Taekook Oneshots Book 2


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hey yall it's me again SIMPLYSPARKLES123 I have decided to make a taekook book 2 for yall so say thank u... More

1.Sick daughter
2. Nightmare
3. Scared
4. Romantic
5. Sold To A Mafia king (M)
7. Valentines Day (M)
8. Mad
9. Pregnant
10. Cuddles
11. Touching Himself (M)
12. Ex Is My Husband
13. Failed Test (M)
14. Revealing Clothes (M)
15. Assistant's Child
16. Being My bully's Fake Boyfriend
17. Wiping His Kisses Prank (M)
18. Cold
19. Birthday Gift (M)
20. Step Dad (M)
22. Busy (M)
I'm Back Cuties!!
23. Roommate (M)
24. Needy (M)
25: Best Friends Or Lovers?
26. Romantic Bf
27. Calling hes D small (M)

21. Annoying

174 3 0

J: okay I packed everything now I just have to bring my bag downstairs

(Lemme explain what this oneshot is about, jungkook is going to his cousin's house for 2 months cuz kooks mom is going on a business trip so let's see what will happen next......)

J: mom I'm done packing!

Jk/m: ok honey give me the bag

J: ok mom

Jk/m (sigh)

J: what's wrong mom

Jk/m: I am gonna miss u honey (teary)

J: (teary) h-ey m-om d-on-t c-ry

Jk/m: (crying)

J: d-ont cr-y mo-m it-s ok it's jus-t 2 m-on-ths

Jk/m: 2 months i-s a l-ong t-ime s-wee-t-ie

J: ik mom but don-t worr-y t-ime wi-ll go f-ast o-k

Jk/m: o-k I l-ov-e u d-ea-r


Kook arrived at Mrs. Kim's house

*knock knock*

T/m: omg ur finally here dear!

J: hey au-nt-ie

T/m: come in dear

J: thank u

T/m: (boxy smile) Tae honey come down stairs pls!

T: coming mom (deep voice)


(Ignore the microphone pls 🙏)

J: thinking: OMG! he is so scary 😨

T: yeah mom (cold)

T/m: remember jungkook

T: hm

T/m: he is staying with us for 2 months

T: whatever

T/m: Tae!

T: ok sorry mom

T/m: hmm

T: anyways mom I am going out with my friends

T/m: okay be safe ok

T: hmm bye mom

T/m: bye honey

T/m: anyways jungkook lemme show u ur room

J: su-re

T/m: are u ok sweetheart

J: tbh t-aehy-ung l-oo-ks sc-ary

T/m: (laugh) haha Ik right sometimes I get scared of him myself

J: (giggle) haha

T/m: come on let's go to ur room

J: ok mo- I me-an au-nt-ie (embarrassed)

T/m: sweetie u can call me mom ok

J: really!

T/m: (giggle) yes now come on

J: ok


At Night:

T/m: where is Tae (worried)

*knock knock*

T/m: coming!

T/m: omg Tae what happed honey (teary and worried)

N: hey auntie Tae fought with some kids and we all tried to stop them but we couldn't

T/m: o-k anyways u wanna come in

N: no auntie I am gonna stay at my boyfriend house (jin)

T/m: ohh ok

T/m: jungkook!

J: yeah mom

T/m: can u pls treat him I need to go to see who did this to my son

J: o-h o-k

Then jungkook made tae sit and got the medicine box and began treating Taes wounds

J: t-here a-l-l d-o-ne

T: why u always stuttering

J: I-

T: forget I asked that gn

Then tae left

J: he didn't even say thank u hmmp! (Pout)

T: he's cute (whisper and chuckled)

Then tae went to his room

Next Morning:

T/m: Tae and jungkook come down!

Then they both came

J: morning mom

T: why u calling my mom "mom"

J: I-

T/m: I let him call me mom Tae

T: whatever (roll eyes)

The days went by and kook went to taes school. People bully him but he is scared to tell Tae

Ploy twist: Tae is actually an mafia. He is the youngest mafia in the world

Anyways back to the story

At school garden:

Jennie: what the fuck bitch where's our homework!

J: I a-m s-o so-r-r-y I f-org-ot to d-o i-t

Rose: u need a punishment

J: I a-m so-rry

Lisa: Shut the fuck up bitch

Jisso: what should we do to him guys?

