Raymond Reddington Jr. (EDITI...

By Blacklister02

10.4K 301 23

We all know Raymond "Red" Reddington has a long lost daughter named Jennifer, but we don't know that he has a... More

Chapter 1 // Meeting The Criminal Mastermind
Chapter 2 // Christmas Mystery
Chapter 3 // Him Again
Chapter 4 // It All Clicks
Chapter 5 // What Now
Chapter 7 // Watching Eyes
Chapter 8 // You were what
Chapter 9 // The Slap
Chapter 10 // Pranks Beaches Kissing And F.B.I
Chapter 11 // Sleepovers
Chapter 12 // A Suprise Christmas

Chapter 6 // Run

785 25 5
By Blacklister02

Ugh last day of school till Christmas Break. Guess what class I'm in, guess with who? The teacher that officially hates me.What a way to end the day.
"Mr.Reeve!" My teacher snapped. I decided not to change my name, well duh! I don't need to explain the reason.

"Yes," I tried to say as nicely as possible. "What did I just say?"

"That I'll deeply regret treating you this way Alex," I muttered, I look on the board for some type of clue.

There it is, "you were sayi..." The bell rang. Hallelujah, thank somebody I don't have to deal with this hell for at least another two weeks.

Time Lapse---------------

I was reading one of my favorite books A Study In Scarlet when my phone rang. It was my Dad...really really? I was enjoying my evening without anymore phone calls stressing the importance of packing everything up. I just ignored it. There was a knock at my door

"FBI" some guy shouted.

"Shit" I muttered. I ran to my room and grabbed my "emergency" backpack. "Put your hands up now." He demanded. I slowly turned around and tilted my head.He smirked, probably thinking, 'finally got this little bastard'.

"Your coming with us, I'm agent Ressler and this is Agent Navabi,we're with the FBI. "Well I can tell since you banged at my door yelling FBI," I said sarcastically.

"Sorry to leave the party but I have somewhere to be." I jumped out the window and raced down the fire escape. I fumbled around my pocket phone I dialed Shin Hoo's Chinese (Red). He picked up at the third ring.

"Alex where are you?"He rushed out. "Like to tell me what the hell that was back there." I hissed. "Alexander tell me where you are now!" He shouted through the phone.

"Uh...Broadway and 31st."I panted trying to catch my breath. "Stay there Dembe is coming to get you," and with that he hung up.

A couple minutes later a Black Mercedes screeched up in front of me. "Why were they at my apartment?" I asked Dembe my patience wearing thin. "Raymond will explain, next time answer his call, and buckle up." He said with a big brother glare.

'Really dude; I just jumped from a third story apartment, sprinted half a mile zig zagging in between cars.Give me a brake,sheesh!' I sprawled out on the back seat ignoring Dembe's requests and glares.

Soon enough we pulled up to a condo with Liz and Red standing in on front porch. "What the heck are you doing here?!"Liz spat. "Well I missed you too Lizzie."I replied with a smirk. "Bastard," She muttered.

"Hey! That's not nice Liz!" I said pretending to be hurt Red chuckled up in the front seat, while she gave the death glare. "Liz...sorry Ms.Keen do you know anyone by the name of Agent Ressler and Agent Navabi?" I asked smirking knowing the answer. She went pale,"Yes... why?"

Now Red gave me "The Death Glare".

"No particular reason," she raised her eyebrow. "Still why are you here?" She snapped looking at the window. Red responded, "He is an important asset for your safety Lizzie don't question it." She glared at both of us almost inspecting all of our features.

I had to stifle my laughs with coughs.

We were on his private jet, it was nice like...amazingly expensive. He even had his own flight attendant! I was sitting across from Dembe. We were glaring at each other seeing which one would laugh first. Childish I know but when it's 1 in the morning and you just almost got taken to a black site and can't sleep it's the best option. But...sadly we got interrupted.

"What are you two doing?" Keen asked glaring at me.

Dembe spoke up,"Liz we were just playing a game."

"I wasn't asking you Dembe." I pursed my lips. "Dembe is a big boy Keen he is perfectly capable of answering for us."I snapped my eyes burning with the temptation to throw her out the plane. She glared back at me, almost disgusted by the sight of my face.

Before I realized it I was on my feet. Now we had the whole crew's attention. "Excuse me." I made my way to the back of the plane hopefully no one is going to bother me.

"Alex, what happened back there?" Red asked. I kept pretending to be asleep, "Alex I'm know your not sleeping you just got back here." He said in a matter a fact tone. I turned around and glared at him while he did the signature"Reddington Smirk"

"What do you want?"

"What happened between you and Lizzie?" He asked but he already knew the answer. "Your not my therapy counselor, I just lost my temper...okay? Would you also like to tell me why the freakin FBI showed up at my door!"

He laughed, "So alike in many ways," he muttered, "somebody has been watching me and they saw me with you the other day." He whispered, not wanting Liz to overhear. "Don't worry about it get some rest we'll be arriving in Moscow around 7 so try to get some rest, your sitting on a pullout couch, there are also pillows and blankets up above. Goodnight Alex." He says causally as he struts away.

Did he just say Moscow? Seriously I'm dressed in a long sleeve shirt and jeans and it's December! I'll worry about it when we get there.

I had just got setup when Liz strode next to me  "Thought you might want some food. Mind if I sit?" I shrugged my shoulders and made room for her. "I'm sorry about earlier I...I'm just."

"I get it Liz, mind if I call you that?" She nodded. "You worked hard to prove yourself then you get convicted for murder and treason, and it's all so new to you." She looked amazed that I knew that, "I read your flyer, plus it's all over the news. I'm not psychic." I chuckled.

"You sound like Red."

"Do I?"I struggled not to raise my eyebrow and give the signature smirk knowing that would give it all away.

"Do you know why we're going to Russia?"

Liz goes quiet for a second.

"I...uh was born here, I haven't been back here since I was four and since the fire."She explained while stroking her right forearm. "Is that where you got the scar?" She nodded. "Well thanks for the food,and...uh I'm sorry about earlier I just sort of exploded."I said.

Red was walking passed us and smirked I had to resit the childish urge to stick my tongue out at him.

Time Lapse (Cause I'm lazy at 1am)

I woke up to Dembe shaking me. "Wut " I asked groggily. I blinked a couple times, I found a parka, gloves, and a hat at my feet.

I had arrived in Moscow.

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