Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x...

By littleratremy

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This story contains TRANS characters and is a LESBIAN love story. Men DNI. Respect every characters identity... More



639 51 3
By littleratremy

"Not all lycans are like him," I laughed as Artemis evened out her chariot and began circling the village. "...Can you do me a favor?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"Get me my supplies from Olympus? That castle could use a doctor."

Artemis snorted and faced me. "...Your feelings never faded, did they?"

"I tried to move on," I sighed and glanced over the edge of the chariot. "...Seeing her brought everything back. Seeing her be a Mom..."

"Put those feelings into overdrive? Please don't tell me you're getting baby fever."

"Ye-yeah to the feelings, no to baby fever. At least, not yet."

Artemis giggled and closed her eyes, soaking up the sun before responding. "Your Father will be heartbroken that you're leaving, but he'll be glad that you're taking your life into your own hands again."

A bittersweet smile rested on my face, knowing she was right. "How difficult would it be for him to visit?"

"He'd need to make sure Lady Dimitrescu is alright with it, but it shouldn't be too hard. If anything, he can say he needs to resupply you. There are items around the village that can be used to make medicine, but medicine for you demigods? Not so much."

"He'll survive. You know, you two never did give me the specifics of how my Mother died. You were with her when it happened."

"Sadly, everything you know is what happened," Artemis sighed and moved closer to me, leaning on the chariot as she glanced down. "Did he give you one of her feathers?"

"It's on Olympus," I sighed. "Mind grabbing that for me too?"

"Not at all. Did Hunter still have yours?"

"Mhm. Perfect condition."

"And how did you feel when that happened?"

My butterflies erupted in my stomach at the memory. "...Alive."

Artemis smiled and took my hand in hers, kissing the back of it before letting go. "Good. I missed seeing my niece happy."

"...Isa's never going to forgive themself."

"It's not in their nature," Artemis agreed. "They'll never forgive themself for hurting someone they care about. Grief makes Isa lose control."

"The last time I remember was when they scorched half of a town searching for Prometheus to avenge their halfbrother's death."

"So you remember that their responses can vary, good. When Basil died, no one knew what to expect from Isa. Shock and sex were not what we expected, but it's better than them going on a killing spree."

"...I don't even think I've accepted it, so I guess I get it. There is an emptiness... knowing he's gone..."

"You were close with all of them," She reminded me. "And you're a healer. You'll naturally grieve more than the others."

"It's just... Remembering the promises and the laughs... Fuck," I breathed as tears pricked my eyes. "He seriously dove in to save Isa? He was terrified of water."

"He feared losing his best friend more. Isa curses themself for not being fast enough, but truthfully, if Basil hadn't dove in and saved them, they would've both died. Isa was already close to being eaten — Basil diving in and helping is what threw that monster off and gave Hunter the time to get Isa away before it came back."

'...Both?' My heart ached at the thought of Isa being dead as well. 'I would've been reunited with Hunter sooner, but she wouldn't be the same at all. Was this really the best timeline?'

"Ready to head back? The moon shouldn't be in the sky for this long. Humans will notice."

"You make me cry and want to drop me off again?!"

Artemis laughed and hugged me, holding my head against her chest. "I'm sorry! We can stay up a bit longer, I just wanted to remind you that we should head back at some point and stop going over the past."

"...I know what I can talk to Hunter about now though. They were all sent down to different locations, right?"

"Mhm. Isa was in a lake. Basil landed nearby."

"What about Hunter?"

"I thought you wanted to ask her about that?" Artemis hummed with a smirk.

"Good point," I muttered and glanced up. "Helios is out today? Not Dad?"

"Yeah, Helios got bored and your Father said he'd find something to do."

"He always does."

"I'll give him that. He does try to stay busy. Whether it's productive, however, depends on his mood."

I giggled and turned my gaze back to the village. "I'm well aware. The cadou... What is it exactly?"

"Ask Miranda about that," Artemis groaned. "She used to call it 'The Black God,' so, I think it'll be interesting to hear it from her."

