Into the Spider-Verse: Son of...

By TheCayde

39.4K 1.1K 407

Bitten by a radioactive spider in the subway, Brooklyn teenager Miles Morales suddenly develops mysterious po... More

The Prelude to THE Prelude
Gabriel's shocking introduction
Im dead!?
Her friends call her Liv
You're like me
We don't pick the ballroom
Finale: Leap of faith
Let There Be Carnage Cast
LTBC Issue 1: Broken Bonds
LTBC Issue 2: My Crush Has A Parasite
Relax and laugh
LTBC Issue 3: He Has One Up His Ass Too!
LTBC Issue 4: Shriek
LTBC Issue 5: Death to you Father
ATSV: Self Love
ATSV: That hit the Spot

ATSV: Father and Son

1.3K 46 9
By TheCayde

His phone starts to ring. It's his friend Petra. He picks up.

Gabriel: Hey, Petra.

Petra: Hey, Gabe. Me and May are at work, and, um... my brother just walked in.

Gabriel immediately realizes the danger and travels to the FEAST facility, Petra and May's workplace, passing a sign spray-painted "JJJ WAS RIGHT". He enters the building and scours it very haphazardly, in his civies.

Gabriel: May? Petra? Where's May?

As an employee points.

Gabriel: Thank you.

He runs into a room, breathing heavily, before suddenly stopping. Petra and May is sitting at a table with Peter Parker, both holding cups of tea.

May: Hey, here he is. Peter.

Gabriel: Pete?

Peter: Gabe... we need your help.

Gabriel: We?

Click, click, click. The door of Anya, Gwen and Gabriel's apartment is unlocked. From the viewpoint of the entrance security camera, we see Anya opening the door as the villains enter their living space in the following order: Peter, Otto, Max, who glances menacingly at the camera for a second, causing it to glitch, and finally Flint. The last ones to come in before Anya is Petra, Gabriel May.

Gabriel: Where's Connors?

May: He told me he wants to stay in the truck.

Gabriel: Okay.

Petra: I can't believe you were Spider-Man! And you guys live in a condo!

Spider-Man proceeds to close the door.

Anya: Okay. I feel kinda bad using our place like this.

Gabriel: We'll get over it.

Anya: Uhh may I remind you that your girlfriend is fused with an alien that feeds off heads.

Gabriel: Gwen will get over it.

Electro fires a dim pulse of energy at the TV, causing it to turn on. On the news we see that the majority of American society - 67% - has voted against the addition of Captain America's shield to the Statue of Liberty in a national plebiscite. Sandman sits down on the couch, immediately leaving some dirt on it.

Flint Marko: Oh, sorry.

He tries to remove it, soiling it even more

Otto Octavius: So this is your plan, O'Hara? Mmm? No lab, no facilities, just performing miracles in a condominium? What, you're gonna cook up some cures, some frozen burritos in a microwave?

Peter: I could go for a burrito.

Otto Octavius: He's gonna kill us all.

Gabriel: Well, let's hope not. You're up first, Doc.

He heads to his room next door

Otto Octavius: What? Hey, I told you. I don't need fixing. I don't need fixing! Especially by a teenager using scraps from a bachelor's junk drawer.

Electro walks up, clearly interested in whatever is in the other room.

Max Dillon: No, no, no, no. He got something back there. I can feel it. Weird energy...

Inside his room, Gabriel walks up to the covered rectangular box-like object from earlier. He removes the sheet, revealing an elaborate device made by Stark Industries.

Anya: Are you sure?

Gabriel: Yeah. Plus you need a suit sooner or later.

Peter: What the hell is that?

Gabriel: It's a fabricator.

Spider-Man presses a button on its surface, causing it to unfold into what can be called a household engineering lab.

Anya: It can analyze, design, construct... basically anything.

May: I thought that was a tanning bed.

From one of the device's recesses springs the Arc Reactor. It catches Electro's attention, his eyes briefly glow yellow

Max Dillon: Look at that.

The device finishes unfolding itself. Upon the Arc Reactor's activation, a sudden outburst of energy destroys one of the kitchen closets, causing Doc Ock, still in the living room, to flinch in fear.

Otto Octavius: He's gonna kill us all.

Outside, the FEAST truck abruptly shakes, startling two random passerbies. The Lizard is definitely having a great time. Back in the apartment, Gabriel and Peter are standing next to the fabricator, with the former explaining the intricacies of Octavius' tentacles to the latter, using the visual symbols and semi-tangible 3D models, the staple of Stark Industries technology.

