Stargate Sg-1

By soulfox1305

267 7 6

An attack happened on Earth now a team is sent to investigate only to discover new worlds that has stargates... More

The Enemy Within

Children of the Gods

177 4 2
By soulfox1305

I don't own Stargate Sg-1

Y/n = Your name

3rd POV

An empty hallway is seen leading into a room, but shadows run pass, silver armour running in a direction a Voice yell "Hurry" Making a turn is men and women wearing silver armour like knights one at the back of the group stops and looks hearing marching one of the female Knights yell "Quicky now" The knight runs catching up to the group.

Meanwhile footsteps are seen running through the hallway as the knights stop at a door the Leader said "Open it" Two knights open the door to reveal a stargate they move into the room and close the doors the knights in position a female Knight begins to head for the DHD to press the symbols the Leader looks to a young Knight who looks to him "You must go through before they come".

But the Knight said "I have to stay here to go through my trial" The Leader place a hand on his shoulder he said "You have been chosen by them and we must get you out" The Knight watch the Stargate open the Knight turns she said "It is done" Turning back to the Leader who said "Now go, Y/n" Y/n stares at him.

Suddenly noise caught everyone's attention to the door hearing the banging from the other side having no choice Y/n immediately heads for the Stargate he stops to look back to the group "The king already knows about you and her" Y/n eyes widen "You will know when to come home, now go" The door burst open for men in armour to enter hearing the Stargate close and one in golden armour arrives to see only the Stargate and the DHD.

One year later

Meanwhile inside a military room three Guards and a Woman name Carol are sitting on a table then another Guard walks over Airman said "Oh, man, this hand's as lousy as this detail" They look to one another a Guard said "All right, everybody, ante up" The Guard looks to Carol "That's you too" Carol puts some chips on the table while the Guard puts a card down "Seven to the deuce, nothing there".

The Guard pass a card to the 2nd Guard "Boss and the eight, nothing happening" He passes a card to the Carol "Queen to the king" The Guard points "Possible straight goin' there" He takes the next card and puts it in front of the Airman "Eight on the eight" The Guard looks at the next card "And the jack gets a boss" Carol looks around "Eights open".

The Airman puts some chips on the table along with the other two Guards and Carol ask "Aren't you guys afraid of an officer coming down here" Moving his cigar the Airman said "Trust me" Carol looks to him "Nobody ever comes down here but us" Carol looks at the large item that covered in a tarp that moves a bit she ask "Does that thing always do that"?

She looks to the others the Guard ask "Do what" Staring at him Carol said "Whatever that is under the tarp" She furrow her brows "I just saw it move or do something..." Carol looks to it and back and the Airman said "Probably the only thing it ever did was cost money" Turning his head the Guard said "Yeah, and it looks like they ran out of that".

He looks to Carol "They've been shipping personnel out of here for months" Carol looks back to see the tarp moves again she said "I'm telling you, the thing is movin'" She points looking back at the Airman who said "If you don't have the straight, just fold" He looks to Carol who gets up noticing the Guard ask "Can we take that as a fold"?

Carol walks up the ramp the Airman said "Just finish the hand, she's out" She stares at it getting closer but suddenly a rumbling is heard making her back up and off the ramp catching the Airman and the three Guard's attention seeing the table move they got up the Guard ask "What the—" Carol gets off the ramp while the tarp gets off revealing the Stargate that activated.

The 2nd Guard said "Whoa" They watch the ring move around and the Guard moves a bit staring Carol ask "I take it this has never happened before" The Airman moves to a phone picking it up just as the Stargate activates making Carol and the guards duck to avoid the vortex before it went back two Guards pass them guns cocking them and move into position.

Slowly Carol walks onto the ramp noticing the Guard ask "What are you doing" Carol slowly keeps walking up the ramp as the Guard walks on the ramp backing her up and Carol reach the Stargate raising her hand but suddenly a metal ball comes out making her look then it activates scanning Carol with a sonic buzzing.

Carol looks to the Guards who stare at it and Airman gasps a bit as Carol begins to reach down the Airman yells "What are you doing" The 2nd Guard yells "Don't touch it" But Carol picks the ball up and slowly stands up but suddenly coming out of the Stargate is a Man wearing armour that represents a snake grabs Carol who gasp dropping the ball.

The Man takes the gun from Carol who struggles to get out of his grasp the Airman and the Guards aim but the Guard yells "Hold your fire" He looks back to watch more men in the same armour walk out of the Stargate with staffs in their hands the Guards move back aiming their guns the Airman yells "Identi—hold it" Two more men exit the Stargate "Identify yourself".

Walking out of the Stargate is a Man in golden armour he looks around just as the Stargate deactivates Carol breathes heavily in the arms then the golden armour opens revealing a dark skin man name Apophis looking at the Guards for a moment Apophis said "Jaffa" He stares "Kree" The Jaffa's armour opens revealing another dark skin man with a symbol on the forehead.

The Jaffa raise the gun "Teal'c Teal'c stares at it "Kree" He glance to Apophis before throwing the gun moving Carol who said "Get your hands off me" Apophis holds Carol with one hand and raise the other with a device on it hovering it over Carol who notice and slowly stops struggling the Guard yells "Let her go" One of the Jaffa aims and fires their staffs causing the Guards to fire at them avoiding the shots.

The Guard shouts firing bullets, but they deflect on the armour and Teal'c turns covering Carol with his armour one of Jaffa fires killing the 2nd Guard as the 3rd Guard fires his guns killing one of the Jaffa catching Apophis attention while the Guard screams firing his gun along with the 3rd Guard just as the Airman runs picking up the phone noticing Apophis yells "Kree'ta Jaffa".

A Jaffa turns to the Airman who said "We're under heavy fire down here" The Jaffa fires "We need—" The Airman gets hit along with the 3rd Guard but the Guard shouts firing his gun killing a Jaffa, but another Jaffa fires his staff killing the Guard while the alarm blares Apophis said "Ta" He nods to the Stargate "Alash'me".

Meanwhile a group of Soldiers are running down a hallway the Soldier yells "Go, go" They make a turn as more soldiers run in a direction and a door slowly closes while a Jaffa walk kneeling down picking up the ball turning around just as the doors open revealing soldiers aiming their weapons and a General enters his name is Hammond who looks to see Carol in Teal'c arms.

The soldiers all cock the guns but Hammond said "Hold your fire" He stares at Apophis whose eyes glow staring at him before his armour activates covering his head and turns walking through the Stargate along with Teal'c who moves Carol into the Stargate and the Jaffa who turns and enters through the Stargate that deactivates while Hammond slowly walks by the soldiers stepping onto the ramp and stares in shocked.

Shows markings going up to curve areas slowly turning showing lines going in directions in the middle is symbols then slowly going down revealing smooth pointed areas to flat and underneath reveals a face slowly moving away to fully reveal the mask of Ra staring.

A car with two soldiers ride on a driveway to a house they stop getting out the 1st Soldier name Samuels puts his hat on and walks up the stairs to a door knocking on it as the Soldier gets out noticing the Soldier said "Sir, there's a ladder over here" On top of the roof is a man looking through a telescope staring into the night sky.

Samuels move to the ladder climbs it looking around to see the Man he ask "Colonel Jack O'Neill" Looking through the scope Jack said "Retired" Glancing Samuels said "I'm Major Samuels" Still looking through Jack ask "Air Force" Moving the branch Samuels said "Yes, sir, I'm the General's Executive Officer".

He looks to Jack who ask "Want a little piece of advice, Major" Samuels glance around "Get re-assed to NASA" Jack adjusts his scope "That's where all the action's gonna be" He stares at the stars "Out there" Samuels look to the stars nodding he said "I'm, uh..." He breathes "...I'm under orders to bring you to see General Hammond, sir".

Jack said "Never heard of him" Samuels said "He replaced General West" He tilt his head a bit "He says it's important" Samuels move his head again "Has to do with the stargate" That caught Jack's attention moving away from the telescope looking to Samuels.

Now Samuels, Jack and the Soldier are in the car stopping at a gate for another Soldier to look and immediately salute for the car to drive pass heading towards a tunnel entering a mountain as an elevator lowers down with Jack and the Soldier inside until the elevator reach 'Sub-Level 11' the doors open for them to walk out.

A Man said "Tech team number nine to Sublevel Two, Vent Shaft 24" The Solider and Jack make a turn to another soldier who gives a clipboard to Jack who signs it the Solider said "We have to take a second elevator the rest of the way, sir" The Soldier pulls out a card while Jack gives the clipboard back "It's a long way down" They head for the elevator.

Turning around Jack said "Yeah, I know" The Soldier swipes the card looking at Jack "I've been here before" They enter the elevator the Soldier said "Uh, of course" He nods pressing a button for the doors to close and the elevator goes down until it reaches 'Sub-Level 22' the doors open and they walk to Samuels who said "This way, sir" He raise his arm Jack and Samuels head in the direction while the Soldier stood where Samuels was.

Meanwhile Hammond is in his office looking at a report knocking is heard Hammond said "Come" The door opens revealing Samuels and Jack entering the room Samuels said "General Hammond" He looks to Jack "Colonel Jack O'Niell" But Jack said "Retired" He looks to Samuels who close the door Hammond said "I can see that".

He stares at Jack "Me, I'm on my last tour" Hammond shrugs a bit "Time to start getting my thoughts together maybe write a book" He breathes moving his head "You ever think of writing a book about your exploits in the line of duty" Nodding a bit Jack said "I've thought about it, but then I'd have to shoot anyone that actually read it" Hammond raise his head.

Jack looks to Samuels and back to Hammond "That's a joke, sir" He frowns staring "Most of my work the past ten years was classified" Hammond said "Yes, of course" Moving his head Jack said "Major Samuels mentioned something about the stargate" Moving a bit Hammond said "Down to business" He nods "I can do that" Hammond stands up "This way" Samuels open the door for Hammond and Jack to walk out with Samuels following closing the door.

They are now in the infirmary a Doctor moves a cloth revealing a dead Jaffa "Anyone you know, Colonel" The Doctor said "They're not human" Looking to him Jack ask "You think" Looking at him taking a breath the Doctor said "Best we can tell, these slits are actually a pouch..." Jack leans in to look "...similar to that found on a marsupial" Jack looks to him Samuels said "Like a kangaroo".

The Doctor said "We haven't done an autopsy yet" Jack leans away and Hammond said "These people or aliens, whatever you want to call them..." He breathes "...came through, killed four of my people..." He motions the dead men "...and kidnapped another using advanced weapons" Looking to them Jack ask "Weapons, sir"?

A soldier grabs a staff walks over and hands it to Samuels who pass it to Hammond he said "We can't figure out how they operate" Hammond gives Jack the staff they watch him turn the staff and pulls a trigger for the top part of the staff to open and electricity cackles before it closes Hammond ask "Seen one before, I take it"?

Giving the staff back Jack said "Yes, sir" Hammond gives the staff back to Samuels "But there are no creatures like this on Abydos" Jack stares at Hammond "Those people were human" Hammond listens to him "They were from Earth" Jack moves his head "Ra brought 'em there thousands of years ago" Nodding Hammond said "I know all about that".

He takes a breath "But your report said this Ra was in fact some kind of alien that lived inside a human body" Nodding Jack said "Yeah, his eyes glowed" He looks at Hammond "That was our first clue" Hammond close his eyes before moving a bit closer to Jack and narrows them he ask "Are you sure he's dead, Colonel"?

Starring Jack said "Unless he could survive a tactical nuclear warhead blowing up in his face, I'm positive" He nods "Why" Moving his face Hammond said "Colonel, these people or whatever they are, were guarding another man who retreated back through the stargate" Jack move his head back listening "I got a good look at his eyes, Colonel" Hammond stares "They glowed" Jack stares in shocked.

Now Hammond, Samuels and Jack are walking in a hallway "How do you feel about the stargate mission after all this time, Colonel" Jack ask "How do you mean" Making a turn Hammond said "It's been over a year" He turns opening a door "Has your perspective changed" Jack said "Well, sir, I..." He stops to see Kwalsky and Ferretti who both stop to see him, and a soldier close the door.

Samuels look to Jack who enters the room glancing to Hammond "Was that..." Hammond ask "Kawalsky and Ferretti" He nods "Yes" Jack watch Kawalsky and Ferretti sit at a table "They were under your command on the first stargate mission" Jack stares at them "Tell me about Daniel Jackson, Colonel".

