
By -Rockii

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"What we got going ain't nobody business." More



7.8K 589 324
By -Rockii

     "Wassgood with you?" Quincy asked dapping off Kade as he just walked into the spot.

"This shit is whats good with me." Kade said dropping the photos in front of Quincy making him frown before looking at em.

Each picture held different people, one with Kennedi and her friends, his parents while they were out for date night and even one with Naveah and her daughter. Quincy looked up at Kade before looking back down at the last photo of Kobi & Jarvis at walmart.

"Bro what the fuck, i thought you off'd this nigga." Quincy frowned as he stood up. "They got pictures of my fucking babymama and my daughter nigga."

"I did off his bitch ass. I told you i felt like he was working with somebody but he wasn't saying shit so he was useless my nigga. You thought i was being paranoid now look where the fuck that got me."

"Of course i said that shit, you was by yourself for a long ass time. People start to hallucinate my nigga. So what we gone do man?"

"My pops nem could take care of they self they been doing shit way longer than me."

"Definitely, my babymama finna' move back in with me fuck allat." Quincy said shaking his head.

"What yo' girl gone say bout allat?"

"Fuck that dumb bitch." Quincy muttered. Kade just shook his head as Quincy blew out some smoke. "What you do bout Kobi though man?"

Kade sighed deeply before he began to go in deep thought about Kobi. He shook his head before looking down at his hands before running them down his face. "Man, ion even know. That's a tough one."

"You met ole boy she be runnin with?"

"I wouldn't say i met him but yeah i know who she converse with. Ian worried bout that nigga though." Kade said waving Quincy off. "She gone be straight though. I got her, aint gone let nun happen to shorty."

"And how you gone do that when she can barely stand to be in the same room as you."

"Worry bout yo' babymama." Kade uttered. "And ima' worry bout mines." He mumbled to himself.

"Aye atleast the woman i love talking to me."

"Barely." Kade shot back. "Worry bout yo' girl nigga."

"Says you bitch, you can't even get a conversation outta yours."

"You flashin, fuck out my face." Kade said as he chuckled bitterly as he began to think of what he was going to do about Kobi. He looked at Quincy for a bit because who else knew about him and Kobi for them to all of a sudden have pictures of kobi.

"You good bro?"

"im straight, finna head out and talk to pops bout some shit." Kade said as he began to make his way out of the building. "Waddup." He spoke to Tione as he ran into him on his way out.

"Waddup bih." Tione spoke back.

    Kobi got into Kash's car and blew out a breath as she rested her head against the window.

"What's wrong with you girl?" Kash asked with a small chuckle.

"School kicking my ass." Kobi stated with a sarcastic smile. "And Tasim been blowing my phone up ever since he found out me and Kade were a thing." She sighed in aggravation.

"This man literally started sharing locations with me just so i could share mines. Don't nobody have my location and i like it that way, so now he thinks im sneaky."

"Not Ta acting like that, i thought he was cool." Kash frowned. "How did that go anyway?" she asked as she started pre-rolling a blunt.

"I talked, he listened. He talked, i listened. Then he left." Kobi shrugged keeping it short. "After he tried to play in Tasim face which is why i really think he acting like that."

"Tasim was there too?"

"With his homeboys, Kade noticed him before i did though. I just was sitting there looking stupid." Kobi said shaking her head.

"Oh wow, Tasim better chill though before he push you in another nigga hands." Kash said.

"And who hands might that be?" Kobi asked scrunching her face. "Tasim can keep playing, im going to be single and not ready to mingle. F-r-e-e fuck nigga free."

"Girl, if that what you wanna' tell yourself. Have at it. Im not a Kade fan but lets be for real here."

"So lets be for real then, you think im just about to go back to a nigga who up and left me for dead just for him to do it again? Fuck outta hea' Kash." Kobi spat out.

"Aight, relax Ms. attitude." Kash warned.

"No, because this whole time nobody ever spoke of his name now all of a sudden Kade this, Kade that. The shit is overwhelming." Kobi sighed. "Kash why the fuck are we still sitting in this parking lot?" Kobi asked

"My bad." Kash said laughing before she put her blunt away and pulled off.

"You ever get this weird feeling that somebody's watching you?"Kobi mumbled but loud enough for Kash to hear her.

"Hell nah, you been smoking?" Kash asked frowning.

