Beautiful Torture *Book Two o...

By bubbles882

551 66 0

Lucy, Alexander and Hunter make their way to Naria, with plenty of surprises on the way that will change not... More

Welcome back
1) Belittling Yourself
2) Bone
3) Why are we here?
4) Festival
5) Caspian the Great
6) Lord Ossis
7) The Sorceress
8) Potion
9) The Twins
10) Plans
11) Family Meal
12) Lilith
13) Bath Time
14) The Future is Changing
15) Continuing on
16) News from Home
17) Decision
18) Jena
19) The Attack
20) Rescued
21) Accusations
22) The Veil
23) Gods of Fate
24) Waking Up
25) More to Know
26) Decision
27) It Is Time
28) Time to move on
29) Old friend?
30) Endon
31) Fire-filled Queen
32) More than rest
33) Traitor
34) Childhood home
36) Private Messages

35) Nightmares

16 1 0
By bubbles882

Lucy sat cross legged under the full branches of an Oak, the toy knight in her hands as she fiddled with it in a loving manner. Lifting its sword into the air and lowering it back down at the same time bringing the shield up to defend against an unseen attack. She galloped it over her belly.
Hardly able to wait any longer to meet him, knowing very well he would come into the world in less than a month. Remember just how fast the first month had gone, surprised to find that with all the fighting over, it could not come fast enough now. She knew she was already looking farther along than she was supposed to, but it did not stop her impatience.

"He will be here sooner than you know." The voice was not Alexander's yet somehow blanketed her in a feeling of relief. "His power leaks from you even now," a set of feet appear near her legs before the owner crouches down. "I can help. Help him get here sooner, if that is what you want, Luciana."

Her heart swelled with love, her head nodding frantically. Wanting to hold Caspian in her arms now, if it were possible. The pair of hands reached out, one taking the toy from her slowly, before joining the other flat on her stomach.

A cold sensation spread through her, like she had just taken a plunge into a frozen stream. It was not the warm loving sensation his voice had brought, the same feeling that mirrored her Dragon king's presence. It was dark and evil.

Lifting her eyes, she was met with the menacing look of her father's enjoyment. Lucy tried to push him away, but her hands went straight through him as if he were not even there. Her gaze dropped back down to watch as her belly grew, over twice the size it had been when she had first found Alexander's toy.

"He will be here soon," his voice brought a wave of pain, "Then his power will be mine."

Lucy's eyes shot open as she gasped for air, causing Hunter to sit up on the other side of the fire still burning between them.

He looked around first for a threat, just like Alexander would have, only to come back to his Forged. Except when he went to ask her what was wrong, his eyes widened and his mouth fell open. "Lucy, your stomach."

Pushing herself up into a sitting position, still struggling to catch her breath, she found what he was talking about. Just like in her dream, her belly had grown, only this time it was almost three times the size. She opened her mouth, then closed it again, unable to speak.

Had Endon done this? Had he touched her son through her unconsciousness?

"Lucy," he tried again, but he could only repeat himself. "Your stomach."

She touched it tentatively, jerking her hand away when there was movement from inside. When her son jumped at the contact, she felt it in the most intimate way she could. In her heart. She gasped, tears springing to her eyes as she laid the hand flat. Under her palm, something bumped into her, like a small hand reaching out to touch hers.

"How...?" He started, but she just shook her head. Telling him she did not know, when she just refused to say anything.

What would people think if they knew Endon had done this? Was that the reason Caspian could become dark? Or was that just his destiny?

"Not that I am complaining about his absence, but do not you think it would be better if the lizard was with us right now?" Hunter got up from where he had just been sleeping, making his way over so he could help her sit up properly.

She did not want to talk about Alexander's absence, not when he had moved on before they arrived at the next town. With a letter telling them where to go next. He had not waited for her, which meant he was mad at her or hurt that she sent him away in the first place. "If he wanted to be here, he would. However, he is not."

When he opened his mouth to make some smart-ass comment, he stopped. Tilting his head, as if he heard something. "Say something else," the familiar instructed, looking at her much larger belly.

"What?" Her brows pinched together, following his eyes. "Why?"

"Just do it, Luce."

"Okay? We should probably get moving, if we are losing this much time."

Hunter let out a soft humored laugh, "You need to eat first." Looking up at her, his smile grew as he added, "He is starving, and a little dramatic."

