tokio hotel smutshots

By kaulitztwins69

301 4 3

this is a mature collection of short stories written about the band Tokio Hotel if you don't like it please j... More

Tom Kaulitz

301 4 3
By kaulitztwins69

I roll over in my bed hearing my phone ring, i practically fall back asleep as my phone goes to voicemail, i let out a relieved sigh until it rings again, i groan and roll over retrieving my phone from the nightstand i glance at the caller ID seeing my best friends name i bring the phone up to my ear lazily.

"whatt...?" i say sounding more snappy than i meant it to. "hello to you to, its 12pm how are you still sleeping" my friend responds "its the fucking weekend Kassie, how are you up and so chipper" i slowly sit up in my bed waking up a bit running my hand through my bedhead. "you're just lazy y/n, anywayyyyyy i have something important to tell you!" Kassie squeals through the phone making me wince i bit, i lean against my headboard getting ready to listen to whatever she's about to go on about. I hum letting her know I'm listening. "okay so you know how I'm going to the Tokio Hotel concert with Becca, well she called me this morning and her parents are being mega a-holes and she got grounded she she can't come with me and i was hoping you'd come because i cannot go by myself" i could hear her smile through the phone. I groaned a bit "do i have to?" i say a bit annoyed i didn't even know the band. "yes" Kassie said in a sassy tone. "its all paid for the hotel is really nice and its a VIP meet and greet ticket!" Kassie sounded excited" Kassie i don't even listen to their fucking music" i bite out at her. "y/n please my dad wont let me go alone, plus the lead guitarist is totally your type! look him up" Kassie says in a more flirty tone i get up and walk over to my desk where my laptop is and open it. " okay whats his name?" i say getting a little excited to see. "Tom Kaulitz!" she says excited, i stopped for a second." how the mother fucking fuck do i spell that!?" i say confused, i hear Kassie laugh. "K-a-u-l-i-t-z" i spell it out into google and press enter waiting for it to load. "oohhhhh.... holly shitttttt" i say in more of a whisper " see! i told you!" Kassie laughs out. hes fucking hot, id ride that shit all day. "okayyyy I've had a change of heart, ill come with you but only cuz you're my best friend and you begged me" i say with i smirk that she could probably hear.

~time skip~

Its now Friday and the concert is tomorrow, i walk into my house and see that my dad is actually home for once, hes usually out at some bar all night and gone for days with some skank he found at a bar, i try to sneak past him as hes passed out on the couch, i get to the stairs and and the first step makes a loud sound when i put my weight on it and I whip my head around frozen hoping my dad doesn't wake up, he doesn't move so i continue up the stairs and go to my room to pack, i pack all my stuff and quietly start back downstairs hoping my dad is still asleep i head to the door when i feel my bag start to slip off my shoulder but when i try to catch it i swing it into the desk in the hallway and knock over a picture of my mother sending it smashing to the floor. i freeze hoping nothing will happen, just when i though i was free and started to walk to the door i felt a strong grip on my shoulder as my father whips me around. "where do you think your going?" i wince at the smell of alcohol on his breath. "I'm going to meet some friends" i said with a shaky voice. "what, you're going to see some guys? going to be a little slut just like your mother?" he spat at me, that got me, my mom was not a whore. "mom was not a slut! she was the only one who cared! you were the one who went sleeping around and getting drunk! you're the reason that shes gone! shes dead because you're a useless waste of space!" i yell at him my rage taking over but i regretted it all as soon as i said it, i was terrified i didn't know what he could do, just as i had that thought i heard a loud crack sound and felt a hot burning on my temple and eye, i look back to my father and see a half smashed beer bottle in his hand, i slowly raise my hand to my temple and wince as my fingers touch my skin i lower my hand and see so much blood my vision starts to blur, i glance up to my father and the rage pours out of me and i lose it again. "what the fuck!? you piece of shit! you're never going to fucking see me again!" before i can think about it i feel my hand connect to his face and i storm to the door. as i grab the door handle the rest of the broken bottle smashes right beside my head leaving a beer stain on the wood, i whip my head around and look at him. " you fucking psycho i hope you get fucked up by one of your hoes pimps" i open the door and before i slam it in his face, without turning back to him i say "fuck. you." and slam the door and leave down the driveway where Kassie is waiting for me in her fancy car. I I open the door and climb into the car with a exaggerated sigh, Kassie turns and looks at me concern on her face. "what the fuck happened to you?" i look at her with a bit of a smirk. "better watch your mouth before daddy cuts your allowance" she looks taken back by my comment and i sigh. "sorry Kassie my dads just a fucking piece of shit" i look down at my hands still covered in my blood. "do you have any makeup wipes so i can clean myself up before i give you the whole story," i glance at her with a sad expression on my face. "ya, there just in the glove compartment," she points in front of me. i pop it open grabbing the small package taking a few out and bringing them to the side of my face looking at the damage in the reweave mirror. "so what happend y/n?" Kassie asked. "i broke a picture of my mom so my dad smashed a bottle over my face," i shrug to show i didn't care. "y/n thats a big deal you should go to the cops." i sigh, "hes not worth it, im never going back there. i hope he fucking rots in hell," i glance out the window as she peels off my road.

