Neverending Cuties

By WizieInk

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The journey of Kim Y/N and Kim Taeyeon with their four adorable daughters, Jimin, Aeri, Minjeong and Ning-Nin... More

1 | Embracing Change and Discovering Love
2 | Honeymoon Bliss
4 | Nurturing Anticipation
5 | The Journey Begins
6 | The Doctor's Diagnosis
7 | The Magic of Sisterhood
8 | A Day of Magic and Imagination
9 | A Bright and Prosperous Future
10 | Cherished Tomorrow

3 | A Heartbeat of Hope

263 10 0
By WizieInk


Taeyeon had been getting odd feelings lately, so she decided to undergo a pregnancy test just to be sure. She was surprised when the results came back positive. She'd only been with me for a few months, and while we'd talked about having kids, it all felt like an unreal dream. The reality was starting to sink in.

Taeyeon alighted on the edge of the bathroom sink, her hands twitching as she examined the small plastic stick in her fingers, the two pink lines boldly declaring the news. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her heart was beating, and she was filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

She emerged from the bathroom and presented me with the pregnancy test. "Taeyeon, are you sure?" My voice was filled with a mixture of joy and worry as I saw the positive pregnancy test result. I'd been waiting outside the bathroom, my anticipation building with each passing second.

Taeyeon nodded slowly, tears in her eyes welling up. Her fingers trembled slightly as she drew the test closer to me. "I'm positive. We're going to have babies!"

I couldn't help but pick her up in my arms and pull her away from the bathroom. "Wow! Taeyeon. This is amazing! I'm very happy." I swung her around as I kissed her on the forehead, our laughter filling the room.

Taeyeon's grin lit up as she gripped my hand. "I'm excited and scared all at the same time, but I know we can do this together."

I gradually lowered her, holding her face in my palms, my gaze attached to hers. "Don't be worried, my Taengoo. This is in our hands. We're all in this together, and we'll figure it out along the way. You'll make an excellent Eomma, and I'll do my best as an Appa."

Taeyeon's eyes welled up with tears, but they were happy ones. "I'm so lucky to have you by my side."

I kissed her lips softly and reassuringly, leaning forward. "And I'm the luckiest person in the world to have you as my partner in this incredible journey."

We stood there at the bathroom door, wrapped in each other's arms, the positive pregnancy test in one hand and our dreams of parenting unfolding in front of us. The future was unclear, but one thing was certain. We were ready to embrace the journey, with all of its joys and hardships.

We decided to kick off by informing our family members. We wanted to share this momentous occasion with our loved ones. So we organised a dinner party and invited both of our families. The dinner at our place was a carefully arranged event, full of expectation and enthusiasm. Taeyeon had been giddy with excitement all day, and she couldn't wait to tell our family. Taeyeon's homemade lasagna, a family favourite, was on the table, and we had a lovely dessert waiting for the big reveal.

Our family began to arrive as the sun began to set beyond the horizon, bathing the dining room in a warm, golden glow. We smiled and hugged them, but the tense nervousness in the room was evident. The moment we'd been anticipating was approaching.

The room was alive with laughter, humorous stories, and the clinking of glasses as we all gathered around the table. Taeyeon, who was seated next to me, looked at me with a mixture of joy and nervousness. I squeezed her hand beneath the table to encourage her, and she took a big breath.

Taeyeon rose to her feet, her hands instinctively embracing her tummy. "I have an announcement to make," she said, her voice shaking.

Everyone at the table turned to look at her, a look of wonder on their faces. The only sound in the room was the quiet hum of the ceiling fan.

"We're going to have a baby!" Taeyeon exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with pleasure.

Cheers and clapping exploded around the room. The family members applauded, chanted, and embraced both of us. Taeyeon's mother, Mrs. Kim, was the first to arrive, holding her daughter in a strong, passionate hug. "Oh, Taeyeon, this is the best news ever!"