"You know ion smoke. But no seriously, when i was in class i felt like somebody was watching me from the window. I don't know it was weird." Kobi shrugged. "Maybe just paranoia."

"Yeah, thats what it sound like. I only get like that after i watch a scary movie." Kash admitted. Kobi just hummed as she relaxed into the seat and tried to ease her mind as her phone continued to vibrate and she just knew it was Tasim.

Its like ever since she got closure from Kade, her current love life had gotten complicated as ever. That once gentle Tasim wasn't so gentle . It was like he was just insecure. Kobi sometimes wondered if it had to be Kade's looks because any human with eyes could see how fine he was.


Kobi and Kash had finally made it to Kobi's house and Kobi instantly frowned seeing that her front door was slightly opened.

"Kash what the hell?" Kobi frowned as she walked to her front door pushing it open.

"Oh my fucking- let me call Tione." Kash said quickly pulling out her phone. Kobi walked into her house to see it was completely trashed. Glass was all over the floor, her furniture was flipped over, her tv was shattered, the whole place was just destroyed to the point where Kobi just wanted to break down and cry. "Who the fuck woulda did this shit?"

Kobi picked up a broken picture frame of her
and Jarvis before throwing it back down. "Oh my god my room." Kobi said before she quickly ran off to her room closet. Surprisingly her room looked just as she left it aside from the box in her closet that contained her money. It was cleared out.

"Kobi Tione nd nem on their way." Kash called out entering her room as she found her friend sitting on the bedroom floor at the foot of the bed as she stared at the wall ahead of her. Kobi didn't know if she wanted to be mad or sad. 

"They took all my money." Kobi frowned. "All my cash i had saved up, it's all gone."

"Do you know anyone who could've did it?" Kash asked. Kobi shook her head, she hadn't told anyone it was even there. Kash sighed and looked at her friend not knowing what to say. This had never happened to her before so she didn't know what to do. Instead she just ventured off into the bathroom to see if anything else was destroyed.

"Kobi Jae!" She called out making Kobi follow her voice into the bathroom. Kobi instantly gasped as she looked on her counter. Their were pictures, pictures of her and Kade having sex. Some were of them in the car, at his house, in the restaurant bathroom, there just so many.

"Call Kade now." Kobi gritted through her teeth. Kash instantly called Kade making him answer on the first ring.

"Que already called, im outside now,"

"Bae where yall at?" Antione called out.

"In here." Kash called out before gathering all the photos and putting them under the sink for the sake of Kobi's privacy.

"What the fuck happened?" Antione asked looking in between the two.

"Is Kade here?" Kobi asked ignoring his question that she found utterly dumb.

"Im right here." She heard his voice making her eyes shoot up to his. She then looked over at Kash and Kash instantly nodded.

"Cmon bae." Kash said grabbing a hold of Tione's hand leading them out the room.

"Come here you good?" He asked as he walked up to her and grabbed ahold of her face examining it making her jeck it back from his touch. "My bad."

She just simply ignored him and went into the cabinet to gather the photos. She took them out and placed them on the bathroom counter before looking at him watching him analyze the photos as his jaw clenched.

"Fuck." He muttered as he leaned forward against the counter.

"You know who did this?" She asked but more so statement wise. "Why the fuck are photos i never seen before from years ago pop up in my fucking bathroom while my house looks like a bull ran through it, and my fucking money is gone." Kobi said frustrated.

"Your house being trashed, that's too messy and attention seeking for the person who left these pictures. That's too amateur." Kade said shaking his head as he clicked his teeth. "And they definitely don't need your money."

"Who the fuck is they?"

"The same people that was my reason for leaving in the first place."

"And you mean to tell me it was two different people in my house?"

"That's exactly what im telling you." Kade said as he looked over at her to see her already looking at him. "Pack you some clothes."

"Kade why are they just now involving me?"

"That's the same thing i wanna' know." Kade said looking down at the pictures yet again. "Anything else i should know about it?"

"I think somebody's been watching me.. these pictures are old and now but somebody is wa-"

"They are, i just don't know who." Kade mumbled. "Can you please just pack a bag for me Jae."

"Yeah, im going to Kash's house." She said exiting the bathroom before he could utter another word. She knew what he was trying to do and that was too much for her.

