The Lost Princess And Seven K...

By JI-JI0323

341 79 42

A young girl, she has no idea how great her destiny is. Only if she can know what her destiny is. She cannot... More

Author Note!!!
Characters Part 1
Characters Part 2
Characters Part 3
Prologue - The Past
Chapter 1 - The New Home
Chapter 2 - New life, New friends
Chapter 3 - Meeting them
Chapter 4 - Dreams
Chapter 5 - Confirmation
Chapter 6 - The match
Chapter 7 - Mission A & A ❤️ Part 1
Chapter 8 - Mission A & A ❤️ Part 2
Chapter 9 - Mission A & A ❤️ Part 3
Chapter 11 - Red String of Fate
Chapter 12 - Powers
Chapter 13 - Feelings & Surprise Part 1
Chapter 14 - Feelings & Surprise Part 2
Chapter 15 - Memories
Chapter 16 - Beginning of the End

Chapter 10 - Awakening

15 3 0
By JI-JI0323

Heilie's pov

I feel so much better after taking a morning shower. It's been few weeks since Aurora and Arvan got together. Since that day me and the guys become more closer. We had so much fun that day. It was one of the best day in my life. We arranged everything by our self, actually it's the boys (except Ethan cause he is not there) who did most of works. We used our powers..... well they used their powers cause I don't know how to use mine yet. They show me how to use them and teach me few tricks. But of course me begin me, I can't do any single thing. Argh!! It's so cool. I can't wait to learn how to control my powers.

Arvan is a living fire flame but also very dumb sometimes... ahem most of the time. He is almost gonna burn down the whole forest if it is not Ellyn who used his water power (shaking head), actually I'm not surprise, Fire boy🔥. That's where Ellyn came, my favorite ice cube ahhhhhh....... heh heh. He hate that nick name I gave him after he show me his ice power but I don't care cause I like that and I'm not gonna stop calling him that. Plus the face he made when I called him that name is so damn cute aww........ I actually wanna pinch his cheeks. And may or maybe not I gave him another nickname, Ice Prince❄️ (Don't tell him tho). Annnnnd here is leo... I was aww by the way he control plants and make those leaves with full of flowers, wrap around the trees. It was so so beautiful & cool. He is a whole rays of sunshine☀️. And Ash, with his super speed he put those candles we bought with a blink of an eye. He is so fast, like a lightning. So I called him Flash and I also called him Meow meow🐈 because he is really look like a cat.

I was so magnificent by their powers so I didn't notice someone were right behind me and suddenly I was lift by the ground in bridle style but there is no one. I was so near to freaking out and suddenly BOOM...... It was Noa who lift me. He is using his invisible powers. He is trying so hard not to laugh, I can tell by looking at his face. This Little devil😈. You are so done Noa. I'm so mad right now. As soon as he put me down again, the first thing I did was chasing after him to teach him a lesson for almost giving me a heart attack. I heard other boys laugh as Noa run for his dear life. Seriously this kid... (shaking my head). I was out of breath but didn't stop chasing him but Ray hold me and keep me while I struggle to escape but did not success. Ray and his stupid super strength. But he felt like an older brother I never had. My Bear🐻.

Later that day after Ray brought Rora and show her the way to where Arvan is waiting, he quickly came to where we were hiding. (you might think how did I came here when I was with Aurora at my house a while ago, right? Well... Ash brought me here with his super speed. It so cool but my head is begin to spin for a moment.) All the six of us are still here in the forest. As we watch Aurora walking toward where Arvan is waiting for her, Leo use his power to brought fireflies and light up the path making it seems like a magical forest in some fairy tale. Moon is shinig in the sky full of stars, Aurora is look like a princess right now. Both of them deserve a better ending. I'm so happy for them.

After a while we left and wait in their secret house until Arvan arrive and as soon as he came to the living room, boys blast him with questions making him a whole blushing mess. Oh poor fire boy can't stop blushing as he tell us what happened and also cannot stop smiling. And it didn't last long until Ray suddenly scream "YOU TWO KISSED?" well you can't hide anything from a mind reader. At that time I really thought Arvan might kill Ray or something but to my surprise he hide his face in his hand after shooting Ray a playful glare, mumbling something to himself. All of us laugh our ass off, Leo and Noa were laying on the floor laughing as tears are dropping to the floor as they laugh. Even Ellyn laugh clinching his stomach. Ray, Ash and me are can't stop our laugh ether while Arvan groan in embarrass.

