegon. While Lilyanna did appreciate that the Kingsguard did not go easy on her or teach her less than her brother because of her gender, her body was begging for a break.

Lilyanna remembered asking the Knight why he was so enthusiastic about her training...

"So that if you do ever find yourself in a situation where you must fight, you will win." Criston said without a trace of doubt.

"You are very confident, Ser Criston." Lilyanna replied.

"Of course, I am the one training you. Your skills are already assured." Criston said, making a show of twirling his morning star.

Lilyanna giggled, "That is true. Besides, I do not think mother would be happy if I ended up being a subpar fighter with the worries she had at the beginning."

Criston hummed, "The Queen would be quite... worried."

Lilyanna snorted, imagining what Alicent's reaction would be if she ever got into a situation where she needed to fight, but could not.

She would probably have a heart attack if I ever got into a fight. But with how Alicent is, I doubt she would ever let any of her children near a battle if she had a choice, she would probably lock us in the Keep and throw away the key. Lilyanna thought.

"Oh. Hey, Hely." Lilyanna said as noticed Helaena sitting on her bed instead of her own.

Helaena did not respond to her twin, nor did she turn her head to look at her. Lilyanna was not bothered as this happened quite frequently with Helaena, so she knew that she would just have to wait until Helaena eventually told her what had taken up all her attention.

While she waited, Lilyanna had taken a bath and had gone to her work desk to continue working on her book of medicine. Having grown appalled by the measures taken by maesters, Lilyanna had decided to write down all her medical knowledge from her past life in a series of books.

While she knew no one would take her notes seriously now, Lilyanna hoped that as she grew older that her credibility would increase and more would adopt her methods.

That and I want to see those medieval doctors faces when a woman shows them up, when I prove how much better I am than them.

"Hello, Lily. When did you get back?" Helaena asked, finally noticing Lilyanna's presence in their room.

"Almost an hour ago. I tried to get your attention when I first arrived, but you were lost in your thoughts." Lilyanna said.

"Sorry." Helaena muttered, turning her head away, Lilyanna followed her gaze and saw that Helaena was staring at Lilyanna's dragon egg that had been sitting in the fireplace.

"Is something wrong with my egg?" Lilyanna asked after a few moments.

"N-no I mean- I do not think that something- I am not sure if-" Helaena stuttered.

"Hey," Lilyanna said gently, walking over to Helaena and sitting next to her on the bed. "Don't second guess yourself, Helaena. Tell me what you saw."

Helaena took a breath to calm herself down. "I saw your dragon egg, but it was not with you anymore... it was in Lucerys' crib."

Helaena refused to look at her twin, afraid of what Lilyanna would say, what she would do after hearing what she saw in her dreams.

I do not want Lily to hate me. I do not want her to think I caused this, that I could have made this happen. Helaena thought, she knew how obsessed the people in her family were with dragons, how being a dragonrider determined your worth and standing both inside and outside of their house.

To Helaena, it felt like she was preventing Lilyanna from becoming a dragonrider, that her dream had caused Lilyanna's journey to getting her own dragon that much harder.

"Helaena. Look at me, please." Lilyanna said, she wanted to reach and touch her, but she knew that with how Helaena was acting that it would not be taken well.

Helaena lifted her head, she was afraid that Lilyanna would be angry, but her expression had not changed.

"Is this what you saw that a few days ago, when Luke was born?" Lilyanna asked.

"Yes." Helaena whispered.

"Is this why you have been avoiding me lately? Were you afraid to tell me?" Lilyanna asked, but she already knew the answers to her questions.

Helaena wanted to deny it, but Lilyanna would know that she was lying. "Yes."

Lilyanna sighed, "Alright. This means I have to give the egg to Lucerys before Rhaenyra further plan her trip to Dragonstone."

There had been no dragon eggs in the Dragonpit waiting for the newborn prince like there had been previously, so Rhaenyra had been planning to go to their family's ancestral seat to proclaim one for Lucerys.

The last dragon eggs that had been laid in King's Landing had been given to their young cousins, Baela and Rhaena Targaryen, the twin daughters of Daemon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon last year after their births.

Once Viserys had heard of the twins' birth, he ordered that the dragon eggs be sent over to Pentos and be placed in his nieces' cribs. He believed that since Daemon was now a father that he would have changed and that Baela and Rhaena should not be punished for their father's sins.

There were many who both silently and loudly objected to the Rouge Prince's daughters receiving dragon eggs.