Walking over to the window Jack ask "Why are they questioning my men" But Hammond said "They're not your men anymore, Colonel" Jack watch Kawalsky and Ferretti talk about the mission "You're retired" Hammond raise his head "Daniel Jackson" Turning to him Jack ask "You read the report" Hammond said "Yes" Jack said "It's all there" But Samuels ask "Is it"?

Jack looks to Samuels then to Hammond he ask "What's this all about, general" Staring Hammond ask "You didn't like Daniel Jackson, did you" Jack said "Daniel was a scientist" He move his arms "He sneezed a lot" Jack nods a bit "Basically, he was a geek, sir" Shaking his head Samuels said "So you didn't have a lot of time for him" But Jack said "I didn't say that".

Jack stares at them "He also saved my life and found the way home for my men and me" He move his head a bit "A little thing like that kinda makes a person grow on you" Jack move his gaze a bit "Know what I mean" Smauels stares and Hammond said "According to the mission brief, your orders were to go through the stargate to detect any possible threat to Earth, and if found..."

Hammond stares at Jack " detonate a nuclear device and destroy the gate on the other side" Nodding Jack said "Yes" But Samuels ask "But that's not what you did, is it" Jack said "Not right away" He looks to Hammond "Ra's forces overpowered my team and took the weapon before I could arm it" Nodding Samuels said "But with Dr. Jackson's help, you eventually regained control, and did, in fact, detonate the weapon".

Samuels raise his brows "Yes" Moving his head Jack said "Yes" Titling his head Hammond ask "To the best of your knowledge, Daniel Jackson and everyone else you knew on Abydos is dead, correct" Jack nods a bit he said "That's correct" Hammond said "Good" He gets out of his chair walking pass Jack "Then you won't mind if I authorise a go-ahead on our plan".

That caught Jack's attention watching Hammond and Samuels leave as Jack turns looking to Kawalsky and Ferretti who look to him and back to the officer while Jack follows Hammond and Samuels "this quats material the stargates are made of, it must be tough stuff if it can withstand a Mark 3" Lowering his head Jack said "Well, we sent a robot probe through after we got back, sir".

A soldier stands attention before turning around to swipe a card "It was flattened on the other end" The door opens "Obviously the Abydos stargate had been buried in the rubble" But Hammond said "But somehow, it got unburied" They enter the Stargate room and Jack looks to the ramp to see a nuclear device strapped onto a probe.

Jack stares at it he said "Oh, my God" A Man puts a chip on the top for the timer to activate set 00:40:20 "You're sending another bomb" Looking to him Hammond said "Mark 5 this time" He turn his gaze "If these creatures did reopen the Abydos gate, we intend to reseal it for good" Hammond looks back to the nuclear device and Jack said "General, you can't do that".

He looks to Hammond who looks to him he said "Countdown's already started" Hammond walks to the ramp "Unless you have something to add" Samuels stood straight staring at Jack who didn't say anything for a moment before walking forward Jack said "General Hammond, sir" Hammond turns to Jack who raise his head "I regret to inform you that my report was not entirely accurate".

Narrowing his eyes Hammond said "You didn't detonate the bomb" But Jack said "I did detonate the bomb, sir, and it was aboard Ra's spacecraft, so it did kill him and eliminate the risk to Earth" Walking over to them Samuels ask "However" Looking to him and back Jack said "However..." Jack looks to Hammond "...Ra's ship was in orbit above the planet at the time".

Hammond listening with his eyes narrow "Neither the gate nor anything else on the planet was destroyed" He raise his head at Jack who stares "Daniel Jackson is alive and living with the people on Abydos" Shocked Hammond said "You violated direct orders" He stares "Why" Jack said "Because the people of Abydos are no threat to us" He shake his head "They deserve to be left alone".

Shaking his head Hammond said "That's not up to you" But Jack said "With all due respect, sir, if I'd come back here and reported the gate on the other side was still intact, we would've sent another bomb, just like you were about to" Hammond move his head and back "It wasn't necessary to let those people die".

Jack looks to Samuels "The threat from Ra was gone" He looks to Hammond just as Samuels ask "What about the probe we sent through" Jack looks to him "It was crushed instantly" Staring at him Jack said "After we came home, Daniel buried the gate in rocks..." He glances to Hammond and Samuels "...making my return or anybody else's impossible".

Nodding Hammond said "Those four bodies lying in the infirmary say otherwise, Airman" Jack stares at him moving his head and Hammond turns around to an Officer who looks to him "We'll send the bomb through on schedule" But Jack said "General, you can't do that" Turning back Hammond ask "Oh, I can't" He walks to Jack who said "There are innocent people on that planet".

But Hammond said "There are innocent people here" Jack stares at him "I have my orders too, Colonel" Hammond nods his head "I obey mine" Jack lower his gaze a bit "Take Colonel O'Neill to the holding room" Hammond breathes "Let's give him some time to think about things while I decide what to do with him" Hammond walks Samuels said "Sargent" He follows Hammond swipes a card for the door to open and Jack walks with the Sargent and a soldiers out of the room.

Meanwhile Kawalsky is in a holding room lying on a bed the door opens catching his attention to see Jack enters Kawalsky gets up and salutes he said "Colonel O'Neill, sir" Walking to him Jack said "I'm retired, Kawalsky" He stares at him "Lose the salute" Kawalsky does but he smiles shaking his hand he said "Me and Ferretti didn't tell them anything".

Nodding Jack said "I appreciate that" Patting Kawalsky shoulder he motion the table Kawalsky said "Hey, those kids on Abydos saved my life too" Moving over Jack said "Yeah" They went to the table "The kids" Jack and Kawalsky both sit down and opening his hands Kawalsky said "I mean, they're the whole reason we kept it secret" Jack looks to him "Right".

Leaning in Jack said "Yeah" Kawalsky smiles before raising his head up he said "That one kid idolised you" He looks to Jack "Remember him" Kawalsky furrow his brows "Weird name..." He looks to Jack "What was it" Moving his gaze Jack said "Skaara" Nodding Kawalsky said "right" He smiles before looking back "Remember how he was always saluting you" He makes the saluting motion.

Raising his gaze nodding Jack said "Yeah" He takes a breath "My kid use to do that when he was little" Jack looks to Kawalsky "Skaara kind of reminded me of him" Hearing this Kawalsky said "Oh, man, Colonel, you and me went through that whole mission together" He shake his head "I never even knew you had a son" Jack move his gaze he said "Well, he died" .

He looks to Kawalsky who move his head "Just before the Abydos mission" Frowning Kawalsky said "I'm sorry, sir, I had no idea" But Jack shake his head a bit while the door opens Kawalsky stood straight for Hammond to enter the room Jack slowly gets up Hammond ask "How many people did you say are on Abydos" Jack ask "That we saw"?

Jack shakes his head "Maybe 5,000" Lowering his head glancing to Jack who glance to Kawalsky who glance back to him "Does this mean you reconsidering sending the bomb, sir" Raising his head Hammond said "It means I'm open to suggestions" Taking a step forward Jack said "General, let me take a team through that gate".

Hammond stares at him "We'll find out who those aliens are" Jack motions Kawalsky "Kawalsky and I have been there before" Kawalsky stares at Hammond "We know the lay of the land, we know the people" But Hammond said "You think you do" He shake his head "Jackson could be dead" Hammond looks to Jack "You don't know what you'd be walking into".

Starring Jack said "Sir, there is one way to find out" Hammond didn't say anything for a moment before he said "Right" He raise his head "We'll have the prototype probe shipped from MIT" Kawalsky smiles but Jack said "General, we don't need that probe" Jack walks to the table and Kawalsky ask "We don't" Jack said "Nope".

He grabs a box of tissues "This'll do" Jack walks pass Hammond out of the room and Hammond follows him noticing Kawalsky quickly follows them out of the room as the soldier close the door while soldiers are aiming their weapons at the Stargate that begins to move the ring at the controls Jack stood behind an officer name Walters who sat at the computers.

Officers begin to talk to one another getting everything ready and the 4th symbol appears on the screen Walters said "Chevron four encoded" Confuse Hammond ask "Care to explain this concept" He and Samuels look to Jack who watch the ring moves and stops Walters said "Chevron five encoded" Looking at the box Jack said "Jackson has allergies".

Slowly understanding and smiles Kawalsky said "I get it" Jack said "He'll know this came from em and not from someone..." He looks to Hammond and Samuels "With all due respect, sir, like yourself" Hammonds and Samuels look to one another while the ring moves around, and Walters type the keys an Officer said "Optimum level" Looking to see the ring stops Walter said "Chevron six encoded".

Jack moves out of the room Samuels, Hammond and Kawalsky watch the last symbol appears "Chevron seven locked" The Stargate activates shooting out the vortex before going back just as Jack enters the room walks up the ramp to the Stargate staring at it for a moment before throwing the box off tissue in it.

Walters looking at the screen "The, um, object should reach final destination in five seconds..." The device moves by itself "...four, three, two, one" It stops at the point and the Stargate deactivates "The object should now be through the Abydos stargate" Raising his arms Hammond ask "Now what" Jack said "Now we wait" He enters the room "If Daniel's still around, he'll know what the message means".

Raising a hand Samuels ask "What if the aliens get it" He and Hammond looks to Jack who said "Well, they could be blowin' their noses right now" Jack looks to them and Samuels said "They could be planning an attack" But Jack said "Oh, come on, Samuels" Jack put his hands on his hips "Let me be the cynic around here, okay" Samuels look to Hammond.

Kawalsky looks to them "Sir, this could take some time" Hammond and Samuels walk pass with Kawalsky who pat Jack's arm following them up the spiral staircase to the briefing room and Jack follows them before glancing to the Stargate.

Two majors talk to Samuels by the table Hammond sits at a chair looking at a report as Jack and Kawalsky sit at the table waiting suddenly a whooshing is heard and Jack looks to see a jug with six glasses begin to shake and a rumbling is heard Kawalsky, Jack, Hammond, Samuels, and other majors went to the window to see the Stargate activates shotting the vortex out going back in.

Meanwhile the soldiers stood with their guns ready aiming at the Stargate as the door opens Jack, Hammond, Samuels and Kawalsky enter looking at it for a moment then coming out is the box of tissues covered in frost before the Stargate deactivated Jack walks up the box picking it up then wipes the side of it staring.

Jack gets up and walks down the ramp before throwing the box to Samuels who caught it then shows it to Hammond to see a message it said 'Thanks send more' Hammond nods looking to Jack who said "Permission to take a team through the stargate, sir" Straightening Hammond said "Assuming I get the President's authorisation..."

Hammond looks to Samuels who lowers the box "...the mission briefing will be at 0800 hours" He looks to Jack "Consider yourself recalled to active duty, Colonel" With that Hammond and Samuels both leave with Kawalsky smiling to Jack who smiles shaking his hand and they leave the Stargate room.

At 0800 hours Hammond picks a folder up before getting out of his chair walking to the door opening it Samuels said "Ten hut" Everyone including Jack who wears his military uniform salute to Hammond who said "Gentlemen, take your seats" Hammond, Samuels, Kawalsky, Ferretti and the other majors all sat down "Where's Captain Carter"?

Samuels said "Just arriving, sir" Catching his attention Jack ask "Carter" Looking to him Hammond said "I'm assigning Sam Carter to this mission" Taking a pen out Jack said "I'd prefer to put together my own team, sir" But Hammond said "Not on this mission" He tilt his head "Sorry" Hammond raise his head "Carter's our expert on the stargate".

Looking down to sign Jack ask "Where's he transferring from" Suddenly a Voice calls "She is transferring from the Pentagon" Jack looks to see a woman walking over to the table with blonde short hair she is Sam Carter "I take it you're Colonel O'Neill" Sam salutes "Captain Samantha Carter reporting, sir" Jack salutes back Kawalsky said "But, of course, you go by Sam".

Chuckling a bit Sam said "You don't have to worry, Major" She looks to Kawalsky "I played with dolls when I was a kid" Raising his brows Kawalsky ask "G.I. Joe" Ferretti smiles looking to him as Sam said "No, Major Matt Mason" Kawalsky said "Oh" He nods looking to Ferretti "Who" Smiling Ferretti said "Major Matt Mason, astronaut doll".

He looks to Sam "Did you have that cool little backpack that made him fly" Sam smiles lowering her head a bit Hammond said "Let's get started" He looks to Jack "Colonel" Nodding Jack said "Thank you" Sam sits down "For those of you on your first trip through the gate, you should be prepared for what to expect".

