Tangled Up in You (Hiro x Rea...

By returningloves

57K 1.8K 2.7K

Tangled!AU, Hiro x Reader ~~~ {Just replace the characters in Tangled with the ones in BH6} All her life, (Y... More

The Prologue
Hold My Breath
When Will My Life Begin?
Fate & Destiny
Ruffians & Thugs
Let Your Powers Shine
The City
I See The Light
It Never Happened
You & Me
Alternate (Bonus??) Ending

Hiro Hamada

4K 146 235
By returningloves

Krei demanded one more time. "I said, where is Hamada?!"

     All the thugs stared blankly at them, not knowing if they should betray their new friends or not.

     Krei glared back until his patience disappeared. "Fine. I know he's in here. Turn this place upside down. We have to find him!" he ordered, slamming the countertop.

     (Y/N) nearly gasped aloud.  

     When Tadashi was sure he heard Krei stomp farther away from him, he peeked up and was nearly caught by Wasabi and Fred, who were held captive. Tadashi ducked back down, his heart pounding.

     Then a brown staff landed in front of them. (Y/N) and Tadashi nearly stopped breathing. But they exhaled softly in relief when it was only Jack. He was trying his best to look like he's busying himself finding Tadashi. He made eye contact with them and flicked them to his right. Then he mouthed "crawl."

     The thugs were so big, they covered the guards' view of them.

     Tadashi and (Y/N) quickly scrambled to where Jack stood. Jack pulled on a lever with a bunny on it and a secret passageway opened cleanly.

     Hope filled (Y/N)'s heart.

     "Thank you," she whispered.

     Jack smiled warmly at her. "Follow your dream."

     "I will," Tadashi mumbled.

     Jack glared at the boy. "Not you. Your dream is the most selfish one I've ever heard."

     Tadashi glared back.

     Jack turned back to (Y/N). "Go see those lanterns tomorrow. Make sure to come back and tell us about it," he told her.

     "Of course. Thank you again. Thank you so much." (Y/N) kissed his cheek before sliding into the dark, damp tunnel.

     Tadashi's jaw dropped slightly. I'm the one taking her there, why did she kiss this guy?! he fumed.

     The guards stomped closer to the bar and Jack addressed Tadashi.

     "You better take her to the lanterns safely tomorrow," he warned. "Or I'll hunt you down and kill you."

     Tadashi nodded, but was really offended. He knew better than to show it though. "Of course! You think I wouldn't?!" 

     The white haired boy promptly ignored Tadashi. Jack stuffed a flashlight into Tadashi's hand and pushed him in before pulling the lever again.

     Darkness quickly enclosed (Y/N), Mochi, and Tadashi. It was musty and sort of humid.

     "Come on," Tadashi muttered, turning on the flashlight and leading (Y/N).

     In the pub, the thugs were stalling the guards as best as they can with stupid accusations. But they made sure that the levers were well hidden. All of them prayed that (Y/N) and Tadashi made it out safely, or at least had a good head start.

     The guards were everywhere, but they couldn't find their thief. Krei grimaced.

     Then the pub door slammed open, revealing a big, red, intimidating, mad fight bot.

     "Baymax!" Krei cried, knowing this is their chance.

     Baymax scanned the entire pub and then he stopped in front of two large thugs names Stoick and Gobber. He pointed at them. "They went through here."

     Krei blinked at the robot, not knowing what to react. He thought the robot must have malfunctioned or something.

     Baymax face palmed himself and pushed Stoick and Gobber aside with ease. All the thugs' hopes sunk.

     Krei still didn't understand.

     Baymax had to pull on the lever and Krei's mouths turned into and "o." All the guards waited for his command.

     "Well?!" he barked. "What are you waiting for?! Follow them!"

     All the guards rushed to the passage way except for one. He had to guard Wasabi and Fred, but he was no match. He was a small boy. When the guards disappeared, the boy acted like he knew what he was doing, but he didn't.