Gabriel: So, the chip in the back of Doc's neck was designed to protect his brain from the A.I. system that's controlling these tentacles. But if you look here... The chip is fried. So rather than him being in control of the tentacles, the tentacles are now in control of him. Which, I guess explains why... he is so miserable all the time.

May walks up to Doctor Octopus with a glass.

May: Thirsty?

Otto Octavius: Well, yes. I am thirsty.

May: Fresh water or salt? You know, because you're an octopus.

Otto Octavius: What?

May: Fresh water it is.

Electro stares out of the window, observing New York.

Max Dillon: Look at this place. And all the possibilities.

Flint Marko: What? This condo?

Max Dillon: Yeah. yeah, the condo. I love the whole overfloor plan. No. No, man. I'm talking about the world. I kinda like who I am here. And all that power back there... I could be so much more. So why did you come here?

Flint Marko: I have a daughter. And I wanna see her. But he's not gonna send anyone home. Till he's finished his little science project back there.

Max Dillon: You trust him?

Flint Marko: I don't trust anyone. How'd you end up like that anyway?

Max Dillon: Oh, the place where I worked at... They were experimenting with electricity created by living organisms, and then... I fell into a vat of electric eels.

Flint Marko: You're kidding. I fell into a supercollider.

Max Dillon: Damn. Gotta be careful where you fall.

Back in Gabriel's room, him and Peter are preparing the neural inhibitor chip. Osborn watches in fascination as young O'Hara carefully aligns pieces, completing the device.

Peter: Remarkable. The technology and you. When all this is over, if you need a job and you're willing to Stark Industries...

Gabriel puts the last element in its place. The chip is finally ready. Both he and Peter smile in delight

Gabriel: It worked. That totally worked!

He rushes back to the living room, showing the device to Anya, Petra and May.

Gabriel: I got it. I did it. I did it. Will you send him up?

May: Yup. Here we go.

Gabriel runs upstairs, onto the mezzanine, while May controls the holographic device, sending Octavius upwards.

Gabriel: Sorry.

May: Hold on, Doc!

May lifts Doctor Octopus to Gabriel's level.

Otto Octavius: Oh, will all these humiliations never cease?! You!

He notices Gabriel is about to "fix" him.

Otto Octavius: Keep your science fair project away from me!

Peter: Hey, it will work. Have faith.

Otto Octavius: Says the reckless fool who turned himself and his friend into a monster.

Peter goes silent, evidently subdued and somewhat offended.

Gabriel: Please stop. Hold still.

Otto Octavius: Don't you dare!

Anya, Petra, May, Norman, Max and Flint watch in suspense as Spider-Man struggles to immobilize Doc Ock's head.

Otto Octavius: I swear... when I get out of this, we're gonna rip you a...

Gabriel finally manages to place the chip on his neck. Doc's head sinks down, as if he's a robot being powered down.

Gabriel: Doc? Doc? Doc? Doctor Octa-

Otto's head quickly lifts up. He breathes heavily, it's as if he has woken up from a heavy nightmare

Otto Octavius: It's so quiet... Those voices... Inside my head... I-I'd almost forgotten...

Peter: Otto.

Otto Octavius: Yes... Peter.

He descends and stops on the floor, with a joyful expression all over his face

Otto Octavius: It's me.

Gabriel jumps back down.

Flint Marko: Would you look at that.

Spider-Man slides his fingers against the nanotech remote control for the last time, and one of Otto's tentacles pulls forward, pressing against Anya's chest, transferring stolen metal particles. Programmable metal melds with the fabric of Anya's clothes, creating a one and only Spider-Woman Suit. It has some really impressive looking white patterns, thanks to the nanotech.

Anya: Woah... new threads. Better than my scarlet design.

Gabriel: Major upgrade you even have a mask instead of those goggles.

Anya: Uh-huh. Now that I think about it you need a new color scheme too. What do you think about white?

Gabriel: No.

Otto Octavius: I'm grateful, dear boy. Truly.

They shake hands.

Gabriel: Yeah. You're welcome.

Otto Octavius: How can I help?

Doctor Octopus, Anya and Gabriel are overseeing the creation of the anti-Goblin serum, with Peter doing some calculations on a nearby board.

Otto Octavius: (sympathetic) How does it feel, Peter? You're about to become whole again. No more darker half. Just you.

Peter: Just me.

He turns to Octavius, with a surprisingly jovial expression on his face. Otto reciprocates the smile. In the living room, Anya prepares to start curing Electro with a newly constructed electricity drainer.

