Sea of Stars 별바다

By NamNamm03

19.3K 694 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 32

345 14 4
By NamNamm03

It's been about five hours of Bada and I doing our activities for the day. After we finished painting, we did a good hour of reading together, then we went to make some jewelry. Bada and I made matching bracelets for each other then we both secretly made a necklace for one another.

Bada may not know this but she definitely has a creative side. Her necklace came out so beautiful and I will most definitely be wearing it 24/7 now. She made it to match the rings we got together when we went to that village by the cabin.

My necklace for her on the other hand looked like something her siblings would make. I was going for the "DIY" unique look but it went more towards the preschooler project vibe. I told her I'd remake it because it wasn't my best but she declined and took it with love.

For a girl who makes jewelry as a hobby, I totally flopped today. She should see the collections of beads and charms I have stored then she'd know I could make jewelry.

Sucks all my equipment is still at the apartment. I seriously need to get one of my big muscular friends to go and get my things out one of these days.

After we finished with the activities for the day, Bada made me a delicious dinner and it was finally time for me and my ice cream to connect on a personal level.

"Oh how I've missed you, my love," I say staring at the bowl of ice cream in front of me dearly.

"But I've been with you all day," Bada says confused. She must not know who I'm talking to right now.

"I was talking to my beloved bowl of chocolatey goodness Bada. You're interrupting a very intimate moment right now," I say giving my bowl the googley eyes. Ice cream has a very special place in my heart.

Bada bursts out laughing at my ridiculousness and holds her hands up in surrender.

"I'm so sorry I interrupted such a special moment. Please proceed," she says. And with that, I take a spoonful of ice cream and eat the delicious cold treat. As soon as it touched my mouth, I let out a moan and Bada laughed even harder, almost falling out of her seat.

"You did not just moan at ice cream," she says in hysterics as she holds her side from laughing too hard.

"But it's just so good," I whine. Definitely should've eaten this by myself somewhere. Now she's judging me for getting all personal with my ice cream.

"No judging. I've been craving this since forever. I'm sure your favorite food makes you act the same way," I say in defense.

"Ok, ok, eat up. Me and the tub of ice cream are sister-wives at this point," she says patting my head and I giggle at the thought. At least she knows I'm in a strong committed relationship with ice cream, so a win is a win 😌💅.

When we finished eating our ice cream, it was getting really late so Bada and I decided to head up and get ready for bed.

"Imma go take a shower alright," I tell Bada because I never got to finish my bath earlier. Bada stares at me for a moment then nods her head.

"Okay," she says softly. I can tell she's still thinking about what happened earlier. Of course she's thinking about it. I literally traumatized the girl.

"I'll just be a few minutes," I say slowly walking into the bathroom. I decided not to lock the door just in case she wanted to come and check on me.


As Luna stepped into the bathroom, I don't know, something in me just can't bear to leave the room. I sat on the edge of the bed as I heard her start her shower. What happened earlier today really changed something in me. Seeing her underwater like that knocked the air out of my body. Although I know she'd never do anything like that on purpose, I can't but help be a bit more protective. I don't want to monitor her per se, but I just need to ease my mind, so I stay close to the bathroom door.

Oh crap, I forgot to call Kirsten today. I told her I'd update her about Luna, but I'm not sure I should tell her everything that happened. I end up calling her when I hear Luna start step into the shower.


"Hey Kirst, sorry I didn't call you earlier,"

"It's no problem. How has everything been today?"

"For the most part, it's been a good day. I brought some activities and stuff for Luna and I to do today and we had a relaxing time at home,"

"Ohhh, I know Luna loved it. She loves spending quality time with people. But what did you mean by 'for the most part'? What else happened?"

I kept silent on the phone not sure what to say.

"Bada, did something happen? You can tell me,"

I sighed and decided to tell her about earlier.

"This morning I left before Luna woke up to buy the stuff for today. When I got back home, I kept calling her name but she wasn't answering. She wasn't anywhere else in the house so I checked the bathroom and I found her in the bathtub...underwater," I say quietly.

"What!" Kirsten exclaimed in a panicked voice.

"But it's fine now. It's not what you think it is. She wasn't trying to do that. I just... after everything you told me yesterday, I thought the worst possible thing. I yanked her out like a maniac and scared her. She was just trying to take a bath but I..." I couldn't finish my words. I just sighed after rethinking about what happened today. Kirsten was quiet as well over the line.