     Wasabi knocked the boy out with his head and easily caught the large axe he was carrying (why he was carrying an axe, who knows). Wasabi cut through Fred's chains and Fred cut his and they rushed out of the pub.

     Outside, Callaghan saw everything. The little cupid man stumbled outside and bumped into him and squeaked. Callaghan pointed a gun at him.

     "Tell me," he growled. "Where does that tunnel lead to?"

     As Tadashi and (Y/N) walked through the tunnel, (Y/N) was still humming the song from before.

     "I have a dream, I have a dream," she sang softly.

     "I didn't know you had it in you back there," Tadashi complemented, or tried to. "Saving me and singing? That's a feat right there."

     "I know right?!" (Y/N) exclaimed happily. Then she realized that it was really loud and cringed a bit. "I know."

     Tadashi smiled and shook his head.

     When he was a couple of steps ahead of her, she kicked herself. I must have sounded so stupid. Brushing her hair back, she tried to spark another conversation with him. "Sooo, Tadashi, where are you from?" she asked, the first question she could think of besides "how's your day going?"

     Tadashi held up and hand and shook his head. "Nuuh uh, Rainbow, I don't do backstory." Changing the subject, he told her that he was really interested in her story. "So I know I'm not supposed to ask about the crazy rainbow hair-"

     "Nope," (Y/N) replied.

     "-or the evil father-"

     "He's not evil!"

     "And I am totally not going to ask about the living piece of bread-"

     "Really? He's a cat, in case you haven't noticed."

     "I haven't-but the question that has been bothering me for quite a while now, is that, if you wanted to see the lanterns so badly, why haven't you? You act like you don't know anything about the world either."

     (Y/N) stopped in her tracks. She bit her lip. That involves both the hair and the father. "W-Why why haven't I? T-That's because-"

     The ground beneath them shook and pebbles leapt up and down. There was also a loud stomping noise coming their way.

     (Y/N) reached out for Tadashi. "Tadashi?"
      Tadashi's heart dropped. Behind them, that crazy red robot that chased him before and the palace guards were running towards him. "Run!" he cried, taking off. (Y/N) tried, but she had to gather her hair up in her arms. "Oh, come on!" Tadashi rushed back to collect her hair with her and then they began sprinting.

     "Go! Go! Come on!" Tadashi cried.

     Quickly, they emerged out of the tunnel, where it led to a canyon. Behind them, a large dam was there, the wood holding it back creaking. A couple of water wheels and wooden beams stood around, but they were at a dead end. The tunnel led them to a cliff.

     Tadashi pushed (Y/N) to the edge, where a rope ladder led down to another tunnel, but his eyes caught sight of Wasabi and Fred coming out from a different tunnel. He skidded to a stop and held (Y/N)'s shoulders back. Laughing nervously he turned back around. He breathed heavily.

     "Who's that?" (Y/N) asked in one breath, looking at the two men below them.

     Tadashi gulped in some air. "They don't like me."

     The guards came out of the tunnel they were just in.

     (Y/N) held her pan out. "Who's that?"

     "They don't like me either."

     Baymax burst through, behind the guards.

     "Oh my gosh, who's- wait. What's that?"

     Tadashi cried out in panic. "Let's just pretend that everyone here does not like me!"

     (Y/N) didn't even have time to roll her eyes at this boy's idiocity when she dropped her hair, forcefully slamming the frying pan into Tadashi's stomach, and threw her hair out like a lasso. The tresses wrapped around the beam of one of the structures and she fearlessly jumped off, the momentum pushing her to the other cliff. Tadashi watched in awe, but remembered that the guards were behind him. He spun around, wielding the pathetic looking pan. "I will use this."

     Krei laughed. "Look how far the criminal mastermind has fallen. Using a pan as his choice of weapon." He unsheathed his sword.

     Tadashi stared at the sword. "Uh, where are your guns?"

