- Doomsday - Volume One: Gods...

By minesweeper0

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[Doomsday Male Reader x Overwatch/DC AU] An undisclosed black site, not registered on any official document o... More

Contents Page
Chapter 1: Prelude to the 'Omnic Crisis'
Chapter 2: The 'Omnic Crisis'
Chapter 3: Subject #17 - 'The Doomsday' Part. 1
Chapter 4: The Overwatch Strike Team
Chapter 5: Prelude to Project 'Doomsday'
Chapter 6: Subject #17 - 'The Doomsday' Part. 2
Chapter 7: [Y/N] Part. 1
Chapter 8: [Y/N] Part. 2
Chapter 9: The Aftermath of the 'Omnic Crisis' and the 'Golden Age' of Overwatch
Chapter 10: Dr. Bertron, Laboratory Journal
Chapter 11: Slade Wilson
Chapter 12: Combat Training
Chapter 13: [Y/N] Vs. Harry
Chapter 14: Perspective
Chapter 15: Confidential
Chapter 16: Dictator, Despot and the 'Doomsday'
Chapter 17: Revolt Part. 1
Chapter 18: Revolt Part. 2
Chapter 19: Containment
Chapter 20: Breach, Part. 1
Chapter 21: Breach, Part. 2
Chapter 22: Hell Let Loose
Chapter 23: Mission Objective
Chapter 24: Calm
Chapter 25: Before the Storm
Chapter 26: Capture
Chapter 27: Coming to an Understanding
Chapter 28: Thaw
Chapter 29: Accommodating
Chapter 30: Battle of Mombasa Part. 1
Chapter 31: Battle of Mombasa Part. 2
Chapter 32: Corporate Sabotage
Chapter 33: Blackwatch
Chapter 34: The Sting-Operation
Chapter 35: The Offer
Chapter 36: Holiday Part. 1
Chapter 37: Holiday Part. 2
Chapter 38: Holiday Part. 3
Chapter 39: Lobo
Chapter 40: Land Down Under
Chapter 41: Bizarre
Chapter 42: Reunion
Chapter 43: The Iris
Chapter 44: Metallo
Chapter 45: Unfolding Events
Chapter 46: Rose
Chapter 47: Comfort
Chapter 48: Prodigal Son
Chapter 51: Assault on Pretoria Part. 1
Chapter 52: Assault on Pretoria Part. 2
Chapter 53: Assault on Pretoria Part. 3
Chapter 54: Recovery
Chapter 55: Rematch
Chapter 56: Onslaught
Chapter 57: Retrieval
Chapter 58: Betrayal
Chapter 59: Regroup
Chapter 60: Doomed Part. 1
Chapter 61: Doomed Part. 2
Chapter 62: Reflection
Chapter 63: Outback
Chapter 64: The Yowie
Chapter 65: Stone
Chapter 66: Junkerking
Chapter 67: Fallout
Chapter 68: A Horse with No Name
Chapter 69: Junkertown
Chapter 70: The Reckoning
Chapter 71: Ventura Highway
Chapter 72: Night Terrors
Chapter 73: Wicked Game
Chapter 74: Siege
Chapter 75: Battle for Junkertown Part. 1
Chapter 76: Battle for Junkertown Part. 2
Chapter 77: Battle for Junkertown Part. 3
Chapter 78: Battle for Junkertown Part. 4
Chapter 79: Scorched Earth
Chapter 80: Into the Storm
Chapter 81: Eye of the Storm
Chapter 82: The Omnium
Chapter 83: For the Man Who Has Everything Part. 1
Chapter 84: For the Man Who Has Everything Part. 2
Chapter 85: Desolation
Chapter 86: A Clear, Blue Sky
Chapter 87: Jamboree
Chapter 88: Postbellum
Chapter 89: Consciousness
Chapter 90: Revelations
Chapter 91: Radiation
Chapter 92: Renegotiation
Chapter 93: So Long, Cowboy
Chapter 94: Law of War
Chapter 95: Rules of Engagement
Chapter 96: Terms
Chapter 97: Biohazard Part. 1
Chapter 98: Biohazard Part. 2
Chapter 99: Biohazard Part. 3
Chapter 100: Biohazard Part. 4
Chapter 101: Biohazard Part. 5
Chapter 102: Biohazard Part. 6
Chapter 103: Biohazard Part. 7
Chapter 105: S.T.A.R.
Chapter 106: Communion
Chapter 107: Born on a Monday
Chapter 108: Buried on Sunday
Chapter 109: The City of Tomorrow
Chapter 110: Metropolis
Chapter 111: Devil's Night
Chapter 112: Jokes and Riddles