"Great. A cult."

Artemis laughed. "Yeah, but they're... Well, you'll see. I think you'll find this to be an interesting place."

"Then I should head back," I snorted before glancing at Helios's chariot. "This is the best place to stretch my wings though."

"Do that, then we'll descend. Who's going to take care of my reindeer with me now?"

"Just bring them by," I laughed and let my wings extend. "They're all the best girls and deserve the best treatment."

"You'd stand out in the cold with me to brush them?"

"I promised I'd help you take care of them, didn't I?"

Artemis giggled and gently pinched my cheek. "You're the best niece."

I laughed and swatted her hand away. "Because I have an amazing aunt."

"Don't let the others hear that."

"...I do have a lot."

"Yeah... Yeah, you do."

"How many annoy you?" I smirked, enjoying the wind between my feathers.

"You know, you and Miranda can talk about what that feels like," Artemis dodged my question as she faced me. "Maybe it'll get her to take better care of her wings."

"She doesn't?!"

"She doesn't stretch them as often as you do. Mostly to display dominance."

"...That's kinda hot, not gonna lie," I muttered, ignoring her eye roll. "But not healthy. I guess I have to get this village into shape too."

"No, just the lords and the ones in the castle. You'll overextend yourself otherwise. Be a healer, but live your life too. What are you going to do when you get back?"

"...Have a snack then maybe hang with Hunter for a bit," I hummed. "And then join Dani in whatever she's doing when Hunter needs to get back to work."

"When do you plan to befriend her sisters?"

"In time! One at a time. I get overwhelmed around pretty women."

"Now you sound like me," Artemis snorted.

"So you aren't immune to getting flustered?!"

"You know, you're old enough for me to kick your ass now."

I grinned and tucked my wings away, hugging her as we began descending. "Have I ever told you that you're my favorite?"

"That won't save your ass," Artemis laughed and patted my arm. "I'll try to be quick in returning with your things."

"Thank you for this, Auntie. I didn't realize how much I needed some fresh air. Away from Olympus and that castle."

"All you have to do is ask, and I'll bring you up here. It's better when you don't have to fly to keep the altitude."

"I agree," I giggled as we landed. "Oh, and bring a few cookbooks?"

"I know what to bring," She laughed and walked me back into the castle. "Now, go eat something! I'll be back later!"

Isa stopped and waited for me when they were walking through the entrance, making me gently nudge them. "What were you doing?"

"Fixing that elevator," They muttered, making me notice their trembling.

"...I'm not mad anymore. That trip with Arti? It helped a lot. More than anything else so far, actually."


"Yeah, seriously. I mean, there's always the chance for me to give her a daughter," I shrugged with a smirk, watching Isa relax. "You're the one that always said that if you ever had a kid, you wanted it to be a boy."

"So my Dad can have a grandson, yeah."

"You had your one," I giggled. "It's my turn to have her."

Isa laughed as we entered the kitchen. "All yours. What should I make for the maids? Something quick?"

"Pizza?" I suggested with a scoff. "I'm sure they won't care about something so basic. Truthfully, I'd get tired of fancy eating. Sometimes I just want a pizza or a taco."

"I know what you mean... I know what I'll make the ladies for lunch now, thank you. I'll make the maids some pizza."

"...Where'd Hunter get off to?"

"Cleaning while Dani watches Costin, why?"

"I need to eat, and I was hoping she'd join me."

"...I'll make you something to hold you over until the food's ready. She'll be in the east wing. It shouldn't be hard to find her after that. The deep clean is beginning this week, so we're starting at the beginning of each wing for now."

"Who has the west wing if you're here?"

"A maid named Adina," Isa hummed while grabbing ingredients. "She and Lady Dimitrescu are... Well, it's obvious she likes the Lady."

I hummed and raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the information. "I'm sensing there's a 'but,' to this story?"