Just like in the medieval society that Westeros was based on, a person in the royal family is given the title of Prince or Princess if they are the child or grandchild of a monarch. It was the reason that despite Rhaenys and Daemon being a princess and prince that Laena, Laenor, Baela, and Rhaena were not given the same titles upon their births.

Many believed that because of how far down the girls were in the line of succession they should never become dragonriders as it would throw off the tentative balance that currently existed.

There was also the fear that these potential dragons would make Daemon even more powerful as he would have not only them, but his and Laena's dragons, and the Velaryon wealth and fleet through Laena, on his side.

Of course, Viserys would have none of that, stating that his decision was final and that anyone who had a problem with it could 'talk' to his Kingsguards.

The objections quickly ended after that...

Although I don't agree with everything Jaehaerys did and believed, he wasn't wrong in his choice to limit the amount of dragonriders at one time. During his height, the only dragonriders were himself, his wife, his older sister, and his three oldest children. The first of these children was his heir, and the other two were expected to marry.

Jaehaerys did not allow his other daughters to claim dragons because they were expected to marry outside of the family, that way no other family would gain access to the dragons' power.

By the time Viserys had died there were 17 members of House Targaryen with a dragon of their own. Every single Targaryen besides Viserys, Mealor, and Viserys II had a dragon at the time, granted some of these dragons and riders were too young to fly in combat, but still!

This doesn't even count the dragonseeds who later claimed dragons during the Dance...

Helaena looked at Lilyanna in shock, "That is it? You are not mad."

"Why would I be mad?" Lilyanna wondered.

Helaena looked at Lilyanna in disbelief, "I saw that your dragon egg will become Luke's. You will not have a hatchling because of me."

Lilyanna scoffed, "Helaena, you did not make anything happen, your dragon dreams did not cause this, you simply saw something that would already happen."

"Are you sure?" Helaena voice barely carried, but the emotions within were evident. She was hopeful, desperate to believe that what her sister said was true.

"Positive." Lilyanna said with a smile. "So, when I give Luke the egg, does it hatch?"

Helaena gratefully returned the smile, "Yes, it does. Arrax will be born from the egg."

Lilyanna walked over to the fireplace and grabbed the dragon egg. "Come, let's go give this to Luke."

"Aren't you mad that you won't have a dragon?" Helaena asked.

"Are you mad that you do not have a dragon?" Lilyanna asked in return.

"No, I am not. But it is different..." Helaena said, she knew her own dragon egg would not hatch, but she also knew that she was destined to claim one at a later date. "...I cannot see if you will..."

"You cannot see if I will ever claim a dragon?" Lilyanna finished.

Helaena nodded her head.

"Helaena," Lilyanna started. "I do not know if I will ever claim a dragon, I am not from this world, remember. It may not be in the cards for me, and I have accepted it. Truly sister, it does not bother me."

Helaena looked for any sign that her sister was lying but Lilyanna's face it not so much as twitch. "Okay sister. Let us go to the nursery."


When the twins walked into the nursery, they saw that the room was not empty.

It was not surprising to see Rhaenyra sitting in a chair with Lucerys in her arms and Jacaerys sitting on the ground by her feet, playing with a stack of toys. She had been spending a lot more time in nursery since Lucerys' birth, wanting to enjoy time with her children before she had to return to her duties.

Although the girls were not expecting to see Rhaenys Targaryen sitting across from their sister, both in the mist of conversation.

The older Targaryen princess had come to King's Landing with her husband two days prior after receiving news of their second grandchild's birth and just as Viserys said, Rhaenys was overjoyed as she took in Lucerys' hair, saying that he looked just like her mother, Jocelyn Baratheon.

It was not the first time they had met Rhaenys, but due to the rivalry between Otto and Corlys, Alicent's ascension as Queen over Laena, and Joffrey Lonmouth's murder at Criston Cole's hands, the Velaryons spent little time around the Hightower-Targaryens.

"Sisters, have you come to spend time with your nephews?" Rhaenyra asked, smiling at her younger sisters.

Rhaenys said nothing as the two girls greeted them, quietly observing them, although her gaze leaned more towards Lilyanna.

She had heard from her son, good daughter, and court rumors that the youngest princess of the Red Keep was considered by many to be a genius, said to be far smarter than any child her age had the right to be, even being personally taught by the Grand Maester as she far surpassed her other teachers.