"Hmm?" she replied, I could tell she was crying

"Say something, please,"

"I don't know what to say Bada,"

"I promise you everything has been handled. We talked about it and she's fine. I was just scared earlier. She's not going to do that to us, Kirsten. Just after everything, my mind went to the worst-case scenario and I panicked. But I believe her when she says she wouldn't do something like that on purpose,"

"Bada. Is she really fine? I know her and she might be doing ok but her bad days cloud her judgment so much,"

"I thought that too. But I trust her Kirst. She loves all of us so much and she looks forward to her future. I know she's gonna be alright,"

"I hope so. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her. But how are you doing? Seeing her underwater like that must've done something to you. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, or trying to stay fine at least. When I saw her like that, I couldn't breathe. I thought I lost everything in that moment. I felt like my entire world came crashing down on me Kirst. It really hurt me seeing her like that,"

"Oh Bada, I'm so sorry. I know that was not easy for you. Let me know if you guys ever need anything ok? Me and the girls can come over, heck I'll call Bebe too and we can all plan a day out to relax and get you and Luna's minds off everything for a while,"

"I'll hold you to that. Oh I gotta go, Luna just got out of the shower,"

"Alright, if you get the chance, please tell Luna we all love her,"

"Of course,"

"Ok, well goodnight,"


I hung up the phone and fell back onto the bed. As I look up at the ceiling, I start to get emotional. Today was filled with so many emotions. I can't get the image of her in the bathtub out of my head. I really thought I had lost her. I'm trying so hard to push that thought out of my mind because Luna is here and fine.

She's right in that bathroom breathing and humming to a tune with her beautiful voice. She is my entire world and I don't know what I'd do without her. But she is fine Bada. Nothing happened, so just forget about it. Stop thinking about it. Stop thinking abo-

"Baby?" Luna says and I sit up. She's at the door wearing that beautiful pink night gown I love and her curly hair falls beautifully on her shoulders. She looked absolutely stunning. My beautiful Luna was glowing like a star in the night sky. She's fine Bada, look at her. She is literally right there. Calm down!

"Bada," Luna says softly. I'm staring at her and can see the worry etched on her face.

"Baby what's wrong," she says worried coming over to me and wiping a tear away. I didn't even realize I had been crying until now. I gently grabbed her delicate hand that was on my cheek and wiped the rest of my tears away with my other hand.

"Nothing my love. Everything is fine," I said softly but her eyes were becoming red and watered over as she looked deeply into my eyes. She broke eye contact to look down as she let out a sob and tears. I snap out of whatever trance I am in when I see her sobbing and bring her closer to me as I wrap my arms around her tiny figure.

"I'm so sorry," she said in between sobs. I just hold her even tighter to me as we both let out our emotions. I couldn't help but cry too. Cry for her, cry for me, cry for us. I hate that I couldn't help her as much as I would like to.

I gently pick Luna up and carry her to her spot in the bed. I kept us cuddled together because honestly, I didn't want to let her go right now. We stayed in each other's embrace for a while taking in one another.

"Bada?" Luna whispered.

"Yes love,"

"I think I should find a therapist," she says softly. I pull back a few centimeters to look at her face.

"I really wanna get myself together. I can't keep doing this to you Bada. And I can't keep doing this to myself. I wanna get better so we can have an amazing future together," she says hugging me tightly.

I know this can't be easy for her but I'm proud of her. And I will do everything I can to support her and let her know that she has an amazing system behind her, with me and all of the girls. Even the girls from Bebe love her so much. They constantly ask me about her and how she's doing. Luna has an entire army of people behind her. My family included, they all really love Luna just from the short encounters with her.

I pull Luna closer to me and kiss her on the forehead letting my lips linger there for a moment.

"I'll be right here to cheer you on every day my love. Therapy is a big step but I'm so proud of you. You prove to me every single day how strong you are Luna. It astounds me every day how amazing you are baby. I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will be right here. No matter how hard it gets or how sad you are, me being here will never change. My love for you will never change," I say to her.

Luna looks up at me with sparkly eyes. She truly is the most beautiful person ever. Her beauty goes beyond the surface though. Luna is the kind of person people can't not like. She is loveable in all aspects. And I am forever grateful that she chose to love me and I can be with her for the rest of our lives. She is my person and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I love you so much Bada. I promise you I will get better for us,"

"Don't do this for us love, do it for yourself. You deserve all good things in life, my love, and you deserve to live a happy life regardless of us being together," I told her.

"I will, thank you baby," she said pecking me on the lips and then sinking down further into bed as she fell asleep.

"I love you Bada," she said just a little above a whisper. But I could definitely hear it and it warmed my heart.

"I love you too baby," I said as I kissed her forehead and we fell asleep.