Anya: Okay... Umm... It just goes right here, this...

Max looks at her suspiciously as Anya embeds the drainer on his chest. The device hums, stagnates, clicks and beeps, signifying the start of its procedure.

Anya: That should be drawing power now. I'm gonna come back in a second just to check on it, but... keep an eye on the lights. When they're all green, it means all the electricity in your body's dissipated. Well, not all the electricity. I mean, obviously you know you need electricity for your brain to function... Your nervous system is... I'm not really sure why I'm explaining electricity to you.

Max shakes his head, not sure why Anya is doing that either

Max Dillon: Can I ask you a question?

Anya: Sure.

Max Dillon: Is he your boyfriend?

Before she can respond, Anya hears a sound from the fabricator. It's the anti-collider for Sandman, which has just finished its initial construction stage.

Any: I gotta go. I'll be back.

She leaves. Electro is left in the living room with Sandman. As the electricity sapper ignites the first light with a beep, he hisses, as if the thing is inflicting pain on him.

Max Dillon: Something feels off.

Flint Marko: What do you mean?

A slow, unnerving music creeps in, starting to build tension, which is only going to rise from now on.

Max Dillon: I don't like this.

Flint Marko: Leave it alone. The sooner you guys get through with this, the sooner we go home. Remember the plan.

The drainer beeps again. Electro sits with his teeth gnashed. Inside the FEAST truck, the Lizard's eyes narrow as he overhears the conversation. He's smiling. He'd been expecting this.

Curt Connors: And so it begins...

Back in the apartment, Gabriel is tinkering with the anti-collider when his Spider-Sense Tingle goes off, sending warning signs from every direction. Gabriel stands up, with Otto and Peter tailing behind him.

Inside the FEAST truck, the Lizard's eyes narrow as he overhears the conversation. He's smiling. He'd been expecting this.

Curt Connors: And so it begins...

Back in the apartment, Gabriel is tinkering with the anti-collider when his Spider-Sense goes off, sending warning signs from every direction. Gabriel stands up, with Otto and Peter tailing behind him.

Otto Octavius: Gabriel?

Peter: What's wrong?

Gabriel: I don't know. May?

They move through the corridor and enter living space. May is holding a scented candle

May: What is it, Gabriel?

Flint Marko: What's happening?

Peter, his face neutral, walks over to the window in the back.

Max Dillon: Why are you looking at me like that?

Gabriel closes his eyes, focusing his instincts. Peter moves to the side of the room, with Octavius watching him closely. The tension rises further and further, with camera panning on the faces of Petra, May, Anya, Flint, Dillon, Octavius and Peter, until Gabriel fires a web at Peter's hand, sticking it against the counter. Peter smiles creepily, his other side is in control.

Green Goblin: That's some neat trick, that sense of yours.

Petra: Pete?

Green Goblin: Peter's on sabbatical, honey.

Max Dillon: The hell?

Anya: The Goblin...

Green Goblin: "No more darker half?"

As Petra moves to the kitchen.

Green Goblin: Did you really think that I'd let that happen? That I'd let you take away my power, just because you're blind to what true power can bring you?

Gabriel: You don't know me.

Green Goblin: Don't I?

Petra grabs the anti-collider and both serums from a stash, and puts it in a bag.

Green Goblin: I saw how she trapped you, fighting her... holy moral mission.

Petra returns to the living space next to May.

Green Goblin: We don't need you to save us. We don't need to be fixed!

He looks over to Max

Green Goblin: These are not curses. They're gifts.

Max looks down at his drainer. It's two bars away from ridding him of his power.

Otto Octavius: Peter, no.

Green Goblin: Quiet, lapdog.

Gabriel: You don't know what you're talking about.

Green Goblin: I watched you from deep behind Peter's cowardly eyes. Struggling, to have everything you want, while the world tries to make you choose.

Another beep. The drainer has nearly completed its procedure.

Green Goblin: Gods don't have to choose.

Max looks at his device again

Green Goblin: We take.

Anya: Petra, May... run.

Petra and May turns around and runs as the score blasts into full battle mode. Max removes the drainer from his chest. Peter maliciously tears the webbing away, freeing himself. Electro steps forward, fires a lightning bolt and pulls the Arc Reactor towards him, frying the Stark fabricator in the process, much to Otto Anya and Gabriel's shock. Peter takes advantage, slamming Gabriel against the stairs.