Annnnnnd of course I didn't forget my dear bestie too. Ellyn gave me a ride to my house and next day early in the morning I burst in to Rora's house and didn't stop bothering her until she tell me every.little.single.thing. about what happened that night. And YES she told me EVERYTHING. Like Arvan, Aurora is a blushing mess too (shaking my head). They both match each other very well. I'm sooooo happy for my beastie. She finally found the right one for her. Out of happiness I hugged her so tight that almost chock her (heh heh). Also I can't help but to tease her time to time.

As I recall that event in my head I got dressed and head out of my appartment and wait for Ed since he said he will come to get me. As I was waiting for him I saw him coming and I quickly sat in the car and Ed start to drive us to the university. At first I thought he will be mad after hearing the news about Arvan & Rora but surprisingly he is so calm and even tell us "I know it's gonna happen sooner or later. I'm not surprise. I actually so annoyed by the way they look at each other. But if I saw any single tear of Rora's eyes because of him I'm gonna kill that bastard." Can you believe it? cause I can't.

"what are you thinking blue?" Ed ask giving me a glance as I was still in my own thought.

"Oh umm actually I'm still thinking about how you accept Avran and Rora's relationship plus you are not mad at those seven now. You even talk with Ethan like nothing happen" I ask him making a questioning yet surprise face and he chuckled at me as I hit his arm.

"Awww that hurt, but anyway as I said before I'm not surprise and I know it's gonna happen sooner or later and about your second question I don't know. Actually after that match betwenn our university and Redcrest team and seeing how they are protective toward you and Rora, specially you it slowly change my mind. I don't like when other boys are around you two but for some reason I fell like you two are safe with them so I actually don't mind you two hangout with them. " he simply said with a shrug with a small smile while I shake my head still not being able to get out of my thoughts. but I can understand why Ed felt that way.

"Hmm. So how is your trip hm? you still didn't tell me about it yet and Eden... are you blushing?" I ask him while raising on of my eyebrows with a small smirk as Ed laugh with a small blush appear on his cheeks. Hmmmm something is fishy🧐. I need to find out about this.

"Well....... It was nothing new to me same old but I met a girl an-" OM-


"Lili, stop shouting I have ears you know" said while rolling his eyes but I can't help but to be excited cause why not OUR PENGUIN MET A GIRL AAAAJSIDHOAISH.......

"Ok ok but tell me the details" Ed chuckled at my excites face as began to tell what happen in the trip.

(That story for another time so you have to wait until then)

Time skip

"OMGGGGGG soooo you like her?" I'm already shipping them🤭

"Kind of. Most like a small crush, I think" he shrug but I still can see pink dust in his cheeks and ears.

"Sol ha? Eden & Sol...... Sol mean sun. Om I can't wait to meet her..... I bet she's beautiful as her name. Awwww someone is blushing~~" I said while giggling only to met with a glare but what can I do? I can't help but to tease my dear friend.

"I'm so happy for you my soulmate num2"

"Soulmate num2?"

"Yup. You are soulmate num2 and Rora is soulmate num1. (Gasping dramatically) Don't tell me you don't know? " I said with a sheepish smile as Ed giggled shaking his head to my dramatically behavior.

"I only went for a 2 weeks and look at you, what did that little dummy did to you while I was gone?" Ed said dramatically sighing only to met with a glare and a punch to his arm.

"Aww... Anyway we are arrived. We have the same class in the morning right?" He said smiling looking at my pouting face.

"Yup Rora said she will come in 15 minutes so let’s go to the class, she will come" Hump those two...🙄

"Okay then"😅

"By the way, you look stunning today. White color really suit you well"

"Awww thank you Ed. You look handsome too, as always"

Both of us burst into laughs as I said that.

Author pov

After parking Eden's car they both began to walk toward their class laughing, talking about random things while Eden put his arm around Heilie's shoulder like he always do when they were along without realizing a pair of eye watch their every move. Clenching his fists he walk away with a burning feelings inside his heart even thought he know they were only friends. (someone is jealous🤭)


Eden's outfit

Time skip (I'm lazy)

Heilie is now on her way to the library since it was her free time. Her classes are over for the day but Eden and Aurora still have some classes before the day end. She started humming a song as she slowly make her way to the library. After greeting to the librarian lady, Heilie make her way to her favorite section in the library aka Fantasy book section.

After some times, she still couldn't find a book as she wanted. Without realising Heilie walk to the deep in the library where students rarely go. Touching the book shelfs with her finger tips, she carefully search for a book. Aa she come more closer, A book, in the very top shelf start to shine (you can see the picture of the book from the start). But ofcourse no one can see that except Heilie (and the boys). Still couldn't find a perfect book to read, she went to the near window with a disappointed pout with her face. As she sat down near the window, the glowing book come to her hand floating, startling her for a moment.