     Krei groaned and looked up at the sky. Tadashi looked up too, but all he saw was blue. "The army fighting in the war needed it, so we had to ship most of them to them. Then, the guns we had in the morning ran out of ammo."

     "HA! Sucks for you," Tadashi taunted. Krei lunged. Panicking, Tadashi glanced at the pan in his hands. He shamelessly whacked the captain. He went out immediately. The other guards rushed forward, but Tadashi went with his gut: dodging and clubbing them in the head, and they were all down. The last one fell and Tadashi looked at the pan.

     A large, childish grin spread across his face. He twirled it up in the air and caught it. "Oh mama, I have got to get myself one of these!" he cheered, thrusting it out at Baymax.

    Baymax lifted an arm and aimed at the pan. He fired, and the pan was ripped out of Tadashi's hands.

    "Beaten, by a robot," stated Tadashi, watching the pan fall down the canyon. "There goes my pan."

    "C'est la vie," the robot said, watching the pan with Tadashi. Then he aimed his arm at Tadashi. Tadashi threw his hands up. "Hey hey hey, that's not fair!"

    On the other side, it was (Y/N)'s turn to watch Tadashi in awe until Baymax mercilessly destroyed him. She shook her head. "Tadashi!" she cried. The robot and Tadashi glanced up at her. She tossed out her hair and it wrapped around Tadashi's wrist. She pulled and Tadashi grinned. "Adios, mi amigo," he said, saluting the robot before letting the hair pull him to the canyon floor. Baymax straightened up in surprise.

    (Y/N) watched Tadashi carefully as he swung across the area. The two men from below were holding up their guns. "T-Tadashi!" she cried. "Look out! They have guns!"

    Tadashi scrambled to climb higher up the rope, making sure to keep moving. Wasabi was aiming. Fred pulled the trigger.

    But nothing came out. Fred whacked the gun in the palm of his hands and re-aimed. He pulled again, but nothing happened. "What? Dude? What is going on?" He opened the ammo cartridge.

    It was out.

    Wasabi noticed that and took a second to scream at his stupid friend. "DUDE. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE AMMO LOADED? NOT EVEN-OH. MY. GOSH."

    "YOU HURRY UP AND SHOOT!" Fred cried.

    "I'm trying to get a clean shot!" Wasabi retorted.

    "Just shoot!"


    Fred groaned in frustration and yanked the gun out of Wasabi's hands. Then he aimed.

    "Tadashi!" (Y/N) cried.

    Fred pulled the trigger. Multiple shots rang out-but none of them hit Tadashi. They looked at him in disbelief.

    Tadashi laughed maniacally. "You should see your faces! Because you look-" Tadashi slammed into a piece of wood sticking out from one of the structures, "-ridiculous..." he squeaked, wincing at the pain.

    (Y/N) whipped her head to the sound of thumping on the other ledge. The robot gave a loose wooden plank a couple of punched before it fell loose and crashed onto (Y/N)'s ledge. Water gushed out from the dam. Mochi meowed. The guards were awake and crossed the makeshift bridge with Baymax.

    Tadashi hauled himself up the contraption. "What happened to your wings?!" Tadashi screamed as he watched in terror for (Y/N).

    "They have malfunctioned, because of you," Baymax told him as he gingerly walked across the plank.

    "(Y/N)," Tadashi called, tightening his grip on her hair. "Jump!"

    (Y/N) ran to the ledge and leapt off. Baymax reached out in vain to grab her, but he was a second too late. (Y/N) was off. She landed safely on the canyon floor, only to see the two guys pursuing after her. She tugged on her hair and sprinted off. Tadashi looked up to the rumbling. The dam was breaking. Then it split and an enormous wave of water broke out. Some were heading down his slide contraption thing. Anticipating the water, he crouched down. Then, when the water reached him, he used the soles of his boots and surfed down.

    The slide began breaking though, with the sudden power of the water.