Intertwining her hands Sam said "I've practically memorised your report from the first mission" She smiles nodding "I'd like to think I've been preparing for this all my life" Jack stares at her for a moment Kawalsky said "I think what the colonel is saying is..." He moves a bit in his seat "...have you ever pulled out of a simulated bombing run in an F-16 at eight-plug Gs".

Nodding Sam said "Yes" Kawalsky looks to Jack who stares at Sam and Kawalsky looks back "Well, it's way worse than that" Smirking Ferretti said "By the time you get to the other side, you're frozen stiff, like you've just been through a blizzard, naked" Kawalsky smirks at that Sam said "That's a result of the compression your molecules undergo during the millisecond required for reconstitution".

Realising Jack said "Oh, here we go" Sam looks to him "Another scientist" Jack spread his hands "General, please" He motion's Sam who said "Theoretical astrophysicist" Jack ask "Which means" Hammond said "Which means she is smarter than you are, Colonel" That made everyone smile a bit "Especially in matters related to the stargate".

Ferretti and Kawalsky laughing but tries to hide it making Jack look to them causing Ferretti to stop and Kawalsky clears his throat Sam said "Colonel, I was studying the gate technology for two years before Daniel Jackson made it work..." She motions Kawalsky and Ferretti "...and before you both went through" She takes a breath "I should have gone through with then".

Sam shakes her head "But, sir, you and your men might as well accept the fact that I am going through this time" Raising his brows lowering his head Jack said "Well, with all due respect, Doctor, I—" He looks back to Sam who said "It is appropriate to refer to a person by their rank, not their salutations" Jack stares at her "You should call me 'captain', not 'doctor'".

He glances to Hammond who said "Captain Carter's assignment to this unit is not an option, it's an order" He shake his head and Sam said "I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel, and just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside..." Sam shakes her head "...doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle".

Kawalsky and Ferretti look to one another hearing that and smiling a bit Jack said "Well, this has nothing to do with you being a woman" Jack sits down clearing his throat "I like women" He stares at Sam "I've just got a little problem with scientists" Moving her head Sam said "Well, Colonel, I logged over 100 hours in enemy airspace during the Gulf War".

She nods "Is that tough enough for you" Jack stares at Sam "Or are we going to have an arm wrestle" Ferretti and Kawalsky look to Jack who move his hands a bit clearing his throat Samuels said "I hate to throw a damper on your enthusiasm, but I still say the safest, most logical way to deal with this is to bury the stargate just like the ancient Egyptians did..."

Samuels look around and Hammond raise his head "...make it impossible for the aliens to return" Jack looks to him "It's the only way to eliminate the threat" But Jack said "Except it won't work" Staring Hammond said "It worked before" Jack said "They know what we are now" He move his pen "They know how far we've come" He leans up "We're a threat to them".

Hammond stares at Jack "They've got ships, General" Jack leans forward "Ra had one as big as the great pyramids" He shake his head "They don't need the stargate to get here" Jack opens his hands "They can do it the old-fashioned way" He nods "Now, with all due respect to Mr. Glass-Is-Half-Empty over here..."

Jack motions Samuels who looks to him making Sam smile "...don't you think maybe we should use the stargate to do a little reconnaissance before they decide to come back again" Kawalsky, Ferretti, the majors, and Sam look to Hammond who looks to Samuels who looks back to him before Hammond looks to Jack.

Hammond said "I'll give you exactly 24 hours to either return or send a message through" Ferretti grip his hands agreeing and Jack pats Kawalsky's chest "No Kleenex boxes, please" He gets up making everyone stand up "Otherwise, we'll assume the worst and send the bomb through" Jack said "Understood" He smiles while Sam smiles looking to Jack who looks to her.

Meanwhile the Stargate activates Hammond, Jack, Kawalsky, Sam, Ferretti and two soldiers enter the room Hammond looks to Jack "try to follow orders this time, Colonel" Samuels walk to the other side of Hammond while Jack stares he ask "Sir" Hammond said "This time you bring Daniel Jackson back" Samuels look to Jack "Is that clear" Nodding Jack said "Yes, sir".

Hammond and Samuels salute Jack who salutes back turning to the team "Move out" The two soldiers, Ferretti and Kawalsky walk up the ramp the soldiers enter through Ferretti and Kawalsky stop for a moment before going through Jack looks to Sam who stares at the Stargate "Captain" Sam looks to him she said "Oh, don't worry, Colonel" She looks back to the Stargate "I won't let you down".

Staring at her for a moment Jack said "Good" He nods "I was going to say 'ladies first'" Jack walks pass Sam who follows him up the ramp she said "You know, you really will like me when you get to know me" Jack said "Oh, I adore you already, Captain" They stop at the Stargate looking at it Sam said "My God".

Jack looks to her "Look at this" Sam looks at the wormhole "I mean, the energy the gate must release to create a stable wormhole is..." Jack looks at the Stargate "It's astronomical to use exactly the right word" Sam smiles raising a hand to touch the wormhole "You can actually see the fluctuations in the event horizon".

Had enough Jack grabs Sam's shoulder and push making her go through before walking through going forward to a darkness before white lines appear that fades revealing a path going down then turns a few times passing a couple of stars then heads for a star at the end Jack comes out covered in frost in areas looking back to see the Stargate deactivate.

Kawalsky, Ferretti, and the two soldiers took their packs off, but Sam sits down "Ugh" Jack walks down the steps "I think I'm going to be sick" He take his pack off walking over to her "Ugh" Unclipping a strap Jack ask "Maybe you shouldn't have had that big lunch, huh" He pat her shoulder and Sam takes her pack off.

Jack walks forward leading the team down the steps passing some items but suddenly a young man holds a gun aiming at them making Jack aim at him, but more young men aim guns at the team appearing around the pillars Jack turns but coming out of the shadow is Daniel who said "Cha'hari..." He raises his hands "...Cha'hari".

Daniel glance around "Lower your guns" The boys begin to do that murmuring to one another Jack turns "Hello, Jack" Daniel stares "Uh, welcome back" Jack blinks a bit walking forward to Daniel who put his hand out, but Jack walks pass him to young boy who salutes Jack smiles saluting to him he said "Skaara" Smiling Skaara said "O'Neill" They hug one another.

Jack and Skaara both laugh breaking the hug "I did not think to be seeing you again" Jack chuckles looking to Daniel who turns around he ask "Daniel, how you doing" Daniel said "Uh, good" He smiles a bit "You" Raise his head Jack said "Much better, now that I see everybody's okay" Giving the Spock sign Ferretti said "Greetings from Earth, Dr. Jackson".

Ferretti lift his helmet for Daniel to smile he said "Hello, Ferretti" Turning Kawalsky said "Brought you a little something, Daniel" He holds a packet of tissues for Daniel to take he said "Kawalsky" He smiles at him while walking out is Sha're glancing to Daniel who hold his hand out "Sha're, don't be shy" Sha're smiles walking over to Daniel who put his arm around her.

Walking forward Jack said "Hi" He smiles Daniel and Sha're look to one another "Good to see you again" Sha're shake Jack's hand Daniel said "So, I figured it was only a matter of time before you had to tell the truth about us still being here" Nodding Jack said "Yeah" He looks at the boys "Why the militia" Jack looks to Daniel "Something else come through".

Moving his head Daniel said "No, we're just taking precautions" He looks back to Jack "Why" Before Jack could speak Sam calls "Amazing" Sam looks at the DHD "This is what was missing from the dig at Giza" She feels the red button and chuckles unstrapping her helmet "This is how they controlled it" Sam looks at it "It took us 15 years and three supercomputers..."

Daniel confuses looks to Jack " MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth" He glance to Daniel shrugging a bit Jack ask "Captain" Smiling shaking her head Sam said "Look how small it is" Jack said "Captain" Sam turns to Jack who nods towards Daniel and realising she said "Oh" She walks over "Right" Sam looks to Daniel "Excuse me".

Daniel stares at her "Dr. Jackson, I presume" Sam shakes his hand "I'm Dr. Samantha Carter" Daniel still confuse staring Jack ask "I thought you wanted to be called 'captain'" Sam looks to Jack as Daniel ask "What's going on, Jack" Skaara looks to Jack who looks to him and back he said "Six hostile aliens came through the stargate on Earth".

Daniel and Sha're stare at him "Four people are dead, one's missing" Moving his gun Kawalsky said "One of them looked like Ra, Daniel" Moving a bit Daniel said "Well, they didn't come from here" He glances to the boys "I mean, the boys take shift guarding it 36 hours a day, every day" Daniel looks to Sha're "We'd know if they came through".

But Daniel looks back Jack said "Well, they came from somewhere, Daniel" He raise his brows "I'm gonna have to look around" Furrowing his brows Daniel said "I think I can help you out who it was, but it's going to have to wait until this sandstorm is over" He turns "I think I may know someone who might be able to help" Jack ask "Who" Turning around Daniel said "He's a friend of mine you can come out" Slowly walking out from the shadows is Y/n in his knight armour staring at them.


I stare at the strangers walking forward Daniel motions "Jack this is Y/n..." I stop next to him "...he came through the stargate about a year ago" Jack stares at me he ask "A knight" Shaking his head Daniel said "He's a different knight from another world" Staring I said "Hello" Sam ask "You can understand us" Nodding I said "You have the same language as my people" Turning Daniel said "We were about to have our evening meal" He looks to Jack "Why don't you join us"?

The group sits down but I lean against a pillar having my own food Daniel said "Beanna wa" He motion forward "Everybody try this" I notice Skaara holding a couple of cups he said "This too" He holds one to Jack who ask "What's this" He takes the cup while Skaara gives the other one to a boy looking back Skaara said "Drink".

I glance to Jack who smells it before looking back he ask "Moonshine" Nods Skaara ask "Moonshine" Starring Jack said "Yeah, moonshine, as in booze" I raise an eyebrow at him "Daniel, what are you teaching these kids" Daniel looks to Skaara who smiles looking to Jack he said "Try it" I move over and sit-down watching Jack who said "All right".

He smells the moonshine "Skaara's moonshine" Sam watch this "Let's give it a little shot" Jack drinks the moonshine before coughing it "Oh, God" That made everyone laugh I chuckle a bit behind my helmet "Smooth" His voice was strained "Very smooth" Skaara said "Moonshine" Holding a cup Kawalsky said "Your little soldiers are all grown up, Colonel".

Nodding Jack said "Yeah, I'm so proud" He looks to Sam holding it to her "Wow" But Skaara said "O'Neer..." I watch him pull out a small metal object "...your lighter" Looking at it Jack said "No" He shake his head "It's yours" He points at Skaara "I gave that to you to keep" Jack stares at Skaara "Remember" Skaara holds the lighter he said "Thank you".

Skaara walks away Daniel said "He's never had that out of his sight the whole time you were gone" Lowering his head Jack ask "Yeah" He looks back to Daniel who said "So this man who looked like Ra, he must've come through another gate" Confuse Sam ask "What other gate" Jack ask "Another stargate".

I stare at them Sam said "The stargate only goes here" Daniel said "No" He shake his head "No" He looks to Sha're "I think you're wrong about that" I look to Sam who said "I was there" She shake her head "We ran hundreds of permutations" Eating Daniel said "But you didn't have what you need" Jack ask "Daniel, what are you talking about" Suddenly I said "There are many stargates out there in the galaxy" They look to me "I'm from another world where there is a stargate".

Daniel said "Y/n is correct on that" Looking to me Jack ask "Do you know anything about the hostile that came from stargate" Thinking I ask "What did they look like" Lowering his hand Jack said "From what I was told that there were wearing armour different to yours and one of them had golden armour" That caught my attention I ask "Did the head look like a snake" Starring Jack said "Yeah".

Before I could speak Skaara came over he said "Daniel, the storm has passed" Getting up Daniel said "I'll show you" He clears his throat "Sha're ben qua ri Jack and his friends to see the vili tao an" But Sha're gets up speaking her language "I won't be long" Daniel kiss her forehead but Sha're pulls him into a deep kiss making the boys call "Ooh" They whooping I smile.

Slowly they stop Sha're said "Goodbye, my Daniel" Leaning back Daniel said "Goodbye" He turns to leave Jack, Sam and Kawalsky who said "Ferretti, hold the fort" Nodding Ferretti said "Yes, sir" I decided to stay "So, Y/n" I look to him "What's your world like" Staring at him I said "It's magnificent and amazing".

