Lost Again •Matt Murdock•

By g00d_riddance

98 13 2

Who would've known one murder could've led to such happiness and havoc. More

more core characters!

the beginning

21 1 0
By g00d_riddance

Sadie pierce fidgets nervously as she watches the police department doors continuously swing open and closed she shakes slightly as the cold breeze from outside making its way in "miss pierce come with me" she fiddles with her bag before wrapping her purse around her body and makes long strides trying to follow the officer. He leads her to an interrogation room but somewhere along the way another cop comes walking in with them. She sits down, her body flinching at the cold of the metal chair beneath her.

She checks her watch every couple minutes, her leg non stop shaking from the nerves getting the best of her, about 30 minutes later the officers come in "I'm detective Zimmerman this is my partner Murphy, You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"

Zimmerman looks me dead in the eyes there is no warmness about this man it's only bitter and cold "yes I do" her voice somewhat steady  "where were you the night of November 30th" she thinks back on what she was doing only three days ago "I was at home making food, I did some laundry then went to bed"  they grab the chairs to sit down "what are your relations with Levi Davis?" the shorter one Zimmerman asks "he's my ex we broke up- wait why are you asking me about him?" the detectives look at each other "He was found dead in his apartment, we're not saying you are a suspect but we need to ask you a few things we're just trying to figure out what actually happened that night" her breathing became erratic "what do you mean he's dead?" her voice wavers for Sadie it felt as if the air in the room was no longer there "we understand this may be hard for you, but we still need to question you" Murphy tells her with fake empathy she nods

"tell us everything you did that day from the first to the last" she grabs the cardigan wrapped along the chair and puts it on "I got up at about 6 to go to my job I got to work at 7am, around 11:30 I had left my job to go to this cafe with my best friend, I left the cafe at 1.I threw up my boss said I could go I ended up going home, so I-um I walked home- but I don't know what time I got home anyway I cooked some soup, watched a couple of movies, had a glass of wine, and fell asleep at about 9" she plays with the buttons on the cardigan

"Can you give an estimated time of when you got home" It was more of a statement than a question

"I would say maybe 2:30"

their eyes never left her once since she's stepped into this room

"Miss pierce we have suspicions that you might be connected to this murder, we have investigators going through his house currently" Murphy says, Sadie's eyes go wide while Zimmerman continues his partners sentence "it would be in your best interest to tell us the truth right now" of course his words were harsher than his partner who just seemed to be nice, way too nice. She wasnt stupid she knew they were doing, they were trying to be good cop bad cop it wouldn't work on her.

"I want a lawyer" her words spew out

"public or personal attorney?"


After waiting around they finally came back in, paper in Zimmerman's hand "here is the contact information for your public attorney you are now free to go" she let out a long breath nodding at them as she getting her bag and following them out

She walks out of the precinct face blank, feet stuck to the ground she breathes deep her lungs cold and eyes heavy how could this be happening all her thoughts crashed down onto her, she sprints down the street the cold wind pushing against her face as she looks around and runs into the first place she sees which happened to be a random CVS "where's the bathroom?' the person looked startled at the woman suddenly in her face "in the back" and with that information she continued running

When fluorescent lights meet her pale face she's now painfully aware that her face was stained by tears and mascara "Who the fuck killed you, Levi?"

A/n- this is in 3rd person but the rest will be in 1st I just wanted to introduce the character a little bit we shall see how life treats her

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