~time skip~

when we finally reach the hotel we are exhausted as we enter the front doors dragging our bags behind us. Kassie goes to the front desk to get our keys while i wait by the elevator for her. "here is your key your in the room right across of me if you need me," Kassy hands over a key as she presses the top floor. the elevator ride feels like it takes forever and i am beyond grateful when i get to my room. i throw my shit lazily on the floor and let my body flop onto my bed. i close my eyes for what only feel like a second but when i open them again i am blinded by the sun shining through the curtains. i slide out of the bed and head to the bathroom wincing at the sight of myself in the mirror. my hair is a dishevelled mess, and the side of my face was puffy and red. i grown as i strip out of yesterdays close and step into the sower turning on the hot water leaning against the wall letting the water wash over me. when i step out i wrap myself in a towel and wander out into the room, i pull my bag onto the bed and throw it open. i skim the selection of cloths i brought for the weekend deciding on a baggy pair of pants with a low V cropped top that is snug to my curves. i grab my makeup bag and head back to the bathroom laying the contents on the counter. i am careful wile applying the makeup over the side of my face and by the time i am done you cant even tell i have a black eye.

I hear a loud knock on my door, and I quickly go to answer it, only to find Kassie at the door, she brushes past me not even saying hi. She throws herself onto my bed and turns to me "so I'm thinking we will leave at like 5 since the concert starts at 6 so that we can make sure we get in there fast and find good spots right at the stage." She says with a matter of factly tone. "Sounds good to me your in charge im just following your lead" I say it slightly dismissively. "Oh hey you covered your black eye really well, you cant even tell." After that she proceeded to walk out of my room without another word. Ok I have 2 more hours before I have to leave, what in the fuck do I do with 2 hours. I opted out for watching a movie on the large flat screen the hotel rooms had, but sure enough I was interrupted about three quarters through by the loud bang on my door. "Hey Kass, are we leaving now?" I watch her as she's practically jumping with excitement. "YES OH MY GOD YES! I am so excited I think you will love this. Now let's go." She grabs my hand and practically tries to drag me. "Whoa take a chill pill bitch, I still need my phone and my purse it has my ticked." I shake my head at her. "Oh right." She giggled. When I had all my stuff, I let her pull me down the hallway this time to the elevator. The whole elevator ride she was talking non stop and jumping around, which i scolded her for because you shouldn't jump in elevators. When we hit the grand floor she grabbed my hand and took off full throttle out the door, our hotel was really close to the stadium so we didn't need her car, but she did practically make me sprint the whole way. When we reached the stadium there was already a line but we were still pretty close to the entrance. After about 30 minutes of standing and waiting they opened the doors and quickly started getting people in. It didn't take long for us to reach the doors, the man took our tickets and checked our ID's before letting us in. As VIP's we were given our VIP lanyards and a t-shirt of the band. Kassie quickly led me to the stadium centre where we had to go down like a million stairs. When we reached the floor we showed security out slips on our lanyards and were in. The lights dim