Chapter 104: Steel and Stone

128 10 7
By minesweeper0

(AN: I want to do an experiment and switch the cover to a woman and see how many more people will interact with the story, compared to when it's usually Doomsday. Not overly suggestive or anything. Maybe for like a week, and then I'll switch it back. I imagine that will probably get more traffic, but I would love to be happily surprised. And yes, loyal readers. I know that would be clickbait. That's the point! It's all about engagement and clicks and reads! Nothing else matters! Even if I need to sacrifice my moral integrity as an amateur writer! Mind games! Business! Franchising! Enterprise! I'm also dropping chapter 105 at the same time, since I feel like I haven't posted in a while, so enjoy...)


[Ruins of Wichita]

It was hard to see much. Night had taken back control from the day, shrouding the country in its veil of darkness. However, the black of night wasn't the only thing concealing the remnants left from the once flourishing metropolitan area. Fires burned across the ruin, refusing to die down. Enormous towers of smoke plumes crept upwards. Where once many large skyscrapers took up the entire horizon, now it was a barren and desolate waste, each one broken against the craters below. Any semblance of there being once streets was now completely gone. Upturned dirt had fused with cement and stone alike, not that dissimilar to the Outback. Giant ravines had been etched into the ground, scarring the land. And the meandering Arkansas river quickly began seeping into the large trenches left in its wake, creating a deep moat.

A herd of black helicopters swept over top, like a dark plague. They swept across the landscape, the repeating beat from each individual spinning blade announcing their arrival. And they weren't modest in their approach, bold and aggressive. Against the side of most, a round symbol had been emblazoned. It didn't appear too dissimilar to that of Overwatch. Red, black and white, with a large vertical A in the centre. It was hard to make out the writing along its outline, as they raced across the sky. However, any US government official should have known the name well enough. Advanced Research Group for United Support, or ARGUS for short.

No Overwatch vehicles could be seen however, rather they had been excused from their duties. In some abnormal political manoeuvring, it appeared ARGUS had retained the rights for clean-up and containment. They were the sole force allowed to enter the ruined city, and they would be the one's to move the creature's to a secure location. How they had managed that task after shirking their obligations originally? Nobody could answer, but everyone held their suspicions openly. Corruption. And not in any small amounts either.

Thick bundles of wire fell from the craft, falling down to the street level. Within minutes, great numbers of human personnel began descending without delay. As boots hit the ground, well-armoured soldiers quickly began fanning out, with large rifles held at the ready. They looked ready to take on any threat. With massive night vision goggles adorned to their helmets, and a small arsenal of grenades and other equipment against their waists. Though, it looked like they were headed into some faulty reactor, with hazmat suits underneath all the additional protection. It was only a quick sweep before they could confirm the safety of the landing site.

However, safe wouldn't have been the word most people would have offered. An irradiated, burning hellscape where no life existed any more. The giant cries from the remaining mutate crackled through the maze of debris. Yet, it wasn't running amok. Rather, it had been contained for now. Its enormous liquid form was held tightly against the ground within a green, translucent cage. Pieces of armour that had once adorned its form now sat empty and useless upon the ground, burnt and damaged. And high above the container, the Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, hovered, maintaining Chemo's prison. Though, there was no struggle on his face. He was more annoyed than anything, having to wait so long for reinforcements to show up and take the problem off of his hands.