"...But, Adina's extremely closeted. Raised by people who just didn't acknowledge people like us existed, so she didn't know women could like each other until she got here."

"How did she handle adapting to you and Hunter then?"

"Shockingly? It wasn't difficult for her. The only challenge for her is accepting her feelings."

"And the Lady?"

"She's amused," Isa giggled. "I think she likes the girl but doesn't want to admit anything until Adina can accept it."

I hummed with intrigued, leaning on the counter as I watched them cook. "Have you been trying to help that along?"

"...Maybe... Will you help?"

"I'll need something to do other than keeping everyone alive."

"So you are staying? Not just for a few days?"

"...My heart won't let me leave her again, you know that. Besides, I'm Costin's guardian angel."


"That was my fate. My first Guardian target was to be your son, no matter who the other parent was."

"And I swore it would only ever be Hunter because I didn't trust anyone else," Isa sighed. "So it was determined a long time ago..."

"I can hate the fates instead of being upset with you," I giggled before noticing the door open. "Who-?"

"Ma! Mama!"

Isa's head snapped to the door before flies swarmed over and picked up Costin. "I set him down for five seconds..."

Isa laughed and handed me a plate. "Here's your snack, [Y/N]. Costin, I have to start lunch, baby. Stay with Mama Dani, okay? I'll be back."

"Mama!" Costin whined and reached for Isa, making me shake my head with a smile.

"Isa, I can make the food," I suggested. "Dani, would you like to help me?"

"What are we making?!"

"Pizza! Sometimes it's nice to return to basics instead of fancy meals," I giggled, watching Daniela's eyes sparkle.

"...What's our lunch?" She asked Isa while handing Costin to them.

"...Tacos? Do-do you want Pizza?! I-I can-"

"Calm down," Daniela giggled and kissed their cheek. "That's fine too. Making something Mother doesn't know you're making? You might get killed."

"And upset her daughters? I doubt it," Isa snorted as Costin smiled at me.

"Can I help you, sir?" He giggled with me after my question, making my smile widen. "He's in a friendlier mood."

"Mm. He fell asleep to his Nana reading to him, it always puts him in a better mood."

"Are you sure Mel isn't helping with that?"

Isa smirked and kissed Costin's head. "She helps get rid of his nightmares, but he's rarely seen her — or any of the gods, really. We wanted to get him used to the Dimitrescu's and all of the people in the castle before introducing him to his plethora of aunts and cousins."

"So he knows your parents, right?"

"Of course!" Daniela giggled. "Queen Persephone loves visiting — she helps bring life to the castle. King Hades joins on occasion, but he can't stay for long periods."

"I figured as much," I sighed while grabbing everything I'd need for pizza. "When do you plan to take him to the Underworld?"

"Maybe when he's two," Isa hummed, making Costin tilt his head. "It'll be overwhelming, so I want to make sure he's not too young. I'd rather him cling to me than just start crying."

"When do you plan to let him meet your siblings?"

"Soon, actually. Zagreus and Mak plan to visit tomorrow."

"And Mel?"

"Well, you know how she is," Isa chuckled as Daniela moved over to assist me. "Mel likes to just... Appear."

"Like you?"

"I had to learn from someone."

We all giggled as Daniela and I worked on the pizza — with me occasionally stopping to snack on what Isa made me. Costin babbled and giggled throughout the time, helping me stay relaxed until the pizzas were in the oven. 'Basic pizzas, but the best we can do with the ingredients and not knowing what toppings people like,' I smiled when Isa walked over and cleaned some flour off of Daniela's cheek with a giggle. Before I could get lost in my thoughts, the kitchen door opened to reveal an exhausted-looking Hunter.

"Isa, the Lady wants to speak with you... And I'm going to strangle one of those maids if they mess up again."

"Sounds like you need a break," I giggled and walked over to the daughter of Hekate. "I never got a thorough tour of the castle. I'll also need a space for-"

"Someone's at the door," Daniela hissed. "...The woman from before."

"Oh! That's Artemis with my things!"