3rd POV

Meanwhile Daniel attaches his shades to his glasses putting them on Jack, Sam and Kawalsky all put sunnies on exiting the temple looking at the desert Kawalsky said "Boy, I can't say I missed this place" Daniel said "Come on" Looking around in awe Sam said "This is just incredible" Daniel leads the group down the stairs away from the temple and the pyramid.

They walk across the desert reaching the city and enters a hallway "So I figured there had to be more to this place, so I started exploring" A couple of boys holds torches entering a room "Um, just the area around the town and the pyramid, at first" Sam shines the torch on the wall "And after about a month, I found this place".

Daniel looks to Sam "Captain Doctor, you're gonna love this" Looking forward at the chamber with the eye of Ra on the wall Sam said "Oh, my God" Sam shines the light around "This is amazing" Jack and Kawalsky stare at it "This is the archaeological find of the century" Walking over to the wall Jack ask "So, Daniel, you had a chance to translate this yet"?

Hands on his hips Daniel said "I think so" Looking to him Jack ask "What's it say" Looking at the symbols Daniel said "Well, uh, it doesn't say anything" He looks at the wall "Actually, it's sort of a chart, more of a map" Starring Jack ask "Of" Crossing his arms Daniel said "Well, I haven't been able to analyse all of it" He chuckles motioning.

Daniel smiles turning around "I mean, look at it" Jack looks up "It would take my whole life" Jack said "Well, Daniel, we don't have that long" He looks to Daniel "What's it a map of" Glancing at the map Daniel said "Well, the cartouches seem to be separated clearly into groupings" He motions the groups "Each grouping is attached to the others with a series of lines".

He breathes "And each grouping of glyphs contain seven symbols" Daniel looks to Jack then back "So, you can see where this is going, of course" Looking to him Jack said "Tell us anyway" Staring moving his hand Daniel said "All the symbols are on the stargate in they Abydos chamber" He walks over to a wall "I've also managed to chart some of them in the Abydos night sky..."

Jack and Sam walk a bit "...or at least pretty close" Daniel walks back to them "Jack, I think that this is a map of a vast network of stargates" He shake his head looking around "Stargates that are all over the galaxy" Staring Sam said "Uh, I don't think that can be, Doctor" Daniel said "Why not, I'm mean Y/n is from another world" He looks to Sam who said "Because after Colonel O'Neill and his team came back, my team tried hundreds of symbol permutations..."

Jack and Daniel stare at her "...using Earth as the point of origin, and it never worked" Raising his hand Daniel said "I tried the same here, and it didn't work either" He lower his hand "I figured the destinations I tried were either destroyed or buried" Daniel looks at the wall "But, um, I mean, some of them somewhere must still exist".

Shaking her head Sam said "I don't think so" Staring Daniel ask "Then where did your Ra look-alike come from" He looks to Jack who looks to Sam who notice "Look, I don't pretend to know anything about astrophysics..." Daniel walks pass them at a wall "...but couldn't the planets change" He moves pass a few "I mean, drift apart or something like that to throw this map off".

Walking over to him smiling Sam said "I knew I'd like you" Staring at her Daniel ask "You mean I'm right" Nodding a bit Sam said "According to the expanding universe model, all bodies in the universe are constantly moving further apart" Staring Daniel said "So, in thousands of years since the stargate was built..." Shaking her head Sam said "All the coordinates could have changed".

But Daniel ask "But why does it still work between Abydos and Earth" Thinking Sam said "Abydos is probably the closest planet in the network to Earth" She looks to Daniel who stares "I mean, the closer they are, the less the difference in relative position due to expansion" Sam looks at the map "The further away, the greater the difference".

Sam looks back to Daniel "In a few thousand more years, it won't work between Earth and Abydos either" Moving his head Daniel said "Unless you can adjust for the displacement" Nodding Sam said "Right" She turns her head "Now, with this map as a base, that should be easy" Sam looks to Daniel "All we have to do is correct for Doppler's shift".

Kawalsky and Jack look to one another staring at them "Then, I should be able to arrive at a computer model that will predict..." Sam stares at Daniel "...the adjustments necessary to get the gate working again" Daniel stares at Sam while Kawalsky ask "Okay, so what did we just figure out" Turning to them Sam said "Any civilisation advance enough to build this gate network..."

Sam walks forward "...would be able to compensate for 50,000 years of stellar drift" She smiles looking up as Jack follows her gaze at the chart he ask "So the stargate can go other places" Chuckling Sam said "The aliens could have come from anywhere".


I sat next to Ferretti after telling him a prank a did back in my world I notice him and a soldier watching Sha're push Skaara and a couple of boys that laugh before getting and walk pass us they stare at her Ferretti said "Man, you gotta give Daniel credit" They stare at Sha're "She is one beautiful woman".

Suddenly I turn my head hearing the Stargate activate I yell "We got company coming" We all got up Ferretti calls "Move, move" I move by Skaara who said "Here" He gives me a small weapon for one hand "Aim and pull the trigger" I look at him and back Ferretti yells "Everybody take cover" We all hid behind the pillars watching the Stargate activate aiming our weapons at it.

Suddenly Goa'uld comes through aiming their staffs firing and we fire back at them, but I took my aim carefully I saw a Goa'uld fire killing to men except Tobay who leans against the wall before running out quickly I turn back to see a soldier got hit I yell "We need a better angle" Skaara, and I move with two men away from the shots.

I move around the pillar watching Ferretti get hit then I notice Apophis at the Stargate watching I saw a Goa'uld looking to me I fire the shots hitting the eyes causing him to open his helmet and I fire at the head killing him then Skaara joins me he fires his weapons he yells in his language, but Sha're screams I notice another Goa'uld grabs her.

Skaara moves out "Skaara" I move over noticing two Goa'ulds walking to us Skaara tried to reload his gun and I fire the pistol but the two Goa'ulds grab us I grunt Sha're yells "No" I stare at the Goa'uld "Skaara" The Goa'uld helmet open revealing a Jaffa who looks at the weapons he said "These are not your weapons" He looks at us "Where did you get it"?

I stayed silent and Skaara spits at the Jaffa who lifts him and walks to Apophis who opens his helmet looking at Skaara he said "Good choice, Teal'c" Apophis stares at Skaara "A perfect specimen" He raise his amour hand over Skaara's face making him collapse before noticing me "Jaffa Kree" The Jaffa holding me drags me over to Apophis we stare at one another "A Celestial Knight".

3rd POV

Apophis pulls Y/n helmet off revealing his short h/c grabbing his face Apophis stares into Y/n eyes he smiles "You are the one" He hold his armour hand over Y/n who tries to resist but it was too much, and collapse Apophis drops the helmet while Sha're screams the 2nd Jaffa brings Sha're who struggles over to Apophis she yells "Skaara" He raise his hands "Skaara".

Apophis grabs Sha're who gasping he examines her face he said "You may be the one" His eyes glow holding his armoured hand over Sha're's face making her collapse in the arms turning around Apophis press the symbols on the DHD, but little did he knew Ferretti injured and alive leans up against the pillar watching him pressing the symbols he groans.

Pressing the button Apophis watch the Stargate activate his helmet activates he walks motioning forward the Jaffa's carrying Sha're, Y/n and Skaara walk forward first with the other Jaffa's coming behind them they enter the Stargate deactivating it and the survivors come out of their hiding places while Daniel, Jack, Sam, Kawalsky, Tobay and the others arrived.

Running forward Daniel yells "Sha're" He didn't get an answer move to the tent to see it empty before coming back out and he kneels to Bolaa who is injured "Bolaa" Bolaa said "There's so..." Jack moves over to Ferretti "...There's so many" He kneels next to Sam who is checking him Daniel ask "What" Jack turns Bolaa said "So many of them".

Daniel said "It's all right" He carefully hold Bolaa's head "Just tell me what happened" Tobay gets up and moves Bolaa said "It was Ra" Kneeling Jack ask "What's goin' on" Daniel said "Ra is dead" but Bolaa said "No..." He breathes "...Ra, I saw..." Bolaa stares at Daniel "He took Sha're" He gulps gasping "He took Skaara and Y/n into the chaapa'ai".

Kneeling down Kawalsky said "Colonel" Jack looks to Kawalsky who raise his hand to show Y/n helmet and the dead Jaffa as Jack moves Daniel ask "Where" He holds Bolaa's head "Did you see" He motion his eyes "Did you see" But Bolaa shakes his head and slowly dies while walking over Kawalsky ask "What's going on, Daniel" He nods "Could there be another Ra"?

Chuckling Daniel ask "How the hell should I know" He gets up looking around "I should left the barricade up" Daniel walks moving a bit of his clothes "This is my fault" Jack went over to an injured soldier feeling for a pulse he said "Come on, come on" Holding Ferretti's wound Sam calls "Colonel, Ferretti needs medical attention now".

Looking Daniel said "Go" He checks on an injured boy "I can send you back" But Jack said "You're coming with us this time, Daniel" He gets up from the dead soldier "I've got orders" Getting up Daniel said "I don't care about your orders, Colonel" He looks to Jack "My wife is out there" Daniel looks back "So is Skaara and Y/n".

Staring at him Jack said "And the only way we're gonna get them back is for you to come home with us" He nods towards Ferretti "Ferretti might have seen those coordinates" Sam looks down "Captain, do you have the video" Grabbing the camera Sam said "I got everything I need" She puts it away looking to Ferretti who groans he said "Too many..."

Sam checks his pulse and move his head as Daniel looks around at everyone before walking forward Jack watch Daniel who said "E'ya" He motions everyone "E'ya" The survivors all gathered around Daniel looks at them "After we go through the chaapa'ai, you have to bury it like we did before, and then leave this place".

Staring at him confuse Tobay ask "You come back" Looking at him for a moment Daniel said "No, I can't" He shake his head "Nobody can" Daniel looks at them "That's what I'm telling you" He looks back to Tobay "Not for a long time" He breathes while the survivors stare at him "Now, as soon as we're gone, I want you to close it" Daniel stares at them "Bury it".

He looks at the Stargate "Put a big, heavy cover stone over it" Daniel motions the Stargate "Nothing good can ever come through this gate" He looks to Tobay "Do you understand me" Breathing Tobay said "You came through it, Daniel" Daniel stares at him for a moment then to everyone he ask "Do you remember the story I told you"?

Everyone listens to Daniel "How the ancient Egyptians back on Earth cut themselves off from Ra" He nods his head motioning "That is exactly what you have to do" Tobay looks down "Then, in one year, one year from this day, you take the cover stone away" Daniel motions the Stargate "I will try to bring Sha're home with me that day" He move his gaze "But if I don't make it back, if I don't..."

Daniel breathes in "If I don't return, then you must bury the gate again forever, joa qua" Tobay nods understanding "You tell Sha're's father in one year" Daniel looks at them then Tobay hugs Daniel who hugs him back while everyone joins in patting Daniel, they sob to see him go while Jack watch this before Daniel lets go and walks through to the DHD.

Meanwhile back the base the Stargate activates Walter said "Stand by for arrival" The ring moves "Stand by for arrival" The soldiers all move into position and the blast doors close a Soldier calls "Incoming traffic, set your crews" The Stargate activates sending the vortex forward and back Kawalsky and Jack carries an injured soldier.

Daniel and Sam drag a makeshift raft to pull Ferretti through the gate Kawalsky said "Get the medic" Samuels enters stopping behind a soldier "Medic" Raising a radio Samuels said "Close the iris" He stares forward "Close the iris" Suddenly metal plates appear closing the Stargate surprising Jack, Sam, Daniel and Kwalasky.

The blast shield opens Walter said "Wormhole disengage" Jack turns around to see Hammond walking to him Jack ask "What the hell's that, sir" Looking back Hammond said "That's our insurance against any more surprises" They look at the iris "It's pure titanium, hopefully impenetrable" The iris opens up while two medics help Ferretti on a stretcher.

Hammond sees his condition a Medic said "Get the gauze on him" Kawalsky kneels down next to Ferretti "We've got to stop the bleeding from his leg" Turning Hammond ask "What happened, Colonel" Looking down Jack said "Base camp was hit while we were on recon, sir" He looks to Hammond who ask "Same hostiles who attacked us" Jack said "That's affirmative".

He watches two soldiers pick Ferretti up "Jackson's wife, one of our kids was kidnapped along with another boy from a different world" Confuse Hammond ask "Your kids and a boy from another world" Starring Jack said "From the previous mission for the kids and the boy went met on Abydos, sir" Walking over Daniel said "General, hi".