Heilie didn't know why but she felt familiar with that book. As that glowing book is trying to tell her something. Slowly, she reach her hand toward the book in front of her and touched it. The moment her fingers touch the book, a wave of energy left the book as Heilie felt something inside her, like something unlocked. She feel like a blooming flower. Her body start to glow, same as the book. Closing her eyes, she start to feel that new feeling inside her. She like it, no she love it. She felt fresh, so light like a feather. As she open her eyes, her eyes glowing with multiple colours. If someone saw that they will say, they saw the universe inside her eyes. They are that beautiful.

The moment she touched the book, the seven boys also felt that. They also felt something inside them as their eyes also began to glow. The moment Heilie open her eyes, they know the powers inside her is finally unlocked and now their time to help the princess. After quick discussion with eachother in their mind, Ethan make his way to the young princess who just unlocked her hidden powers.

Heilie's pov

Wow.... what is this feeling. I feel like, I was born again. I love this. What did you do to me Mr.Mysterious book? I know it sounds like crazy but... wait... what? I AM GLOWING😲 what is going on?

'Hey rio, are you there?'



'Hmmm... rio? Orion?'

O.M.G. What is happening? Why can't I talk with rio? I can't stop this glowing thing either. What am I gonna do? What if someone saw me. Please, please someone help me.....


😐 okay... who is that? It's surely not rio's voice.

'Princess, Heilie, it me Ethan'

Oh hm ok-... wait😳 Am I hearing right? It's ETHAN??? How? Why... is he inside my head?

'Please answer me if you heard me'

'Ye_ah?' The hell!! why did I stuttered?

'Thank god. Are you ok? You are not hurt right? Don't worry I'm on my way to you. Don't go anywhere and stay where you are right now okay?'

'Okay and I'm not hurt don't worry'

'Good, don't worry I'm here'

As he said that I hear his voice calling me from beheth.

"Here you are. Don't wor-"  I turned around as soon as I hear his voice still holdings Mr.Mysterious book and met with his now beautiful glowing golden eyes staring back at mine.

It's like the time is stopped. Only us. I don't want to look away and I think the same for him cause he didn't look away either. It's feel like forever but I only a minute. I forced myself to talk even thought I didn't wanted to.

"Hmm hi Ethan" I said still looking at his beautiful eyes that widened just now and he looked away clearing his throat. 🤭

Ethan pov

"Here you are. Don't wor-"

I freeze in my spot as Heilie turn around. She is so beautiful, as always. But what caught my attention most is her eyes. It's like I saw the whole universe in her eyes. They are so beautiful, breathtaking. I can stare at those eyes my whole life. Just what are you doing to me Princess? My princess. I didn't realize I was staring until I hear her voice. Her beautiful voice calling my name. I feel like honey to my ears. Get yourself together Ethan. What are you thinking. I respond to her after clearing my throat only to stutter. Great job Ethan. Aish.

Heilie's pov

"H_i"  Is he blushing or am I seeing things?

"Sorry, umm so you found that book. Do you know what happened a few minutes ago?" He said while eyeing Mr.Mysterious book as I shake my head looking at it too.

"No, but this book. I think it because of this book right? It all happened after I touch this Mr.Mysterious book" I saw from corner of my eye he look at me with a smile as I said that.

"Mr.Mysterious book?" He said while chuckling as my heartbeat fastened because of his laughs. He surely have a beautiful smile, like his eyes.

"Well... I don't know what is this or anything. Does this book have a name at least?" I said forcing myself to look away from his smiling face and looking at the book.

"Yes it has. The Eye of mystery"

I looked at his eyes which already looking at mine.

"This book get that name cause no one ever read that book except one person. She is the only one who read this book hundred years ago. No one, not even the seven of us can read this. But I know, It you. It's only you who can read this. Read it and find about your powers. The seven of us here to help you. So calm down, don't panic. We are here with you. I am here, with you." He said while giving me his hand as I slowly hold it with my shaking one. Looking at his eyes, I feel myself calm down as he caress my hand with his thumb.

"Let's go. I will help you, I will tell you everything you wanted to know until others come. You safe with us. You are safe with me, Lili."

Nodding my head, we begin to walk with a smile on our face, as he locked our hands together. I don't know what is this feeling but whatever it is I'm gonna love this feeling, the feeling I feel when he is with me.


Sorry for the late update. I will try to upload next chapters soon so wait for it. Thank you for the everyone who read my book. Love ya ❤️❤️

Your dear author JI-JI0323!!!

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