Star Crossed Lovers

By crazyArtisticgirl2

1.4K 272 19

Book 1 of the forbidden series Ava and Aston have been dating since middle school, everyone expected them to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 87

Chapter 86

9 2 0
By crazyArtisticgirl2

Luna Anna and Ava hugged their parents and Beta Liam together.

" Come back alive," Luna Anna and Ava chanted as they pulled away.

" Don't worry, we will," Epsilon Ben said confidently.

While Luna Anna, Ava and their parents talk Beta Liam walks to the imposter Sophia who just arrived from a regular check-up.

" Liam," She wails spreading her arms out to hug Beta Liam.

Beta Liam hugged her feeling less fainted sparkles. He masters hiding his emotions from Sophia thinking their relationship is tainted. Little does he know, the woman is he hugging isn't his mate and that's why he can mask his emotions.

" I should be going with you as Female Beta," The imposter Sophia mumbled with teary eyes.

" You haven't received your wolf yet," Beta Liam reasons kissing imposter Sophia's forehead while his wolf whines.

" Take your medicine in time," Beta Liam advises before walking to the jeep.

The Howler pack members stand in front of the pack house waving to the vehicles as warriors leave. Some members shifted into their wolf forms and ran to the pack borderline. They howled as a goodbye to the warriors.

Slowly, everyone went to the pack house's basement till the war was finished. As Luna Anna and Ava were walking to the basement. Epsilon Aubrey stepped in front of them and said,

" Luna and Ava, both you can't go to the basement. Come with me,"

Luna Anna and Ava looked at each other before following Epsilon Aubrey.

" Why shouldn't we go to the basement?" Luna Anna asked.

" Because you have to do your duty as Luna," Epsilon Aubrey answered walking to the Alpha Office's door.

" Aston isn't here so why are you taking us there?" Luna Anna questioned narrowing her eyes.

" Alpha gave Dad permission to work at his Office during the war," Epsilon Aubrey answered opening the door for Luna Anna and Ava then entering the Office.

" Ava, Alpha informed us that there are hundreds of traitors in our pack that you found out during your captives. Can you share everything you know so we can find them as soon as possible?" Epsilon Christoper directly explains the reason to Ava.

" I just know there are hundreds of traitors in the pack from Sebby...I mean Sebastian. He was careful with me about his pack or plan... I'm sorry I can't be much help in finding traitors," Ava mumbled while Luna Anna was speechless learning about the traitors.

" Wait...," Luna Anna spoke up as she realised a connection. Everyone looked at her and she expressed her idea,

" We should look into members who were wrong by previous high-ranked members. And who complained against them... Because Unknown has been using people through their emotions,"

" That's a good idea, Luna. But we don't have any names of members who were wronged," Epsilon Christopher mumbled hoping Luna Anna or Ava knew someone.

" Dad always keep an account of people who were against Uncle Chris's leadership... And anyone who spoke against him," Ava pointed out and explained,

" Dad explains these complaints can turn into propaganda against the pack's system,"

" Ben was always fond of making lists," Epsilon Frank commented on his son wondering where is his son right now.

Epsilon Ben looks outside the window holding his mate's hand.

" We are near," Epsilon Ben mumbled to his mate.

" We will survive, " Epsilon Katie turned her mate's face and kissed him.

" Of course, we will," Epsilon Ben smiled humorlessly.

Then their vehicle stopped and they stepped out of the vehicle. Epsilon Ben and Epsilon Katie walked to Alpha Aston where their other pack members joined them.

They shifted into their wolf form and started to run to the battlefield which was the Dark Knight Pack before.

When they reached the battlefield, the Unknown Pack was already present there. Alpha Ace was the only one who was in human form in front of his pack members.

" I want to negotiate before this war starts," Alpha Aston offered. Alpha Aston growled in rejection but Queen Disha responded,

" I would like to hear it,"

" Aston, stop her. She doesn't have any right to order," Epsilon Chris mind linked Alpha Aston.

" I'm under the Royal Beta's command, Dad. I can't stop her," Alpha Aston barked in rage wanting to kill Alpha Ace and Beta Sebastian for Luna Anna.

" We could use spells but witches and wizards won't take part," Queen Disha gave her final offer making the Holwer Pack members growl in anger and disappointment.

" She isn't helping us but him," Gamma Oliver commented looking at Alpha Ace who was smiling at Queen Disha.

" Attack," Alpha Ace roared making everyone run to attack.

The Howler Pack's and council's warriors ran towards the Unknown. A group of wolves erupted from the left and right side breaking the assumption the Unknown wolves' were less than Holwer Pack's and Council's wolves.

Alpha Aston was able to shake off a wolf on top of them. He turned around as he heard his Dad crying,

" Please... Forgive me," Epsilon Chris cried bleeding from their neck to his arms in front of a huge brownish-black wolf with the aura of an Alpha.

The wolf cut open Epsilon Chris's abdomen with its claws. And the wolf started to bite the organs.

Alpha Aston roared and was about to run to his Dad's rescue when five wolves attacked him at once. Making it impossible for Alpha Aston to go to his Dad.

" Goodbye," Epsilon Chris weakly said to all his pack members before everyone felt the connection break making them howl in mourning.

Alpha Aston let his wolf, Vic take full control who became feral after the death of Epsilon Chris and his wolf, Devil.

Vic killed the fifth wolf by attacking the neck. And looks around to see Alpha Ace is in human form and talking to Queen Disha. Then he noticed the wolf with Beta aura attacking the weak Epsilon Ben.