Daniel holds his hand out to him "Daniel Jackson" Hammond looks to him "We've never met" Daniel moves his head "I'd like to be on the team that goes after them" Staring at him for a moment Hammond said "You're not in any position to make demands, Jackson" Hammond walks pass up the ramp Daniel walks to Jack who turn his head while Hammond looks at the bodies of the soldiers.


I sat on the ground with Sha're and Skaara seeing other people but then the gate opens catching our attention to see Jaffa coming in with two servants I stood along with Skaara to protect Sha're watching the Jaffa walks down the steps the Jaffa said "Chel'nok her" He points making the two Servants run over towards us.

But Skaara and I begin to fight them Sha're yells "No, no" I shove the servant away "Skaara, Y/n" One servant threw Skaara onto the floor making two Jaffa aim their staffs then the other servant grabs my arm and threw I grunt landing on my back then three more Jaffa aim their staffs at me, but I show now fear at them.

The Jaffa helmet opens revealing Teal'c who stares at us then looks to Skaara "Your death cannot help her" He looks to me "You are not to be harmed" I was confused by what he meant then hears Sha're yells "I am not afraid of you" The two servants took her pass us and Teal'c armour close he begins to leave.

Skaara and I look to one another for a moment we begin to get up but the people grab us from going to them I yell "Let us go" Skaara grunts I saw the gate about to close Skaara manages to get free and runs to the gate, but it closed the people let me go I watch Skaara bang the gate slumping down against it I sigh and sit down and close my eyes to think.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Jack walks into the medical wing to see Ferretti unconscious and Kawalsky sitting next to him trying to stay awake Jack said "Doc says he's gonna make it" Kawalsky looks to him nodding he said "Yes, sir" Jack nods before motion "You gonna stay here all night" Nodding Kawalsky said "Yes, sir" Jack nods before leaving the medical wing.

He puts on his coat walking down a hallway Jack stops to see Daniel in new clothes leaning against the wall staring forward Jack said "Hey" Daniel looks to him he said "They don't know what to do with me" Jack stares at him "And I don't know what to do with myself" Looking around Jack said "Come on" He motions Daniel "Let's get out of here" Slowly Daniel turns and follows Jack around the corner leaving the base.

Jack took Daniel to his house now he reaches inside his fridge two bottles of beer Jack walks closing the fridge into the living room to Daniel who sneezes "Nice catch" Daniel leans upholding his tissue he said "Thank you" Jack holds a bottle "Sorry" Daniel moves his tissue "Gate travel always seems to make my allergies..." He blows is nose cleaning it "Sorry".

Daniel takes the bottle Jack said "So, you were saying..." He walks opening the bottle Daniel said "Anyway..." He sniffs adjusting his glasses "As soon as you were gone and they realised they were free..." Jack sits down on the couch "...I mean, Abydos was their world for the taking" He threw the cap on the table Jack ask "Had a little party, did you"?

Moving his head Daniel said "Oh, yeah" He move his gaze "Yeah, big, big party" He smiles chuckling a bit "They treated me like their saviour" Daniel nods "It was embarrassing" Staring at him Jack said "It's amazing you turned out so normal" He takes a sip of his beer Daniel said "Well, if it wasn't for Sha're I probably—" Daniel stops for a moment.

Jack stares at him looking down and Daniel turns a bit before going to a chair "She was the complete opposite of everyone else" He leans forward "She practically fell on the floor laughing every time I tried to do some chore they all took for granted" He begins to smile "Like, grinding yaphetta flour" Daniel motions Jack "I mean, have you ever tried to grind your own flour".

Moving his gaze Jack said "I'm trying to kick the flour thing" Daniel chuckles turning his head he said "This is going straight to my head" He takes a drink looking down "What time is it anyway" Jack looks to him "I must have gate-lag or something" Looking down Jack said "Daniel, for crying out loud, you've had one beer".

He looks back to Daniel "You're a cheaper date that my wife was" Turning his head Daniel ask "Yes, when am I going to meet your wife" He looks back to Jack who raise his brows tilting his head he said "Oh, probably never" Daniel stares at Jack who lower his gaze "After I came back to Abydos the first time she'd already left".

Lowering his gaze Daniel said "I'm sorry" Looking down Jack said "Yeah" He nods "So was I" Jack raises his brows "I think in her heart she forgave me for what happened to our kid" He glance to Daniel "She just couldn't forget" Staring Daniel ask "And what about you"?

Raising his gaze Jack said "I'm the opposite" He stares at Daniel "I'll never forgive myself" Jack lowers his gaze "But sometimes, I can forget" He looks back to Daniel "Sometimes" Jack takes a sip of his beer lowering it and Daniel stares down.

Meanwhile Carol is sitting against a pillar in a room filled with different women she looks towards the entrance to see Teal'c and two servants enter the room looking at them sitting on a chair is Sha're in a dress sitting up Teal'c looks at the women who all scared stare at him until Teal'c looks to Carol raising his head pointing Teal'c said "You".

The two servants run into the room and grab Carol and drag her through the room Carol ask "Where are you taking me" The women and Sha're watch them go "I'm a sergeant in the U.S. Air Force" They drag Carol pass Teal'c "I demand to know where you are taking me" Teal'c close his eyes "Let go" He opens them turning around leaving the room.

Meanwhile a door opens the two servants drag Carol who struggles "Let go of me" They went pass a curtain "Where the hell are you taking me" They stop by a table to see another door opens revealing Apophis entering the room with two Gao'uld behind him and Teal'c stands behind watching Apophis who said "Come".

The two servants drag Carol around the table to Apophis "Lovely" Carol stares at him "Full of life" He raise his armoured hand using it making Carol slowly stop her struggles "You could be the vessel for my future queen" The two servants use knives to cut the dress leaving Carol naked for Apophis to gaze at her "Yes" He smiles "Yes".

Apophis looks to Carol "Very nice indeed" He walks around her "But I am not the one you must finally please" Apophis walks pass Carol who is put on the table by the two servants as Teal'c raise his head a bit watching them place Carol on her back she moves her gaze while Apophis pulls a curtain to reveal a woman "Yavita" Catching woman's attention to Apophis who turns "Kree".

The Woman gets up walking from the chair towards Carol who lifts her head up a bit to see her and the Woman stood by the table staring as Apophis walks around a pillar watching the Woman moves her cloak as Teal'c stood attention while the Woman raise her head closing her eyes moving her head and, on her stomach, reveals a pouch.

Slowly coming out of the pouch is a Gao'uld Symbiote and Carol gasp seeing it the Woman raise head and the Symbiote screeches raising its head moving around "Does she pleases you, my love" The Symbiote moves around Apophis stares while the Symbiote screeches returning to the pouch making the Woman turn and head back the way she came.

Apophis walks down the steps looking to her then to Carol then back to the Woman glancing to Carol "A shame" Carol looks to Apophis who lowers the armour hand over Carol activating it sending electricity through her head while Teal'c lower his head then Apophis moves the hand away from Carol who moves her head a bit slowly dies "Send another" He turns leaving and Teal'c stares.

Meanwhile back at the base in the briefing room the door opens Samuels exit he said "Ladies and gentlemen, General Hammond" Everyone salute to Hammond who enters the room saluting back he said "People, what is spoken of in this room is classified as SCI, top secret" Sam, Jack and Daniel enter the room sitting at the table.

Hammond sits at the end "Colonel, what do we know about these hostiles we didn't yesterday" Adjusting his chair Jack said "Not a hell of a lot, General" He moves the chair closer "The Abydon boys who survived the attack on the base camp thought it was Ra" Hammond said "I thought he was dead" He looks to Jack and Daniel "Gentlemen, which is it".

Daniel said "He's dead" He moves in his seat "He's definitely dead" Jack pulls out a pen and Daniel move his hand "I mean, the bomb..." He looks to Jack "I mean, he's gotta be dead, right" Nodding Hammond ask "Then who's coming through the stargate" Daniel said "Gods" Jack and Sam look to him while Hammond ask "What"?

Kawalsky and two majors stare at Daniel who said "Not as in 'God' god" He shake his head "Ra played a god, the sun god" Daniel move his gaze "He borrowed the religion and culture of the ancient Egyptians he brought through the gate, and then he used it to enslave them" He remembers what happened "You see, he wanted the people of Abydos to believe that he was the only one".

Hammond stares at him and Sam ask "You're saying Ra's not the last of his race, after all" Raising his head Kawalsky said "Maybe he's got a brother, Ray" He chuckles as Jack said "That's what we need" Raising a finger Daniel said "Wait a minute" He remembers his research "The legend goes, Ra's race was dying".

Daniel blinks a bit "He survived by taking over the body of his human host, and Egyptian boy" He looks to Jack who stares "But who's to say more of his kind couldn't do the same thing" Then he looks to Hammond who is still staring "I mean, this could have happened at anytime, anywhere there's a gate" Daniel shake his head "I mean, this could be happening right now".

Turing his head Hammond said "Colonel, you've had the most experience in fighting this hostile" Jack looks to him "Assuming you have to defend yourself in the field, are you up to it" Slowly nodding Jack said "We beat 'em once" Nodding Hammond said "I'll take that as a maybe" He looks to Sam "Captain Carter, you're confident that the stargate will take us where we want to go with this new information".

Shaking her head Sam said "Well, they're feeding the revised coordinates into the targeting computer right now" She moves her gaze "It'll take time to calculate, but it should spit out two or three destinations a month" Leaning forward Hammond said "People, let's not fool ourselves here" He looks at everyone "This thing is both vast and dangerous, and we are so far over our heads we can barely see daylight".

Jack stares at him "We would all be much better off if the stargate had been left in the ground" But Sam said "With respect, sir, we can't bury our heads in the sand" She shakes her head a bit "I mean, think of how much we could learn" Sam begins to smile "Think of what we could bring back" But Hammond said "What you could bring back is precisely what I'm afraid of, Captain".

He takes a deep breath "However the President of the United Stares happens to agree with you" Sam looks to Jack who looks to Hammond "In the event your theories pan out..." Samuels and Kawalsky look to Hammond "...he has ordered the formation of nine teams..." Hammond looks at everyone "...whose duties will be to perform reconnaissance, determine threats, and if possible, to make peaceful contact..."

Jack leans in surprised "...with the peoples of these worlds" He looks to Kawalsky who looks to him "Now these teams will be operate on a covert, top-secret basis" Hammond shake his head "No one will know of their existence, except the President and the joint chiefs" He looks to Jack "Colonel O'Neill" Jack ask "Sir"?

Hammond said "Your team will be designated SG-1" He glance pass him "The team will consist of yourself, Captain Carter—" He turn his head as Daniel ask "And me" Hammond looks to him he said "Dr. Jackson, we need you to work as a consultant with the other SG teams from here" He shake his head "Your expertise in ancient cultures and languages are far too valuable—"

But Daniel said "No" He leans forward staring down "Um, look, uh..." Hammond leans back "I mean, I know this is your decision, but I just..." Daniel moves his hands "I..." He stops for a moment "I really have to be on their team" Daniel looks to Hammond who looks to Jack who raise a brow to him "My wife is out there, General" Daniel moves his head "I need to go".

Taking a deep breath Hammond said "I'll take that under consideration" He looks to Kawalsky "Major Kawalsky, you will head SG-2" Surprised at this Kawalsky ask "I will" Turning his head Hammond said "Colonel O'Niell keeps telling me it's about time you had a command" Kawalsky looks to Jack who said "I had a moment of weakness" Kawalsky smiles.

A soldier gives Samuels a piece of paper he reads it looking to Hammond he said "Ferretti is conscious, sir" That made Jack get up and leave the room Hammond looks then notice he said "Dismissed" That made Kawalsky, Sam and Daniel get up following Jack out of the room.

They enter the medical wing to Ferretti who is using a laptop with a doctor next to him Sam said "I'll take over" The doctor nods "Thanks" He moves out of the way Kawalsky said "Hey" Holding Ferretti's hand Sam said "Ferretti" She looks at the screen while Jack said "Ferretti" He stood with Daniel at the end of the bed "I know you're probably not feeling so hot..."

Ferretti types on the keys "...but we need something from you" He grunts looking at the screen that clears out showing a symbol Sam said "Looks like he's way ahead of you, Colonel" Jack walks around then bed and watch the screen match the 6th symbol.

Sam looks to Ferretti who breathes typing on the keys to match the 7th symbol looking to him Jack ask "You saw all seven symbols" He motion the laptop "This is where they went" Sam stares "You sure" Ferretti groans nodding a bit as Daniel stares at him.