Flint, knowing the jig is up, takes the third option and turns into sand, flying out of the window. Electro's newly enhanced power causes a momentary blackout in the building, freezing the elevators which Petra and May is unable to use right now. Doctor Octopus looks at Max with dread.

Otto Octavius: Oh, my God. What have you done?

Max Dillon: I liked you better before.

He fires a stream of electricity towards Octavius, sending him flying through the apartment wall. Otto starts to fall to his death while a section of ghastly strings plays in the background, but he's able to grab the side of the building with his mechanical tentacles, still intact due to their anti-magnetic properties.

J. Jonah Jameson: Up here! He's up there. It's the guy from the bridge.

Using his claws, Octavius, knowing there's nothing he can do, scurries away along several nearby buildings. Meanwhile, Petra and May take the fire escape, quickly descending to the groundfloor. Electro ignites, lightning and electricity exuding from every inch of his fiber.

Max and Sandman create a thunderous sandstorm, which traps the newly arrived policemen, reporters and Jameson inside. The side of the F.E.A.S.T. van rips open, preceded by two claw marks. The Lizard breaks through and runs away, confusing Jameson.

J. Jonah Jameson: Did you see that?

Dillon and Marko split in opposite directions, a cloud of sand and a deadly lightning tearing through the night sky of Long Island. Meanwhile, Petra and May continues their descent as Gabriel and Peter beat the shit out of each other to the tune of ominous choir, short trumpet section and rhythmic drum beats.

Unfortunately, the kid is unable to gain the upper hand, being thrown through windscreens constantly. Even when he manages to lift the Goblin in the air and slam him down through a story to a lower one with his feet, his opponent quickly regains advantage, when Gabriel tries to web away.

Green Goblin: No, you don't!

He smashes Gabriel through another window. All is recorded by the Daily Bugle helicopter. The fight moves to a hallway. Gabriel enters it by being thrown by Petrr and smashing a wall, while Peter simply busts another wall and walks in like a boss.

Green Goblin: Strong enough to have it all...

O'Hara rises up, grabs a piece of the wall and hurls it at the Goblin, to no avail. The maniac grabs and holds him place.

Green Goblin: ...too weak to take it!

He hits Gabriel, knocking away a few meters. Anya arrives, leaping and performs a flying triangle choke on Green Goblin, pinning him to a nearby wall and hitting him repeatedly. But the Goblin absolutely no-sells this, smiling more and more with each hit. Anya freezes as the corrupted Parker cackles maniacally in her face.

Anya hits him a few more times, but Peter simply unpins himself and performs a stunning powerbomb/spinebuster onto Gabriel sending both spiders crashing through another floor. After looking down on his adversaries lying in quiet pain, Parker turns around and leaves the frame. Gabriel and Anya gets back up and starts hobbling, holding their ribs.

Gabriel smashes a window with his webbing and climbs outside, sticking to the side of the building to catch a break, breathing heavily. Realizing their being lit by the Daily Bugle helicopter, Gabriel looks down and sees a familiar face below, on the ground. The Lizard springs out of nowhere and grabs them both by their chests.

Curt Connors: I told you there'd be consequences!

He flings them through another window and scurries away. Peter takes over the fight again. He tosses Gabriel against the hallway's ceiling and grabs him, performing yet another masterful body slam with such force they both fall down, crashing through multiple stories.

Petra and May reaches the end of the fire escape, making it to the lobby just as Gabriel and Peter arrive there, crashing in front of the lobby's front door, surrounded by heaps of debris. When the dust vanishes and the smoke clears, we see the Goblin leaning over a near-unconscious Gabriel. The Green Goblin places his hands on Gabe's neck and squeezes.

Green Goblin: Your weakness, Gabriel, is morality. It's choking you! Can you feel it?!

May quickly runs towards Peter and plunges the injector meant to cure him into his neck. After letting out a ghastly scream, he pulls it out and throws it to the ground. The antidote wasn't finished

Green Goblin: It didn't work. Peter was right. He got it from you.

He angrily stomps on Gabriel's back.

Green Goblin: That pathetic sickness!

He then pulls the helpless young man up by his head, forcing him to look at his friends as May grabs a pieces of rebar from the broken entrance ceiling.

Green Goblin: You tried to fix me...

Gabriel: May, go... May...

Green Goblin: Now... I'm gonna fix you.

The Goblin's glider descends upon the lobby, positioning itself right behind May.

Gabriel: May, run, please...

May swings the rebar and the Goblin Glider accelerates, flying through the front doors with a devastating smash, and strikes her, sending her to the ground.