Chemo wasn't dead, but Hal wasn't really sure whether it could be killed either way. It had given up the fight once it realised one key fact.

Its ally, Parasite, was dead.

Superman was the one who first went to check on them. He had noticed the lack of malevolent giggling, but also an end to their booming attacks. They were both worried that perhaps the Doomsday hadn't been successful, and now they needed to fight Parasite themselves. Even if they weren't sure about the Doomday's motivations, they really needed him to win.

He took through the air, darting around, looking for some clue as to where they would be. It didn't take him long to latch onto their location. They sat within an enormous crater, limp and motionless, with a shared lake of blood beneath them both. Clark's initial reaction was clear. They had both died in combat, killing each other. And he wasn't happy about that outcome. As much as he held his own personal problems with him, it wasn't up for debate. Without the Doomsday, they wouldn't have won the day. He didn't like killing, because killing took away the chance for someone to do better, to become something better. It was one of the reasons for his distaste for the Doomsday's actions. The entire picture wasn't clear, but butchering one's way out of a problem didn't seem to solve anything. It just made things worse.

Then, it came to him as a surprise when, very slowly, Doomsday's stomach expanded, before contracting once more. He wasn't actually dead, but he sure looked close to it. Upon closer inspection, his entire body had been torn apart. And even that description didn't fully display the sheer brutality of it all. Multiple, bloody holes sat within his chest, while deep incisions ran alongside his arms and hands. Clark looked at Parasite's body, along its legs and arms, its torso and shoulders. He was surprised to see such little damage by comparison. There were visible wounds and gashes, but nowhere near the level as Doomsday had sustained.

It's entire neck was what told him all he needed to know. The bone hadn't just been snapped in two. It was shattered completely, with damage along its collar bone, and skull. Parasite's eyes and mouth hung open, staring blankly forward. It was a harrowing sight, considering how malicious the creature had been. Superman didn't want to admit it, but there was little other way to spin it. Parasite probably needed to be put down, for the safety of everyone else. If it had been anyone else, Clark would have mentally fought back with that conclusion, but he had come face to face with the mutate himself. He himself knew there was no compassion or regret within it.

Could something like that change its ways? Clark didn't have the answers to that, but if any person could, then he wasn't the man for that job...

His eyes fell back towards the Doomsday. He was enormous, and he wasn't pretty. Even compared to Parasite, it would have been hard to tell the villain apart. Was it fair? Clark had always heard about the monster, even years back. About his violence and bloodlust, but back then he had never been so widely known. Now most people had heard about his crimes, and his designation as some international terrorist. Though, there he had never heard the perspective from the source directly.

Clark knew all about being mistreated for perceived differences, but it helped that he at least looked human. The Doomsday didn't have that option. If he wanted to help, he had to do so as some nightmarish creature. While Superman could blend in with society at large. He was the ideal man, and people could look up to him for hope.

What did people look up and think when they saw the Doomsday?

He dropped to the ground, gently moving himself next to his enormous body. There was a guilty feeling in the back of his mind. He always prided himself on expecting the best from others, but even he hadn't given the Doomsday that chance. Yet, they had never met. They had no history. Only opinions based on other voices. He was rough around the edges, easy to anger, confrontational even, but he kept his promise, and worked alongside him well enough.

Was there more to him that people just couldn't even comprehend given his monstrous form? Nobody gave him that benefit of the doubt. Clark could be the first, or at least he could help start that change. He didn't forgive the Doomsday of the crimes thrown at him, but that didn't mean there wasn't more to his story.

And, it made sense for the strongest people on the planet to get to know one another. It didn't help anyone for them to remain antagonistic. Especially when they existed in a world that simply couldn't understand them.

Clark made a promise. When the Doomsday was well once more, he wouldn't treat him like some rogue threat, but like an old friend. Because if he didn't nobody else was going to...