Now Jack, Daniel, Sam, Kawalsky and SG-2 are geared up waking with Samuels who said "Colonel, I'd like to remind you that rescuing Dr. Jackson's wife is a secondary objective" They make a turn "In the event that you fail to notify base camp within 24 hours..." They make another turn "...SG-2 will scrub the mission and return without you".

Samuels has a device in his hands working on it Jack said "Understood" Behind him Kawalsky said "Not gonna happen, Colonel" Jack looks to him "SG-2 won't leave without you" Samuels look to him and back he said "All right, let's confirm transmitter codes" He looks at the device "Remember, only the right code will open the iris, and if you lose your transmitter, you cannot get home".

They enter the Stargate room Sam said "Understood, sir" The Stargate activates sending the vortex forward and back Hammond said "SG-1 and SG-2..." They look to Hammond "...if you do not return in 24 hours, your remote transmitter codes will be locked out, and the iris will be sealed permanently" He raise his head "At that point, there will be no return".

Hammond leans in "Is that understood" Saluting Jack said "Yes, sir" He turns to the teams "Let's move out" Daniel, Sam and two soldiers move to the Stargate as Kawalsky and Sameuls walk up the ramp Samuels said "Kind of wish I was going with you" Kawalsky ask "Yeah" He looks back to the Stargate "I'm kind of glad you're staying behind".

Kawalsky walks up the ramp as Samuels stands at the bottom "All right, let's go, boys" Samuels looks to Jack who turns walking up the ramp passing supplies that is remotely driving forward entering the Stargate with the teams going through and coming out tumbling to the ground grunting the Stargate deactivates.

Kawalsky clench his fists "Damn it, it's cold" Daniel takes his glasses off to get the frost off, Sam stands up, Jack looks around he said "Okay, people, let's get the gear out" He turns walking "Let's move" Looking around Daniel sneezes he ask "Does anybody have a Kleenex" Jack, Sam, Kawalsky, Warren, Casy and Daniel went to get the gear off.

Meanwhile Teal'c enter the room looking at the women who all stare at him but Sha're stares at the pillar looking towards her raising his hand Teal'c said "You" The two servants run over and grab Sha're who said "No" She struggles in their grip "No" The women watch her being taken out of the room.

Meanwhile SG-1 and SG-2 are getting everything ready Daniel said "It must be some sort of ceremonial place" He motions the Stargate "The gate is, has to be, an integral part of their spiritual culture" Jack walks pass Daniel who motions around "See, this place was built for worshippers" Stopping Jack said "Yeah, well, let's just try and be out of here before the worshippees show up, huh".

Daniel looks to Jack "You figure out yet how to align the gate to get back home" Daniel said "Yeah" He motions the DHD "The device is the same as on Abydos" He points at one symbol "This symbol represents—" Jack ask "Brief Kawalsky's team yet" Daniel said "Yes" He points "This symbol represents" Turning around Jack said "Good job" Ha pat Daniel's shoulder.

Jack walks down the steps to Kawalsky who said "We'll have to set up camp where there's better cover, Colonel" Walking over to them Warren said "Sirs, I found what looks like a trail on the mountain" Sam walks over to them "Looks like it's seen traffic in the last couple of days" Nodding Jack said "Thank you, Airman" Warren turns "Carter".

Arriving Sam said "I set up a line of Claymores along that ridge at ten-meter intervals" Moving Jack ask "That sound about right, Kawalsky" Smiling Kawalsky said "Yeah" He looks in a direction "That'll work" Kawalsky walks to Sam who walks rolling the line out.

Meanwhile the two servants drag Sha're who is still struggling into the room grunting she said "No" They stop and Sha're sees Apophis enters the room he said "Come" The two servants drag Sha're to Apophis she said "No" Apophis stares "No" Sha're is in front of him "No" She bites one of the servant's arms laughing Apophis said "This one has spirit".

He raises his armoured hand making Sha're stop struggling for the servants to cut her dress off revealing her naked body slowly Apophis walks examining Sha're he moves her hair walking pass her for the servants to lift Sha're onto the table standing on either side while Apophis moves the curtain for the Woman to walk out.

The Woman stops looking to Sha're who breathes heavily watch the Woman open her dress she closed her eyes tilting her head for the Symbiote to slowly come out it chitters looking to Sha're who breathes, and Apophis stood next to the Woman "Does she please you, my love" The Symbiote squealing moving out of the pouch landing on Sha're's body until it was fully out of the Woman.

Sha're gasps and Teal'c stares at this the Symbiote moves up towards Sha're who whimpers as Teal'c raise his head a bit the Symbiote moves back a bit and Apophis looks to the two servants who both grab Sha're and turns her onto her back while the symbiote moves along the back the Woman turns and walks away.

Apophis watch the Symbiote squealing along Sha're's body it raises up eyes glow before lunging at Sha're who screams feeling the Symbiote enter her body as Apophis begins to smile and Teal'c stares with a slight twitch on his face watching this happened.

Meanwhile Sg-1 and Sg-2 are walking down the hill with the supplies Kawalsky looking forward motioning he said "This looks like a good spot right up here" They stop at an open area Casy and Warren put their weapons down as Jack, Daniel and Sam walk to Kawalsky who looks to them Jack said "All right" He looks at his watch "If we're not back in 20 hours--"

But Kawalsky said "We'll come rescue your sorry asses" Turning to him Jack said "Negative" He stares at Kawalsky "You'll go back through the gate with the combination Daniel just gave you before the iris is locked so you can't go back" Understanding Kawalsky said "Yes, sir" Sam, Daniel, and Jack stare at Kawalsky who salutes.

Jack said "Hold down the fort" He salutes back smiling Kawalsky said "Pick me up a T-shirt" Jack turns and leaves with Sam and Daniel they went down another hill Sam said "So, Dr. Jackson, tell me more about Sha're" She looks to him "How did you meet" Looking at her Daniel ask "Sha're" They follow Jack around a bush "Well, she's, uh..."

Walking forward Jack said "She was a gift" Look to him Daniel said "She was, actually, from the elders of Abydos the first night we were there" Looking to him Sam ask "And you accepted" Raising a hand Jack said "Hold up" In the distance movement is seen Daniel ask "What" Jack motions them to follow heading into the bushes cocking their guns.

They look to see men holding staffs with snakes on top wearing robes like priests seeing them Daniel moves Jack said "All right, Captain, take up position 50 yards—" But they notice Daniel not with them "For crying out loud" The priest walk forward but suddenly Daniel said "Hi" The priests look to him Jack who said "The man has not changed".

Jack and Sam move out from there they were aiming their guns at the priests who stare Daniel said "We just came through the stargate..." None of the priests said anything "Uh, the chaapa'ai" The Priest said "Chaapa'ai" He and the other priests all kneel bowing to Daniel who said "No, please don't do that" Starring Jack ask "Friends of yours"?

Walking over to them Daniel said "Unless we want to get ourselves a really bad reputation, I just think we should avoid shooting the first people we meet on a new planet" He tries to push the guns down Daniel looks to the priests who all lower their heads making him groan "Please, you don't have to do this" Daniel walks over to them and helps the Priest up to his feet.

The Priest lowers his hood showing a tattoo on his forehead he ask "Chu'la as'la" Daniel stares at him he ask "As'la" He tilt his head "'Choose'" Daniel looks to Sam and Jack "They want to know if we're here to choose" Sam moves a bit and Jack motions Daniel "Sure" He looks back to the Priest "We can choose" Daniel nods "Choosing is good".

Daniel walks back to them "It's a derivation of Arabic, combine with—" But waving his hand Jack said "Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, whatever" Daniel looks to Jack "Just ask them to take us to the nearest village or town" Turning to the priests Daniel ask "Uh..." He walks to them "...would you take us to..." The Priest stare at Daniel who leans in "Arush".

He holds his hand to make like a house "Arush" Nodding the Priest said "Yeah" He begins to turn "Ala chulak" The other priests begin to stand up the Priest motion "Chulak" Sam looks to Jack who ask "Chulak, eh" He and Sam walk pass Daniel and the priests to follow the Priest and Daniel catches up to them.

The Priest and his group lead Jack, Daniel and Sam through the forest until they came to an open area pointing the Priest said "Chulak" He looks to Daniel and back the group seeing a city in the distance the Priest walks forward Daniel said "Chulak" The group begins to follow him "Sounds good" Raising his helmet Jack said "I hear it's nice this time of year".

They continue their journey until they reach the city of Chulak passing natives before entering a temple laughter is heard servants bring forward food for the people at the table they clap and cheer for them and a Man blows a horn the people chatter to one another, and folk music is played while the Priest leads Daniel, Jack, and Sam into the room.

Sam and Daniel had their helmets off, but Jack kept his on the people at the table stop to see them the Priest said "Lato hala also" He motions Jack, Sam and Daniel who all walk down the steps the people stare at them whispering to one another a Woman motions them to sit down Sam notice the people staring she ask "Why are they treating us like this"?

Jack takes his helmet off and Daniel said "They think we're gods" Goblets are put in front of them Jack said "Okay" Sam smells the drink "We're gods" She puts it back down "Now what" Raising his gaze Daniel said "I have no idea" The Man with the horn moves and blows it for everyone except Daniel, Jack and Sam to bow in a direction.

But Daniel notice and begins to bow Sam and Jack look to him "When in Rome..." Sam begins to bow as Jack annoyed begins to do the same keeping his head up just as the Jaffa enter the room along with Teal'c who walks forward through the rows Daniel looks up to see walking forward is Apophis with someone wearing a vale.

Daniel raises his head to look Apophis said "Behold..." Apophis moves in front of the woman "...your queen" The Queen name Amaunet raise her head, but she reveals to be Sha're confuse Daniel ask "Sha're" Jack raise his head while Daniel gets up to move but Apophis said "Kneel before your queen" That made Daniel stop he looks to Amaunet who stares.

Walking slowly Daniel said "Sha're, it's me" But Amaunet eye's glow and Apophis raise his armoured hand sending sonic waves at Daniel sending him flying he groans hitting the wall as Jack raise his gun to fire, but Amaunet stands in front of Apophis making Jack lower his weapon he stares in shock, but a Jaffa knocks him out with a staff.

Meanwhile back at Stargate base a door opens revealing Samuels who looks to the briefing room he closes the door walks to the other door opening it and walks to Hammond who sits down staring Samuels ask "You wanted to see me, sir" Hammond said "Once we seal the iris, we can still get a transmission from our teams".

Staring Samuels said "Yes, sir, but we couldn't be sure it's not the aliens" He blinks a bit "Or one of our own under duress of torture" Samuels looks to the window at the Stargate "Sealing the stargate is the best way—" But Hammond ask "How much longer do they have" Staring at him Samuels said "Just under two hours, sir" Hammond blinks a bit.


I kneel next to Daniel who is unconscious due to him being dragged by the Jaffa with Jack and Sam along into our dungeon Daniel begins to groan I said "He's moving" Sam said "Daniel" She shake him "Daniel" Opening his eyes Daniel said "Sha're" Placing a hand on his chest I said "Easy, Daniel you took a hard blow".

Daniel moves his head Sam said "You've been unconscious for hours" Moving his hand Daniel said "No" He tries to sit up "I saw her" I help him up Sam said "I know" She gets up "We all did" Daniel said "I saw Sha're" Jack walks over to us he said "If there's a way out of here, I haven't found it yet" Shaking my head I said "The only way out is the gate".

Pointing behind him Jack said "But look what I did find" Moving through the crowd is Skaara who said "Daniel" He stood next to me "You're okay" They hug one another Daniel said "I think so" He coughs a bit I hold Daniels arm Jack said "Easy, big guy" We lower him on a boulder to sit down "Welcome back to the land of conscious".

Kneeling Skaara said "O'Neer told us about Sha're" Turning Daniel said "Jack, help me" He looks to her "We can find her again" Lowering my gaze I said "It's too late to help her now" Looking to me Daniel ask "What do you mean" Raising my gaze I said "Sha're has become one of them" Jack said "He's right, Daniel" Daniel looks to him "Don't".

Jack move his head "If we can't find our way out of here, the mission's a bust anyway" Sam stares at them "They seal the gate in just over 90 minutes" I look to Jack who gets up then notice the Jaffa coming "Come on, Skaara, Y/n, let's find a way out of here" I was about to warn but the Jaffa grab his arm making Jack groan the Jaffa ask "What is this"?

