Heart of Stone

By beautyxasma

531 6 7

Alyssah Martinez- A young independent woman in college who is ready to have some fun! She comes across one gu... More

•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 18•

•Chapter 6•

24 0 0
By beautyxasma


It's now monday, we got home on Saturday around 6 am which was really annoying.

I had the chance to call my parents and brother before I went to bed and woke up at 2 pm.

But now I'm currently in class with Izzy, we have a project we have to do. We have to make outfits, one designer and the other model.

Izzy was the designer since that's what she's been dreaming about for a while. I was the model.

Izzy and I started making sketches for the dress. We decided on one that I drew. Izzy said she wanted it to be pink and I decided not to argue with the designer of the dress.

It was a long sleeved dress, it was pretty tight and it would show the models natural curves. It was kind of short but it was still cute, it had a tiny slit at the end, and it showed a bit of the models chest.

Model: Aka me!

Izzy went to get the fabric, she got a baby pink, and got some needles and threads. We spent half of class figuring out the designs we decided to finish's this at home tonight.

When class ended we met up with Mira. We then went home. We were all pretty tired of knowledge.

Izzy was complaining how we haven't talked to the guys since Saturday, but me and Mira waved it off. "We saw eachother in home room." Mira retorted.

"Yeah but Conrad said he was going to study hall with them" Izzy whined.

Mira rolled her eyes and drove us to study hall. We walked Izzy inside planning to leave her there.

Once we walked in they all came up to us. We said hi and when we were about to leave Shawn spoke up. "Wait your leaving?"

I was about to say yes til Mira spoke up. "No were just getting something from the car, come on Lyss" She said and dragged me.

I thought she just lied and we were going to drive away until Mira grabbed her bag and was walking back inside.

"Wait I thought you were lying?" I asked, she turned around. "Yeah but then I saw Noah's eyes and I couldn't just say we were leaving" she said and walked inside.

I grabbed my bag and followed her.

Izzy was sitting at a table with Conrad and I sat next to them. "Izzy we need to work on our project" I said getting the designs out.

"Oh right," she said grabbing the fabric and threads.

She started off by getting my size and seeing how tight it should be and how tight it shouldn't.

She also asked what dress size I was and I told her a medium. She looked up the right measurements for me and started trying to figure out how to sew this stuff.

She started off the trying to sew one of the sleeves and every so often needed my arms to measure and sew.

I found out my biceps are 12 inches. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing but oh well.

She finally started off sewing, the lady who runs study hall even gave us a sewing machine for us to use easier.

I looked up to see Landon glancing at me then glancing away. I smiled at him but I guess he wasn't looking at me, because there was someone behind me.

That kind of hurt me though.

It was 8 pm and we all decided it was best to go home and sleep because study hall locks up in an hour.

We said goodbyes and we all started driving, even though we were heading to the same place.

I was driving this time with Mira next to me and Izzy in the back. The guys beat us here and were outside the building whispering something to each other.

We ignored it and kept walking inside, we went up the elevator and waited for us to get on the floor or apartment is on.

We unlocked the door and got inside I plopped onto the couch while Mira went to get some grapes from the fridge and we ate, Izzy was still pushing me to be continuing helping her with the design.

We decided to watch a movie while doing it, Mira and I ate while Izzy was busy making the fabric rounded and fitting my arms. Izzy then repeated the process and finished both sleeves when the movie ended.

We decided it was time for bed so we all went to our rooms. I took my makeup off and changed into pjs, I read a book until I fell asleep.

I woke up shielding my eyes from the sunlight. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times adjusting to the light.

I got up and got ready, it was still august so I decided to wear a white collared tee shirt with some blue baggy jeans and a green sweater vest over it.

I French braided my hair into two, and put on some air forces. I also put on a Kendra Scott necklace and added a bit of makeup and left.

Izzy and Mira were waiting for me with coffee. They liked theirs hot while I loved ice coffee. It's the best of the best.

It was the last day of august and I was excited for fall to come up!

Gosh how I love fall

I even brought my camera to take pictures of the trees and all the cute stuff.

We left for school and we all went to Ms Shanks class. Usually in this class we just learn about and life styles other types of careers.

Today we were learning about paying bills and other stuff. We never learned this in high school so she decided to help us.

Honestly instead of learning useless stuff on high school we should have learned these things.

Once class ended me and Izzy walked together to graphic design class.

The teacher let us get started right away and Izzy made me stand up the whole time with my arms out so she could measure my waist and see the right length.

She tried making it nice so she could make my curves stuck out.

We had three weeks to finish the project which I think we should have had like 1 month but it was kind of close.

She almost finished the top of the dress when class ended. We decided not to make any social interaction and go straight home.

Mira was on her phone next to the car waiting us to get there. Once we did she unlocked the car and we got in.

We went home and ate some lunch. I made all of us sandwiches. We all liked it different ways

I liked mine with turkey, mayo, cheese.

Mira liked hers with lettuce, turkey, mayo, and olives. It was also her Subway order.

And Izzy liked a bologna sandwich with Cheese, and mayo.

Me and Izzy were really basic but it made us happy. We all binge watched Netflix and ate chips with our sandwiches.

