Deep Sixed: Extended Edition

By DrRavine

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Jonathan explores things from the outside world, trying to learn what is going on when he wasn't around, maki... More

Season 1: New Jonathan, Let's See How You Improve
Every Friendship Starts With an Encounter
Breaking Point
Oh Someone Needs To Do the Back Side
Drown the Battleships
Yard Sale
Nevada Field Trip
Ego Death
Wellness and Fun With Mr. Dolfa
My Earth Science Orientaion
Edge of Violence
The Fraternity of Neutrality
Entertaining Authoritarian Parents
A Canadian Ninja
My Sleepover
Not a Great Idea if Jonathan Was There
Enraging Mr. Dolfa
Understanding Mendocino
The Change of Scene
Retaliation Pending
A Competition We Need
Loser Standing Small, Winner Takes it All
Uganda's Tiger Mafia, Lurking

Welcome to ITrade

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By DrRavine

So I was on a break, and then I got a call from Aubrey, because she wants me to check the park when I am done doing my class.

Jonathan: *Answers Call* Hello, what is it?

Aubrey: Oh hi it's me, Aubrey.

Jonathan: Why did you call me during my class hours.

Aubrey: Oh, I'm so sorry for interrupting your class.

Jonathan: It's fine it's my snack break and I am doing well in class.

Aubrey: It's nice to see you that you managed to function properly in a classroom. I called you because the park repair is finished.

Jonathan: Oh, that's good.

Aubrey: By the way, there is a small boat race that is going to happen this weekend. Are you gonna join?

Jonathan: I would, if I have a schedule. I might have to check it if I was free on that time.

Aubrey: Good, better bring your friends to make it more fun.

Jonathan: Ok, bye.

So after the call, I continue my normal business, which is eating my snack. I ate some cookies and some tea, which my mom prepared me this morning. It's cold, but it was meant for me to be this way.  I use that to dunk my cookies there. Charlemagne saw me doing that and she called me a heretic by eating British foods incorrectly.

And as I head out the campus, I saw my parents, waiting for me.

Mr. Henken: Jonathan! Over here!

Jonathan: Dad, why are you picking me up? I can go home alone.

Ms. Sobrehano: Were going somewhere.

Jonathan: Somewhere? Somewhere what?

Ms. Sobrehano: Shopping!!

So my parents decided to bring me to help with their shopping. This was the first time doing it.

So we went to the shopping center. The place is called "ITrade", and it's the first time that I've been to a mall since... Way too long time ago when I was extremely young.

Jonathan: I haven't been to a shopping center before.

Mr. Henken: I know, so that's what we're going to do today. Isn't that right kids?

The twins are excited for this, while me and the older siblings are preparing to buy some stuff. I have no idea what to do but I decided to buy food.

Jonathan: So.... What am I supposed to do?

Ms. Sobrehano: You go around the place and find some certain stuff.

Jonathan: Is there a place where you can buy food in ITrade?

Ms. Sobrehano: There's a grocery store in ITrade. It has everything that you need.

Jonathan: Oh. I got some money to buy stuff.

Mr. Henken: Yeah don't worry we got some of the list for you.

Ms. Sobrehano: Here are the things you need to buy.

So I got a list of things to buy.

The list:

- a sack of rice

- 2 kg potatoes

- 2 kg celery

- 1 kg chili peppers

- 1/2 kg of garlic

- 10 packets of cayanne pepper powder

- 3 loaves of bread.

- 2 packs of salt

- two packs of pepper

- 10 packs of tomato sauce

This seems it looks like it was built for a chili recipe, and I would have a share of it, all for 200$.

Jonathan: So this is the list... Ok, got it.

Alexa: It seems like you got a chili recipe, although the beef and other meat will be on my list.

And then we reach the shopping center, and it was massive.

Announcer in the store: Welcome to ITrade, where you gave everything you need for your daily lives. This is Mr. Impetus Sevant, and happy shopping.

Jonathan: *After hearing the announcement* Ok...

Mr. Henken: Just be sure to meet each other in KFC over there, and I'll be keeping an eye of the twins, because kids can get lost easily.

Jonathan: Ok, see you.

So me, Sergio, and Alexa are left alone to look for the things we need. Sergio has its own list, which is mostly health and pharmaceutical products, while Alexa has some random food items. Mine was specific, but I have no idea what to do here.

Jonathan: So... How do I look for these things? It will take forever to look around.

Sergio: Look on top of the shelves, there are signs up there that can help you look for a category of products, for example oatmeal can be found in Oats, Milk, and Coffee products section. Bell peppers can be found in the Produce section, and so on.

Jonathan: Oh, got it.

So I head alone and try to do this for my own. The first thing I found is a sack of rice. It took a while to put it under the cart because it was heavy. Glad that their employees help me do this.