I recognise the voice it was that Jaffa name Teal'c who hold Skaara hostage Jack said "It's a watch" The helmet opens revealing Teal'c who looks at the watch he said "This is not Goa'uld technology" He looks at Jack "Where are you from" Staring at him Jack said "Earth" He move his head "Chicago, if you wanna be—"

But Teal'c said "Your words mean nothing" He stares at Jack "Where are you from" Suddenly Daniel said "Uh, excuse me" I watch Daniel make a triangle with a circle above it "This is where we're from" Sam, Skaara and I look to Teal'c who use his staff to move the dirt through it he looks to me before closing his helmet and leaves along with the other Jaffa.

3rd POV

Meanwhile at SG-2 campsite Kawalsky said "Warren, let's go" He walks pass a tent "Rise and shine" Kawalsky looks at the suns with the wind howling "The sun is..." He stops having a better look "The suns are coming up" Warren gets out of his tent "We're gonna be all right" Putting on his hat Warren said "We can't go through another night like that, Captain".

Warren puts his belt on and Kawalsky said "Yeah" He breathes on his hand before rubbing it with the other "Gets a little chilly on this planet at night" Warren puts on a vest "The Colonel should've sent us a radio message by now" Looking to him Warren ask "When do you have to make the decision..." Kawalsky looks to Warren "...whether or not to go back to the stargate"?

Moving his hand Kawalsky said "That'll be about when hell freezes over" He step forward staring and Warren said "I think that pretty much describes our current situation" Turing his head Kawalsky said "We are not leaving here without the Colonel" He nods to Warren "Is that understood" He stares at Kawalsky who walks pass him "Another find day on Planet Kawalsky".


I help Jack climb up to a small window trying to move the bars I ask "Can you get it loose" Shaking his head Jack said "No" He climbs back down Sam said "So Ra isn't dead after all" I turn and walks over to her and Daniel who said "No, it wasn't Ra" Reaching them I said "His name is Apophis" Confuse Sam ask "Who"?

Looking to her and back Daniel said "Y/n's is right, um, it's from Egyptian mythology" I decide to listen to Daniel "Ra was the sun god who ruled the day" He shake his head a bit "Apophis was the serpent guard, Ra's rival who ruled the night" Sam turns her head "It's right out of the Book of the Dead" Sam, Daniel and I look around "They're living it".

I get up walking pass the crowd to Jack and Skaara who ask "We will save Sha're" Jack examines the stone Jack said "I can't promise you anything at the moment" Grabbing his arm Skaara said "But you are a great warrior" Skaara stands in front of him "We defeated Ra together" Grabbing Skaara I said "Take it easy, Skaara".

Nodding Jack said "Yeah, I know, but take a look around here" He moves his head "Look what we're up against" Skaara and I stare at Jack who turn his head "We'll try" Suddenly the gate opens I said "They're here" Looking at this Jack said "Come on" He put his hands on Skaara and mine's shoulders heading back to Daniel and Sam.

We watch the Jaffa enter with Teal'c at the top and the Jaffa walking down the stairs staring at us Teal'c calls "Shaka'ah" He turn his head "Kree golmel Goa'uld" He spread his arms looking to me Jack ask "What did he say" I didn't say anything Skaara said "They're going to choose" Looking to us Sam ask "Choose what" Staring I said "Who will become the Children of the Gods".

A five people enter the dungeon and stood by the side for eight servants to enter carrying a Litter the servants put it down Teal'c calls "Jaffa" He walks forward with the Jaffa as Apophis comes out wearing royal robes he turns and opens the curtains to reveal Sha're who walks out holding his hand Daniel said "Sha're".

We stare at her "Jack, help me, please" Daniel moves forward but grabbing him I said "No, Daniel, stop" Sam helps me hold Daniel back Jack said "Don't, Daniel" I let go watching Teal'c walk forward with the Jaffa making the people move to the sides to create a pathway Teal'c turns around he said "Bennah" Turning my head to see the servants run pass Apophis and Sha're.

They went down the stairs "Ya'one ya'deru" The servants begin to push people to the knees "Kneel before your masters" I saw people screaming one went towards us push Sam, Daniel hard he moves pass me I narrow my eyes a bit before noticing Teal'c looking towards us I pat Jack's arm and slowly kneel then Jack follows.

I notice Skaara still standing I said "Skaara" Skaara didn't move until Jack said "Skaara" He looks to Jack before kneeling too we watch a group of people walking down the steps Teal'c said "Bennah" They look walking in the path "Ya'one ya'deru" A servant brings a small boy forward "Choose" The Goa'uld examines him he said "No" The Servant threw him.

The female Goa'uld said "This one" They examine a woman I notice Teal'c watching two Servants hold the woman "We choose this one" The Woman is taken away and the three Goa'uld follow as there are two Goa'uld left looking around suddenly Daniel went forward I try to move with Jack, but two Jaffa aim their staffs at us.

Two servants grab Daniel moving him away from the Goa'uld who both stare at him 2nd Goa'uld said "This one's passionate" Breathing Daniel ask "How much would I remember if you chose me" Jack ask "Daniel, what are you doing" A Jaffa taps Jack with his staff I knew what he wanted to do Daniel said "Something of the host must survive".

Sam and I look towards the 2nd Goa'uld who said "We choose..." He moves his gaze "...him" I look to see Skaara who is grabbed by two servants Skaara said "O'Neer" Jack went to get up he calls "Skaara" But the Jaffa stops him "O'Neer" The servants take Skaara "O'Neer" Jack yells "Skaara" A Jaffa hits him with his staff.

Had enough I pull the staff that was aiming at me out of the Jaffa's hand and use to fire killing the Jaffa that hit Jack before turning and using the staff to kill the other one, but Teal'c and the other Jaffa aim their staffs at me Skaara yells "O'Neer" I aim the staff at them Sam said "Y/n don't" Suddenly Apophis calls "Jaffa".

Everyone looking to Apophis who raise his hand "Teal'c, bring him forward" Teal'c grabs the staff from me and grabs my arm dragging me forward I yell "Let go of me" Two Servants took my arms taking me to Apophis who chuckles I glare at him he said "You are truly the one" Confuse I ask "One of what"?

3rd POV

Still smiling Apophis said "The one far beyond the Goa'uld" He raise his armoured hand sending sonic wave at Y/n who struggles Daniel said "Y/n" Y/n stops struggling and is taken away by the servants out of the cell while the six servants return the Jaffa stood at the steps facing the people Apophis said "Kill the rest".

Hearing that the people scream getting up heading for the end of the cell as Sam helps Daniel get up Jack stands up looking to Sha're who turns enters the Litter with Apophis and six Jaffa walk forward aiming their staffs forward while the servants carry the Litter out of the cell closing the gate Jack looks to Teal'c who walks forward towards the Jaffa.

The gate closed and the Jaffa activate their staffs staring at the people that are moving to the end Jack watch Teal'c walking forward stepping forward Jack said "I can save these people" Teal'c turns and aim his staff at him activating it "Help me" Jack stares at Teal'c who stares at him "Help me" Teal'c said "Many have said that".

Jack stares at Teal'c who suddenly turn to the Jaffa and fires his staff killing one surprising the others Teal'c turns back "But you are the first I believe could do it" He threw his staff to Jack who caught it and the Jaffa fires their staffs making the people scream while Jack fire killing another Jaffa and Teal'c grabs another staff firing it killing another Jaffa.

Jack and Teal'c both fire the staffs at the Jaffa killing a couple making the people watch but a Jaffa fires killing two men Teal'c fires killing a Jaffa the 2nd Jaffa kills two more men as Teal'c fires killing him Jack runs forward Sam and Daniel took cover behind a boulder to watch him and Teal'c fire at the gate causing the Jaffa behind it to run.

Turning around waving his hand Jack yells "Get out of the way" The people immediately did that for Jack to aim and fire at the wall a couple times making a big hole Sam gets up and follows Jack to the hole he looks out then back motion "Come on, let's move" Waving her arm Sam said "Come on, come on" The people begin to run over to the hole following Sam "Let's go, come on".

Sam motions the people out "Come on" They went forward "Go, go" She helps one out "Come on" Slowly Teal'c walks down the steps taking a piece of his armour off looking at the dead Jaffa as Jack ask "You gonna be okay" He looks to Daniel who motion a man to move through the hole looking at Jack before entering the hole.

Jack pat his shoulder going through the hole before looking back to Teal'c who keeps walking forward Jack leans in "Hey" He motion him "Come on" Teal'c stands where he was and Jack stares Teal'c said "I have nowhere to go" But Jack said "For this, you can stay at my place" He motions "Let's go" Teal'c stares at Jack looking around before running to the hole coming out "What's your name"?

Teal'c said "Teal'c" Moving forward Jack ask "Teal'c, where will they take Skaara, the boy and Y/n, the knight" They went down the path Teal'c said "To the stargate" He looks around going down the hill "After they selected hosts for their children, they will return home" Looking to him Jack ask "What about, Y/n" Looking to him Teal'c said "If the knight is the one they well take him home to begin his ritual" They follow the people down the hill heading for the Stargate.

Meanwhile back at Stargate base soldiers are talking to one another and Hammond is standing by the window staring at the Stargate and walking over to him Samuels said "Sir, they have under an hour until the deadline" He takes a breath looking to Hammond "We should've heard from them by now" Looking to him and back Hammond said "A lot can happen in an hour, Major" They stare at the Stargate.

Meanwhile two Goa'uld transport ships are flying over in one of them is Y/n with a daze look with two Jaffa standing on either side but in Y/n's eyes they begin to glow rainbow making him snap out of his daze trance and Y/n glance to see them and decided to wait for his time to escape and act like he was still in a trance.

Meanwhile Sam, Daniel, Jack and Teal'c leads the people through the forest looking at the time Jack said "We've got less than an hour" Sam looks back to the group "How are we doing" Turning back Sam said "We lost a few when we got to the forest" Walking Teal'c said "They will be hunted down and killed" Sam looks to him "Anyone who does not exist to serve the gods is their enemy".

Staring at him Jack ask "And that makes you..." Looking Teal'c said "I am a Jaffa" He furrow his brow "Bred to serve that they may live" Hearing this Daniel said "I don't understand" Teal'c stops making everyone look to him they watch Teal'c move his chain shirt revealing his pouch that opens for a Symbiote to come out making everyone scream moving back.

The Symbiote screeches a bit Jack ask "What the hell is that" Staring Teal'c said "It is an infant Goa'uld, the larval form of the gods" He looks at Jack "I have carried one since I was a child, as all Jaffa carry one" The Symbiote goes back into the pouch for Teal'c to turn and walk Jack said "Get it out of there".

The group begins to follow Teal'c said "In exchange for carrying the infant Goa'uld until maturity..." Teal'c looks to Jack "...a Jaffa receives perfect health and long life" He looks forward "If I were to remove it, I would eventually die" Shrugging Jack said "Well, if I were you, I'd take my chances".

Meanwhile the two transports arrive at the Stargate one hovers near the DHD and an area begins to open as the other hovers close by and it opens slowly hearing them Jack turns to the group "All right, come on, people, let's go, let's move" He motions and the group goes up the hill while walking up the hill Teal'c said "The boy you seek is no longer who he was".

Jack looks to Teal'c he said "I don't wanna hear that" He turns and follows the group with Teal'c right behind him while under the 2nd transport the hanger opens for rings to come down with a light the rings hover near the floor a transport happens revealing Y/n and three Jaffa then rings went up but suddenly Y/n kicks the Jaffa in front of him catching the other two by surprised.

Y/n stomps on the staff making it flip up for him to grab it spinning it around hitting the other two Jaffa making them groan onto the floor Y/n said "I'm not the one" He fires killing the two Jaffa and Y/n fires again destroying their staffs he turns to the final Jaffa who groans but suddenly Y/n fires his leg making the Jaffa scream "Send my request to Apophis".

He raises the staff and fires hitting one of the rings sending an electrical surge Y/n turns and runs as the transport's sways away from the 1st transport and blows up while the hangar under the Goa'uld ship opens a light shine for rings to come down a transport happens for the Goa'uld appear including Skaara they move to the side.


I stood above the hill watching Apophis and Sha're to appear I kneel down a bit Apophis notice the dead Jaffa and the injured one the helmet opens Apophis ask "Where is he" The Jaffa said "He got away, my lord" I see Apophis angry and use his armoured hand to kill the Jaffa I watch the Goa'uld ship lift up activating it's weapons and leaves I turn and runs down the hill I said "I got to find Jack and the others".