Today, Luna and I were meeting up with my brother and his family for dinner. Soo-min's been bugging me like crazy to see Luna again. Like literally non-stop blowing my phone up. I ended up blocking her but she just used Dae-Hyun's phone to text me. I swear that girl takes 'finding a will and a way' to an extreme level.

We had dinner reservations at this fancy Italian place for seven-thirty this evening. I look at my watch and see that it's just a little bit over six, so we have plenty of time before we have to leave.

"How does this look?" Luna asks me. I turn away from my phone to look at her and the air just gets snatched from my body. She looked like a goddess.

I was speechless. The place we're going to requires somewhat formal dress attire, and she did her big one on this. Although it's so simple, she looked amazing. And she had her hair in her natural curls flowing past her shoulders that made her the most beautiful woman ever. Nothing and no one compares to her beauty.

I go up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist as I took in my beautiful girlfriend's appearance. She was absolutely stunning.

"Baby, are you sure we have to go out tonight?" I ask

"Of course Bada, but is something wrong," she asks looking down at her outfit. Nothing is ever wrong when it comes to her. She literally makes everything right in my world.

"I would just hate to have to play bodyguard tonight. Everyone in Seoul is gonna be giving you googly eyes," I said pouting playfully. I was halfway playing though. She will most definitely be the star and the talk of the town by the end of the night.

"Oh Bada, you scared me," she said lightly hitting my shoulder.

"Rate the drip," she says stepping back and posing. You would think she'd pose like the queen or one of those kpop idol poses but the girl squatted and started pointing around the room and running her hand over her imaginary beard. I swear this girl is the least normal one I know. But that just makes me love her even more. Her goofy side is what enticed me when we first met. It made me think she wasn't like other girls, she was happy to be herself around anyone.

I decided to play into her goofiness as I stepped back and held my hands up in a way like I was capturing her angles.

"A million," I say and she pops up from the squat with a satisfied grin.

"The homies gonna love this one for real for real," she said tapping away on her phone.

"The homies?" I asked amused.

"The girl's sweetie," she said. Luna ended up reconnecting with the girls a few days ago. She told them everything that happened to her and they all had a crying session for like two hours. I was the designated tissue giver-outer in the room. It was a touching heart to heart moment. Ever since the incident last week, she's been doing so much better. She's even starting therapy this week!

"You gotta keep up with us youngins and stay hip Bada. Don't let that old age creep up on you," she said holding my shoulder sympathetically but playfully. I can't believe she just called me old.

"We're barely five years apart Luna," I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"That's half a decade my love. But it's ok. When you're too old to do anything, I'll make sure to put you in a really nice nursing home. That way I can spend all of your money for the both of us," she said happily as she skipped to the bathroom.

"If I go to a nursing home, you're coming right along with me," I yell to the bathroom.

"No can do. Someone's gotta hold it down out here," she said reapplying her lipstick.

"Wow, so much for 4lifer's," I say sounding hurt.

"Don't worry my love. I'll make sure to drop off soup and cookies every week," she says coming out of the bathroom and pecking me on my lips. This girl I swear. I thought she was gonna go to the closet but she ended up sitting on my lap as she wrapped her hands around my neck for support.

"Did I tell you how sexy you look right now?" she tells me in a low voice as she bites her bottom lip. I was dressed in a simple cream button-down and trousers. I put my hair in a somewhat messy bun and kept my glasses on today.

"Sexy huh?" I teased.

"Very sexy," she said pushing me down on the bed. She pulled her dress up so she was able to straddle me.

"We're gonna be late," I tell her looking into her eyes. She pulls my left wrist up to look at the time and it says 6:23 pm. I swear her grabbing my wrist to see the time did something wicked to me. She was so seductive even if she didn't try and I was falling right into her trap.

"We have plenty of time," she says putting my wrist down and staring into my eyes. Those hypnotizing golden eyes of hers. I couldn't get enough of her. I needed her right now. I cup the back of her neck and bring her lips down to mine and fall deeply into her.

We started off soft as I moved my lips slowly underneath hers. I wanted to savor this moment in my mind, never wanting it to end. The kiss begins to speed up as we both become needy for each other's touch. I brought my hands to cup her ass as she straddled me deeper pressing harder into my waist and grinding into me.

Luna takes the initiative as she leaves my lips and begins kissing my neck. I close my eyes as she stops at the weak spot on my neck. I inhale deeply trying to hold myself together as she begins unbuttoning the top of my dress shirt. She leads a trail of kisses down my neck to the center of my bra, before she continues she looks up at me with dilated pupils. Her hair had messed up a little and she had lipstick smudged all over her face, but she never looked hotter than this moment.

She looks at me so deeply into my eyes asking for permission to continue.

