The Missing Piece

By CoriMarieTMNT

603 37 0

What if Aria Draxum wasn't Aria Draxum? In this universe, while still adopted by Splinter and the Turtles, Ar... More

The Past Returns
Trouble Afoot
Avalanche Ahoy!
Not Over Yet
Back In Business
Mutant Mayhem
Team In Trouble

Earth vs. Aliens

68 5 0
By CoriMarieTMNT

Aria's POV:

We meet up with the turtles in an alleyway, Vincent keeping me in the car until further notice, but I can still hear everything they say through an open window. Vincent nods as she looks at the officer in the driver's seat. He gets out of the car and opens my door for me. I step out, hug April, and slowly walk toward Raph, who gently takes my hand in his, squeezing it out of relief that I'm finally in his arms.

Vincent: "What are you?"

Mikey: "We're not really into labels."

Leo: "Some call us freaks. Monsters."

Raph: "Let's just say we're four brothers from New York who hate bullies and love this city."

Donnie: "And right now, we're the city's best hope."

Vincent: "Why should I believe you?"

Leo: "You don't have to take it from us. Take it from him."

Chief Vincent turns to Vern.

April: "Go ahead, Vern. Tell her about the arrangement."

Vern: "What arrangement?"

I look to Vern as Raph & I crack our knuckles.

Vern: "Oh, that arrangement.-*to Vincent*-Look, the Falcon is still the Falcon. I just may have gotten by with a little help from my friends. These five are the ones who took Shredder down the first time. I was kind of more of a wingman."

Leo: "We've been doing our part to protect this city from the shadows."

Suddenly, alien tech flies over us.

Leo: "And we think we have something to offer. We're gonna need-"

Raph & I: "Strategy."

Raph and I extend our hands, with my hand atop his as Leo places his hand over mine.

Leo: "Instinct."

Then, Mikey places a hand over ours.

Mikey: "Logic."

Finally, Donnie places his hand at the top.

Donnie: "And boatloads of heart."

{Time skip}

The officers load themselves into the NYPD van.

Donnie: "April, Aria, Casey, and Vern need an escort to Pier 90. The electromagnetic force of the portal is coming from there. Forwarding you the coordinates."

Leo: "Send a team! Take us to the Chrysler Building. We'll make our way up to his ship and take down Kraang on his home turf."

So, April, Casey, Vern, and I hop into a police vehicle and head towards Donnie's coordinates, separating from the Turtles further down the road.

Casey: "All right, they're splitting up."

Vern: "Wait, we aren't going with the Turtles? Why aren't we going with the Turtles? When something bad happens, you wanna be with the Turtles!"

Once we arrive at our destination, we run into an obstacle, damaging the car, but still make it into the parking garage. We then sneak into the garage, taking cover when we spot Bebop & Rocksteady on motorcycles.

Bebop: "We've gotta keep our eyes out for intruders."

Rocksteady: "Well, what do intruders look like?"

Bebop: "Anybody that's not a big pig or a big rhino."

Casey: "Oh. Oh, boy. Listen. You guys secure the portal device. I'll deal with those two."

Vern: "'Secure the portal device'? What does that even mean?"

Casey: "It means kick the butt of anyone that's guarding it, wait for Donnie's go signal, and shut it down."

Vern: "Yeah, but we don't know how many people are guarding it!"

Casey: "Well, do you wanna switch?"

Vern looks over as Rocksteady roars before looking back at us.

Vern: "Yeah, no. We're gonna secure the portal."

Casey: "I thought so."

With that, we split up and charge ahead to complete our tasks. Along the way, we crawl along the top of the nearby shipping crates and silently debate who should make the first move against the incoming guard. April nods her head for Vern to do so, but he objects.

Vern: *whispers* "What? Why me?"

April gestures to herself and me with a questioning look, so Vern leaps down and knocks the guard into the shipping crate beside him, knocking him out as April and I nod with impressed looks. When we reach the portal's location, we see Karai guarding it.

Vern: "Oh, great. She has a sword. We have a hubcap."

Me: *holds out tessens* "And these."

Vern: "Wait. You have your own weapon after only 2 years of training?"

Me: "I'm a fast learner, plus I have about 9 years of prior experience from my old martial arts and self-defense classes."

So, we approach Karai as she turns and draws her weapon.

Karai: "Come on."

Karai attacks and knocks Vern over before rushing to attack April, but I step between them and block her attacks with my tessens. Then, we engage in one-on-one combat, both of us putting up a heck of a fight until she knocks me over and cuts across the spot between my shoulder and my arm. She goes to make a final attack, but April appears behind her and knocks her out with a computer before helping me up.

April: "You ok?"

Me: "Yeah. Not bad for my first battle scar, right?"

April: *chuckles* "You're Raph's girl, all right."

Then, Casey swoops in on roller skates as Donnie calls to give us the signal.

Donnie: "Guys, now! Close the portal now!"

Casey: "I got this!"

Casey hits the portal device with his hockey stick, causing it to malfunction and shut down. Not long after, the portal sucks in all the alien tech and its creator before closing up for good, a brief aftershock following soon after.

{Time skip}

Chief Vincent has organized a ceremony to give the five of us keys to the city. Leo glances at Splinter, who nods with a prideful smile.

Vincent: "For your incredible valor within this community and for your uncompromising cooperation with this agency, I present to you the keys to this city, a symbol of our appreciation, respect, and for our continued partnership. To you, Aria O'Neil, and to you, brothers, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo...Last name?"

The turtles look at one another with awkward expressions.

Donnie: "Uh, not so much."

Mikey: "I never thought of that. That's no fair."

Vincent: "Congratulations."

Vincent leads the officers, Casey, Vern, and April, in a collective round of applause. She then walks over to us for a private conversation.

Vincent: "I think you should give people more credit. They'll accept you now."

Raph: "You're probably right. But, uh, I think we'll stick with the arrangement we've had."

Leo: "If you ever need us, April knows where to find us."

Vincent: "Really? You could live a normal life like the rest of us."

Raph: "Normal? What fun is that?"

Afterward, the five of us hop up to the torch of Lady Liberty, cheering and whooping into the night sky. Now, for the first time since learning the truth of my origins, I finally feel at peace with myself and the life I've carved out alongside my sister, friends, teammates, and my hotheaded hero.


{A/N: Play video}

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