"You can hear him?" Lucy's mouth fell open, as she looked between the two of them. Once again reminded of her first dream of Caspian, while he and Hunter were training playfully. The familiar had been bound to the boy in a protective brotherly manner.

With a shake of his head, he explained, "Not exactly. It is like with you, I can feel him."
Her next question came flying out without being able to stop it. "Can you feel if he is... good?"

Hunter's smile faltered, before he stood, "I am going to go find you something to eat."
His refusal to answer was enough to bring her a bucket load of worry. She just looked down and began rubbing her hands around in small circles, feeling Caspian underneath. More than she ever had in the last couple of days, she wanted Alexander there with her.
With one hand, she reached up and grasped the ring hanging from a cord around her neck. Kept there safely this entire time, always giving her the smallest form of comfort. Although, without her dragon within close proximity, it was not as effective. Closing her eyes, she silently called out to her king. Praying to the gods that he might hear her somehow. Because Hunter was right, if their son was growing this fast, with Endon's help or not; it was safest to keep him nearby.
The snap of a branch brought her attention up to the trees around her. It was still dark, the sun barely beginning to chase away the night. This made it hard for her to see past their ring of fire light. "Hunter?" Her familiar did not call back to her, "This is no time for games."

"But I do enjoy a good game," Endon's laugh followed his answering call. Soaking her to the bone with terror.

Lucy sat up, a scream ripping its way from her mouth, echoing off the walls of the inn she and Hunter were staying at.

He sat up in the bed across the room, his eyes coming straight to her as he launched out off the mattress. Crouching by her side as her cries were silenced, turning into labored panting. "What is wrong? What happened?"

Her eyes jumped from his worried expression to her stomach, which was still its original size. Not the larger mound it had become in her dream. "Nothing," she forced her breathing to become more relaxed. "Just a bad dream."

Unconvinced, he allowed her to lie anyway, "Well, now that we are both up, we might as well get underway. I except your lizard is wondering where we are."

He was right.

It had only been a day since Alexander left them from his childhood home. They had departed shortly after before nightfall, finding it the safest time to travel. By this evening, they should have arrived at the next agreed stopping point, but they would still be on the move. Thanks to Lucy's constant need to stop and relieve her bladder. She was positive, if they had not arrived by day break, that her dragon would come looking for her, if he had not already.

"I know," she sighed, taking the assistance he offered to get out of bed herself. "But can we spare a minute for something to eat? Even if it comes with us?" Both her and the fast growling boy inside of her were starving.

He rolled his eyes, "Like I would try to starve you." Helping her put the strap of the bag over her head before grabbing her cloak. "Let us go feed that starving boy, he is growing so fast after all."

Lucy froze midway through putting her cover on, "What did you say?"

Her concern soured his surprisingly cheerful morning mood, despite having just been woken up by a blood curdling scream. "What?"

She opened her mouth to explain, but something stopped her. Not wanting to admit that she was still dreaming about Endon. Instead, she finished putting the cloak on and tied it. "Nothing," shaking her head once, "Just not awake I guess."

"Must have been some dream," he muttered as she walked past him to the room's door. Following behind her, he was much more attentive of her every step after.

The two of them left the inn, and allowed their noses to lead them where there were left over vendors set up in the market. They only had a couple of bronze pieces left, which bought them an old loaf and warm hunk of salted cheese. Hunter split it, giving her the bigger of the two halves, muttering something about hunting if it was absolutely necessary. They collected their horses from where they had been housed by a kind elderly couple, that way they had not needed to pay for the stabling. Once they thanked them, they headed off, the sun lighting the sky a bright orange as it lowered behind the horizon.

Her mare followed closely behind Hunter's, not needing much lead from her. Allowing her to pull the toy knight from the Flame bag, finding herself oddly attached to the small toy. Despite the look it had brought to its previous owner. Fiddling with the small arms of the armor, she examined it more closely. Finding that the craftsmanship was even more intricate than she had previously thought.

Not only had they grafted the stallion in great detail, down to the waves of individual hairs in the mane and tail. But they also smithed each piece of tiny armor, pinning them to each other with itty bitty nails and then somehow attached it to the horse.

Whoever made this was someone with great skill.

Something that should not have surprised her. Why would they hire anything but the best when it came to making toys for a prince.

"Hey, look."

Lucy picked her head up, leaning to the side so she could see around him.

Crouched there in the middle of the path ahead was a cloaked figure.

Hunter pulled his stead to a halt, looking back at her in question. But before she could answer, the figure stood up and began advancing on them. 

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