With both arms, he dug underneath his large body, holding him up with some trouble. Yet, after a few moments of struggling, Clark managed to pick up Doomsday. The gorilla from before seemed friendly enough with him, and if he had worked alongside Overwatch for all that time, they were probably the best people to look after him.

What a weird day it had been. Clark hoped it wouldn't be setting a trend. Not one, but two powerful mutates, but also meeting two other superpowered individuals who could match his own abilities. That wasn't normal. Never had he met someone who could challenge his own strength, but now there were more than five in one place?

What was going on? It couldn't have all been coincidental, right? Or maybe he was just overthinking it all.

That was probably it. He had a habit of delving too deep at times.

Where a city of nearly one million once lived, now there was a bloody, burnt hole in the earth. It was shocking, but what it meant at the time wasn't really clear.

The Doomsday. The Man of Steel. A Green Lantern. A giant mass of chemicals. And a sadistic power-stealing monster. It all appeared so far fetched, something you'd expect to find in a comic book or action film.

Unfortunately, it would serve as a dark sign for things to come...


[Overwatch Headquarters, Zurich, Switzerland]

"Ziegler and [L/N] have been secured, yes?" Morrison asked for confirmation. He stood between a large holographic table. On the opposite end of the display was Winston, and the gorilla appeared exhausted. "[Y/N] had managed to safely return her before finishing off Parasite. Angela didn't appear to have any damage done to her, none at all..." He answered, a clear disbelief in his words, but it was hard to understand for those who weren't there in person.

"This Superman character appeared, and gave us [Y/N]'s body for safekeeping. He was very badly wounded and unconscious by the time we got to him, but he had already begun healing. Alongside Ana and Torbjorn, all three have been assigned to urgent care immediately." Morrison nodded. "Understood. You've done more than was expected of you today, Winston. I appreciate it, really." He said. How he missed the days when politics didn't consume his life, and he was just some soldier. Now it was all so messy. It wasn't about helping people, it was about keeping up appearances, or getting more funding.

He signed off, and the screen went black. "At least it's over, Jack. It could have gone a lot worse for us, and for all the people there. Somehow, this isn't the worst outcome." A stern voice commented, Vivian. There was a constant steely look that she held, and it wasn't the cybernetics. Her vision locked on him, scrutinising the strike-commander. He looked tired. They all were. Even years after the Crisis, conflict never seemed to end. "By the skin of our teeth, Chase. Just barely. If [Y/N] hadn't shown up, then..." His eyes went dark, not wanting to think about such a scenario.

"I thought we could take on anyone, Vivian. We aren't kids anymore, I know that. When did the world start getting too harsh for even us to deal with? The worst we had to deal with were titans. Nothing like these mutates." Morrison said. It was a problem that many Overwatch agents felt. What was the point of existing in a world where they couldn't do anything more? If their enemies were quickly surpassing them, then there didn't exactly seem a reason for them to continue on.

"We aren't fossils yet, Morrison." Vivian responded. "Yeah, maybe we aren't giant monsters, but giant monsters can't solve every problem. Human problems can't just be solved with a fight. Overwatch has always been about spreading hope first and foremost. The world isn't at a place yet where we can give up just yet..." He felt like a child being reprimanded by his parents. He chuckled to himself. "You're right. Would've been nice if we had a Superman back in our day, huh?"

"You and I'd be out of the job if that were the case." Vivian said back, lightening the mood. They knew that the week ahead was going to be a busy one. Press circuits and reports to file. The media fallout, as well as the physical fallout, wasn't going to go away. All they could do was take the punches as they went. It was going to be hell when questions about the Doomsday started skirting about, and how two mutates had managed to invade US soil without detection. That was an issue for future generations to deal with.

Across the over end of the room, Dr. Liao was running diagnostics. Her role was usually home command, but with both Morrison and Chase working in her usual position, she found herself without much to do. That didn't stop her from trying to help however.

