His Savior

By GetALife102938

808 30 11

Amely is a secret twin of Harry Potter. She's been living in America since the accident. And only two people... More

Hey guy's!
Chapter 2. Year 4. Amely
Chapter 3. Year 4. Amely.
Chapter 4. Year 4. Draco.
Chapter 5. Year 4. Amely.
Chapter six. Year 4. Draco
Chapter 7. Year 4. Amely
Chapter 8. Year 4. Amely.
Chapter 9. Year 4. Draco
Chapter 10. Year 4. Amely.
Chapter 11. Year 4. Amely.
Chapter 12. Year 4. Amely.
Chapter 13. Year 4. Draco
Chapter 14. Year 4. Draco.
Chapter 15. Year 4. Amely.
Chapter 16. Year 4. Amely.
Chapter 17. Year 4. Draco
Chapter 18. Year 4. Amely.
Chapter 19. Year 4. Draco.

Chapter 1. Year 4 Amely

68 2 0
By GetALife102938





I slam my hand down on my alarm clock as I look at the clock. 

6:00 AM. 

'UGH! I have to catch a flight to the UK today' I think while I quite literally roll out of bed onto the floor making quite a bit of noise on the way down. 

"SHUT UP" I hear my sister yell from the next room over. Well I suppose she's not my actual sister. I found out a few day's ago. Actually I found out many things a few day's ago. Here's a bit of a recap. 

It wasn't a normal day. Well for other people it was. But for our family, this was the best day of the week. Mail day. I was waiting in the living for that sweet sweet sound of the doorbell. And soon enough, I heard it.  

I ran to the door trying to beat my sister. After putting some lip gloss on and making sure I looked pretty before opening the door. 

"Good morning Amely!" he said while handing me the mail. 

'He' was the most gorgeous guy i'd ever see. Or so I thought. He was five foot nine. Which was much taller than me. I stood at a whooping five foot. And barely at that. 

He had shocking brown eye's and a soft mop of brown hair. He had a perfect set of dimples and no freckles. He was always perfectly tan, as if he lived in South Carolina. I wish then I might be able to see him shirtless. But instead we live in Minnesota. Up where it gets real cold. So the chances of me seeing him shirtless are in the negatives. Just like our temperatures. 

His name, you ask? Brady. Brady Pumpernick. Weird last name I know. But hey he was British, i've always had a sweet spot for British guy's. He was eighteen, which was two years older than me. 

"Good morning Brady! How are you?" I ask while trying to look a little bit seductive. But i've always been awkward and a little anti-social. So as you could have guessed it didn't work too well. 

"Pretty good! Earning some extra bucks so I can rent a tux for prom this year! How about you? How's the fam?" he asks while handing me the mail. 

"I'm doing good! Working on school as always" I say while trying to deflect the family question. He's always liked my sister more than me. She's a year older than me, so she's a year younger than him. To make matters worse she feels the same as me about him. 

Next thing I know the devil pushes me aside from the door. Well in the moment she was the devil. My sister. 

Sonja was way prettier than I could ever be. She had beautiful brown hair and green eyes, which were the only similarities between us. She was much taller than me. Standing at a five foot ten she towered over me. But then again most people did. 

She had a short stubby neck and small boobs, but she stuffed them so they looked huge. She had a good sized ass and a small waist. Reflecting on it later, I suppose the only reason Brady was interested in her was her body. 

He was a prick. I knew it too, but he was so fucking hot! 

"Hey Brady" she says which snaps me out of the dirty thoughts I was having about him in the moment. She leans against the door way seductively, unlike me. 

"Hey" he says while licking his lips and looking at her body up and down before looking at her boobs. When ever they talk he only looks at them as if it's eye contact. It infuriates me!

I start to breath again after realizing I haven't for the past minute. As soon as I inhale I smell it. She's wearing her nicest perfume. On purpose. 

He leans in and whispers something in her ear as if i'm not here. She giggles and places her hand on his bicep while sending me a smug look. 

God I wish she'd have the worst luck and he'd run away. 

He grabs a piece of her hair and smells it but drops it suddenly. He has a disgusted look on his face when he pulls back. 

"What is it?" she asks. The next thing that happens is something I could never imagine. The hairs from her lush hair seems to fall out from the root. Starting with the strand Brady held.

Leaving her shiny and bald. Even the places where her eyebrows are. Well. I should say were. 

He drops the mail abruptly and runs to the mail truck before driving away. 

The next few minutes were filled with screaming and crying. Not from me obviously but from my mother and sister. My father sends me to get the mail while I grumble about the noise my sister is making. 

I like to think i'm a nice person, but there are moments such as these where that theory is tested. 

I get to the front door and swing it open and as I do an owl, you heard me a FREAKING OWL, drops a letter on my door step and sweeps off as if it's normal. I bend down and pick it up and to my surprise it's addressed to me. 

"Umm Dad?" I ask while walking in with my letter momentarily forgetting about the letters on the front steps. 

"What Amely? This is kind of serious" my dad snaps slightly. I ignore it.

"What's 'Hogwarts'?" I ask reading the return address. 

"Where did you hear that?" my mother asks while standing up from my sister who is still a sobbing mess. 

"This letter" I say while holding it up in my hand's. 

"It must be time" my dad mutters while grabbing my hand to lead me upstairs. My mother follows my sister protesting from the couch. 

"We need to talk" they say when we reach their bedroom.

Long story short they told me about how a man showed up to their door step with a baby girl saying how she's a witch and needs a family till they can bring her back. Back from where they were unsure. And they would reach out to them when i'm ready. 

But that's where their information ends. 

Which brings us to now. 

I roll off the ground and crack my back. I walk to mirror and grab my makeup bag after I play some music.

I add winged eyeliner to make my emerald green eyes pop. I add mascara to my already long eyelash's. My friends always complement them and I would love them if they weren't blond. Because their blond their almost impossible to see. 

I add blush to my cheeks and to the tip of my nose before adding my glasses. Then I go to brush my teeth. Finally I add some of my favorite chap stick. Which is Sugar Cookie by Chap Stick. Total 2010's I know but I love it anyway. 

I go to my closet and grab some black ripped jeans and a thin green turtle neck. I go back to my mirror to brush my blond hair. It's so ratty that when it's in knots it comes up to my middle back. Unlike when it's brushed. Then it come's down to my butt. 

"AMELY! WE NEED TO LEAVE SWEET HEART!" my mom, well not real mom, yells from the bottom of the stairs. 

I grumble as I grab my suitcase and head down the stairs. 

"Have fun at boarding school, you pathetic little witch" my so called sister hiss' at me from her room. My parents told her after they told me. She's human. Unlike me. 

I let out an exasperated sigh before making my way down the stairs. 

"Come on, honey" my dad, Jeff, says while guiding me to the front door as if i'm going to run away. 

"I'm fine, Jeff" I say while walking faster. I've started calling them by their names. I'm overly pissed at them. I wish they would have told me sooner. 

"Come on, sweety. Don't be like that" my mom, Linda, says pleadingly. Like I said there are moments that test my niceness. And I don't always pass. 

"Just start the car please, Linda" I say while Jeff puts my suitcase in the trunk. 

As soon as we start the drive to the air port I slip my headphones in before listening to my favorite playlist. Eventually I nod off into a dreamless sleep.  

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