"We came to give Luke his dragon egg." Lilyanna responded, focusing on Rhaenyra, and trying to ignore Rhaenys' eyes drilling into the side of her head.

"I thought there were no eggs available in the pit?" Rhaenyra asked.

"There are not. This is Lily's egg." Helaena clarified.

Rhaenyra looked at the egg in Lilyanna's hands, recognizing it as the one she picked for her sister. "But why are you trying to give it to Lucerys? It is yours Lilyanna."

"So that Luke will have a dragon, it will hatch for him." Lilyanna said.

"That is sweet, dear sister, but I will be able to find a dragon egg for Luke at Dragonstone. There is no need to give him yours." Rhaenyra said gently, while she was touched by Lilyanna's selfless act, she did not want to deprive her sister of a dragon.

"It would take moons to find a dragon egg at Dragonstone, you said the keepers there have not yet found any eggs." Lilyanna objected.

The reason Rhaenyra had been planning to go to Dragonstone was not just to find an egg for Lucerys but to find out why there were also little eggs available. It was concerning that the home of dragons in Westeros had no eggs to be found.

"Lilyanna," Rhaenyra began. "Your egg could still hatch for you."

"It won't." Lilyanna said with a shrug. "But it will for Luke."

Rhaenyra shook her head, a small smile forming on her lips. "Why am I surprised? You have already believed you are right, that this will happen."

"Because it will." Lilyanna said confidently.

"Because you are the dragon whisperer?" Rhaenyra joked.

Lilyanna simply rolled her eyes, causing Rhaenyra to laugh and Helaena to smile.

"And what if I say no?" Rhaenyra asked once she composed herself.

"I will just keep coming here and putting the egg in Lucerys' cradle. You will never get a moments rest." Lilyanna answered.

"We both will, Nyra." Helaena agreed.

Rhaenyra knew Lilyanna was stubborn and persistent when she puts her mind to something, even Helaena had those traits when she believed in something important.

So, Lilyanna and Helaena truly would keep trying to give Lucerys the egg until she eventually gave in.

Rhaenyra placed Lucerys in his cradle and walked to her sisters. She kneeled and took the egg from Lilyanna and placed it next to her son.

"Wow. Luke has an egg now?" Jacaerys asked after seeing Rhaenyra place the egg next to his brother.

"Yes, he does, my sweet prince." Rhaenyra said.

Jacaerys turned to his aunt, "But won't you get lonely without a dragon Lily?"

"Nah." Lilyanna said while messing with Jacaerys' hair, causing the small boy to laugh and playfully swat her hand. "You, Dae, Egg, and your parents all have dragons that I can spend time with, so it does not bother me."

"Are you still sure, Lilyanna?" Rhaenyra asked once again.

"Yes, my journey to becoming a dragonrider will just be a little more difficult." Lilyanna said, her voice never wavering and her eyes unflinching.

Rhaenyra stared at Lilyanna for a moment, searching deep within the young girl's eyes. "All right. Thank you for what you have done. I, Laenor, and Lucerys deeply appreciate it."

Lilyanna smiled and soon she and Helaena said their goodbyes and left the room.

"Is there something you want to ask, cousin?" Rhaenyra asked, her eyes never leaving her sons. Lucerys had fallen asleep, his body wrapped around his new dragon egg and Jacaerys stood next to his brother's cradle, repeatedly poking said egg.

"Your sisters are quite... different." Rhaenys said, choosing her words carefully.

Rhaenyra laughed, "I know you want to say that they are weird. And you are right, they are."

Rhaenys turned to look at the egg now in Lucerys' cradle. "Why did you accept the egg?"

"Lilyanna and Helaena would not stop until the egg was Luke's. I wanted to save myself the headache." Rhaenyra smirked.

Rhaenys was clearly not amused, staring at her good daughter from the corner of her eye and Rhaenyra had to will herself not to fidget in her chair from the look.

Rhaenyra cleared her throat, wanting the staring to end. "My sisters have the uncanny ability to be right in most situations, if they said the egg will hatch for Lucerys then I believe it will hatch."

Rhaenys raised an eyebrow, "That is it? You believe them so wholeheartedly?"

Rhaenys had always found the relationship between Rhaenyra and her siblings to be strange. The younger Targaryen did not hide the disdain she had for her old childhood friend after Alicent married Viserys and yet she loved the Queen's children without repute. Even her brothers, whose very existences threatened her claim to the Iron Throne.