It took her by surprise when she felt a small pair of hands tug at the bottom of her long lab coat. She peered down, only to be met with a familiar face. Two brilliant blue eyes, and a head of golden blonde hair. It was her little niece, Kara. To say that she favoured one side of her family more than the other had to have been the greatest understatement of all time.

Liao immediately stopped what she was doing, picking up the small girl with both arms. "Kara, what are you doing in here? You know this place is off-limits! Who let you in?" She asked, but there wasn't anger in her voice. It was calm, and collected, the woman's usual cadence. "I-I was lonely. And I was worried about Mom, but I heard Dad was there too! So I wanted to know what was going on..." She explained. It was fair enough for a child to be worried about her parents, though how exactly that information had found its way to her, she wasn't certain.

"Have you been eavesdropping again?" Mina asked her with a smirk. Kara shook her head from side to side, eager to persuade her the opposite. "I don't mean to! I just hear everything. I can't stop the noise sometimes. And then I heard about Mom and Dad, and then..." She was getting quite worked up, and Liao knew why. If all she heard was that both Angela and [Y/N] were in need of medical attention, any child would be concerned. There was a clear dampness building in the corners of her eyes, ready to break

"Shush now." Mina soothed, holding her tight. "They're both absolutely fine, dear. You have nothing to worry about. Your parents are some of the toughest people I know. It would take heaven and hell to take them both down. You've got to be brave for them while they're away though, can you do that for me?" Kara took in a deep breath, determined to follow through. Liao couldn't help but laugh at her antics, poking the end of her nose. "Now. How about I solve the other problem for you, huh?"

Kara looked up at her with confusion. "Would you like someone to play with?" Mina said, tilting her head. The small child couldn't have looked more excited, nearly breaking free from her hold, ready to start flying around the room, literally. Liao couldn't help but feel bad for the young girl. Her powers already made her a security risk, and made it difficult to let her leave without surveillance. When [Y/N] was around it was different, and they could come and go as they pleased. Without his oversight however, that freedom wasn't given away so easily.

"YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" Kara repeated over and over. Adorable, Mina thought to herself. Perfect in every way. They escaped from the cramped confines of the war room and began the journey towards Liao's personal laboratory in the Swiss Headquarters. It was a large, expansive place, nearly as big as the one in Singapore. It provided her all the tools necessary for her work. And there were tons of projects on display. The small girl within her arms couldn't help but "Ooo.." and "Aww..." at everything.

Through a secured door, they entered into a dark room. Most children would have felt scared at first, but not Kara, bustling with energy. Liao flipped a switch, and the ceiling mounted lights crackled to life, dowsing the room. There were racks of tool and computer terminals, monitors with enormous strings of numbers and diagrams. What caught Kara's attention the most however was a large, white container sitting against the back wall.

Mina let the girl run free, dropping her down. "What's that?" She asked, her curiosity close to overwhelming her. Liao laughed, pulling out a small white triangle. It didn't look like much, and it disappointed Kara at first. "Just watch..." Mina said, walking towards the strange device.

There was a small scanner upon the top of the container, with just enough room for the small triangle key. Mina reached forward, placing it down. She held it there for a few seconds, until the machine acknowledged the signature. Secure locks began to budge, snapping apart. Suddenly, the top part slid down and a wave of smoke exploded out. Apprehensively, Kara joined her aunt, peeking out from behind her long pair of legs.

Once the smoke cleared, they could both clearly make out something. It was part of a mechanical body, with a torso, arms and legs, but also what appeared to be a set of wings. Yet, it was in pieces, dissembled. Suddenly, at the top of the robot's form, a blue holographic sheen materialised, forming eyes and a mouth. It blinked, trying to recognise its surroundings, before finding its creator standing over it. "Dr. Liao!" A robotic, synthetic voice called out. It tried to rise from its containment, but struggled. Mina extended a helping arm, pulling it free.