Alpha Aston's wolf, Vic runs and knocks Beta Sebastian. Vic looks at Epsilon Ben's wolf, Pete taking his last breath.

Alpha Aston's wolf, Vic turns back to Beta Sebastian who was purring in victory. He jumped on Beta Sebastian and Beta Sebastian attacked Alpha Aston's wolf with its claws.

Alpha Aston's wolf, Vic was able to grab Beta Sebastian's neck. Forcing him to submit but Beta Sebastian's wolf, Sean tried to shake off Vic.

Then a wave of aura causes them to pause and with an instinct they look at the direction the aura is coming from.

Alpha Ace and Queen Disha have stabbed each other with their claws. The aura rises making everyone shiver as water evaporates from the ground. And the water surrounded Alpha Ace and Queen Disha forming into ice.

Alpha Aston heard a whining noise coming from Beta Sebastian. Alpha Aston realised Beta Sebastian was absent-minded, so he took the opportunity to bite the vital part of Beta Sebastian's neck.

Beta Sebastian whined in pain and slowly fell down as blood flowed continuously. Alpha Aston's wolf, Vic walks away from the dying wolf.

" Disha," The three Sol Hudo members cried out running to the ice wall in their human forms.

Royal Gamma Roshini and two Princesses punched the wall which had no effect. Then Royal Gamma Roshini looks at Royal Beta Edward and Royal Gamma Charles as they reach.

" What can we do to break this?" Royal Gamma Roshini asked hystering.

" You guys have to use your powers. The wall is too thick to break," Royal Gamma Charles said feeling the cold ice.

Royal Gamma Roshini and the two Princesses started to break the ice with their powers while Royal Beta Edward and Royal Gamma Charles stepped back.

Royal Beta Edward glances around noticing a lot of Unknown wolves are fleeing. Then he looks at Gamma Oliver eating the organs of a wolf which was near the dead body of Epsilon Aiden held by crying Epsilon Susan.

Epsilon Susan cries holding her mate whose heart was ripped off. Then she looks at her adopted son eating the organs of a wolf who killed Epsilon Aiden. She smiled in pride for her son taking revenge for his adopted Dad.

Then Gamma Oliver's wolf, Chap walks to Epsilon Aiden whinning and licking his cold face.

" His soul is in peace now," Epsilon Susan sobs caressing Chap's fur and hugs her rubbing his neck to her face. They shivered as a wave of cold and heat spread.

They turn to see Princess Nina flying in the sky as she spreads her arms out. Thunder erupted loudly making current waves appear on her arms along with fire. And pieces of ground shaped as huge rocks floating behind her. 

Princess Nina pointed her arms towards the ice wall making the current waves, fire and rocks attacking the wall.

While Princess Yasmin used her water power to weaken the wall inside. And Royal Gamma Roshini kept punching the wall with her hands lightened with heat.

Together they were able to break the ice wall creating a hold enough for one person to pass.

Princess Yasmin runs inside first to see her sister, Queen Disha. She pushed away Alpha Ace on top of Queen Disha.

Princess Yasmin pats her sister's face crying silently to wake her sister up. Princess Nina stood nearby like a statue while Royal Gamma Roshini went next to Queen Disha looking at her healing wound.

" Her wound is healing," Royal Gamma Roshini shouted in delight bringing relief to the two Princesses.

Royal Beta Edward went to check Alpha Ace's pulse and informed his cousin, Royal Gamma Charles,

" He's dead,"

" Take his body to the ambulance, " Royal Gamma Charles ordered the council warriors.

The Royal Beta Edward and Royal Gamma Charles walked out of the ice wall. Royal Beta Edward howled declaring victory making Alpha Aston's wolf, Vic pause attacking a weak wolf.

Alpha Aston's wolf, Vic runs towards the Royal Beta Edward shifting into human form.

" The Alpha of Unknown is dead?" He asked for confirmation and noticed the dead body of Alpha Ace coming out of the ice wall.

Alpha Aston howled loudly relief that the danger to Luna Anna's life was over.

" Alpha of Unknown is dead," He announced through mind link letting everyone in his pack be informed.

" Alpha Aston," Alpha Aston looked at Royal Gamma Charles who called him.

" Wear some clothes and identify the martyrs," Royal Gamma Charles mumbled.

Alpha Aston nodded and jogged to the assigned place where sets of clothes were kept. He quickly wore clothes and noticed Beta Liam and Gamma Oliver coming towards him.

Alpha Aston let them wear clothes and they hugged each other for the victory and loss of their parents.

" Did any of you see where Mom is?" Alpha Aston asked. Beta Liam shakes his head while Gamma Oliver mutters,

" No, Mom is looking for them," 

They walked to the battlefield where the council warriors and Holwer Pack warriors were carrying the martyrs to one corner.

They walked to the corner where Zeta quickly informed them,

" We found the Epsilons... They are covered with beige coloured sheets,"

The three high-ranked members immediately looked at the beige-covered sheets and walked towards them with hesitation.

Iotas near the covered sheets, they opened the face proportions one by one. Letting the high-ranked members look at their paled parents. They howled in mourning which was joined by other wolves. The sound of the howling was so loud that the ambulance workers who were carrying the dead bodies of Alpha Ace and Beta Sebastian could hear it.

A worked looked out the window seeing birds flying away from the tree because of the howling. Unaware that under the sheet, Alpha Ace and Beta Sebastian opened their wolves' eyes.

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