    "No! No no no no no no," Tadashi chanted, jumping on whatever falling piece of wood was in front of them.

    While running, (Y/N) glanced back to the sound of his voice. To her horror, Tadashi was pretty much falling off the slide. Along with the huge wave coming down at them. "Keep going, Tadashi!" she encouraged. "It'll be okay!"

    He nearly lost his footing when she said that, her voice breaking his concentration, but he landed safely on the ground. He stumbled forward and sprinted after (Y/N), picking up the rest of her hair.

    The wave already hit the guards and Baymax. It just hit Wasabi and Fred.

    It towered over (Y/N) and Tadashi.

    Mochi watched in terror.

    Their hearts pounded in their ears as they ran as fast as their legs could take them. They headed towards the tunnel, right in front of them. 

    (Y/N) pushed just a little harder. Almost, there...

    The wave hit the rock column that stood right behind them, breaking it from the ground. Its shadow grew larger as (Y/N) and Tadashi neared the tunnel. The column provided some help: the wave rushed passed the other sides of the column, but it didn't hit the threesome.

     Almost there...

    (Y/N) and Tadashi's breathing increased dramatically as they pushed the last few steps.

    Almost there...

    The rock column was right above their heads.

    (Y/N) slipped on the puddle and tumbled into the tunnel. Tadashi came in a split second after, managing to salvage the pan just as the tower crashed down, blocking their entrance and exit. It turned pitch black. Water quickly gushed in, filling the cavern.

    The three of them looked at the mini waterfall before climbing up to higher ground. The water followed, rising up steadily. 

    They looked at each other before Tadashi dived in, trying to see if there is any way out. Seeing him do that, (Y/N) felt the rocks for an opening.

    Tadashi quickly resurfaced though. He tried shouldering the wall, but they didn't budge. Vainly, he pulled at the rocks. Then he cried out in pain.

    A large gash opened in the palm of his hand.

    "Are you okay?!" (Y/N) worriedly cried out.

    Tadashi bit the inside of his mouth and nodded. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry."

    They both struggled uselessly for just a couple more seconds, but then gave up. Tadashi breathed heavily. (Y/N) took short, quick breaths. The water was up to their stomachs now.

    "There's no use," Tadashi said. "I-I can't see anything."

    (Y/N) glanced at Tadashi. There's no point in not trying. She dived under, but Tadashi quickly pulled her out.

    Holding on to her shoulders, he used his hand to brush back hair that was plastered on her face. "Hey. Don't do that. You can't see anything."

    Panting, (Y/N) held his gaze until she broke away, rubbing her cheek in disappointment. "We're stuck in here..." (Y/N) whispered. "There's no way out." Her voice sounded devastated. Tadashi looked at the crestfallen girl. "This is all my fault," she blamed, her voice cracking. "You were right. I should have never left that tower."

    "Hey hey now, it's not all your fault," he reassured. "I'm sorry I couldn't have been a better guide... you know... being a thief and all."

    "But it was my choice to trust you," she said. Not wanting to look at him, she buried her face in her hands. "I'm so so sorry Tadashi."


    (Y/N) looked up. "What?"

    "Hiro," Tadashi repeated. "My real name is Hiro. Hiro Hamada." Hiro looked away. "I-I thought, I just thought maybe someone should know that," he said softly.

    (Y/N) studied his face a little and smiled.

    The water was up to their necks now.

    "Well, if we're telling secrets," (Y/N) joked, "then I have magic hair that glows when I sing."

    Hiro's brain didn't comprehend fast enough. "Say what?"

    Her eyes widened.

    "I have magic hair that glows when I sing!" she repeated.


Whoo~ My favorite character have got to be Fred and Wasabi. xD And here it is, to clear up the confusion of it being a Hiro x Reader but Tadashi's name is in it: You know how Eugene goes by Flynn Rider? Hiro goes by Tadashi.

Vote, Comment, & Follow~

- Cici

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