"Yo-you're staying? Fo-for how long?!" Hunter squeaked while following me.

"However long I'm allowed to stay," I hummed and walked back to the entrance. "I thought you wanted that."

"I-I do! I'm super excited," She promised, stopping me before I could open the door. "What'd you go with her for anyway?"

"To clear my head, mostly. Relax, I know where to direct my feelings now. Anger and hatred at what happened? It's directed towards the fates."


I rolled my eyes and pecked her lips, moving her out of the way with a smile. "We're still starting over, but I might let you steal a kiss here and there. And call me Sunflower."

Hunter's cheeks turned red as I opened the door, letting Artemis inside. The goddess snorted and shut Hunter's mouth as I locked the door behind her. "Don't gawk at my niece."

"S-sorry, Lady Artemis!"

"Ignore her," I giggled. "Mind showing us a room where I could set up my office?"

"Uh... Su-sure," Hunter muttered with a smile and a blush. "I-I'm sure the Lady will meet us there — I doubt she's ignored this conversation."

We followed Hunter through the halls, meeting up with Lady Dimitrescu when we stopped. 'Damn... Nearly forgot how attractive she is. Why do I have to have a thing for tall women?!' Once inside the room, I hummed to myself and glanced around it. 'I'll need to set everything up and get some extra supplies, but with Isa and Hunter's help, I should have this turned into an office soon.'

"So, you plan to be the doctor of the castle?" Lady Dimitrescu inquired, a journal in her hands. "If that includes me and my daughters, I have this for you."

"It does," I promised and took the journal when she handed it to me. "You're fine with this? I did show up out of nowhere."

"Like my daughters, I've heard stories about you. And I know you saved Costin. That's enough for me to give you a chance."

"I won't let you down."

Lady Dimitrescu smiled as Artemis set my bags down. "Your bedroom will be ready before tonight as well. Where would you like to sleep?"

"Not too far from here," I hummed, not wanting to run around the castle if I needed something from my room. "But not too far from everyone else."

"That will be easy to arrange," The Lady hummed and trailed her gaze to Hunter before smirking at her red face. "Well, I'll leave the rest of this to Hunter — if that's all right with her."

"I-it is!" Hunter squeaked, making me glance her way and notice her eyes had yet to leave my frame. "It's all right with me, My Lady."

'That kiss and what I said flustered her more than I thought... Good. She's adorable when she's like this.'

After the Lady left, Hunter let out a low sigh before clearing her throat and smiling at me. "So-sorry about that."

"Why are you apologizing?" Artemis snorted before kissing my head. "My niece doesn't care, and I'm heading out now."

"Already?!" I whined.

"You need to get set up, and someone has to gather the other items you'll need to make your office an actual office."

I pouted and nodded. "Fine. I guess that just leaves me with Hunter then. Mind helping me get started?"

Once Artemis left, Hunter nodded and grabbed one of my bags before opening it. "Le-let's get started."

"Stuttering because I kissed you?" I teased and moved over to her. "How cute."

"I could return the favor!"

"Then do it."

Hunter turned and pulled me in for a kiss, her arms snaking around my body when I melted into it. 'Fuck it,' My eyes fluttered shut as I returned the kiss, bringing my hands up to cup her cheeks. 'It's been over a year since we kissed like this — and that was a heat-of-the-moment thing after a mission.' I pulled away instead of letting her deepen the kiss, turning my head to the side in an attempt to control the smile that wanted to stretch over my face.

'Damn attractive witch and her fucking kisses,' The smile stretched across my face when I buried my face against Hunter's shoulder. 'At least I know what to look forward to in the future.' I jumped when someone cleared their throat, pulling away from Hunter before turning around to see a smirking blonde woman. 'She's one of Dani's sisters. What was her name again?'

"Lady Bela, did you need something?"

"No," Bela giggled before walking over. "I just wanted to see the castle doctor, but it appears she already has a patient. Does she have a fever doc? Hunter's looking pretty red."

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