My father couldn't stop smiling as he mentioned all the things he planned to do for the baby. "I can't wait to teach our grandchildren how to fish and tell them stories about our family," he beams, his eyes twinkling with joy.

Among the joy, our siblings and other family members shared their own parenthood experiences and recollections. Conversations flowed easily, each one brimming with advice, experiences, and genuine wishes for the expanding family.

As the night progressed, our families talked about possible baby names, nursery décor, and tips for parenting. There was no shortage of recommendations and advice, with some amusing stories thrown in for good measure. The room was buzzing with excitement and expectancy, and the warmth of our families' love surrounded us.

Taeyeon couldn't have felt more loved and adored than she did at that time. She couldn't help but grin through her tears of delight as she sat there, surrounded by the people who meant the most to her. This was a night she would remember for the rest of her life. The night she revealed the amazing news of their upcoming parenthood, and the night her family welcomed the future with open arms.


Taeyeon and I were sitting in the doctor's waiting room a few months later, suspense hanging in the air like a palpable fog. It was a beautiful day, but our hearts were pounding as we awaited Taeyeon's pregnancy check-out.

Taeyeon gripped my hand, her fingers intertwined with mine, and she gazed at me with a mix of joy and nervousness. "I can't believe this is happening," she stated quietly.

I smiled at her, soothing her. "I know, it's unbelievable. We're going to witness on our child for the first time after months now."

We followed the nurse into the examination room when she called our names. Taeyeon cautiously got onto the examination table as I stood by her side, unwaveringly supporting her. Usually we were just sit on the chair in the doctor's office and Taeyeon will do some test.It's different today. The doctor entered, a kind and experienced woman with a friendly grin.

"Hello, Mrs. Taeyeon, and Mr. (Y/N)," said the doctor. "I see you're having your first prenatal scan after months now. How do you both feel?"

Taeyeon glanced at me, her eyes full of mixed feelings. "Excited, nervous, and overjoyed," she said honestly.

I agreed with a nod. "Exactly that, Doctor."

The doctor gave a friendly grin. "That's completely normal. How about we take a look?"

She set up the ultrasound machine and applied a chilly gel to Taeyeon's tummy. The quiet hum of the machinery filled the room, and the screen came to life, showing a foggy image.

As we stared, our breaths stuck in our throats, and then it was there. Tiny bit of a heartbeat. A small life pulsing on the display seemed like a beacon of hope.

"Oh my gosh," Taeyeon said, her voice shaking. "Our baby..."

My throat was too stiff with emotion for me to speak. The doctor was overjoyed as well. "You can observe your baby's heartbeat. It's stable and healthy."

I brushed a tear from Taeyeon's face, overcome by the emotion of the occasion. "I can't believe we created this life together," she said, her gaze fixed on the screen.

The doctor continued the checkup, measuring and monitoring the baby's health. After a while, she gave us a comforting grin. "Everything appears to be in order. You're going to be fantastic parents."

We left the medical centre with a printout of the ultrasound, which we couldn't wait to show to our family. Taeyeon couldn't stop smiling as we walked back to the car, her hand protectively holding the ultrasound image.

"Our baby!" she exclaimed, her voice full of wonder.

I kissed her forehead, overwhelmed with love and thanks. "Our baby."

Taeyeon's pregnant journey was filled with excitement and expectation, but also with discomfort and weariness. Her increasing tummy, the baby's movements, and the changes in her body were all part of the amazing transition they were experiencing.

On such difficult days, I would touch her back and feet, treating her with foot massages and backrubs in order to make her as comfortable as possible. We'd frequently lie in bed together, hands on her tummy, feeling the baby's movements and talking about our dreams and wishes for their future.

Our love for one another and excitement for our baby's arrival grew with each passing day. We were aware that our lives were going to change forever, and we embraced the change with open arms.

So we embarked on the adventure of parenthood, holding hands and confronting the unknown together. We were prepared for the hardships and joys that were ahead of us, knowing that our love would guide us every step of the way.


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