We finished a whole season of GreenHouse Academy. We only decided to watch it because our school is called GreenGrass University so if you seen the comparison.

"Wow, I was not expecting that." Mira said getting up to wash her hands.

"Yeah, the black veins are scary..." Izzy said shuddering.

"Izzy do you even remember how they got it?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

And my instincts were right, she shook her head.

"Okay so, Hayley and Leo go into a cave and try to start a bomb to blow up the cave , as their leaving the cave, Hayley steps on magnetite, and if she takes her foot off, the explosion will be worse or somewhat. Leo insisted she takes her foot off which she does but the cave blows up faster. Leo isn't inside the blown up cave but Hayley is. She has a dream about drinking water which she did and that made her condition to the black veins not as bad." I stated the whole part.

Izzy's face was stunned, like she seen a ghost. "What"- she said confused.

I rolled my eyes and got up. "Where are you going we got a project." Izzy asked following me.

"I'm going to get the project" I said emphasizing the 'get'

She nodded and I went to get the get machine, design, and fabric.

I walked back down stairs. "Okay so I think we should at least finish the dress today and at school tomorrow we should connect the sleeves and stuff okay?" I suggested. Izzy agreed and we started working.

Mira was cleaning the kitchen while we were in the living room, the kitchen and living room were connected so we could easily talk to each other.

"I'm bored" Mira said finally finishing the dishes.

"At least you can move, my arms are getting tired" I complained.

"Oh suck it up," Izzy said, her hair is in a messy bun and she has that needle pin thing on her wrist.

I think that's the name.

"Iz, you look like a real designer" I said laughing. "Right" Mira agreed.

"Thanks" Izzy laughed it off.

After an hour or so, Izzy finished the top of the dress, she was trying to figure out how to do the short slit at the end of the dress.

She was making me wear the non-connected sleeves along with the top of the dress, I was wearing shorts under so I wasn't naked or anything.

"Okay I think that's how," Izzy said starting to cut out some fabric.

"Hey Lyss, take the top off and wear this" she said handing me my t-shirt.

I took it off and gave her the 'dress' and wore the t shirt.

Izzy started connecting the dress parts together and finally finished, she also cut out the slit and it looked so pretty.

Its was only 7 pm and we had a lot of time. "That's so pretty, you're going to have to make me one Izzy" Mira said with a smirk on her face, we all bursted out into laughter.

"Yeah sure, once the project is done" Izzy promised.

"Iz, we still have so much time, why don't we connect the sleeves now, and let me model?" I suggested. Izzy excitedly said yes and I helped her sew the sleeves on.

Finally at 7:45 we finished, it was pretty quick and cute.

See how beautiful it is?!

Izzy gave me the dress and I went to go and change into it, I put on some black heels and started modeling it, I walked down the stairs in confidence and right after what I saw, the confidence sank.

There they were, standing next to Izzy and Mira.

Conrad, Shawn, Noah and Landon.

Yes you might think that's no big deal but if I haven't said this before, my old crush was Landon. And now seeing him staring at me in a short-ass dress I'm embarrassed.

I shook my head and started walking down in my glory and 'fake confidence'

Everyone was cheering me on. Landon just gave me the most evil smirk on earth.

"Your so beautiful Lyssa!" Shawn said squealing and twirling me.

"Thank you!" I laughed. Conrad was gawking at me but recovered quickly.

"Izzy, you're talented" Conrad said trying to take the 'gawking attention' off him.

"Thanks" Izzy said turning her face away hiding the blush on her rosy cheeks.

"That's amazing" Noah said in pure shock.

I had the hugest smile on my face, Landon looked like he was amused by it though.

I moved my hair to one side and showed the back of my dress, I then heard Shawn whistle and I lightly pushed him by the arm.

I looked at Landon and he had a clenched jaw, quickly he unclenched it.

"So our projects done?" I asked Izzy, she nodded and I decided to go up back and change.

Once I got up stairs I was walking down the hallway til I heard one of them yell, "Looking good Lyss!" I yelled a quick 'thanks' and walked into my room.

I tried to take the dress off but I struggled, that's when I walked back out and went down the stairs to the living room, the guys were still here.

"Izzy, I need help" I said slouching my shoulders,

"With?" She asked looking at me. "Taking the dress off" I said in a 'duh' tone.

She rolled her eyes before speaking. "Have Landon help you or something"

I looked at Landon and his eyes shot up, everyone was laughing and playing with us at the moment.

"No, that's just uncomfortable" I said before walking towards her and grabbing her hands.

"Fine I'll help you," she whined going upstairs with me. She and I took a while to figure out how to take the dress off until we found a way.

I thanked her and she left relived.

I put on some pjs and took my makeup off. It was 8 pm almost nine and I went downstairs tired.

I plopped onto the couch and saw them watching a movie.

"What movie is this?" I asked taking popcorn from Mira.

"Some random movie Conrad picked out" Mira rolled her eyes.

"Hey it's not just some movie! It's my childhood" Conrad put a hand on his chest and gave Mira 'the hand' looking away offended.

Me and Mira were laughing until Conrad shushed us.

Soon everything got blurry, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep next to Mira on the couch.

I can't remember the rest but I think the movie was ending until I started sleeping.

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