It stumbled at first, but quickly regained its footing, hovering above the floor. And it took notice of the small blonde instantly, tilting its head in a similar way to Liao. Mina laughed at Kara's reaction, patting the back of her head. "Go ahead now, don't be shy. Kara, this is Echo. Echo, this is Kara..." The small child walked forwards. "H-Hi, Echo." The omnic chuckled at her response, smiling back. "Hi Kara, it's nice to meet you!" After hearing her speak, much of her hesitation vanished in an instant, and she quickly took to the robot.

Liao stood on the side lines, just watching the two interact. It was all she really wanted for society, for humans and omnics to treat each other like equals. And considering both were essentially children, neither held the same hatred towards each other as their elders would. If only her father was as open as she was, Mina thought. That was another issue altogether.

For now, she was content with watching them enjoy each other's company.


[A Few Days Later, Unmarked Blackwatch Facility, Location: Unknown]

"What do you think, Moira?" Reyes' gruff voice asked. He stood with both arms folded, leant against a sterile white wall. Everything appeared sterile white, not just the walls, but the ceilings, the floor and all the equipment. There were a few stacked tables, with delicately ordered dossiers and folders. Shelves lined every corner, and there appeared books and studies of all sorts on display. One end of the space held an enormous holographic monitor, repeatedly performing scans, again and again.

And, in the centre of the room stood two enormous glass containers, filled with a swirling, mucus-like, liquid. Each one housed a different subject. The first held a gelatinous, green slime, dense and corrosive. To touch it by hand would immediately cause the limb to decay and fall apart. Even moving the material was a herculean task, but somehow Reyes got it done. In the other was an inhuman, leathery appendage, a burnt, darkened pink colour. It was enormous, the container just big enough to hold. Even in death, its absorption based properties still seemed to hold some effect, as the liquid sizzled against the detached limb.

Standing before them, she wasn't exactly sure how to respond. How Reyes had gone about taking them, she didn't want to ask, that wasn't her concern. What exactly did he want her to do with such dangerous body parts? That also wasn't clear. "Chemo's chemical makeup is certainly unique, though it's a mess. It just appears to be some gross patchwork of different materials. I'm not even sure exactly how most of it would even come into contact..."

"Parasite's abilities are strange. Even in death, the appendage is constantly absorbing energy around it, to a lesser degree. If we could extrapolate these abilities somehow, it would certainly be deadly. I would need far more time to investigate them however, and resources. What you've given me here won't be enough." Moira concluded, turning to face the Blackwatch leader.

"You can do something with them, that's all I want to know. You'll get whatever you need. Synthesise it down, or whatever you do." He said, turning his back, prepared to leave. However, there was something that Moira didn't quite get. "Why now, Reyes? This is a dangerous field, I hope you know..."

"Dabbling in this sort of stuff isn't for the faint of heart."

Reyes stopped still, thinking over his words. "You saw what happened out there, the whole world did. As we are right now, I'm not strong enough to make a difference. Neither is Morrison, or Amari, or any within Overwatch. Those Lantern's have already begun creeping into our territory. And this Superman is going to make things a lot worse..."

"I've always admired [Y/N]. He didn't need to rely on anyone, and that meant he didn't need to follow authority. He's strong. Stronger than anyone. However, he can't do everything by himself. He can't bear the weight of the world on his shoulders alone. That would break any person, eventually. When I'm ready to pass on, he can take up the reins, but I'm not done yet."

Moira turned away, eyes locked on the two containers. "Sacrifice is an important part in evolution, Gabriel. You must always give something away to get something. Strength is about give and take. You must give to receive, if you understand my meaning. Nobody ever achieved power for free, there is always a price to these things..."

"How much are you willing to sacrifice for the reward of strength?"

"Whatever it takes." Reyes said affirmatively. He left, pushing through the door, leaving Moira to her research. It was quiet, but that was how she liked it, no stupid voices suffocating her with their mediocrity. Both materials slowly drifted around their containers, as if suspended in space.