and everyone in the stadium hushed as one bright light shone towards the middle back of the stage. An eruption of screens broke out as the band ran onto stage. "Hello Loss Angeles, how are we doing?" A guy with long spiked hair said into the mic causing another explosion of screams from the crowd. "We are so happy to be here. SO LETS GET STARTED!" Kassie squealed and jumped grabbing my arm. Jesus this is going to be a long show. They sang their first couple songs, and I had to admit they were pretty good I didn't mind it at all, and I really didn't mind looking at the Tom guy who stood right in front of us for a good portion. It was all pretty chill till they played the song that Kassie said was called Leb Die Sekunde it was completely in German so I didn't understand a word. But I did under stand when Tom stopped playing the guitar for a quitter part, then proceeded to point directly at me then at his guitar and start thrusting it down onto his hips. God that man is hot. I felt my face heat up as he smirked at me and went back to playing the guitar. I look over at Kassie who was already staring at me her jaw practically on the floor. "Oh my dear God, he totally just did that at you. That was so hot." She jumped up and down while clapping her hands. I could hardly hear her over the music and the crowd. The rest of the concert was pretty good and I could officially say Kass had tuned me into a fan. I did catch Tom look at me every now and then though. As Kassie dragged me up the stairs so we could wait for our VIP meet and great while they did their normal signing and meet and greats with normal fans. Apparently we were the only ones with this high of VIP passes because one Kassie dad is loaded two he knew some people apparently. We had to wait about an hour before security led us to a back section of the stadium where they had their dressing rooms. "Here you are ladies, you can choose any room you like to go into the names are on the doors, you have as long as you want unless you want to leave or the band has to." The security guy said and walked away. I looked over at Kassie who had a huge smile on her face. "Who are you going to see?" I looked at her. "Gustav. Omg I think I'm in love with that boy. I think you should go into that one." She pointed at the door that said Tom in big bold letters with a wicked smile on her face. "I mean I guess I could." I shrugged, but in reality that was already my plan. As Kass skipped away to Gustav's room I grabbed the door handle and twisted it slowly. But when I got in I was surprised to find it empty. "Hello?" I called out. "One sec I'm just changing my shirt." I hear a voice call out. Then I see him. This God of a man walked out from a small room off of this one, no shirt on. Well at least yet. I watch the muscles in his arms and admire his abbs while he pulls on a fresh shirt. "Like what you see?" Tom had a sexy smirk on his face as he watched me. He started to advance, it only took him a couple steps to close the distance between us. "Hey you the sexy chick from the front row. Did you like the show?" All I could do was look up at him. He raised an eyebrow at me for not answering him. "O-oh ya. Um you guys are really great." I managed to get it out without sounding to much like an idiot. "I didn't mean the whole show I meant the one I made for you." He reached out and dragged a finger across my collar bone. I shifted my weight to one side and crossed my arms over my chest, which pushed my tits up more and I saw Tom's eyes shoot down for a second. "Are you always this flirty and forward?" I scoffed at him. What was I doing this man probably had a

