Opposite Ink

By DreamInThatNightmare

4.2K 114 181

After Ink was forced to leave his family, his insecurities, fears and nightmare all came true. But a friend... More

Chapter 1 - The Basics
Chapter 2 - The Wanting
Chapter 3 - The Pain
Chapter 4 - The Change
Chapter 5 - The Past
Chapter 6 - The Secrets
Chapter 7 - The Good
Chapter 8 - The Control
Chapter 9 - The First Attempt
Chapter 10 - The Reach
Chapter 11 - The Little
Chapter 12 - The Apple
Chapter 13 - The Truths
Chapter 14 - The Realisation
Chapter 15 - The Case
Chapter 16 - The Numb
Chapter 17 - The Tricks
Chapter 18 - The Time
Chapter 19 - The Reason
Chapter 20 - The Silence
Chapter 21 - The Rage
Chapter 22 - The Hidden
Chapter 23 - The Message
Chapter 24 - The Reaction
Chapter 25 - The Look
Chapter 26 - The Shock
Chapter 27 - The Case
Chapter 28 - The Aim
Chapter 29 - The Drain
Chapter 30 - The Question
Chapter 31 - The Block
Chapter 32 - The Strain
Chapter 33 - The Dark
Chapter 34 - The Harm
Chapter 35 - The Hint
Chapter 36 - The Result
Chapter 37 - The Boundaries
Chapter 38 - The Echoing
Chapter 39 - The Eyes
Chapter 40 - The Crystals
Chapter 41 - The Cost
Chapter 42 - The Demand
Chapter 43 - The Supply
Chapter 44 - The Chain
Chapter 45 - The Light
Chapter 46 - The Three
Chapter 47 - The Point
Chapter 48 - The Early
Chapter 49 - The Concerns
Chapter 50 - The Baby
Chapter 51 - The Story
Chapter 52 - The Blanked
Chapter 53 - The Reunion
Chapter 54 - The Hypnosis
Chapter 55 - The Follower
Chapter 56 - The Real
Chapter 58 - The Voiceless
Chapter 59 - The Will
Chapter 60 - The Potential
Chapter 61 - The Reach
Chapter 62 - The Hopeless
Chapter 63 - The Protector
Chapter 64 - The Hesitations
Chapter 65 - The Start
Chapter 66 - The Quiet
Chapter 67 - The Regress
Chapter 68 - The Gang
Chapter 69 - The Connections
Chapter 70 - The Blank
Chapter 71 - The Tempting
Chapter 72 - The Names
Chapter 73 - The Rest
Chapter 74 - The Bond
Chapter 75 - The Motion
Chapter 76 - The Lone
Chapter 77 - The Magic
Chapter 78 - The Upgrade
Chapter 79 - The Closeness
Chapter 80 - The Training
Character Theme Songs 1
Character Theme Songs 2
Chapter 81 - The Trust
Chapter 82 - The Distance
Chapter 83 - The Artist
Chapter 84 - The Separation
Chapter 85 - The Combination
Chapter 86 - The Spy
Chapter 87 - The Game
Chapter 88 - The First
Chapter 89 - The Last
Chapter 90 - The Twin
Chapter 91 - The Trip
Chapter 92 - The Defence
Chapter 93 - The Words
Chapter 94 - The Pleasure
Chapter 95 - The Wording
Chapter 96 - The Breach
Chapter 97 - The Talk
Chapter 98 - The Bump
Chapter 99 - The Support
Chapter 100 - The Promise

Chapter 57 - The Target

31 0 1
By DreamInThatNightmare

1 - Horror
2 - Ellie
3 - Error
4 - Ink

The Next Day...

Violetta's View:
"2, come here."

Ellie had no control over herself anymore.

"Yes..at your service.."

"Amelia, what magic type has she grown to have?"

"Chaos magic, her magic is pinkish-red."

"And your other pathetic sister?"

"..Also chaotic, hers is purple."

"Does Amelia have an ally?"

Ellie paused for a moment so the hypnosis getting stronger.

"She has a boyfriend."

"Tell me more."

"His name is Sci, has similar magic to Classic!Sans, with additional experimental magic. They've been together for a bit over 4 months."

I thought for a bit. Sci could be a potential threat.

"2, back in line."

One of my workers came up to me and whispered some Information to me.

