A whisper of the night. (levi...

By savagepatchkid

27.9K 1.2K 172

Okay so since this ship has practically destroyed me I thought, "Hey why not make a fanfiction?" So here I am... More

The pleasure in company.
Midnight snack
Unwanted visitors an unexpected visitors
The days plans
Breaking point
Cheering up
Terrifying relief
I don't know what to name this chapter tbh
A lil more fluffins
Idek what to name chapters so like
I'm just going to start convos here so how are you guys
I went to see jurassic world yesterday and omG IT WAS SO GOOD
Anyways I'm tryna add as much fluff as I can
Because you guys may or may not be happy after the filler fluffs
Update preview!
This is preview
So it began
The final chapters of this story omg
I'm kind of sad to see it end but also excited
So yeah imma try and make a few chapters before the end update
But yeah hopefully I'll be able to finally have the ending
I'm actually going to miss writing this omg...
Well... This is it
The ending...
I'm kind of sad about the fact that this is the end...
Don't get mad...

So yeah I also watched all twelve episodes of Gugure Kukkorisan

612 40 2
By savagepatchkid

After Hanji got home she went to take a shower, seeing that guy who worked for the even crazier scientist made her tense and albeit a little panicked. After she had calmed down enough she got out and put on her pajamas, she sat down on the couch and turned the t.v on. A few minutes later she heard the front door unlock and she jumped a little but when she saw it was Levi who came in she calmed down considerably. He locked the door and sat down in front of her, "You alright? You seem really jumpy." She nodded and held out her arms for him to come and be embraced, "I guess I got a little shaken up from seeing the minion." She said and he scooted over to where he was wrapped up in her, he wrapped an arm under hers and put a hand on her shoulder and gently stroked it, "Well I'm here now so if they try anything they'll have to deal with me. And there's no way I'm letting them take you. We're going to have a fight one day and I'm not going to let you slip away from me." He said and held her closely, she smiled and rolled he eyes then kissed the top of his head, "You still want to fight me even now?" He looked up, "Not to the death, but I never got to see how strong you are. I really am curious and I really want to know." He said and gave her a small kiss, she chuckled, "You'll see some day how strong I am, until then I get to see how cuddly you are." She perked up, "Oh yeah... I told my boss your name and he said to tell you hi, he said I shouldn't have because he knew a Levi from a long time ago but I figured I should tell you." Levi raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, "What's his name?" He asked, "Erwin. Erwin Smith." Levi looked a bit surprised, "Huh. I didn't think he was serious about the CCG. Guess I was wrong." He laid his head back down on her chest and looked up at the screen, Hanji was greatly confused but too tired to hear a story and soon dozed off.

DING. Hanji's phone went off and she groggily picked it up,


"Doctor Jager..." Levi looked up at her, "Isn't that the two small brat's dad?" Hanji nodded, "Looks like my test results are in." She clicked on the message to open the content inside...

Time skip to a week later

"Hup!" THUD. The last box had finally been found and brought out. Now that Hanji and Levi had been moved she felt a lot better, the ghoul squad was literally next door so if there were any problems she just had to walk to the café, and since Levi didn't have a car he didn't have to walk or pay cab fees to get to his job, the apartment was nicer than the old one so all in all it was a pretty huge win for everyone, the only downside was that it took ten minutes longer to get to work, but that wasn't even an issue. Hanji plopped down on the new sofa and sighed, Levi plopped down on top of her and wrapped his arms around her waist, they were both tired from having to move but now that all the furnishings were set up, the two lived comfortably. Sawney and Bean were enjoying the new abode as well. A few knocks at the front door made both unhappy to get up, Hanji went to the door and opened it, she was a surprised to see Erwin walk in, "Hey Boss-Man, what brings you by?" He looked at the apartment, "I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly and judging by how fast you two moved in, it seems things went better than expected!" Hanji nodded, "Very much so!" Levi looked over and Erwin looked right back, "It's been a while, hasn't it?" Levi nodded, "And to think you actually joined the CCG to learn to kill me." Erwin chuckled, "I gave up that idea when I realized your stubborness, although it is a tad ironic that you've taken an interest in my top scientist. But I'm not here to bring up the past, I'm actually needed somewhere official but since we were going to pass by I figured I'd drop in, anyways I'll be seeing you at work and you-" he said and looked at Levi, "Take care of her, she's a crafty one but she still needs to be taken care of." He said and left. Hanji closed the door and grumbled, "I am capable of taking care of myself." She said and pouted, "That right there is why you have a Kouhaku in your back." Hanji rolled her eyes, "And a useless one at that!" She said and laid back down on the couch, "Since I don't feel like unpacking, is there something you want to do today?" Levi sat in her lap facing her and wrapped his arms around her waist, "I just want to spend it like this." He said and touched his forehead to hers, she leaned in for a kiss and hummed contently, "As much as I'd love to do that I still require food." She said and gave him another kiss before getting up, he leaned back in the couch and stared idly at the ceiling, he smiled in contentment, all his life he had wanted a life like this, away from the slum of the ghoul areas of the city and now he finally had that chance, and the best part was it was with someone who he could share it with for the rest of his life, he looked over at Hanji who was focused on whatever she was making and he chuckled quietly, because of those injuries he had gotten- no.
Because of her, Hanji Zöe, he finally had a home.

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