She placed a hand against one, smudging the glass with her palm. There was so much for humanity to do, so much potential still locked away from them, just over the horizon.

Her contemporaries saw it as barbaric, turning away from her work, but that was because they feared progress. They feared risk. They feared the immense rewards that humanity could truly achieve.

They feared strength.

"Humanity is shackled... I will find the key."


[Top Floor, LexCorp Tower, New York]

The large flatscreen television within the corner of the large office space fizzled to black, greeting them with a black screen. Within the lush room, it was finely decorated with expensive furniture, and a massive window that provided a full view of New York. A desk held it's back towards the city, and one man sat there, a remote extended out before him. "Well, what do you think? Impressive display, no?" It was none other than Lex Luthor, accompanied with his signature look of superiority.

Opposite him were two men, or at least one was. The first was a massive man, with a broad chest and large arms. He seemed to hold an exotic taste for his clothing, a purple shirt underneath a dark, leopard skin coat, all made up of only the richest materials a man could get. His vibrantly black hair fell down to his shoulders, like a lion's mane. Loosely strapped against his waist was finely crafted, with a golden guard. However, his face looked grizzled and weathered, with a black goatee and thin moustache. Along one side of his face was a giant scar, from the top of his left eye, down below the same cheek. Rugged and dangerous, or handsome and mysterious, it depended on the eye of the admirer.

"Well, well, well. I must confess, Alexander. You certainly have become Dr. Frankenstein, my friend. Especially young [Y/N]. That was his name, correct? How he has grown over the years..." He answered with a strong voice. His hair cascaded down his neck like a deep wave with each subtle movement. "How long has it been since that night? Fourteen? Fifteen years? It has been a long while since then, and the world has changed so rapidly. Who would have thought that he would have become such a monster in his own right. Fate works in mysterious ways, I suppose."

"Dr. Frankenstein is a crude comparison, Savage. I like to imagine myself as a forger of weapons. A blacksmith doesn't begin with an Excalibur, no. First the metal is dirtied, misshapen, and untempered. It is his role to turn that useless lump of rock into a lethal weapon of war. It has to be moulded and beaten down, again and again, until it becomes obedient under the smith's hammer. Yet, not even then is it's true strength revealed. It is still unfinished, and rough. Only after having dowsed, and grinded down, and shined over time does a blade show it's true colours."

Savage chuckled at Luthor's eloquent wording. "You always had a way with words, Alexander. However, words mean little when faced against those who do not wish to listen. Those who wish to exterminate. The Doomsday has proven once again to have been your most successful experiment, and both Chemo and Parasite have fallen. Yet, both you and I know that there are far stronger threats out there than the Doomsday. Hell, I would be impressed if he could even land a hit against me!"

Luthor leaned back into his chair, pressing his fingers against one another. "Now, now. Doomsday has not had the experience that you hold, Vandal. It would be hard for most to face up against your strength, that is true. Consider this though. [Y/N] is but in his early twenties, not even really a man. How strong he already is, in comparison to even a decade ago is terrifying, wouldn't you agree?" He asked rhetorically. "He is still a babe in the woods. His senses aren't opened to the secrets of this world. Doors that have stayed closed to him remain that way. When that time does come however, I don't know if there will be a force on this planet that will be able to quell his rage."

"You say this, and it certainly paints a tempting picture. Yet, do you forget that he hates no one else in this world more than he despises you? We can certainly aim a weapon in whatever direction we wish, but that becomes problematic when the weapon also wishes to kill you, just as much as any other enemy. What say you?" He responded with curiosity. Though he didn't doubt Luthor had some plan set in place, it was one of the reasons he had taken such a vested interest in him. His intelligence was an immensely powerful tool, and intelligence could be stronger than any weapon or warrior.

"He may despise my very being. Unfortunately for young [Y/N], there are many, many people out there who fear his power too. And many beings who wish to trifle with the things that he holds dear. While he may appear to be some rampaging beast, unfortunately he appears to be growing a conscious. As hard as he tries to close himself off from the world, the world keeps pulling him back in, whether he wants to or not."

