Darkest Days, Brightest Night...

By CedarpawStories

659 9 0

FIRST FIC BABY WOOOOO! I'm a bit new to fanfic writing so don't expect this to be perfect. So this is basical... More

Chapter 2: A Pair of Weird Girls
Chapter 3: The Big Plan
Chapter 4: Near Death Experience
Chapter 5: Meet the Squad
Chapter 6: The Flight Home
Chapter 7: Welcome to the Rileys
Chapter 8: A Perilous Call

Chapter 1: Where it all began...

199 1 0
By CedarpawStories

It was a gloomy night at Elliott Manor, a big gala was going to happen there that evening. The daughter of James Elliott, Tessa, rescued 5 Worker Drones who were marked for dissasembly. There was 3 girls, Vivian, Jasmine and Cyn, and 2 boys, Ness and Oscar. But something was off about Cyn... Unlike other Worker Drones, who had white LEDs, her's were yellow. She also had a slouched, hunched-over walk and said any action she was doing at the time. Before the party that night, Oscar went to have a chat with her...

"Hey, Cyn..." the anxious worker said, "How's it going?"
"I have got big plans for tonight, Oscar. Sinister smile."
"Ooookay... Totally not ominous at all... Say, I saw Vivi looking like she was frozen in place, like a statue, with an "Error 606" message on her eye-screen, is she doing good?"
"She is doing just fine. Smiley face. :)"
"Alright then..."

*Episode 5 just plays out like normal(just without Crow Uzi bc this isn't a hacked memory).*


On Copper-9, 2 races of drone survive after the humans wiped themselves off the exoplanet. Worker Drones and Dissasembly Drones. This tale focuses on 2 Worker Drones and 4 Dissasembly Drones.

At one of the Worker Drone bunkers, 2 female teenage outcasts aren't the most popular girls(well, one of them's more popular than the other because of her art), but they have eachother for company. Their names? Uzi Doorman and Carolynn Riley. Uzi is the more louder and brash one out of the two, but Carolynn is more outgoing. It was an average day at their school, they did a presentation on Worker Drone history on Copper-9 and how they were gonna defeat the Dissasembly Drones(nicknamed Murder Drones by almost everyone in the colony) with homemade photon weapons.

"And that's why our projects are this Sick-As-Hell Railgun and this Badass Photon Pistol!" Uzi shouted energetically while most of her classmates reacted in disgust and horror.
"Easy, morons. They don't work... Yet. WHO SAID THEY DIDN'T WORK?!? MAYBE THEY DO!!!" Uzi yelled as she maniaclly laughed.
"*sigh* Uzi, Carolynn, the homework was a word problem about buying watermelons..." Their teacher replied.
"Oh! So sorry, Mr Vickers, I did do it, I only made the Photon Pistol in my spare time!" Carolynn said as she ran back to her desk and rummaged through her bag for her homework.
"Oh, so these magnetically amplified photon converters don't count?" Uzi asked.
"...No. Plus, repressed emotional baggage was only worth 2 points on the rubric. And is your railgun supposed to have red lights?"
"Huh?" Uzi checked her railgun's LED lights, and lo & behold, they were red. "Uh oh."
"OH SH-" Before Carolynn could finish her sentence, the railgun went off in the middle of the class, making a huge puff of smoke around the room and damaging Uzi's eye-screen a little
"... So, can I hand in my homework now?" Carolynn asked.

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