Petra: May!

The glider circles through the destroyed lobby and plaza. The Green Goblin jumps on its top, demonic organs only enhancing his demonic presence.

Green Goblin: Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel... No good deed goes unpunished. You can thank me later.

The Goblin spares a glance towards where May lies, nearly motionless, on the ground, breathing weakly. Spider-Man realizes what's about to happen just as Prker sets the timer on a Pumpkin Bomb grenade, throwing it towards Petra's fallen guardian.

Petra: No!

Peter then takes off as Gabriel leaps towards the explosive and manages to barely deflect it before it detonates, knocking him and Petra away. Flying away, Peter throws another projectile towards the remaining cops. The bomb goes off and, while nobody dies, it absolutely razes the plaza, pulverizes and sets the lobby on fire through a series of orange and green explosions.

At the end, the broken entrance ceiling collapses to the ground in flames. May Gabriel, and Petra slowly get back up on their feet, still recovering and coughing.

Petra: May?

May: Peter... Gabriel.

Petra: May, we're here.

May runs over and hugs them tightly.

Gabriel: I'm here. Are you okay?

May: Uh-huh.

Petra: Are you okay?

May l: Uh-huh!

May releases them, then stumbles over her own feet.

Petra: It's okay. We're okay, right?

May: Uh-huh. Yeah. Just knocked on my ass...

Gabriel: Yeah, me too.

May: That's all.

Gabriel: I think I broke my ribs.

They stand together in the wreckage for a few moments.

Gabriel: This is all my fault, May.

May: N-No.

Gabriel: I should've known this was a trap...

May: You did the right thing. They would have been killed. You did the right thing.

Gabriel: It's not my responsibility, May.

May: Oh. What P-Peter said? "My moral mission"? No.

Peter Parker: No, May, you don't...

May Parker: No. No, Gabriel. Listen. You listen to me. You have a gift. You have power. And with great power, there must also come great responsibility.

Gabriel: Yeah. I know.

May: Let's get the hell out of here. I just... need to... catch...

She collapses to the ground.

Petra: What happened? Are you okay? Yeah, you're okay. What happened?

May tries to smile with utmost effort.

May: Just help me... to catch my breath...

Gabriel: Okay. Well, catch your breath. I'm right here. We're gonna take our time, you catch your breath, and... and we'll take you to a doctor, okay?

He takes his fingers off her shoulder and notices in fear they're covered in blood. He looks at her in tears.

May: What is it?

Petra: Somebody help! I need an ambulance! Please, somebody...

May: What happened?

Gabriel: Nothing. You're okay. You're okay.

May: I'll just... catch my breath...

Gabriel: Okay. I'm right here. I'm right here. I'm right here. We're okay. Just me, Petra and you.

Suddenly, May stops breathing.

Petra: May? May? Will you look at me, May? Please? May? May? What are you doing, May? Please, will you just wake up and talk to me, please?

Gabriel: Petra...

Petra: Gabe... when you see Peter. I want you to kill him.

The entire scene goes black. We open to several hours later as Gabriel is shown taking a good, deep breath of relief. That doesn't last long, however, as he notices Green Goblin lying several tens of meters behind. He turns to him, adopting a battle stance, glaring with rage. The Goblin stands up and removes his goggles revealing himself. Play time's over.

Green Goblin: Poor Gabriel. Too weak... to send me home to my sister.

Gabriel: No... I just wanna kill you myself.

Green Goblin: Attaboy. If all it took was me dropping poor little Felicia on her head then killing May just to get you angry. I would've done it on our first encounter!

The two charge and clash, exchanging blows with even more bitterness and rage than before. Gabriel fires two webs at Goblin, which he evades swiftly and swings at the young webslinger. Gabriel bends down, avoiding the blow, and webs Goblin's foot to the surface, then gives him a massive punch, sending him to the ground.

He then tries to perform a possibly lethal jump slam attack, but Goblin frees himself soon enough and rolls over. He rises up, pulls out a blade from his gauntlet, whistles, and smiles like crazy. The fighting commences again. Gabriel performs a few shaky evasions before he gets a good hit on Goblin, He evades the blade again, but Goblin strikes him in the face with his other hand.

O'Hara recovers almost instantly and webs Goblin's legs to the surface again and strikes him in the rib, but Goblin slashes his arm with one of the spikes sticking out from his armor. Enraged, Gabriel violently strikes him in the face, knocking him back. The maniac frees himself once again, strikes but to no avail, and finally loses the upper hand. Gabriel disarms him, strikes him a couple times, webs him, and pulls him to his knee, punching him, then grabs him and performs a revenge suplex, ruthlessly throwing his opponent to the ground.