"He may despise me however much he wants, it matters little. Unfortunately for him, in this war that he has stumbled into without even knowing so himself, we are the best chance he has. Because we are the only side that wishes to see humanity flourish. Spiteful and bitter as he is, even the Doomsday won't be able to work alongside those who would wish to exploit this world, and harm its people. It isn't in his nature..."

"Even if that means going against his own blood."

Savage pulled himself up from the plush sofa he found himself upon, chuckling at Luthor once more. "I enjoy your optimism Luthor, but remember. The last time you got so optimistic I nearly lost an eye." He said, gesturing towards the scarred half of his face. "I may have to meet with him soon, see for myself how he is developing. A reunion of sorts, you could say." He said, grinning.

"Do as you wish, but don't let him know too much too quickly. We hold the advantage because of our knowledge of things. He doesn't know anything, but once he does it will be hard to prevent him from learning more and more." Luthor said. "We still need to test him, ensure that he will be strong enough when the time comes..."

Vandal moved to leave, with a less than serious expression. "You always were a worrier, Alexander. We have plotted for more than two decades, and I won't allow it to all go to waste. When do you plan on sending the next latest experiment after him?" He turned, facing Luthor one more time.

"He's currently following a trail, and he won't be able to ignore it. He isn't the hardest to manipulate, I must admit. Gotham is fit to burst, and any day now a war will explode within that awful place. Powerful people want that city, and you know who exactly. And we can wait, and watch from the side, biding our time. Then, I'll reveal his next challenge. Though, I worry whether or not he'll be able to beat it this time..."

Savage shrugged. "That which does not kill us makes us stronger, an old friend used to tell me. He will succeed and grow as he was meant to, or he will fail and die as he was meant to. Gotham is a dark pit. Do you entrust surveillance to that dreary mad dog, Wilson?" He asked.

"No. Slade has his uses, but lately he has been growing more unruly. It's becoming a nuisance. He's turning Gotham into his own little fiefdom. In fact, that is where J'onn comes in." Luthor said, pointing towards the other side of the room. Having been silent the entire time, he was a strange looking person. His skin was a deep green, while his eyes shone red. His forehead was large, but his face was angular and sharp. He only wore a simple dark outfit, covering his body. There was an unmatched intensity to his gaze, as he held his arms together. "I have already infiltrated the Police Department. I will know everything that happens. Nothing will go on without my knowledge."

Vandal clicked his tongue. "Ah! Perfecto. Our resident Martian is never not attentive. I do so love it when a well laid plan comes together!" He made a dramatic gesture, but his patience was quickly growing thin. "Well, gentlemen. While I always appreciate these incredibly dour meetings, I have some work of my own to attend to. If you would excuse me."

"What is it this time? Toppling some third world nation's government again?" Luthor asked dryly, J'onn didn't look impressed. Savage raised his hand in defence. "Oh no, nothing so barbaric..."

"I just have a meeting I've to attend to with Sojiro Shimada. The Dragon's Fist they used to call him back in the day, did you know? They do not make them as strong as they used to. I need to make sure the old man isn't growing soft in his twilight years. We haven't spoken in so many moons. And there are so much left we have yet to discuss..."

"That reminds me." Luthor said aloud. "It should be about time that we reconvene with our allies in the global theatre. The dynamics of this conflict are about to change greatly. It would be in our best interests to remain ready to strike. Getting caught unprepared after all our work..."

"Even if we may not be the strongest faction, strength is not an all deciding factor in warfare." 

"I won't allow it. I'd let the seas boil before bowing down beneath them. No longer. We've waited in the shadows for far too long. Words are useful, but mean nothing without action."

"And we've prepared long enough. Now it's time for us to throw off the shackles that were placed upon us so very long ago..."

"It is time to restore sovereignty to the people of Earth, and not it's alien oppressors."

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