Jennie: lemme think

T: what the fuck is going on here?! (Dark eyes)

Jennie: babe this boy did not do our homework (hold taes hands)

T: Get ur fucking and disgusting hands off me

Jennie: baby...

T: don't fucking call me that (point a gun on her forhead) look I can just shoot u without a second thought

Jennie: w-h-ere d-id th-at g-un c-om-e f-rom (scared)

T: I am a mafia and I have a lot more weapons on my pockets yk

Jennie: I a-m so-rry

T: Get the fuck out of here before I shoot all of u!

All: (run away)

T: u ok

J: yea-h

T: Get up

Jungkook tried to get up but he sprained his ankle so he fell down

J: oww

T: fuck....

Then tae just throwed kook over his shoulder and took him to the car

J: h-ey p-ut m-e d-own

T: Shut up

J: o-k

T: ur really trouble aren't u

J: ..........

T: why aren't u saying anything

J: u to-ld m-e to s-hu-t up

T: (sigh) ur getting on my nerves

J: I a-m so-rry

T: stop fucking apologize

J: o-k

Then tae went home and knocked on the door and Tae mom opened the door and got surprised when she saw them

T/m: what happen jungkook!

T: he sprained his ankle

T/m: aishh come lemme bandage it up

J:sorry mom

T/m: hmm

Then tae mom bandaged kooks ankle and kook keeps getting in trouble and Tae has to save him. He even got kidnapped once and Tae literally had to go and save him. But they have been getting close.


T/m: what the fuck do u mean!

Random: she was coming but then the plane got on fire and nobody survived (sad)

T/m: n-o w-a-y (sob)

J: mom what's wrong (Rush to her)

Then tae also came downstairs and saw his mom crying so he also went to his mom and asked her what's wrong

T/m: j-u-n-g-k-o-o-k (sob)

J: y-es y-es m-om  (concerned)

T/m: I a-m s-o so-r-r-y d-ear b-ut u-r m-om pa-ss-ed awa-y

J: w-h-at... (shocked)

T: (wide eyes)

J: w-hat d-o u mea-n (trying to stop crying)

T/m: s-he w-as c-om-ing b-ack t-o n-ew y-o-rk b-ut t-he p-lane g-ot o-n f-ir-e a-nd n-obo-dy su-rvi-ved (sob)

J: n-o n-o! Th-is i-s n-ot t-rue! P-ls t-ell m-e th-is i-s a l-lie (sob loudly)

T/m: I a-m s-o so-r-r-y d-ear

J: MOM!! (Crying)

T: hey hey j-ung-kook ca-lm do-wn

J: t-ae m-y m-y m-om d-ied w-hat w-ill I d-o n-ow (crying)

T: (hug him)

Then tae felt his chest began getting wet instantly

J: m-om m-om! P-ls c-ome ba-ck (sob)

T/m: i-ts o-k d-ear w-e a-re her-e

J: I d-ont th-ink I ca-n li-ve anymo-re

T/m: sh-hh d-on-t sa-y t-hat hon-ey

T: jungkook no more crying baby shh

J: m-y li-fe i-s r-uin-ed

T: its not ruined baby shh

T: mom I am gonna take kook to my room

T/m: o-k h-o-n-e-y

At taes room:

T: shh baby no more crying

J: (sob)

T: I know it's hard for u but try to stop baby hm

J: (nod)

T: that's my baby

J: (blush and cry again)

T: hey hey why are u crying again

J: I m-is-s m-y m-om t-ae

T: shh it's ok c'mon we're going out to get some fresh air

J: o-k

Then tae wiped kooks face with a tissue and then they went to a park

T: I always come here after I feel a lot stress. It's calm

J: y-ea-h i-ts n-ice

T: are u ok now

J: n-ot re-all-y

T: ik it's hard for u. I know what ur going through cuz even my dad passed away

J: rea-ll-y

T: yep

J: I l-ik-e u

T: wh-at

J: I really do

T: I don't like u

J: oh ok (sad)

T: I don't like u because I love u (smile)

J: really!

T: yeah baby

J: I love u Tae!

T: I love u too sweetheart

Then they shared a beautiful and passionate kiss

Then they went home and told taes mom about there relationship

T/m: omg really!

Tk: yeah

T/m: I am so happy!

Tk: (smile)

" The best relationship are built on a foundation of friendship, trust, and mutual respect." - Unknown

THE END 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜



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