hundred girls before this i wasn't the type to be a dumb struck basic bitch. "Oh your fiesty. I like that. Whats your name sexy?" He looked at me intensely not trying to hide his desire. "Its u/n." I say in a small voice. He leaned down so he could whisper in my ear. "So how do you like it?" I looked at him in shock. "Excuse me?" "How. Do. You. Like. It. How do you like to be fucked, that is." I was stunned at the words coming out of his mouth but yet I found myself answering him. "Ruff. Hard. And fast." I said it in a seductive tone looking at him through my lashes. "Perfect." Was all he said before closing the gap between us, crashing his lips against mine. I could feel the cold metal of his lip ring as he kissed me hungrily, sliding his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entry which I quickly granted him letting our tongues dance and tangle together. I let out a soft moan into his mouth which earned one in return. He stated moving forward, forcing me back till the back of my calfs hit the edge of the leather couch he had. He lightly pushed me down so I was laying on my back and got on top of me momentarily separating from me, his eyes searching mine. "Is this ok?" "Fuck yes it is." Is all I say before dragging him back down to me. His hands roamed my body till his left hand found by boob he groaned. "Fuck, your so hot." He mumbled the words as his lips left mine to trail down my chin to my neck before he found my sensitive spot where my collar bone and neck meet. I moan as he starts to suck, bite, and kiss at my sensitive skin. I bite down on my lip hard to stop from moaning as he continues this beautiful torture. "Don't do that baby. I want to hear you. You make as much noise as you want." He was starting down at me when he said it I could feel my face grow hot. I nodded at him. He sat back onto one of his legs. "I'm going to remove these now." He whisper starting to undo my belt and the buttons of my pants. He took them off in one swift motion leaving my lace thong to cover me. I heard him whisper something in German as he looked down at me. He leaned back down reconnecting our lips while his hand trailed down to my core rubbing my clit through the thin fabric. I let my head fall back giving access to my neck as I let out a loud moan. He slid the fabric to the side and rubbed his hand across my entrance. "Fuck. Such a good girl, so wet for me. Do you want to go further?" I nodded at him. "No you need to say it." He gave me a firm look removing his hand from me earning a frustrated groan. "Yes. God yes I want more." It came out as more of a plea than I had intended. He smirked, he stood up and walked away. What the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me? What a fucking asshole. Ya fucking get me hot and bothered and fuck off. God hes such a prick. I don't know what I was thinking. I stood up and pulled my pants on quickly facing the door. I felt to strong hands wrap around me stopping my hands from doing up my pants. "And what do you think your doing?" To whispered in my ear. I turn fast to look at him. "You fucking left after doing all of that shit on the couch, then you got up and fucking left. I'm not about to be some stupid play thing." I snapped at him. "I got up to get this." He replied holding up a foil package. "Oh." He smiled and shook his head. "Ya so take your pants back off, and you shirt as hot as it is you can take that off too, the thong and bra too." He smirked at me. "Um, ok. But what about you?" Tom smiled and took off his shirt showing me he was as equally participating. I took a deep breath and let my pants fall to the floor kicking them away from me. Then I shocked him when I took off my shirt to reveal I wasn't wearing a bra because my shirt has built in support. "Oh Jesus." He breathed out. "What about your pants isn't this one for one?" I came closer to him placing my hand on his bulge. "Fuck. What if I let you do it?" "Hmm. Fine." I got down on my knees and slowly undid his belt and then the button and zipper of his baggy jeans making sure I touch him whenever I can and go slow. I want him to want this as bad as I do. I pull his pants down before palming him through his boxers. My fingertips find his waist band and I carefully remove his boxers letting him free. And dear god he was big. I wrap my hand around his base and do little slow pumps as I lick the tip and slowly drag my tongue up his shaft.i look up at him and see he has his head thrown back. I can tell he can't wait any longer when he tangles his fingers in my hair and thrusts into my mouth. I can't take all of him down my throat so I pump what doesn't fit while her fucks my face letting out small moans and groans. I start sucking harder making Tom groan. I moan on his dick trying to take him deeper making myself gag slightly. "Oh fuck. I'm going to cum." His words were breathy and rushed. His words only motivated me more I sucked and stroked him until I felt a warm liquid hit the back of my throat. I swallowed happily while looking up at him making sure I lick up every last drop of his cum. "Holly fuck your hot when you swallow y/n." Tom grabbed my hand helping me from the ground before spinning me around and ripping my thong off me. I gasp at the harshness. I hear crinkling behind me than a firm hand bends me over the vanity. I could feel the tip of his cock touch my entrance. "Please Tom I need you in me. I want you to fuck me." With that in one swift motion he thrust into me making me scream. "Fuck y/n. Your so tight." He groaned. All I could do in response is to scream his name as he started to thrust into me at an impossible speed. The room was filled with the sound of our moans and my screams, the sound of skin on skin, and the smell of sex thick in the air. It didn't take long for me to feel the pit in my stomach start to grow. "Fuck. Tom your going to make me.... " I couldn't finish before the most intense orgasm rippled through me. Tom placed his hand on my front to keep me up. I hear him let our a couple loud grunts and I know he's close to cumming again. He let's out a chain of curses as he releases in the condom before falling over me supporting himself on the vanity. He stood carefully and pulled out of me removing the condom and tying a not in it before throwing it in the trash. He carried me to the couch and left. When he came back he was in fresh cloths and brought me a shirt and sweats. He helped me dress and put my cloths in a bag.

"That was amazing y/n. I hope to do it again sometime." He gave me that devilish smirk. "Ya me too Tom." I smiled at him and walked out to go find Kassie.

Written by J & L

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