3rd POV

Meanwhile Jack, Teal'c, Sam, and Daniel leads the group through the forest but coming around a mountain is the Goa'uld ship activating its guns noticing Jack yells "Take cover" People immediately begin to move but a shot happen sending a few to the ground the group screams the Goa'uld fires a few more shots on the ground before flying over making a turn coming back.

Noticing Jack gets up on his knee and Teal'c joins him they aim their staffs and fire hitting the ship but no damage the Goa'uld fires hitting the ground sending a few people flying falling to the ground Sam yells "Colonel, we're sitting ducks here" The ship fires again while Apophis and Amaunet walk up to the Stargate hands together.

They let go and Apophis begins to press symbols on the DHD with the Goa'uld watching Apophis press the red button activating the Stargate as Jack and Teal'c got back up grabbing their staffs seeing the ship coming to them again they fire at it having no damage but suddenly two shots hit the guns and destroying them, and Warren stood on a hill with a rocket launcher fires hitting the ship causing a noise.

Meanwhile Apophis and Amaunet walk to the Stargate they turn hearing the noise watching the Goa'uld ship crash onto the ground causing an explosion behind a hill staring at it Apophis and Amaunet turn and enter the Stargate while the group begins to cheer Jack turns to see Kawalsky, Warren and Casey at the top of the hill and with them holding a staff is Y/n.


Kawalsky and Casey stood up on either side Kawalsky yells "Yeah" He raise his arms with Casy I shake my head Jack raise his hand turning to the group motioning them I said "Let's go meet them, Kawalsky" Nodding Kawalsky said "Let's move" We move along the hill watching the group come running up I notice Teal'c among them.

I begin to help a few people Jack said "Great shot" Kawalsky helps him "Especially at the weapons" Shaking his head Kawalsky said "That wasn't me" He points to me "It was him" I help Daniel who ask "How did you escape, Y/n" Looking around I said "Not the best time we have to get out of here" Sam said "He's right".

Jack ask "How many are there" I turn to Kawalsky who said "A dozen, maybe more" He motions where the Stargate is "They're headed back through the gate" Jack ask "What about Skaara" Walking to him I said "Skaara is there" Jack look to me "He's one of them" Jack begins to climb up the hill and we follow him Kawalsky said "Colonel, we don't have much time before they lock us out".

We climb over the hill and run through the forest I run next to Teal'c passing a bush I ask "You saved them from the cell, didn't you" Staring forward Teal'c said "Yes, I did" Breathing I said "I knew there was something different about you" We move forward up another hill Kawalsky calls "Warren, Casey, on my right" Warren and Casey stop turning back to the forest.

I run a bit faster to the top to see Skaara and the two Goa'uld walking to the Stargate I said "They're going to enter" Jack said "No" Suddenly Jack begins to run down the hill "No" I said "Jack" Kawalsky said "Colonel, sir" Teal'c, Sam, Daniel and the group join us and we watch Jack who yells "Skaara" Skaara turns towards Jack and walks down the steps.

I watch Jack stop staring at Skaara who smirks his eye's glow and raise an armoured hand like Apophis sending sonic waves at Jack sending him flying I said "He's one of them, now" Skaara turns and enters the Stargate with the Goa'uld and the two Jaffa while Jack gets up watching the Stargate deactivate "We have to go".

We begin to run down the hill Kawalsky, Daniel, Sam and I run towards Jack who breathes heavily Daniel ask "Did you see the symbols" Jack shake his head Teal'c and the group join us I stare at Jack who breathes heavily at the Stargate.

3rd POV

Meanwhile at Stargate base Hammond stood staring at the Stargate and the door opens Samuels enter he said "Sir, the deadline has been reached" Hammond stares forward "Standing by to seal off stargate, sir" Samuels walk over to Hammond "Awaiting your order, sir" Hammond said "In a minute, Major".


Suddenly I hear Casey said "Sir, we've got movement in the trees, a lot of movement in the trees" I was surprised to hear them "We've got hostiles, sir, hostiles closing in" I watch Kawalsky turn around he said "Okay, people, we're going on a little field trip" He looks to Daniel "Daniel, get busy on that stargate" I move the staff "We got company".

Daniel runs to the DHD, and I turn "Captain, arm your claymores" Sam nods and begins to move "Me and Casey and Warren'll be the last men out" But Jack said "Negative, that's my job" He grabs his hat "Captain, help Daniel" He takes his staff from Teal'c I look to him "Once you've sent the signal, I want you to go through".

Kawalsky begins to motion the group "Tell 'em we're bringing company" Turning I said "Come on, move, move, move" The group follows towards the Stargate "Let's go" I stood aiming my staff at the hill behind a boulder checking before running over to Kawalsky who got a device Sam ask "Dr. Jackson" Daniel said "I've got it, I know I have it".

He had a little book in his hand flipping pages "I know I've got it" Sam said "Come on" I hear Warren said "Sir, we've got hostiles coming out of the trees" I aim my staff at the hill hearing gunfire from the hill and shots passing.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Stargate base Hammond walks forward Samuels said "Sir" Exhaling Hammond said "All right" He nods "Let's seal it off" Samuels stare at him "Lock out their tranmitters" Samuels said "Yes, sir" He turns and walks down the stairs.

Meanwhile Jack turns his head he said "Daniel" Grabbing the page Daniel said "Oh, here" He begins to unfold Sam said "Go, go" Teal'c, Y/n and Jack stood aiming their staffs as Daniel press the symbols Warren and Casey fire at the Jaffa that fire shots at them but a few hits near them Warren said "We can't hold 'em, sir".

Jack, Y/n and Teal'c run forward Daniel said "Send the signal as soon as it opens, Captain" Pointing Jack said "Pull 'em out" Jack, Teal'c and Y/n stood behind three boulders as Kawalsky said "Fall back, fall back" Daniel press the red button and Sam begins to put the transmitter code in while the Stargate activates sending the vortex forward then back.

Meanwhile Samuels runs up the stairs to Hammond who turns he said "Sir, a wormhole as just been established on the other side" Hammond said "Belay my last order" He moves to the stairs "Do not seal the gate or lock out their transmitter codes" Following Samuels said "Yes, sir" They went down the steps Hammond ask "Do we have a remote transmitter signal"?

Looking at the computers Walters said "No signal yet, General" Hammond looks at the Stargate while Sam keeps transmitting Daniel ask "Is it working" He looks at the Stargate with the wind passing Sam said "Oh, let's hope so" She runs to the group "If not, I'll be the first to know".

The computer receives a 'Alert incoming traveller' noticing Walters said "Oh, wait, there it is" Hammond looks at the Stargate watching the iris opens up while Warren and Casey run down the hill hiding behind two boulders just as a row of Jaffa stops at the top of the hill Warren and Casey fire at Jaffa who fires back.

Meanwhile Sam stops looking back before entering the Stargate with Daniel motioning the group to follow him a shot went pass Daniel said "Come on, come on, come on" Daniel helps two men for them to enter the Stargate and people screams while soldiers aim at the Stargate then Sam rolls onto the ramp the soldiers cock their guns.

Sam gets up for two men to enter she said "Hold your fire" She raise her arms "They're refugees" Sam helps the men who sees them Hammond said "I hope you know what you're doing, Captain" They stare at the men while Jack, Y/n and Teal'c fire their staffs at the Jaffa with Warren and Casey firing at them.

Daniel helps a woman enter the Stargate he said "Please, come one, two of you, two of you" A couple head for the Stargate as the Jaffa begin to charge Y/n yells "They're coming" Looking back Jack yells "Hit the Claymores" Kawalsky press the button for the Claymores to detonate killing the Jaffa on top of the hill.

More Jaffa arrive but Kawalsky press the button again for more Claymores to detonate killing more Jaffa and more Jaffa in areas as three people enter through the Stargate as Daniel helps a man he said "Hurry" The Man enters the Stargate "Come on, come on" A woman gets hit "We need cover here" Kawalsky stands up he shouts firing his gun Y/n fires a few shots killing Jaffa in his sight.

Daniel helps a couple for them to enter the Stargate and he runs to the DHD "That's it" Looking back motioning Jack yells "Go" Daniel stares before running and enters the Stargate as more Jaffa runs down the hill Y/n yells "More Jaffa coming" He fires killing another Jaffa while Daniel exits out of the Stargate stumbling on the ramp he walks down looking back Sam ask "They behind you" Daniel said "I hope so".

Meanwhile Casey and Warren run pass Jack and Y/n who fires at the Jaffa before ducking Kawalsky said "Go, go" Jack looks back "Colonel, more hostiles, eight o'clock" More Jaffa coming towards them Y/n, Teal'c and Kawalsky more firing at the Jaffa with a Primitive with them and Jack following firing at them Teal'c and Y/n fire at the Jaffa who fire back.

Casey turns and fires killing a Jaffa but suddenly he got shot making him groan falling onto the ground noticing Kawalsky runs over he yells "Casey" Jack fires killing a Jaffa and he runs helping Kawalsky with Casey to the Stargate while Warren fires before entering the Stargate, Teal'c hits a Jaffa, the Primitive bear hugs another Jaffa tightly and Y/n fires killing another Jaffa.

The Jaffa grunts before the Primitive let's go and the Jaffa lands near Kawalksy who is trying to help Casey but coming out of the Jaffa is an Symbiote who screeches and leaves out of the Jaffa and goes into Kawalsky who groans blinking a bit while Teal'c helps the Primitive into the Stargate with Y/n covering them and enters the Stargate.

Primitive come out of the Stargate the soldiers aim at him, but Sam said "Whoa" Raising his hand Daniel yells "Hold your fire" Sam yells "Hold your fire" Teal'c comes out "Hold your fire" Y/n comes out behind him "They're with us" Hammond looks mouth open while Sam walks up to Teal'c and Y/n who handed them the staffs.

Meanwhile Jack helps Kawalsky pick Casey up and they run entering the Stargate with a couple of Jaffa's entering right behind them Kawalsky, Casey and Jack went through the vortex and coming out of the Stargate on their knees making Teal'c, Primative and Y/n to see them "NOW" Sam looks back "Lock it up" Hammond stares "Lock it up" Walter said "Closing iris".

The iris close behind them and banging is heard, and the Stargate deactivates "Wormhole disengaged" Jack stares at the iris that opens up a Medic runs forward with Sam to Kawalsky who calls "Medic" Jack ask "You got him" Kawalsky said "Yeah, I got him, thanks" Y/n turns to see the group walking up the ramp and they begin to hug him Sam, Jack, and Daniel.

Meanwhile Hammond enters the Stargate room with Samuels and a soldier staring at the group he walks up the ramp with Soldiers on either side Samuels said "Let's go, man down, stand back" Two medics come with a stretcher "Stand back" They help Kawalsky put Casey on the stretcher a Medic calls "Let's get him to the infirmary, let's get him inside".

Jack lets the medics pass by Hammond calls "Colonel O'Neill, care to explain" Looking around Sam said "We can use the stargate to send these people home, sir" Hammond looks before noticing Teal'c raising a hand to point he ask "What's he doing here" Sam and Daniel look to Teal'c for a moment then Jack said "General Hammond, this is Teal'c".

He then place a hand on Y/n's shoulder "This is Y/n they can help us" Y/n and Teal'c stares at Hammond who ask "Do you know what they both are" Nodding Jack said "Yes sir, I do" He turns forward "They're the man and boy who saved our lives" Jack raise his head "And if you accept my recommendation, sir, they'll join SG-1".

Teal'c, Y/n, Sam and Daniel look to Jack but Hammond said "That decision may not be up to you" He turns and leaves Samuels said "Stand back" He motion the group "Let's get 'em off the ramp" Kawalsky is about to get up but he stops holding his head turning around noticing Jack ask "Kawalsky, are you all right"?

Breathing heavily Kawalsky said "Yeah, I'm good" Looking back Hammond said "Colonel O'Niell, Major Kawalsky" Sam, Daniel, Jack, Y/n and Teal'c stood in front of the Stargate "The Sure-to-be-very-interesting debriefing for SG units 1 and 2 will be at 0730" With that he leaves with Samuels turning Jack said "Yes, sir" Samuels said "All right, let's get these people situated".

Daniel looks back to the Stargate he said "She's out there somewhere, Jack" Sam, Teal'c, Y/n and Jack who said "I know" They look back to the Stargate "So's Skaara" Looking to him Daniel ask "So what do we do" Jack said "We find 'em" Jack walks with Teal'c following looking around Y/n said "This sure is an interesting place" Sam smiles walking with him and Daniel follows while Kawalsky looks at the Stargate before walking down the ramp he stops and suddenly Kawalsky eye's glow.

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