I went to the produce sections and found the potatoes, celery, garlic and some chili peppers, and I also added some carrots for extra vegetables. No one will notice it because it's going to be chopped to very small pieces when cooked.

Just wandering around the produce though, I found some figs and bought some and then of course, I found some mangoes and its ripe the way I need. I used to eat mangoes way too long time ago, but this is the first time I bought it for myself.

Meanwhile... Noah got lost and then my parents are trying to find him. But since it was their first time going to this place... They also got lost. I didn't help, because I didn't know it happened and I was doing my own job.

Mr. Henken: Is our twins intact?

Mika: Noah is gone, where did he go?

Ms. Sobrehano: Oh no...

Just after I go to produce, I went to the cannery section of the grocery, and then, Molly was there looking for some stuff.

Jonathan: Molly!

Molly: Jonathan!

Jonathan: What are you doing here?

Molly: Buying things. Sasha is here somewhere doing her thing. I went here to get some fruit cocktail for ambrosia salad.

Jonathan: Oh that's tasty. Right now I'm trying to learn the building layout because I never went shopping in my life nor I've went to a shopping mall.

Molly: Wait, you never went to any malls? Oh right you never come out of your house for almost a decade.

Jonathan: Well, I did, but that was way too long ago before that incident happened.

Molly: Oh, so how is it?

Jonathan: Right now, everything is going well and I am getting the list done.

And then Molly decided to act as an actual child. For the most part, she acted professional, but now she decided to do this.

Molly: By the way, can I ride in the shopping cart.

Jonathan: What? Uhhhh... Is this fine? I am not sure if this is a great idea.

Molly: Come on, Sasha and Anne did that at some time.

So I decided to bring her around in the shopping cart, and now I looked like a single father trying to take care of a kid.

Molly: Can this thing go any faster!?

Jonathan: I don't know but I'm trying to do my task too. Here's the list. *Gives Molly my list*

Molly: Oh, this seems like you are going to make a chili recipe.

Jonathan: I know, it just need some meat although it can be meatless. My parents are taking care of it.

Meanwhile Noah is trying to find his way back to his parents.

Noah: Mom, dad... Where are you?

Store Clerk Employee: Hey kid are you lost?

Noah: AHHHH!!! *kicks the balls*

Store Clerk Employee: Oh my balls!

Noah: Stranger Danger!! *Runs away*

Store Clerk Employee: Oh... Well kids are sometimes very careful, too careful. *In pain* Oh my balls... 

Back to Jonathan and Molly's shenanigans... She is still in the shopping cart, helping me point out what I need to look.

Jonathan: Alright, so we got everything that I got on the list, but I have some extra money to buy my own stuff.

Molly: So what are you going to spend the extra money on?

Jonathan: I got some carrots, and I have some chili garlic flakes, basil and then some extra Dutch Gouda slices because I wanted to.

Molly: I want the strawberry jam over there.

Jonathan: Oh were taking one for each of us.

And then we saw Noah, and I was questioning myself: "How is he here?".

Noah: Mom, dad? Jonathan? What are you doing here?

Jonathan: And what are you doing here?

Noah: I got lost. Hold on, why is Molly in the cart?

Molly: I wanted to.

Jonathan: Oh my gosh, well let's go to the counter, maybe you will find the rest of our family.

Noah: Ok, but I want basil.

Jonathan: Basil is on the farm, doing his job.

Molly: The other one.

Jonathan: Oh I have that in the cart. Let's go Noah.

So we wander around the store all the way to the counter. Molly got the tropical fruit cocktail that she needed and I also brought some tofu in the process.

And then after a while we reach the counter, and pay for the things we buy. I saw parents doing a check in to their items.

Jonathan: *delivers all items in the counter*

Cashier: Why is she in the cart?

Jonathan: .... Molly, can you get off the shopping cart?

Molly: Oh, you're doing the check in for the items.

Jonathan: Yeah.

Ms. Sobrehano: Noah! There you are!

Noah: Mom I got lost!

Mr. Henken: Yeah we also got lost too. We're trying to find you, but then we got lost. Good thing we got the thing we needed in the process.

Ms. Sobrehano: Jonathan, how is Molly with you?

Molly: Oh I was there buying things. I need this fruit cocktail for my dad and grandpa Robert.

After this, we went to the KFC and ordered some chicken. I also have some salad bowls because I am slightly vegetable oriented.

Mr. Henken: So Jonathan, did you got everything I just told you to buy?

Jonathan: I got everything, and I buy some extra stuff.

Sergio: Guys, were here!

Alexa: It took us a while to got here... We tried to find a short counter line.

Ms. Sobrehano: Oh, we got some of your favorites we ordered.

Alexa: Oh, some Zinger! Thank you.

Sergio: Hold on... How is Molly here?

Molly: I was doing my own thing, and I saw him. I rode on the shopping cart to go faster.

Sergio: Ok... Good thing I guess...

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