Kade gathered the pictures and put em back where he saw her get em from before he walked outta' the bathroom finding her in her room throwing clothes in a bag. He could honestly say her appearance had definitely changed from the last time he seen her. Her hips filled out more, and she gained a little weight so she wasn't as petite as she was before and it looked on her. Her natural curly hair was in a messy puff as she only had lip gloss and lashes on.

Feeling another presence Kade looked to the door of her room and seen Quincy looking at him understandingly. Kade just shook his head before placing his eyes back on Kobi. She knew he was looking at her, she felt it but she refused to look up at him.

"You good Kobi Jae?" Quincy asked knowing the situation she was in could have her a little shaken up.

"Yeah." She answered lowly. She sighed in frustration as her phone rung again irritating her as she just finally answered it. "What?"

"Well damn bitch, tuhhh." Jarvis frowned and Kobi put her hand over her mouth.

"My bad, i thought you was somebody else." She said laughing lowly.

"Always thinking im that nigga, i need another best friend. Whats you got going though?"

"Packing my clothes so i could go stay with Kash, somebody broke into my house." She sighed heavily.

"You playing?"

"Im not laughing, im deadass." She said as her phone buzzed in her ear making her pull it away from ear.

Tf is you on Ko? ignoring a nigga a shit.

She simply rolled her eyes before putting her phone back to her ear.

"You heard me?"

"No, what you say?" She asked Jarvis as she zipped her bags up and Kade went and grabbed em before she could and walked out the room.

"I said you need me to come slide through?"

"Nah, we're about to go." She said as she grabbed some things out of her bathroom placing them in a bag. Afterwards she immediately left out of the house and saw everybody standing outside by her car. She politely walked over putting the bag in her passenger seat before tuning into the conversation.

"Youn got no cameras or nun?" Quincy asked looking around her house.

"No." Kobi sighed as she leaned her head to the side. She should've had cameras. Hearing a car pull up she looked back and mentally cursed herself. "Oh my fucking god." She mumbled at the sight of Tasim's car.

Kade noticed and looked back as well as his natural mug appeared on his face as Tasim had gotten out of the car. He walked up to where everybody else was but his eyes was trained on Kobi. While she looked like she was ready to go.

"The fuck is this nigga?" Quincy asked now with a mug on his face.

"Who the fuck are you my nigga?" Tasim asked looking Quincy up and down.

"Somebody you don't wanna know, sis you know this nigga?" Quincy asked looking over at Kobi who cringed at him calling her "sis".

"Can we go?" She asked ignoring all of them and talking directly to Kash. She was over it, her house was destroyed, her first love came outta thin air, her current boyfriend was tweakin out, and school was stressin her out.

"Yeah cmon. She'll call you later Tasim." Kash told her as Kobi tried to get in her car.

"The fuck do you got going on Kobi?" Tasim asked blocking her from opening her door causing Kade to clench his jaw.

"Cmon Tasim im very aggravated and i need to go. Don't cause a scene."

"You aggravated? My nigga i been calling you all day just for you to ignore me on some weird shit then i pull up on you, and you hanging with this bitch ass nigga." The statement alone was enough to get a laugh outta' Kade.

"Scene is caused." Kash said lowly to Tione.

"I've been ignoring you because all you do is bring another nigga up. A nigga ion have no dealings with at that. Tighten the fuck up forreal." She frowned thankful that Kade didn't respond to his comment.

"No dealings but the nigga standing out hea' with you?" Tasim asked looking at her as if she was dumb.

"We're literally 6 ft apart, and if you must know he's only here because somebody broke into my house but you so worried about everything else. Please get the fuck outta my face." She scoffed.

"So you called him instead of me?"

"I called him fuck nigga, now can you let her go before this nigga lose his shit." Quincy said noticing Kade's eye's changing colors. Kobi looked over at him as he looked at her and she shook her head telling him no. His nostrils flared as he clenched his jaw.

"Who the fuck you talking-"

"Tasim, please go." Kobi practically begged at this point. He looked down at her and shook his head before scoffing. She just looked at him disappointed at how he turned out to be.

Kobi just shook her head as she got in her car waiting for everybody else to unblock her car. She was drained and just wanted to shower and sleep.

"Say Kash, let me know if she need sum. Or let me know if you think she need sum." Kade told Kash and she just simply nodded understandingly before getting in her car as well.


It was pose to be longer but anywhooo heyy yall.

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