Did she truly have that much faith that the Hightower Queen will not use those children to usurp her? To usurp my grandchildren?

Still, over the years, through frequent trips to the capital, Rhaenys saw how close her eldest grandson was with his uncles and aunts, how often Jacaerys would talk about them whenever she or Corlys asked after him.

But Rhaenys knew just how quickly childhood bonds and long held expectations can change.

"Yes, that is it, cousin." Rhaenyra replied.

Rhaenys allowed the conversation to end, continuing to think about the twins. There was something about them that Rhaenys found odd, whenever she saw them, whenever they spoke it was more like they were adults embodying the forms of children. As if they had already seen too much of the cruel and unjust world that they lived in and were unable to maintain any of their innocence.

Rhaenys could not deny that Helaena and Lilyanna had unnerved her, but at the same time left her intrigued. She had wanted to know what they were capable of and if they posed a threat to the rest of their family.

I suppose I will have to keep a close eye on the two of them. Especially Lilyanna, she might well be another Otto Hightower in the making...


"EH?! What do you mean you gave your dragon egg to Luke?!" Aegon shouted at Lilyanna.

It had been a few hours since Lilyanna had given Lucerys her dragon egg and she had recounted the story to her family at dinner.

Well, she recounted her story to her mother and her brothers, the group of six were having their supper in the solar of the Queen's bedchambers. Due to the bad blood between the Velaryons and the Queen, both sides had made excuses as to why they could not share meals together.

Not that Viserys noticed, still high on the birth of his second grandson, it was easy to get away with things when Viserys distracted (more so than usual).

"Aegon, do not yell at the table." Alicent reprimanded her eldest before turning to her daughter. Alicent's eyes were burning into Lilyanna's, visibly demanding to know the truth. "Now Lily, explain yourself."

"I gave my dragon egg to Luke because he did not have one." Lilyanna said plainly.

"But now you don't have one!" Aemond exclaimed, in his mind he could not imagine willingly giving his own dragon egg to someone else. But Lilyanna was speaking as if it was no big deal, as if a dragon were not the most important thing to a Targaryen.

"I know, but I am fine with not having a dragon at the moment." Lilyanna said, continuing to eat and ignoring her family's stunned looks.

Alicent did not know how to feel about her daughter's decision to give Lucerys Velaryon her dragon egg. On the one hand she was unnerved by the reverence and obsession the Targaryens had with dragons, how they acted as if they were truly dragons themselves. But she also knew the threat that came with Lilyanna no longer having an egg.

At the moment, the Greens only had two dragons, Aegon's Sunfyre and Daeron's Tessarion, while the Blacks had Syrax, Seasmoke, Vermax, Vhgar, Caraxes, and Meleys. If the dragon egg hatched for Lucerys, then it would be another dragonrider for their enemy's side.


"I am sure, mother. If I really need a dragon, I will claim one when I am older." Lilyanna told Alicent before she could tell her what she really thought of the princess' choice.

Alicent and Lilyanna stared at each other, neither saying anything as purple met brown. Aegon and Aemond looked back and forth between the Queen and youngest princess, waiting to see what would happen next.

Alicent sighed, "If you are sure, I will leave it be for now."

"Thank you, mother." Lilyanna said.

"But do not make such decisions without my approval again, Lilyanna. I am understood?" Alicent said, her voice stronger and colder than it was before.

"Yes, mother. I understand." Lilyanna replied.

Alicent nodded and returned to her food, satisfied by her daughter's response, the silence in the room ended when Aegon began to tell their mother how his day went, with Aemond and Daeron trying to speak over him.

Lilyanna rolled her eyes at this, knowing that Alicent would continue to speak about the dragon egg for at least the next few moons. Lilyanna saw Helaena quietly laughing at her from the corner of her eye and discreetly raised her middle finger at her, causing Helaena to laugh a little harder.


Six moons later, Lilyanna and Helaena sat in front of their mother in her chambers for their daily embroidery lesson, when Aegon suddenly burst into the room.

"Lily! Hels! You have to come see this!" Aegon yelled as, skidding in front of his sisters and mother.

"Aegon!" Alicent yelled, "What is so important that you came running and screaming through the room like an animal?"

"It's Luke. His dragon egg hatched!" Aegon exclaimed, bouncing on his heels, and waiting for his family to follow him to the nursery.

As the four made their way to the nursery, Lilyanna purposely kept her head straight, trying to ignore the way Alicent's eyes were burning into the side of her head.

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