'The information team did some research. 1 and 2 are dating each other and have no children. 3 and 4 are also dating, but that have 2 children.'

"Is that so? Do you think you guys would be able to bring them here? In case anything happens and they need an...incentive."

She nodded before leaving my office.

I looked at the four of them, standing so eagerly in front of me. They didn't have any choice in the matter anyways but it was so fun to watch.

"You're dismissed to your shared room, remember the drill and what I've told you all. Go."

They bowed to me before leaving.

Ink's View:
I felt my control finally return when we go to our room. The door locked behind us and we couldn't open any windows. Error rolled his eyes and went to lay down.

* Guys we'll be saved soon, I can feel it. :)

Horror and Ellie sat together, comforting one another.

* C'mon, it's only been a day. The others have to plan their moves carefully, it'll take them a while.

"Ink, I'm glad you have such..enthusiasm but I think you underestimate the capabilities of this woman. She's a caniving little-"

* Calm down Ellie, as long as we stay together, all things will work in our favour....hopefully.

She hugged Horror.

Being trapped,

Can I be let out of here...please?
No, we have a whole day of testing.
A...An entire day?! I can't stay in this little capsule all day.. I can barely move!
Well make it work, Ink.

Not being able to control yourself,

As deep as possible, so we can see the rate of the healing. Start by stabbing your hand. We want to see if go properly through the ecto and bone.

Vitals stable.

* I-It might hurt the baby-

It won't, trust us.

* How can I trust the people telling me to hurt myself?!

Ugh Gaster can we just control him?

Give him one more chance.


I went to close the kitchen door and remained standing.

Go on.

* I...I can't, it's gonna hurt and if I pass out from the blood loss I might hurt the  ba-

Gaster, just control him!!


* W-Wait please don't-

I felt everything go numb. Before I could even react, the knife was stabbed deep into my arm.

I couldn't do anything.

I watched myself grab a cloth before taking out the knife to stop the bleeding.

I knew those 'feelings' better than anyone. I was about to do some painting when the door opened. We lost all control and lined ourselves up. They took our beds away and replaced it with two queen beds.


'1 and 2, sleep together.  3 and 4 sleep together. Her orders.'

They closed the door and locked it behind them before we could finally move.

"They knew that we were partners..?"

* That means she's been watching the family.

Error tugged at my arm.

* Ruru?

* That means she'll know about the children.



Epic's View:
* JamJam, come and get breakfast!

I made formula for Palette and sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen island and bottle fed the little one.

Dust walked in, holding Jammy's hand. I gave them both breakfast and we sat down all together.

* How about we all walk you to school Jammy, would you like that?

He nodded, digging into his pancakes.

We all finished eating and got ready to go out.

* Sheesh, my phone is almost off, I gotta charge it. Do you have your phone?

Dust nodded, taking out the stroller, unfolding it and carefully putting Palette in. We all left together. PaperJam was pretty intelligent regardless of the fact that he didn't speak. He understood that his parents weren't here because they were on an important mission. I held his hand and I looked both ways before confirming it was sage to cross. Dust was pushing the stroller.

* After we drop Jam off, do you think we could go to the local store? The fridge needs restocking..

* Sure thing, my love.

We walked a bit before taking another turn.

'You are required to hand both children over for the safety of their parents.'

We paused.

* ...What?

'I am here on behalf of Violetta. She has ordered for the children of Error and Ink to be transported to her place.'

* That's not happening.

'This is your last chance to give them up willingly.'

I looked at Dust, he nodded.

He had already alerted the others.

* Will they be safe..?

She nodded.

"You won't be."

Before she could make a move, Amelia stopped her in time.

* Thanks Amelia. She wanted to take the children to Violetta.

"Probably to get something out of Error and Ink. We need to go and save them"

Dust went closer to Amelia.

* We will eventually, we just need to go at the right time.

Amelia sighed in frustration before opening a portal for us. We went back home and I called the nursery to tell them Jammy was unwell today. Dust went to go get Luna. She could put them into a phantom form until it was safe. Jammy tugged on my shirt.

* Yes Jam..?

He tapped me again and I went down to his level.

* What's up? :)


* ..duck...

I grabbed his arm and used magic to create a shield as a blaster was activated behind me. Thank goodness Dust had taken Palette.

'We won't ask again. You don't have a choice in the matter.'

* Leave them alone.

The stranger took out two pieces of paper and showed them to us.

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