Goblin cannot respond to the fight anymore. Gabriel lands a barrage of blows on his face, each succeeding punch being stronger. Iron Man, Strange, and now a portal opens revealing two spider-men one was Miguel O'Hara and the other was Jessica Drew watch their recruit actions in horror. Lyla then glitches onto Miguel's shoulder her voice in panic.

Lyla: Miguel! He's gonna break his own canon! We gotta stop him!

Jessica: Miguel...

Miguel: I know. I got this.

Gabriel finally stops beating the Goblin and goes to pick up his glider. He raises it over his head and brings it down on Green Goblin's own head with a rageful scream. Miguel appears and grabs the glider. Gabriel tries to push through and reach the Goblin, but the 2099 Spider-Man does not let go.

Gabriel: Who the hell are you?!

Miguel: Not important. You got him. He's done.

Gabriel: What do you know? You don't know what he took from me!

Miguel: I know enough.

He doesn't scold his somewhat alike counterpart, however. Instead, he looks at him with understanding, compassion, and plea even though Gabriel doesn't realize who he is. Even though he had his mask on he could feel the sincerity on his face slowly but gradually cools Gabriel down.

He lowers the glider and drops it. As if on cue, Green Goblin pulls out another blade and plunges it into Miguel's back. Miguel plummets to the ground in silent pain. Jessica, holding Peter's cure, rushes towards them, gasping. Gabriel glares at Peter again.

Green Goblin: She was there... because of you... I may have dropped her, but you... You are the one that killed her.

He bursts out in a maniacal cackle as Gabriel starts to get enraged.

Jessica: Spider-Man!

Gabriel looks over as Jessica throws Gabriel the cure, which Gabriel catches and plunges into the Goblin's neck. He stops laughing and has a look of horror in his eyes when the serum is released. Gabriel violently rips out the cure from Peter's neck. Miguel, wounded but alive, smiles as Peter Parker sinks to his knees, free of his alternate personality at last.

Peter: Gabe?

He looks down at Miguel in remorse.

Peter: What have I done?

Gabriel just stares angrily at Peter. Jessica joins them, bending over Miguel to see how he's doing

Miguel: It's you...

Jessica: You okay?

Miguel: Ugh... Yeah, I'm good. I've... I've been stabbed before.

Jessica: Oh, God. Good, good, good...

Gabriel: Hey.

Jessica: Hey, nice catch.

Gabriel: Nice throw. Who are you guys? And why does he look like me?

He points over at Miguel who winces as he stands up and walks over to Gabriel towering over him.

Miguel: Don't point. I hate pointing.

Gabriel slowly raised his hand again as they didn't break eye contact.

Miguel: Stop it.

Gabriel: Stop what?

Miguel: You're pointing again.

Gabriel: No Im not.

Miguel: Yes you are.

Gabriel: You got no proof.

Miguel: I can clearly see you pointing at my chest right now.

It zooms out showing Gabriel indeed pointing at Miguel's stomach as he smirks. While Miguel gave a small chuckle.

Miguel: You got spunk kid. I knew selecting you was a good idea.

Gabriel: Woah, woah, woah, woah. Selected for what exactly?

Miguel: I am Spider-Man from Earth-928 and the year 2099. I lead an elite strike force dedicated to the security of the multiverse. But as for you kid, you can call me...

He takes off his mask revealing his face to Gabriel who just looks in shock.

Gabriel: Dad...?

Miguel: Hey Mijo.

Gabriel: What type of "Luke, I'm your father" bullshit just happened?! This-this makes no sense you're dead! Kassidy-

Miguel: Murdered me and your mother the night you went out to a wrestling show to get us some extra cash.

Gabriel then backed away slowly as Miguel took out another watch. He tosses it to his son who looks down at it in confusion.

Miguel: There's a lot going on right now. But I'll explain everything at the base.

Gabriel: Base?

Miguel: Like I said. It'll be explained. You in Mijo?

Gabriel looked down at Peter as he was helped up by Anya and Iron Man. Then he turns to what felt like a dream his father in front of him, Anya just nods to him and slowly Gabriel nods slapping the watch on his wrist and puts his mask back on.

Gabriel: Let's roll.



Sorry if it was a bit confusing. Also Y'all want Swing in this arc?🌚

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