"You don't have to," I say gently grabbing her wrist. We didn't have to do any of this. Matter of fact, we shouldn't be doing any of this.

"I want to," she says with a smile that could kill. She took the hand I used to hold her wrist and pinned it above my head. My bra was the type you clasped in the front, so she slowly undid the clasp as she looked deeply into my eyes with so much passion and love.

When I was exposed, she claimed my lips once again, kissing me deeply. She left my lips, trailing kisses down the center of my neck and stopping at my center yet again. She paused for a moment, then claimed my right breast in her mouth. I became putty under her touch as I collapsed under the sensation.

"Luna," I moaned out. I was a mess at this point. I was panting and sweating under her. Luna moves her right hand lower to my waistband and gently tugs on it. She comes up from my devouring my breasts to look me in the eyes.

"Can I?" she asks holding my front waistband. I wanted nothing more than to feel her touch but I didn't want her to do something she doesn't want.

"We don't have to go that far, Luna. We can stop here,"

"Are you uncomfortable?" she asks pulling her hand away. I'm quite the opposite of uncomfortable right now. If anything, I'm about to combust under her touch right now.

"No, that's not it. Are you sure?" I say looking into her eyes.

"I'm sure Bada, I just wanna make you feel good," she says coming back to kiss me as she unbuttoned my pants slowly. She comes up from my lips as she gently slips her right hand into my pants. When her hand connected with my heat, my eyes shut close as I gasped. I haven't had sex since my last relationship years ago, so feeling her touch me like this made me unfold into a pitiful mess.

I can feel her gaze on me as she strokes tiny circles slowly. She uses her other hand to push the hair out of my face and gently stroke my cheek. When she sees me comfortable, she picks up the pace a bit more. At this point, I'm a moaning and panting mess underneath her. I open my eyes and our eyes connect on such an intimate level. It's a look we've never shared before and a look I will cherish. She quickens her pace more and I pull her face to mine as I claim her lips trying to mask the sounds from escaping my lips.

I could feel it. I was getting so close. So fucking close to my high. I needed her so much right now.

"Luna, I'm gonna-" I say knowing I was about to climax.

"Shhh, let it out," she says kissing the inner crook of my neck. And with that, I hit my max as I orgasm. She slows her pace down as I ride the orgasm out. I moan loudly under her as the sensations become too overwhelming. Luna removes her hand from my pants and comes back up to kiss me sweetly. She pulls back to look at me and stares down at my state. I knew I looked like a mess under her. I was sweating and probably had her makeup smudged all over me, so I was getting a little self-conscious as I blushed and tried to cover my face.

"Why are you covering your face?" she asks me confused.

"I look a mess right?" I say embarrassed.

"You've never looked more beautiful my love," she says removing my arms away from my face. She pecks me on the cheek as she collapses down to my side and hugs me gently. We both use this time to collect ourselves and catch our breaths.

"Baby," I say to her.


"I love you, so much," I told her as I looked down at her.

"I love you too," she says and I kiss her lips and then her forehead. As much as I would love to fall asleep next to her right now, I remind myself that we have plans this evening. I check my watch and realize we need to start heading out soon or else we'll be late. The drive there will be a while too so we gotta leave in the next fifteen minutes to make it on time.

"Baby, we gotta get going to the dinner," I say stroking her cheek.

"Should we call off," she says playfully.

"We could but then Soo-min will most likely show up here to take you away. If it weren't for tonight's plans, she would've come and kidnapped you long ago," I said laughing. My sister-in-law was a psycho.

"Fine," she whined then sat up in the bed. I got up too but realized we needed to get ready again because we both looked like a mess.

"You got lipstick on my shirt," I said looking down as I clasped my bra and buttoned my shirt.

"Mission accomplished," she says smiling with a satisfied grin.

"I'll get you back one of these days," I say poking her cheek. She hops off the bed and holds her hand out for me to take. We both make our way to the bathroom and when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we freeze.

"Oh my goodness," Luna says. Then we both break out into a fit of laughter.

"We gotta hurry up or we'll be late," she says washing her hands then grabbing a bunch of makeup remover wipes and redoing her makeup. I got to wiping my face off and fixing my hair. It didn't take long for me to get back ready so I helped Luna with her hair.

When we were finished, we got our belongings and headed out the door.

Hi my darlings. This chapter was a bit spicy wasn't it 😏. Hope you all enjoyed this. Also, I was wondering if you guys want me to hurry and finish this book or keep going. If I finish this one, I'll definitely have a new one soon. Since I'm finally on break, I've got a lot of free time and have been writing like crazy so a new story would be fun. Just let me know what you guys want. Until next time my darlings 💙💋

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